RANT: Careless Weightloss Goals!



  • x_pix_x
    x_pix_x Posts: 21
    I get what you're saying about the scales etc. However, I do use weight to measure success right now, I want to lose another stone and a half - 2 stone therefore I will ultimately need to see a downward trend in pounds on the scales. I don't have a goal weight as such, just an idea of a range I'd like to get to. At that point I will stop using the scales as a judgement (although I'll still weight myself to make sure I'm doing ok) but will look more towards how my clothes feel, what my body looks like, more of the fine tuning stuff I guess. I measure once a month but as I've only been doing this 3 weeks I only have my initial measurements at the moment as it's probably a bit pointless measuring more than that right now. But I'll do it again in a week and that should give me another indication of how I'm doing. I don't obsess with scale figures don't get me wrong, I weigh most days but more to get an idea of when my weight fluctuates/how what I eat effects this (high sodium etc) and also to become comfortable and accustomed to these fluctuations. I do use the scales as a guide to how successful I'm being though, not day by day what they do but that the figures are showing a downward trend over a period of time. That's just what works for me though. Once I'm around the weight range I'm aiming for the numbers won't be so important as it'll be about body composition and inches alot more.

    To the calorie counting bashers. what's wrong with it? I literally track everything that passes my lips, it's amazing to realise how many 'hidden' calories I was probably consuming, a little bit here, a little bit there adds up to an overweight me. I obviously didn't do very well by not logging as I got fat lol! I actually enjoy it too, I plan my food out, I feel like I'm taking responsibility for my own eating patterns and for how my body looks etc.

    Also, I'm grateful to all the sciency bits here. I've never really researched things like this before. It's confuddled my husband as he's been telling me for a long time that I need to eat more but I couldn't get my head round it but now that I've had alot of information provided by people here I actually understand WHY I needed to be eating more and that's the big difference (hubby still sees it as me not believeing him but that I'll believe the internet lol)

    Lastly, earlier someone commented how a person had been here since x amount of time yet showed no weight loss on their ticker so they shouldn't be listened to??!! My profile will show me as a member since some point last year or even the year before. I genuinely can't even remember downloading this app or joining up but I obviously did at some point and clearly did nothing about it. I've only been active here for 3 weeks so on that logic it's taken me 2 years to lose half a stone! Also, I've lost half a stone doing this for 3 weeks but I've actually lost 27lbs all in all from my heaviest, however I don't include that on my ticker as it was from doing weight watchers and other random things that I didn't keep up with as they still seemed diety. So you can't judge any info from someone's join date or ticker. Not everyone evens uses or updates their ticker!
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Skinny Fat-

    To look slim, even with revealing clothes, but when touched, the touching hand sinks into fat before reaching muscle. Older people will 'show' "Skinny fat" visually, but young people have firm skin that hides it until they're touched.

    A person who is not overweight and have skinny look but still have a high fat percentage and low muscular mass. Usually those people have a low caloric diet, that's why they are skinny, but are not involved in any sports activities or trainings and that's why they don’t have any muscle. Since between the bone and the skin those people only have fat, the skin can be deformed easily because the skin layer is located on an unstable matter (fat).

    Skinny fat woman look sexy from a certain distance but they have soft jelly skin and still have some cellulite even if they are in there early 20s.

    this term "skinny fat" seems like an awesome way to shame women. i'd rather be "skinny fat" than fat fat any day. not everyone either wants to lift weights or can lift weights due to injury.

    i'll lose weight my own way and really do not need some know it all telling me that i'm doing it wrong repeatedly on this forum! if i really am doing it wrong, i'll find that out when and if i gain it all back. not planning to gain it back though.

    I dont think it's to shame women, it's just a way to describe people who are low weight & look good in clothes most of the time, but are soft & dont look amazing without clothes. I'm skinny fat. Not proud either, but I'm doin something to correct it. I think a lot of people think if they get to a low weight & aren't happy that losing more weight is going to get them where they want, but that's not really true. Normally body fat % is the problem in these cases & lack of muscle. Losing weight only makes u a smaller version of what u r now. If u wanna look different, ur gonna have to recomp & that involves lifting to my understanding.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I don't disagree with the OP's post.. except maybe about the measurements. I'm still on the fence about those.

    But the thing that needs to be taken into consideration is that so many of us have been 'resolutionists' in the past. We've thought we knew what we were doing and were going to do it THIS time.

    Some of those people are going to succeed 'their way'. No doubt about it. Others will quit only to take a shot again and again and again. Still others will stick it out, struggle, learn, struggle, learn and find their way.

    I get the rant, when you're at a place where what you're doing is working great and you're certain it's always going to work great, you want to share it with everyone and get frustrated when all these new people 'just don't get it.'

    When I started here, if I'd read the OPs post, I'd probably have thought "oh... eff you." and maybe have been put off anything that was said.

    Just something to think about.
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    well Im SICK of folks saying you MUST count BMR & TDEE ( the newest & latest macros for self-imposed gurus to insist everyone follow or else fail)

    Im sick of people like the OP overcomplicating weightloss... eat a well balanced diet, take in less than you put out & exercise that includes stregnth training...you will lose weight and/or inches... SIMPLE... to hell with TDEE, BMR, counting points, calories, etc... I dont need to know or to count my body fat percentages...

    if keeping a ledger and making a grad school project out of your daily meals works for you, so be it, but dont act like its the ONLY way for folks to shed pounds....

    omg yes...Oh, you mean since i didn't calculate my BMR and TDEE that I MUST be either starving myself, eating too much, or will immediately gain back absolutely everything I lost? Makes sense, so I guess all the dietary changes I made permanantly like passing up french fries or chips for fruit and vegtables mean absolutely nothing, and the cardio/ weight training I do 3 times a week are completely useless without knowing BMR and TDEE, no wonder I've only gone down 5 pant sizes to a size 5 and don't look like a victorias secret model. Funny..
  • xtrout
    xtrout Posts: 193 Member
    That TDEE train is never late. Do what works for you and help folks that need advice. Ranting to people THAT THEY ARE DOING IT WRONG is no way to go about it. Better to just not say anything.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    I'm going to have to say no. telling everyone who is doing it different than you that they are wrong is a disgusting statement. I have rebutted your post here, with Studies, notations, and a big old STFU!

    Rainbows and Unicorns! =)

  • seeashleysave
    seeashleysave Posts: 38 Member
    I appreciate the sentiment of this post. I agree that too many people are looking for a "quick fix" without the blood, sweat, and tears.

    But, I've lost 87.5 lbs without ever calculating my TDEE/BMR. I exercise 6 times a week, do strength training, eat back almost all of my exercise calories, and try to just make overall good food choices. While I may be in the minority, I'm okay with the slow and steady pace as long as my body is changing for the better. Hell, I've been doing it a year, so there's no stopping now.

    I don't believe that one way is better than another for weight loss. What I do believe is that we are all here to encourage and lift each other up.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    well Im SICK of folks saying you MUST count BMR & TDEE ( the newest & latest macros for self-imposed gurus to insist everyone follow or else fail)

    Im sick of people like the OP overcomplicating weightloss... eat a well balanced diet, take in less than you put out & exercise that includes stregnth training...you will lose weight and/or inches... SIMPLE... to hell with TDEE, BMR, counting points, calories, etc... I dont need to know or to count my body fat percentages...

    if keeping a ledger and making a grad school project out of your daily meals works for you, so be it, but dont act like its the ONLY way for folks to shed pounds....


    Exactly what is MFP good for if you are not using it to count calories or track you exercise etc....?
    I don't understand!!

    That's exactly what it is for, but what the poster is getting at I think, is that it does not need to become your life. I've lost weight with MPF and kept it off, but I didn't dwell on the little stuff.
  • SCsexy1
    SCsexy1 Posts: 44 Member
  • SCsexy1
    SCsexy1 Posts: 44 Member
    I agree!!!
    Skinny Fat-

    To look slim, even with revealing clothes, but when touched, the touching hand sinks into fat before reaching muscle. Older people will 'show' "Skinny fat" visually, but young people have firm skin that hides it until they're touched.

    A person who is not overweight and have skinny look but still have a high fat percentage and low muscular mass. Usually those people have a low caloric diet, that's why they are skinny, but are not involved in any sports activities or trainings and that's why they don’t have any muscle. Since between the bone and the skin those people only have fat, the skin can be deformed easily because the skin layer is located on an unstable matter (fat).

    Skinny fat woman look sexy from a certain distance but they have soft jelly skin and still have some cellulite even if they are in there early 20s.
  • Steverino1955
    Love it! It's great to see so much passion and genuine passion is often born from experience. Obviously the ranter is convinced that her way is THE WAY like the guy who thought that the aerodynamics of an airplane was the only one that could fly until the helicopter was invented.

    The only diet scientifically proven to extend human life significantly is the CRON diet, calorie restriction optimum nutrition. I think people mistake calories for nutrition. They are not the same. The quality of your food is just as important as the quantity or caloric intake. Just sayin...there may be a few perspectives that have credibility, not just one.

    I'll let you know in a few months. BTW - I reserve the right to be full of ____!
  • charovnitza
    Let's look at the history of dieting. The first recorded diet in modern history, to my knowledge, was William the Conquerer's, who became so obese that he couldn't ride a horse. Needless to say, there have been many other diets in the 900 plus years since then. Some worked just fine, some didn't. Not every person has the same body chemistry, nor the same metabolism...

    So, why are you insisting that someone who doesn't follow your proscribed plan is, "doing it wrong." I realize that some newbies may annoy you with their neediness, but there are many paths to their goals, one of which might be yours, or might not.

    When I read your post, I thought, how rude you were. If you don't like the newbies' questions, ignore them. Let them get their help from someone who actually cares about their issues without deriding them. The newbies don't know the secret codes, you insist they look them up! Question : Are you the ultimate diet guru? Do you have a degree in nutrition? Or are you just another person on this site who is working towards better health, a stronger body and a better path in life? You could have been a whole lot kinder in your post. Being snide is unnecessary.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    Love it! It's great to see so much passion and genuine passion is often born from experience. Obviously the ranter is convinced that her way is THE WAY like the guy who thought that the aerodynamics of an airplane was the only one that could fly until the helicopter was invented.

    Might want to brush up on your aerodynamics before making future analogies... :noway:
  • efg311
    efg311 Posts: 15 Member
    I am not sure what you mean? My TDEE is 2210, 20% is 442. So I should be eating 1768 calories? I wasn't eating that before I lost the 26 pounds
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    The point of most any post on any internet forum is to draw attention to something. Whether it be an informative post, a post asking a question or maybe even a rant. Still the purpose is to draw attention. It appears that is what I did.

    Of course I knew there would be some backlash before I hit "post". That comes with the territory. I'm cool with that.

    What you find in this are several different types of people. Normally you will have a mix of people who agree and disagree. What I find interesting is some of the responses from the people who disagree. Not just this thread, but most every thread on MFP. Those people always come in with the OP is being rude. Then it goes to the special little snowflake justification. Next comes the name calling. Finally, the where's your credentials posts. Unfortunately, I've seen people with credentials post around here and there wisdom is questionable. I trust the opinions of some folks here who don't have any credentials other than the fact they take the time to read and find information for themselves. However, I do follow blogs of people with credentials.

    For the record, I wasn't directing this to newbies. And, it really wasn't directed to posts I've seen on MFP. The posts were actually from IRL friends on Facebook. In case you are wondering, I posted this same thing on my Facebook page.

    Hopefully there are folks with thick skin who can take something away from this. For those who completely disagree with me, that's great. You are very much entitled to your opinion. Just understand that I am, as well.