What was your WORST binge ever?



  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    All things Burger King after nights of excessive drinking
  • Redpearl25

  • Redpearl25
    SHakeys Buffet! Deep dish pizza and MoJo potatos. Oh man.... heaven.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    just had one today. im sick, so after eating a good few meals, the cold turns into a flu and away the food goes. just made myself some chicken soup and ate a lot of chocolate. but, the flu wasn't havin that either @_@
  • JayStu
    JayStu Posts: 332 Member
    My worst binge that comes to mind for food was an XL pepperoni pizza and a dozen wings but my worst binge for liquid was drinking 11 double rum and ginger in the 1 1/2 hours i was at the bar
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    I did this when I was in college and living alone and depressed.
    I lived near a street that was a "Fast Food Row"
    First I went to KFC and believe I had a nugget meal with coleslaw and potatoes and gravy
    Then I went across to McD's and ate a Big Mac meal.
    Lastly I went to a fish n chips place and had two or three pieces of fried fish and fries, all dipped in tartar.
    This was probably within no more than an hour and a half.
    Oh, but I ordered diet coke with all those meals! :ohwell:
  • gxm17
    gxm17 Posts: 374
    When I was young and skinny I ate three hot fudge ice cream cakes in one sitting. An HFICC is a dessert that was sold by the long gone Hot Shoppes. It consisted of yellow cake slices with vanilla ice cream sandwiched between them, drenched in hot fudge sauce and topped with whipped cream and a cherry. Mmmmmm. It's actually a very fond memory. The hot fudge was amazing.
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    5th of Jack Daniels, followed by 1 and a 1/2 packages of cheddar wursts...that's the last one i remember(from the next morning anyhow)
  • Sindaelys
    Sindaelys Posts: 37 Member
    There are two that I remember very well, one used to be a semi-regular dinner! Outback steakhouse: whole plate of wings, the entirety of the steak and baked potato (butter and bacon!) and half of a sydney's sinful sundae. I'm honestly not sure how I fit it in me anymore! The other one was when I had a serious emergency ice cream incident, ate the whole pint of Ben & Jerry's mint chocolate cookie for dinner. I felt worse after than I did before, go figure.
  • moonsforeyes
    One stressful evening I baked a whole box of funfetti cake cupcakes for my boyfriend. I ate 9 of them. It was terrible! I was so ashamed I didn't even end up giving him the rest so I didn't have to explain where a majority went.

    No one wants to admit they ate 9 cupcakes in one sitting haha
  • shannishan05
    shannishan05 Posts: 119 Member
    One of my most memorable binges was probably when I was pregnant. One Friday I got a 50 pieces chicken nugget from McDonald's, a ton of BBQ sauce (which I ended up eating w/o nuggets), a Freschetta cheese pizza, and a quart of chicken w/broccoli from the Chinese spot, a blue Mistic and a Lil Debbie brownie. I worked on it from Friday to Saturday. Then I went to the doctor's that week and lied my *kitten* off when she asked how I had gained 7lbs in a week!!!! LMAO!!!
  • Naptownbabi
    Naptownbabi Posts: 256 Member
    whole box of hambuger helper, for lunch dinner was 2 packs of ramen noodles with 2 Cheese hotdogs cut up in it. next day a whole box of velveeta mac and cheese. uuuuggghhhhh i cannot believe i ate like that so often when i was a college. also most weekend breakfasts consisted of 3 srambled eggs bacon turkey sausage, pork sausage, scrapple and grits all covered with at lease 5 slices of american cheese. i'm greatful i didnt have a heartattack from all that greese. thinking about it is making my chest hurt. Glad i cut that out.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    A whole bottle of merlot and an entire tub of chocolate coffee bean ice cream.
    In the bathtub (sitting in the water fully dressed)
    After dumping someone

    I don't know if that's sad or just really weird
  • 212ackley
    212ackley Posts: 431 Member
    A favorite restraunt of mine is the Olive Garden....The hubby and I would go on occasion and get the triple appetizer (all 3 of them would be the stuffed mushrooms) & we'd split that, then 2-3 plates of salad & 3 or 4 breadsticks...I always got the "tour of italy" (lasagna, fettucini alfredo and chicken parm) and would eat the entire thing ... and top it off with the chocolate dessert...
    I went the other day and was satisfied with one bowl of soup - 2 servings of salad and 1 1/2 breadstick (and I could have done without the extra bread for sure! but hey-I'm still on the learning curve here! :)
  • LisaLamb1
    LisaLamb1 Posts: 149 Member
    They really need to change the name of "Thin Mints" ... very deceiving!
  • emobarbie7
    most recent binge: half of a large bag of trail mix.....half a container of salsa with a bag of celery... ugh felt horrible
  • _Frankie_
    _Frankie_ Posts: 36
    I absolutely can't stand it when people say things like 'oh, I'm so fat, I just binged on a WHOLE BAG of potato chips!'

    That's not serious binge eating - that's a blip.

    Binge eating is this:

    1. Whole tub of Ben and Jerry's
    2. 4 large bowls of porridge with loads of sugar
    3. 2 microwave pizzas
    4. 4 regular chocolate bars
    5. 1 large, family size bar of chocolate
    6. Half a loaf of bread with loads of jam
    7. Whole tub of Nutella

    I don't know how I'm not overweight to be honest.
  • funhouse77
    funhouse77 Posts: 179 Member
    My last binge was almost a year ago, and probably one of the worst ever.

    2 almond croissants
    2 large cupcakes (as in, 800 calories each)
    2 bacon and egg muffins
    1 large bag of chocolate covered raisins

    - during the day, then in the evening

    Chicken & creamy pasta smothered in cheese, with garlic bread, fries, and onion rings
    Huge chocolate mint ice cream sundae

    - later that night:

    1/2 large pepperoni pizza

    and several glasses of wine/cider/coke throught the night.

    I'm still scared to try and count the calories in that lot :embarassed:
  • woodsy0912
    woodsy0912 Posts: 323
    Bump this thread! Reading through some of that makes me feel a little better about my fun binge day!

    Ate 3 regular healthy meals and then the binging began.
    - 3 large pieces of birthday cake
    - bag of butter popcorn with Parmesan cheese
    - 2 cups of hot chocolate with baileys and whip cream (a LOT of whip cream)
    - bakery iced/ frosted brownie (it was big)
    - extra large symphony bar
    - 2 skinny cow candy bars
    - 6 lindt truffles
    - 2 waffles with peanut butter/ honey/ chocolate chips/ Hershey syrup

  • mizzcasual
    mizzcasual Posts: 223 Member
    A small dominoes pizza small to myself ( I ordered it to share but the person didn't want it)
    Chocolate cookie thing from dominoes.
    And fizzy drinks.

    Another time I ate a full packet of biscuits in 2 days never buy biscuits anymore unless they come in small packets and a bag of crisps.