Black Team Week 17!



  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Leaving soon to head out for the expo and get settled in the hotel...I CAN'T WAIT. Downing the water and G2 as I type this, so I should be good and prepared for the heat. Looking forward to telling you all about it when I get home. Love y'all! :heart:

    Those of you on FB will get updates from the course, because I signed up for a service called TweetMyTime. It will tell you where I am on the course, my pace and expected finish time based on the info from my chip at certain checkpoints. Too cool.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    It's my oldest sons birthday week too, except his is tomorrow. My two kids have birthdays 12 days apart and my hubs two kids have birthdays 15 days apart. They hit hard when they hit.

    Fun fact, the two I gave birth to:
    Alex 4/20
    + Ian 5/02
    Me 9/22

    There birthdays add up to mine.

    Anyway...... gotta go start my hair. Wish it wasn't so darn windy. Later cats!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    my anniversary is 5/7-- busy week we've got here on the Black team!

    Just did turbo jam-- sweaty, hot and icky right now--

    but feeling F-I-N-E--

    Friends-- I have to take back this fitness-- tied into running with my husband is killing me.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    my anniversary is 5/7-- busy week we've got here on the Black team!

    Just did turbo jam-- sweaty, hot and icky right now--

    but feeling F-I-N-E--

    Friends-- I have to take back this fitness-- tied into running with my husband is killing me.

    Wow, mine is 5/5!! Happy Anniversary to you all!

    So proud of you doing the TJ.....glad you found something to satisfy your need my friend
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    It's my oldest sons birthday week too, except his is tomorrow. My two kids have birthdays 12 days apart and my hubs two kids have birthdays 15 days apart. They hit hard when they hit.

    Fun fact, the two I gave birth to:
    Alex 4/20
    + Ian 5/02
    Me 9/22

    There birthdays add up to mine.

    Anyway...... gotta go start my hair. Wish it wasn't so darn windy. Later cats!

    That's way cool.
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Hola everyone!

    Hoal Samantha! Como estas hoy chica?
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    my anniversary is 5/7-- busy week we've got here on the Black team!
    Wow, mine is 5/5!! Happy Anniversary to you all!

    My anniversary is May 6th. It'll be 3 years. We got married on 05/06/07...I thought I'd make it easy for Dave to remember and so far, so good. :wink:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    My anniversary is this month, though not this week. Jim and I will celebrate our 29th on 5-23-10.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    my anniversary is 5/7-- busy week we've got here on the Black team!
    Wow, mine is 5/5!! Happy Anniversary to you all!

    My anniversary is May 6th. It'll be 3 years. We got married on 05/06/07...I thought I'd make it easy for Dave to remember and so far, so good. :wink:

    We were married on my birthday for the same reason. He was born on Valentine's day......:heart:

    We go to Daytona Beach on Wed good thing about the kids being home-they can take care of the pets!:drinker:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    My anniversary is this month, though not this week. Jim and I will celebrate our 29th on 5-23-10.

    Wow........when did you get married> When you were 15??? :wink:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    We'll celebrate 22 years on Friday-- and our birthdays are three days apart-- I'm 6/5, he's 6/8-- go figure.

    Had a nice cup of coffee out with the hubs--

    Heading to work--

  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    my anniversary is 5/7-- busy week we've got here on the Black team!
    Wow, mine is 5/5!! Happy Anniversary to you all!

    My anniversary is May 6th. It'll be 3 years. We got married on 05/06/07...I thought I'd make it easy for Dave to remember and so far, so good. :wink:

    We were married on my birthday for the same reason. He was born on Valentine's day......:heart:

    We go to Daytona Beach on Wed good thing about the kids being home-they can take care of the pets!:drinker:

    hubs can't forget my birthday I share it with his mother. He is also good at remembering our anniversary. nine days after our youngest birthday and a year before our oldest so he never forgets how long either.
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    our anniversary is this month, too! may 21st will be 5 years. riley's 4th birthday is on the 10th, too. may is a busy month!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Dropping in for a second. We are having a post ball cook out today. I've got tons to do. The weather is crap. Please rain, hold off!

    We had a good time last night. We had the DS (13) take pics. Quite frankly, they suck. It's irritating. #1 he knows how to take pictures. #2 he was fooling around and I knew from seeing where the camera was pointing they were going to suck. There is only one picture with our feet even in it. Grrrr.... anyway, I could go on and on, no sense in b!tching about it. I have what I have. It just is upsetting because we so rarely get dressed up like that.

    Anyway, here's one for you!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Oh yeah, the dress was good, but man was that band under the chest tight when I sat down. I much prefered standing. That thing didn't give at all! My posture was impecable when I was sitting, otherwise I couldn't breathe! I had room in it, but when I sat it bunched up. From now on, I sit in the fitting room! They should make those things outta spandex!
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Lori-FL - You look great!!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Lori you look amazing..

    So everyone I know you have seen on the weather about the flooding...we are smack dab inthe middle of it...I cant go anywhere..Also I amsick sick sick..had to call out of work today proabably a good thing since I cantgoanywhere but wished I was not sick..Ihave not eatan anything in 24 hours..have taken a few sips of gaterade..Well gonna go lay down!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Tamara-- glad you checked in-- yes, I was worried after hearing of the flooding. Prayers for continued safety for you and yours.

    Lori-- beautiful-- just beautiful. I hear you about the pictures-- ha-- I have a knucklehead photographer, too-- (but I'm married to mine-- ha)

    Just dodged a health bullet with my diabetic 12 year old-- can't help the child if she doesn't help herself. She had a friend sleepover-- sat down to watch a movie last night with her sugar at 288. Didn't bother to tell me. Fell asleep. Woke up this morning 362. Average blood sugar is 80-120.

    I won't bore you with the details, but I think I have her on the road to recovery-- if she ever followed instructions, life would be soooo much sweeter.

    Typing today in my 90 degree bedroom-- NOT a happy camper.

  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Back home after an awesome weekend and race with my ladies...we had such a blast! I had my realistic goal to finish in 2 hrs 35 minutes, which would be pretty respectable considering the weather here today (H-O-T, hot)...due to a potty stop at mile 6, I finished in 2:38:22. Not goal, but I'm super happy with it. If I didn't have to wait for the pots, I so would have had it. Oh well, better to be hydrated and stop to pee than get dehydrated and not finish at all.

    Fun facts:
    *I ran every step of it and kept my pace around 11:30
    *Took over 26 minutes off of my Baltimore time from last October...that's huge!

    LoriFL- You look amazing!