Teddy Bear Types, Ladies and Dating?



  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    You can't make a woman pick a profile on a computer screen, so appealing to them isn't really going to get you the answers you're looking for.

    I'm short. I'm fat. I wouldn't call myself attractive. I think I have a good heart and a good sense of humor, and that's how I ended up with someone out of my league (so to speak). My wife never really dated short guys until me. I went against what she would consider her "type" physically. But I think she finds me very attractive. Because, honestly, being funny, caring, and kind hearted make you more attractive as a whole person and might, as in my case, make up for physical deficiencies.

    So, don't worry about all those who aren't giving you a chance. Make the moss of the ones that are, because it only takes one.
  • tynger112
    tynger112 Posts: 351
    In my personal opinion the more chiseled the guy I dated the bigger jerk he turned out to be. My ideal weighted man seems to be at exactly 220 lol. And if he wasn't when I met him he got that way unfortunately with my cooking, lol.

    Hmm, I weigh 220,...j/k...I think its all about presentation. As a big guy, there are always going to be the "shallow" people in the world, but if you carry yourself with confidence, drive and energy, without looking like a slob....bigger guys never fair too bad. But I think the question should be posed the other way to the fellas who refuse to dat a bigger girl. She could be everthing you want, but some cant get passed the package....just a thought....But every woman is beautiful, big small tall short. best girl i know is a little on the heavy side and if she wasnt married I'd easily snatch her up.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    Teddy Bear types don't ask me, so I couldn't say. No one asks me. Perhaps these Teddy Bear types don't want Teddy Bear women...seems kind of unfair.

  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I prefer bigger guys, always have, even when I was hot and thin. I like tall, big guys. Just my type. My husband is 300 lbs and 6'1. I've never dated a guy under 6 ft tall before. They're better cuddlers IMO.

    Oh and I have to add, I love me some moobies.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I dont discriminate.
    I love teddy bears.
    Thick peeps need love too. =)
  • adoreabella
    Teddy bear types are the best! I love guys who aren't stick thin. Then again, I am not stick thin either so maybe that's why? haha. Seriously, its not about the weight. All my boyfriends have been on the bigger side. What turns me off is someone who thinks they know everything and try to control/manipulate. It's all about personality, not your weight =)
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Never been in that situation with the dating and stuff (been in a relationship for 7 years) but I wouldn't turn someone down just because they're larger.

    Generally I'm more attracted to guys who are larger than me, either with muscle (preferably still some softness) or a little overweight. They seem very huggable while still being healthy. I'm not talking about 300lbs or grossly overweight - I can't help but not be attracted to that, it's not a choice I make, I'm sure they're a great person, but you can't get by on personality alone!
  • one15ts
    one15ts Posts: 91
    Teddy Bear types don't ask me, so I couldn't say. No one asks me. Perhaps these Teddy Bear types don't want Teddy Bear women...seems kind of unfair.


    so much this. :drinker:
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    I like men that are thinner (not built either, just thin) than me... Don't know why. I tried dating a couple bigger guys, but I just didn't like it.
  • appelsiinipuu
    appelsiinipuu Posts: 97 Member
    My husband is good looking and really fit. He has always loved working out. I, on the other hand, have always been obese and well, still am, morbidly so. He fell in love with my personality and to tell you the truth, he has never once said anything bad about the way I look. In fact he is the opposite, always telling me how gorgeous I am.
    So, yes, I think it is all about the personalities matching. :)
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    The only thing that stops me from giving someone "the time of day" is how they interact with me. If they have poor speaking/writing skills, lack good communication skills or are just plain ol' jerks, that is more of a turn off than their body type.

    Personally I like men that are taller and heavier than me. But I want the man I date to be healthy and that can subjective depending on the man and his body type. I usually find heavier/thicker men seem to be more attracted to thinner/petite women. Whatever floats the boat.

    If the person has confidence in who they are, regardless of their weight or body type, then that will shine through. And the right person will see it and appreciate it.
  • trollsb
    trollsb Posts: 35 Member
    I don't worry much about how people look, I found once you like someone's personality, you will be attracted to how they look as you associate their image with all the other good feelings. Think pavlov's dog type thing.

    That said I generally don't like guys who are ripped, but the manikin feeling aside, it is more that if you are prepared to spend so many hours a day in a gym working on how you look because that is the most valuable use of your time, you are likely a fairly shallow person. The normal kind of fit look from people who do physical labour is fine I don't have the same association of attitude that the ripped guys seem to come with.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    Ooooohhh myyyyyyyyy!! :drinker:
  • joveen86
    joveen86 Posts: 121 Member
    totally depends on the vibe and the guy. Not really a good person to give advice here, but desperate guys are such a darn turn off!!
  • LetsMakeupXtina
    LetsMakeupXtina Posts: 627 Member
    I've dated the "teddy bear" type.. I've dated really fit guys, and I've dated on the skinnier side.... so i guess for me i can be attracted to all types, just comes down to the vibe and the rest of their physical appearance.. because lets be real, looks play a part.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Teddy Bear types don't ask me, so I couldn't say. No one asks me. Perhaps these Teddy Bear types don't want Teddy Bear women...seems kind of unfair.

    That's what bothers me the most about this thread...
  • PrimalSiren
    I'm not familiar with dating sites, but you do realize all they have to go by is a picture? As much as some people hate it, sex sells. The first thing someone is attracted to is the appearance of the other person, aka infatuation. Real deep attraction happens when you feel a connection with the other person. If someone isn't attracted to you as a "teddy bear" then they won't be attracted to you as a bodybuilder. People tend to be attracted to others that have similar hobbies and interests, so if you want a fit and healthy woman, be a fit and healthy man.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I love a teddy bear, as long as he has an attractive face and presents himself well.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I have never been hit on by a "teddy bear" type. Ever. I haven't had but a handful of guys approach me in my lifetime, though, so maybe I'm scary or something?
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    I've been with men of every shape and size. I fall for brains and personality far more than anything physical. That said, I found all of them physically attractive in their own way. I have been with every kind of guy, from professional bodybuilder to buff rock star to "big" ex-football players to lean swordfighters, guys who did hard labor carrying 80 lb. bags of cement up a ladder every day to desk jockeys or even disc jockeys. I got interested based on who they were, and how they behaved toward me.

    That said, I am also not a "small" girl. I was, at one time, but I haven't been for a long time. And I've never had a problem getting, or holding, a man's attention. There are plenty of men out there who appreciate a woman like me, and my loving husband is their King. :wink: