Things they never tell you about weight loss



  • Valera0466
    Valera0466 Posts: 319 Member
    So looking forward to loosing the boobs as I'm a 36 4D now but even at my heaviest I am always cold. If this is true I will be freezing in summer time when the weight is off. LOL. Rings are swimming, thank god for spacers. I broke my tailbone 10 years ago. I guess I get to look forward to that hurting again. But you know what, it's all worth it.
  • Okay, this may be TMI but I've noticed, especially in the last couple of months, that my sex drive has gone through the roof!:wink: I don't know if it's the weight loss, the workouts or a combination of both but man oh man!!!!:bigsmile:
  • Yup, about the cold. Ten years ago I lost over 100 lbs and had to go out and buy long underwear for wearing all year. After a few months of meeting my goal weight of 140 (according to my physician) and being a size 6, I sank into a depression which has yet to be cured. I did get lots of attention, which I hated, because it proved how shallow everyone really was. My goal now is to lose half the weight I originally did, remake my diet to the stoneage raw diet, and keep up therapy appointments. If I could cure my depression, I would happily stay a size 14 the rest of my life. (Age 54 and not a wrinkle.) Plus I have been married 32 years and one thing I had never guessed was when I lost all the weight, there went my sex drive. Putting on weight has given me back my terrific husband and our long, lost weekends. But I still intend to lose weight again, just much more carefully this time.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    I can eat more, better quality (nutritionally, obviously.. not gold plated eggs... yet) foods, work out (doing something I REALLY enjoy) and lose weight.

    Side note: when I ate more, I wasn't freezing to death anymore.

    I do eat a healthy amount (1800+ cals), I've been told it's just because I haven't got as much 'padding' as before. :laugh:
    Well, fat people can survive longer in cold water due to the extra padding! Learned that in the safety certs when I was working offshore...
  • PQ4321
    PQ4321 Posts: 48 Member
    What fabulous reminders.

    I was surprised about my watch getting loose.
    I have a ring that I have been trying on for the last month and in another few weeks it should be wearable.
    Balance - It was soooo terrible and now it's like I found it and am grounded again.
    I am cold a bit too, but as someone else said - I will buy a coat.
    Boobies are not gone, but they need some serious support to be anywhere near where they are suppose to be.
    EVERYTHING sags. I am 60 and my skin is not particularly elastic anymore I guess. Arms, stomach, neck are all baggy. I am hoping time and exercise will at least help this. No more sleeveless tops for me :-(

    I am off of insulin and one other oral diabetes med and blood pressure meds - HUGE, this is the best part and I am grateful everyday for it.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay, this may be TMI but I've noticed, especially in the last couple of months, that my sex drive has gone through the roof!:wink: I don't know if it's the weight loss, the workouts or a combination of both but man oh man!!!!:bigsmile:

    Probably the workouts. Adding muscle increases testosterone (spurs sex drive in both women and men). Ever hear of the ribald sexual adventurism that Olympic athletes pursue at the games? All that testosterone has to go somewhere it seems! :blushing:
  • KoGettinFit
    KoGettinFit Posts: 51 Member
    My boobies are gone :sad:

    ^^^^^^Mine are leaving too, it was the one thing I liked about my body after having kids. I totally feel your sadness :cry: Along w/my rings being too big, my shoes being loose. However buying smaller clothes has made it harder to find my size. I guess a Medium shirt is pretty common.:ohwell:
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    My shoes got too big. And I never did have fat feet??

    Me too! I still can't figure out what this is about. My feet look and feel the same, but they are a full size and a half smaller. I'm also cold and I eat (and workout) A LOT. I have always had weirdly short fingers, but now that they are thinner too, gloves don't fit me! That one is pretty annoying. I live in Minnesota. It's cold, I need gloves.
    People always say working out gets easier, but no one told me how addicted I would get to it. I am constantly pushing myself to find something new and more difficult because I love the feeling of that success.
    When I get sick, I recover almost immediately. I love that!
    This one shouldn't have surprised me, but it did. Loose clothes look terrible on me! I'm not going to go buy new clothes for every size because they'll only fit for one to two months, so I'm almost always wearing things that don't fit. I look like a kid playing dress up. My shoes are too big, my pants only stay up because of a belt and my shirts are all baggy and too long. I can't wait for maintenance just so clothes will fit me for more than two months.

    I know most of those were very complainey. I love almost everything about weight loss, but no one told me about the downsides. I wouldn't change my weight loss for anything, but it's not all ideal.
    Great job on the weight loss everyone!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Since losing weight, I’ve noticed a number of changes that had never even occurred to me may happen:

    1. Sleep is much less disturbed and I find I have a full 7-8 hours now rather than repeatedly waking up.
    2. I used to be ill all the time – now in the unlikely event that I do catch a cold, I’m over it in a day or two.
    3. If I eat a take-away, I can now taste the fat and grease in things I used to eat all the time without noticing. It’s horrible. (most of the time :laugh:)
    4. I’m cold. ALL the time.
    5. My body can’t handle binges any more. I used to be a compulsive binger, and now on the odd occasion I slip up, I get AWFUL stomach pains only an hour later.
    6. Rather than buy new jeans like I’d hoped, the first thing I had to change was my ring size. :laugh:

    Anyone else noticed anything you weren’t expecting?

    1. I'm sure mine would be if I didn't have an infant and a toddler at home; as it is, my sleep is still very disturbed.
    2. True...I'm rarely sick and it's usually pretty mild when it does happen and I'm over it in a hurry. In times past I would have already had about 5 severe colds/bronchitis/sinus infection/strep by now...I've only had one bad viral illness this season and only one mild cold...hardly even worth mentioning.
    3. I can also taste how much salt restaurants in general put on everything...there are other spices and herbs you know.
    4. True...but I've found that adding some LBM has helped somewhat in this RE.
    5. Overly large meals in general make my stomach uncomfortable and I go into a food coma
    6. I still haven't bought anything new, but I need to...starting to look like a bag man or something...everything is falling off of me. I'm just too cheap though. Actually wife is taking me this weekend and insists that I buy 2 pairs of slacks that fit and 3 shirts...going to Kohls for the cheap...don't want to spend a bunch of money for temporary clothing.

    I would also add:

    1. better sex and more often
    2. being generally active is a lot of's not a chore like I used to feel it was
    3. lifting heavy weights is addictive
    4. HIIT is addictive
    5. A good sweat is additive
    6. Actually being able to chase down my toddler in the back yard for an hour is addictive
  • lynnmarie586
    lynnmarie586 Posts: 1 Member
    Good statement I feel the same way
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 619 Member
    Those of you feeling cold all the time:

    A lack of iron in your blood due to your new diet could be causing this. A quick blood test from your doctor can tell you if you have low iron in your blood. Pick up a daily iron supplement, or add iron to your list of things to track on your food chart and make sure you are getting enough.

    Is this true? Can anyone else vouch for this?

    I have just changed my settings so I can see how much iron I'm getting and for the last week, out of the 100 a day I'm allowed the max I've hit is 3!

    Yes! I went to my doctor with a list of symptons (cold, tired, irritable) - what do you know, I'm anemic and was told I need to take iron pills
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    What fabulous reminders.

    I was surprised about my watch getting loose.
    I have a ring that I have been trying on for the last month and in another few weeks it should be wearable.
    Balance - It was soooo terrible and now it's like I found it and am grounded again.
    I am cold a bit too, but as someone else said - I will buy a coat.
    Boobies are not gone, but they need some serious support to be anywhere near where they are suppose to be.
    EVERYTHING sags. I am 60 and my skin is not particularly elastic anymore I guess. Arms, stomach, neck are all baggy. I am hoping time and exercise will at least help this. No more sleeveless tops for me :-(

    I am off of insulin and one other oral diabetes med and blood pressure meds - HUGE, this is the best part and I am grateful everyday for it.

    If your doc says it is okay, try a hyaluronic acid supplement (although he's apt to be clueless about it). It spurs the building of collagen matrices that help support and strengthen skin. :smile: I'm off my blood pressure meds too (HOORAY! The side effects were killing me!) and my blood sugar is normal again.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    "3. I can also taste how much salt restaurants in general put on everything...there are other spices and herbs you know."

    A pet peeve of mine as well. MUST they load all the food with salt and MSG (MSG has been associated with weight gain)?
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Things they never tell you?

    It's expensive. Why? Because you have to buy all new clothes every 6 months. This includes everything. Needed a new belt (and am down to the last notch in the new one now), need new shoes, new jacket. New (or resized) jewelry. Even gloves and socks and underwear were too big. Everything. I donated probably 200lbs worth of old clothes recently. And I still have a ways to go.

    It's also surprisingly easy. When you spend a lifetime seeing advertisements for a myriad of weight loss techniques, tv shows like the bigger loser and the struggles of half the world you tend to think it's some impossible task. Then when you get started you realize you can still eat most/all of the things you want, just in moderation. All you need is a small deficit and patience and the weight starts falling off. I thought I would be relegated to a life of starvation and salads forever. I'm still pleasantly surprised almost two years later.

    Been posted already but I too notice that my butt hurts if I sit in one place too long. I still have plenty of fat on it too, I'm sure that's only going to get worse.

    I also have noticed that I tend to be judgmental about overweight people (even though I myself am still overweight). I try to keep it inside at least. Strange, that one. Human nature I guess.

    I also noticed the same about being able to detect salt/grease/sugar in food much more readily now. Fruits are sweet now, I used to hate them! Chips are ridiculously salty to the point of distaste. Funny.

    Interesting that so many people mentioned getting cold. I've dropped almost 80lbs and I'm not any more cold than I was. In fact, if I had to choose, I would say I'm less cold than I used to be. Maybe the theory about iron helping is true because I definitely get more iron nowadays than I used to.
  • canadiandee
    canadiandee Posts: 196 Member
    My boobies are gone :sad:

    This. But my hips aren't. :sad:
  • MyPresent
    MyPresent Posts: 35 Member
    I've noticed that on the days when I exercise, I'm not nearly as hungry as the days I don't. Can't make up my mind if it's the distraction of the workout (I'm someone who goes to the kitchen when bored) or if there's a physical reason for this. Does anybody know?

    Same thing happens to me---I just figure it is my body saying, "Well, if you are going to make me work this hard, I'm going to have to burn some fat and get lighter. So, as of now, I'm cutting back on your ghrelin so you won't eat!" :laugh:

    Seriously, does anyone know about this phenomena? My other pals say that exercise makes THEM ravenous.

    I feel exactly the same way and you might be right about the body having to work harder on those days to burn fat.
  • Enjoyed your post and funny you mention your ring size because I've been on a constant uphill battle to lose weight and about a month ago, I started with myfitnesspal faithfully and it's really made me aware of what I'm doing and just yesterday I realized, my rings keep falling off my fingers!! gave me more motivation- a small thing, but nonethless progress!
  • TerriAnne53
    TerriAnne53 Posts: 197 Member
    I read all 7 pages of comments. thanks to everyone for sharing. I hope that I will be able to have good non interupted sleeps with my continuing weight loss. That is one thing I am truly hoping for.
  • When you've spent most of your life being the overweight wallflower, it's hard to adjust to suddenly being noticed. That sounds so depressing but it's true lol Customers that I've waited on for a year are suddenly flirting with me, the guy in Starbucks is suddenly flirting with's weird lol Honestly, I'm uncomfortable with the attention and sometimes I wish they didn't see me that weird? lol

    This actually really pisses me off. I am exactly the same person I was before.

    But NOW I'm worth talking to? How shallow are you?

    I chalked it up to the big ol' wedding ring for years, and the piling up of the birthdays, but now, all off a sudden, men are friendly and chatty.

    Pisses me off I tell you.

    Initially, it pissed me off too. Now I just feel awkward lol Better believe I still go running in ugly old (but warm) sweatshirts, I still wear my baggy paint-stained sweatpants at home, and I don't dress cute for working out at all. That has never been my focus and is not my reason for losing weight. I'm not getting skinny so the boys will notice me. I'm getting healthy so I can be stronger and feel better :D So I blow off the guys and keep on doing what I'm doing :drinker:
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I read all 7 pages of comments. thanks to everyone for sharing. I hope that I will be able to have good non interupted sleeps with my continuing weight loss. That is one thing I am truly hoping for.

    Are you sure that you don't have sleep apnea? I had it when I was at my peak weight. It kept waking me up when I would stop breathing (good thing!) Since I've lost 50 pounds, I no longer have it. But it is important to get it treated in the meanwhile as it is dangerous. If you snore you should definitely have a sleep study done to rule apnea out.