How often do you weigh yourself and why?



  • Bobanji
    Bobanji Posts: 79 Member
    My weight fluctuates literally day to day sometimes by up to 3-5lbs. I will usually try to weigh myself once in the morning about an hour after waking up and having walked around for a little bit. I'd probably cry every day if I weighed myself 3x a day. There are some days where my weight will go up about 8 pounds throughout the day. I do weight myself at least 2-3times a week because of the fluctuations. Remember that what you eat will make a lot of difference. If i had a high sodium intake one day, my body will retain water for 2 whole days. If I do heavy weights, my body also retains for 2 days. Its frustrating though, some weeks, it will look on the scale as if I haven't lost anything. Then the very next week I've lost 4+ pounds! Just wish my body would get with the program. :)
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Lately I been doing it several times a day. I go by my morning number though.

    I noticed absolutely strange things with water weight and me throughout the day. One example being a hot bath and shave made me drop 2.8 pounds... which is 2% of my total body weight. I attributed that to water loss from the hot bath.

    Overall, my morning numbers are the most stable.
  • Spartan_Guy
    Spartan_Guy Posts: 30 Member
    I try not to be married to the scale. That said, I weigh myself pretty much every weekday morning, just to see the effects of what I'm doing. Skip a workout, eat a huge meal, enjoy several adult beverages? Usually shows up on the scale the next day (by a pound or less). Still, it's important to weigh yourself at roughly the same time each time you do it, as the body fluctuates by a couple of pounds throughout the course of a day.
  • rissysmom14
    rissysmom14 Posts: 5 Member
    I weigh twice daily to monitor where I am at with my diet, especially now that I am using MFP I then can evaluate my daily intake for adjustment, but only record weekly on Wednesday's!
  • ImperfectedBeauty
    ImperfectedBeauty Posts: 124 Member
    I weigh myself friday mornings. Mornings because its most accurate, and Fridays because thats just the day i picked haha. :P
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I admit I'm getting bad lately. I only care about losing 11 more pounds after that I won't mind slowing down drastically but right now I'm so impatient I get on the scale at least twice a day. Once before bed to take a guess at what I'll weigh in the morning and then once when I get up. And if I get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom chances are I get on the damn scale again.

    Sick of obsessing, can't wait to get this 11 off!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I was weighing my self 3 times a week, but I was only getting mad when I saw a higher number, so I"ve been fighting with myself, but I'm weighing once a week now. Sometimes the scale taunts me, but I'm really trying to only do my weekly weigh in so that I can get an accurate look at how I"m doing without those little fluctuations.

    Funny, I weigh myself once or twice a day for the same reason.

    I weigh in the morning and again at night, just because it amuses me that I lose weight in my sleep.

    I weigh every day because I know it will jump up or down a few pounds, so I don't worry about it unless I see a trend. I find it informative. If I weighed less often, I would worry/obsess about the number. Doing it so often, it's just a number. I know it will bounce around.

    And it makes me happy when it goes down.
  • Itzli
    Itzli Posts: 78 Member
    I can't imagine weighing in daily.. That would be too hectic and nerve racking for me considering weight can fluctuate so much each day for so many different reasons. I rather not stress.. Stress is bad. lol

    I choose to weigh in once a week, morning only on Sundays.
  • courtneybrooke27
    courtneybrooke27 Posts: 97 Member
    Most out of curiosity, I will weigh myself everyday - every other day, but will only record my results from Thursday. That way I have had the week to get back on track as on weekends I tend to enjoy a glass of wine or two... or three... and will start snacking when I am hungry before dinners. I just recently got a new scale that offers my weight, muscle mass %, water weight %, fat %, and daily average calorie intake as I find 1200 WAY too low, especially since I like to be active.
  • findingmyfit
    I am currently weighing myself two to three times a week. :glasses: I usually only weigh myself in the mornings whenever I do and about halfway/couple days before my weekly weigh in I'll check to make sure I've lost a little. If not then I can tell something I'm doing I have to change. :)
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    How often ? Between once a week to once a month.
    Why? I get curious.
  • Lunaur
    Lunaur Posts: 3
    I weigh myself once a week. If i do it daily and have a bad day where I gain a bit I get discouraged so doing it only once a week makes sure I'm on track but gives me less chance to get down on myself
  • MissyGorman2012
    I have a hard time staying off those last few days prior to my WI day. I get antsy to know what that week's total will be.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    I chart it every day at mornings.

    Just because I keeps stats on myself to make it easier to see when I've come from and where I'm going.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    once in the morning, and once at night. I do this so I can keep track of where I am and make adjustments if needed. I think weekly is to far in between
  • lmga25
    lmga25 Posts: 5 Member
    Every single morning, same time and etc... That way I hold myself accountable daily for the choices I make. When I did WW I would do really well the few days before a weight in but bad the few days after a weight in...So I know that daily is the key to accountability to myself.
  • MissyGorman2012
    And if I get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom chances are I get on the damn scale again.

    Oh I've SOOOO done this. Haha!!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I weigh myself every other week. I have a tendency to go up and down in weight due to water retention. Also I like to make my weight be less of a focus on my progress.
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    Once a week, same day, same time.

    I have been known to peek on other days but I'm trying not to do that any more. I don't want to obsess.
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    i used to be obsessed with it and it was every single morning after i had my morning bathroom time and weighed myself without a stitch of clothing on... now i do the same routine but not every day. pretty much when i wake up and i feel like ive lost something ill check it out