starting to feel DEFEATED

Ok, so it's only been 30 days since I've committed to making better choices when it comes to food and exercise!!!! I'm sticking to my calorie intake, making healthier food choices, and exercising almost everyday (walk/jog at least 5 days a week and kickboxing with weights 2/3 times a week). I drink 8 cups of water a day.

With these changes, I feel better and have more energy at work! But.....I've only lost 6 pounds. I have a lot of weight to lose (about 50 pounds). I'm starting to stress out because the scale hasn't budged in 12 days. I lost this weight at the beginning of the month. I'm guessing it's just water weight?

Since there hasn't been a change in almost 2 weeks, I'm starting to second guess my choices. The pressure is on as I want to look and feel amazing on my wedding day in December 2013.

With all of this being does everyone stay focus and motivated? What inspires you? How do you keep a positive attitude? Thanks!!!!


  • Jred36
    Jred36 Posts: 63 Member
    It sounds like you are really active. You may not be getting enough calories. Also it may be the foods you are consuming. I try to drink at least half of my body weight in ounces of water, also I drink shakes as a meal replacement. This with journaling what I eat and the water has helped me. I was not losing weight previously until switching to shakes and changing the types of food I eat.
  • tdemiter
    tdemiter Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks for the advice! Shakes do not fit into my budget right now. Unless you have a suggestion for a cost effective and tasty shake. ;-)

    I've thought about my calories. Do you eat back your exercise calories?
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    My guess is you are eating 1200 or even less. If so work out your TDEE and deduct 15-20% from it to work out how much to eat and you will start to lose.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    You probably don't realize it, but you answered your own question.

    "With all of this being does everyone stay focus and motivated? What inspires you? How do you keep a positive attitude?"
    "I feel better and have more energy at work!"
  • tdemiter
    tdemiter Posts: 45 Member
    I consume 1300/1400 calories a day (that's what MFP set up; I want to lose 1.5 pounds a week). I burn about 200-600 calories a day. Should I be eating back those exercise calories?
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Yes, you should be eating at least half of those back, but also - it's only been two weeks! You have to have more patience that. I've lost 53lbs since July and in September, I only lost 2lbs all month. It was incredibly frustrating, but I just kept going. This is what you have to do too.

    Are you taking your measurements? Sometimes on the scale you don't see any progress, but you will lose inches.

    Take your measurements, eat back some of your exercise calories, take a deep breath and just be patient. You're doing everything right, the weight will come off!!
  • tdemiter
    tdemiter Posts: 45 Member
    You probably don't realize it, but you answered your own question.

    "With all of this being does everyone stay focus and motivated? What inspires you? How do you keep a positive attitude?"
    "I feel better and have more energy at work!"

    Acogg...very good point!
  • tdemiter
    tdemiter Posts: 45 Member
    It's only been two weeks! You have to have more patience that. I've lost 53lbs since July and in September, I only lost 2lbs all month. It was incredibly frustrating, but I just kept going. This is what you have to do too.

    Are you taking your measurements? Sometimes on the scale you don't see any progress, but you will lose inches.

    Take your measurements, a deep breath and just be patient. You're doing everything right, the weight will come off!!

    Thank you! And congrats to you...keep it up!!!!!
  • Jred36
    Jred36 Posts: 63 Member
    Yes, I do eat my calories for working out...when I work out...need to get back into my routine. Shakes are not a necessity, it's just an added way for me to get in more protein. Protein helps rebuild muscle. I also try to eat protein right before bed, helps repair muscle.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    My suggestion is go get a tape measure. Sometimes you don't lose weight, you lose inches. If you are going to go by the scale alone then you are only setting yourself up for disappointment.

    Last week I didn't lose any weight, I am working on losing 30 pounds. But I did lose a total of 3 inches. That is a huge improvement. You can not rely on the scale alone. You have to measure as well. Your body fluctuates too much to rely solely on the scale.
  • trickycoolj
    trickycoolj Posts: 37 Member
    You mentioned 30 days, your menstrual cycle can flux your weight quite a bit depending where you're at for the month. During a previous tenure with Weight Watchers I'd go through a week or two w/o losses during my period and then lose double following that! Remember weight loss isn't linear, it's going to fluctuate here and there a little bit up a little down or a lot down. If you put it all in excel and plotted the trendline it would be moving down provided you're doing things right. Hang in there (I know cliche I'm there too I know how you feel!)
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Oh, also...

    Go read:

    It might make you feel better, because this is exactly how it goes.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member

    You may very well be undereating based on your BMR/TDEE. Give that a good read. If you're following the number that MFP gave you, eat back the exercise calories.
  • sugarplumfairy72
    sugarplumfairy72 Posts: 11 Member
    I feel your pain! I have thyroid disease AND early menopause and eat 1200 to 1500 calories a day..workout 6 days a week and have seen ssssssslllllllllllooooooowwwww results. I just stay with it because I feel better and I am working in the right direction but oooohhhhhh the frustration!!!!!!!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Losing 6 pounds in a month is great! If you do it slow and steady like that, instead of using extreme methods for a quick loss, you're more likely to keep it off in the long run. :drinker:

    ETA: Sometimes I would go a couple of weeks without a loss and then suddenly drop.
  • rwhyte12
    rwhyte12 Posts: 204 Member
    Try adding a small glass of grapefruit juice in the morning. It starts a fat burn, strangely enough.

    I wouldn't worry about the weight that much. Just get out a measuring tape and measure at least your waist and hips. That's the true story. Take care. Jus keeping logging in.
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 189 Member
    If you are not doing so already, ignore the scale the week before your period. Check weight a day after and you'll have a more accurate picture.
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    Have patience!!!!!!!!!!!! You are doing all the right things, your body is building muscle, and you are killing the calories per day and killing the workouts. 6 pounds is great, take measurements once a month. So when you don't lose lbs, you can measure and be super impressed with the inches lost.
  • Track your NET calories, hun. The more calories you expend the more your body will compensate for it. I did 43kms during Relay For Life last year - that worked out at over 5000 calories spent for the day, and even though at the time I was closely monitoring every morsel that passed my teeth, I carried a sudden gain of about 2kg for the following week following a steady 3/4kg loss every single week. That's what the body does to survive. I personally am aiming for 1/2pound loss a week because, to me, a slow loss is a permanent loss.

    Aim for 1200 - 1500 net calories, depending on your height and BMR. Make sure you are eating things you enjoy, and allow yourself a cheat day maybe once or twice a month and spike your calories. The rule of thumb for water is 30ml of water per kg body weight.

    Hope your achieve your goal for your wedding, hun. Good luck. xx
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Try adding a small glass of grapefruit juice in the morning. It starts a fat burn, strangely enough.

    I wouldn't worry about the weight that much. Just get out a measuring tape and measure at least your waist and hips. That's the true story. Take care. Jus keeping logging in.
    Where'd you hear about grapefruit juice starting a fat burn?