Does anyone get frustrated watching The Biggest Loser?



  • Pylebeverly1
    Pylebeverly1 Posts: 3 Member
    It actually motivates me to move more and be more conscious of what I eat. I understand that I cannot duplicate their experience in my own home, but it does remind me that even a ten minute walk is better than sitting on the couch.
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    Sunday nights are reserved for Dexter, Bad Girls Club or Game of Thrones. The Biggest Loser can suck my toe.

    It's on Monday nights haha. My Sunday is for Game of Thrones as well. Or Walking Dead. Or Hell on Wheels.

    Is it really? I thought it was on Sundays.

    Well in that case, Monday nights are reserved for How I Met Your Mother and 2 Broke Girls. The Biggest Loser can still suck my toe. :laugh:

    I think it depends where you are it is on Sundays here but it is a rerun new shows are on Mondays]
  • What is frustrating is that I believe for all the good TBL does for some people as motivation......there is a lot more damage done. What they portray is not achievable in the real world. Someone at home gets motivated to exercise and eat well, then they get a week or 2 in and have only lost 2 lbs or god forbid no lbs and compared to TBL contestants are a complete failure because they didnt lose 34lbs. these people get frustrated and give up reverting back to their previous life ignoring the fact that they were healthier with the modifications they made regardless of the weight they lose.

    Ever wonder why they only show a very select few of the old contestants.....its because many of them gain the weight back......wanna know why they gain the weight back.....its because they are set up to fail. Lets forget that the insane amount of unrealistic exercise they do is not attainable in real life, lets also forget that their extreme caloric restrictions on the show are also not maintainable long term. It is suggested that for the contestants simply to maintain their loss, they need to exercise viggorously a minimum of 4 hr a day on average. Also the methods and speed at which they lose the weight on the show does permanent damage to their metabolism, this damage causes the BMR to be reduced by as much as 500 cal, meaning that they need to eliminate an entire meal from their day for the rest of their life compared to other healthy people at their weight. They also do not get any support outside of the show. They are set up to fail.

    I used to be a fan, I could relate to many of the contsestants, but now all I see is how wrong they are in their methods and what they portray. the weigh ins are the worst....when someone loses 6 lbs and then you see the trainers throwing their arms up saying they didnt do good enough and they failed......I get that its a competition but what message is that sending the millions of viewers......nowing what I know now, its shocking that its still on Tv
  • devrinator
    devrinator Posts: 79 Member
    I think, in some ways, it's kind of humiliating to have to wear what they wear to weigh-in. I also notice a tinge of condescending voices when talking to the contestants. It seems as though people almost talk to large people as if they are giant toddlers.

    I'm not a big fan of the show, and it's all for ratings. I read somewhere that the competition is so tough that some contestants really don't eat as "healthily" as the show portrays them trying to eat. Sometimes they eat nothing but low or no calorie Jello and splurge on occasion for salad.

    My theory is that most of us are continually gaining weight, even when we catch ourselves and start taking care of ourselves, and that's why yo-yo dieting is so common-place. So if you're obese, it's likely that you're still gaining weight, even slowly. For that to change, you have to decrease your caloric intake for over a year before your body can recognize that it doesn't need to over-compensate with calorie consumption.

    Most people gain weight slowly, then by the time they recognize a twenty or thirty pound weight gain, they diet, but by then, their bodies have become adjusted to eating more calories than if you lose that twenty pounds, you'll gain weight still, because your hormones will tell you to eat more calories than you need to sustain your weight and activity. For example, say you weigh 160 lbs, you're eating more than you need for 160, but at that point, diet. You lose 20 lbs, and your body still wants to feed you more than you need for a 160 lb person.

    By drastically decreasing caloric intake and increasing activity, you're kind of setting yourself up for failure, because your body needs time to adjust the hormone levels to alert you to proper hunger...and your body will still move you to feed a 300 lb body. It will take great, great, great will power to eat for a 130 lb person when your body wants to feed a 300 lb person.

    Unfortunately, I think the thing that would work best for long-term weight loss is to slightly decrease caloric intake below current caloric needs for over a year. That would mean very minimal weight loss per week. We're talking less than a pound, but it would put your body back to not tempting you to OVER eat, there by making weight loss much easier after a year or so.
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    I read in a magazine a couple years back that the weigh ins are not really one week apart all the time. Sometimes they are even as much as 3 weeks since the last weigh in. You know, edit, edit. They have to make the show something they feel will capture the attention.

    I personally love to see the transformations. It really motivates me.

    I think I might be more frustrated that I don't have the time or energy to workout the length of time that they do.
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,087 Member
    No, because I don't watch it. There used to be a good show on A&E called "Heavy" that showed people really working at making a change because they wanted to be healthy and live a better life - not because they would win a prize.

    that was a great show... i was quite inspired by that show. it might still be on netflix..
  • Itzli
    Itzli Posts: 78 Member
    BL show - I don't watch it. But I feel its the same with celebs that loose a ton of weight all at once. Point blank, they have resources that the normal person does not - personal trainers and dieticians aside, they don't have to go to a sit down job for 9 hours a day and then come home to cook and clean and help kids with homework or go to basketball games, ect. They have "time" to work out all day and not have to worry about real life. So when placed in a REAL perspective, nope doesn't bother me. lol