

  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member

    Did you have flyer's out to invite people to your weight loss meeting.
    Maybe try to invite the zumba class.
    Linda C from Northern Ontario Canada

    The person in charge of the class sends out emails every Monday to remind people. And at today's zumba class there was only me and the lady that is in charge of the weight loss class. It was her first time and she only went because I badgered her into it. This is what she posted online about it: "Loved the zumba - was completely rubbish but enjoyed. In my world the words ENJOY and EXERCISE don't usually appear together!" Hopefully more people will get excited when they see how well we are doing. Gill has lost 16 lbs since Nov and I've lost 8 since January ..... slow but sure right?
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Thurs.
    helped with a dinner for the teachers yesterday.
    Made 70+mini muffins.washed and cut up 30lbs of potatoes.
    Going to the gym today and daughter has a dr appt.
    Make it a good one.
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    To: Sunshine61250
    Thanks for the insight on lunches. It's just my husband and I at home too. So I'm still trying to learn to cook for ONLY 2. Although, like you I do use leftovers during the weekdays for quick meals. Have a good day.:wink:
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good afternoon all,

    I love reading all the posts for inspiration and ideas. I've taken quite a few away for future use. Leaving work early today and taking off tomorrow for my FIL's funeral.:cry: This is the hard part. I feel so helpless to comfort my DH, DBIL, DSIL and DMIL.
    I know from past experience that keeping busy helps. I can only pray that they are comforted by the fact that he is no longer suffering.

    :embarassed: Lin - You've inspired me to try more walking. I'm embarrased by my mere two miles a day. And yes, we thought we could re-schedule our flight to salvage the second week of our vacation, but the tickets went up so much we just couldn't justify spending the additional cash right now. So we're saving our credit for next year. Hopefully, we'll find a better price.

    :heart: Allison - You must be in my neck of the woods. I was born & raised in Philly, but now reside in N. Delaware. I'll always be a Philly girl at heart.

    :huh: Linda - And I'm complaining about a wind chill of 8 degrees! I would never go outside if I were there!

    :flowerforyou: Katla, Barb & Gail - Feel better soon!

    :flowerforyou: Amanda - Sending a wish for your DH to get better soon.

    :noway: DeeDee - Hope this finds your water back on! How long have you been without?

    :smile: Glenda - Being with your grandchild on Grandparents Day is the best. Enjoy!

    :glasses: Nancy - I took a Spanish class, but didn't learn much in the end. Just enough to get by. I sure hope you do better. Have a wonderful trip!

    Have a great day and stay warm....

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Thanks all for the hopes to feel better. I am feeling a little better, and the cats are mad at me. All I did for the last few days was sleep and eat. They got no treats and I didn't play with them. They did keep me warm. :heart: I have to go to the store and get some food, and then come home and take a nap. :yawn:

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ya’ll from COLD Omaha. The wind chills are below zero. That’s OK; it’s winter! I have a long stadium coat from Land’s End that is rated to -35 so I stay nice and warm. Had clinical at assisted living today; students did really well. We did chair exercises with them and I must say I was surprised at how much work it really was! We could feel the burn especially on some of the arm exercises! So I counted it!

    Michele: the “crazy cat lady” game is a board game. You spin and move your marker around the board with the goal of collecting cats. When you land on a space you either gain or lose a cat. So you might rescue a cat from a tree or lose a cat who is chasing a bit of fluff in the air. If you land in the grocery store, you get to adopt cats and at the vet you leave cats to be treated. If you land on the animal shelter, you get all the cats there (when people lose cats they go to the shelter). The person with the most cats wins when the first person gets “home”. Home has a mama cat that just had kittens. It’s pretty simple, but funny.

    Renny: 25% of your goal? That’s fabulous!

    Barbie: I am envious of your weather and being able to walk outside.

    Lila: hope you woke up in a better mood today! I am very consistent with bowling…poor scores and broken nails every time! It’s worth having my own pink ball, pink bag, and pink shoes!

    Glenda; I hate to admit this, but it took me a while to get why it would be significant that dinosaur day and grandparent day falls on the same day! OMG

    Sunshine: I had to laugh because I too leave my house spotless and I hate flying!

    Amanda: I hope DH is better today and that you don’t get it from him!

    DeeDee: I hope your day has improved as well!

    Lizmil: I too was awake early, early today. Had to be up at 5, so of course I’m awake at 3:30

    LindaC: hope you are having a great day

    Nancy: wow your upcoming trip sounds fabulous and so do your parents!

    Laura: I find it so hard to keep up with finances

    Jb: I love your quotations about winter. I have always loved winter, but it does bring to mind the anticipation of what is brewing
    and yet to come

    Jane: sounds like you had a busy kitchen day

    Lucy: we will all be thinking of you at the funeral.

    Well, quiet thread today. I must get going; I have grocery shopping to do plus visiting my dad. Best to all, take care, Meg
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Well, I survived grandparents day at preschool:laugh: though if I had to get up and down off the floor too many more times, it was not going to be pretty! i did take consolation in the fact that I was not the last one to complete that maneouvre - not bad for a gal with a hip replacement. The morning of doing the hokey-pokey, painting, reading and snack was delightful. What a privilege to spend time with the three year old!:smile:

    It is a glorious plus 8 degrees celsius today - the sun is shining and there is hardly a breath of wind, so I just HAD to go for a walk:wink: It means I didn't get to the gymn, which is a better burn but did the fresh air and sunshine ever feel good! So good for the spirit!!:smooched:

    LindaC - I did look back over my last seven days, at your suggestion, but every one of them was under 1200 calories - the two highest in the 1100 range. So my average is still significantly under 1200. Too low, I know!

    Nancy - so how are you enjoying the graphic novels. My son and wife bought one on Israel for me just before my first trip. It is a different style of reading and takes some getting used to. I would like to try one again. Teaching does make you keep up to date on some of these things.:happy:
    I have always wanted to learn some Spanish - such a beautiful language! A trip to Nicaraugua would be good motivaation!:smile:

    Joy - I think if you check the database there is a listing for calories burned doing housework. I am not sure what it is under but I have seen people post it on their diary. It certainly should be loggable exercise, don't you think?!

    Time to go do some prep so I can get out of here in good time tomorrow morning. Here is hoping and praying for good roads to travel on!

    (oops! the wind is up - got my walk in just in time!!:bigsmile: )

    Glenda in the ever changeable south of Alberta:bigsmile:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump for later. Cat has my tongue.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Got in a 4 mile walk this morning and DH worked with me on my golf swing this afternoon. Would you believe it was 85 degrees today? I know I shouldn’t even mention it as so many of you are having really cold weather. That’s what I love about Texas. (I think that’s a song). Someone ask me where I live in TX, I think it was Sandy. It's 45 miles SW of Fr Worth in a small town named Granbury.

    Mary in WA – my DGD goes to school in Seattle and has fallen in love with the city. She thinks she’ll stay there but she’s just a Sophomore so who knows.

    Kate – I don’t know what you do as your career but you should be a writer. Maybe spend those long cold days writing a novel. I’d read it! So Sorry you had a fall. Take care of you.

    Allison – welcome to the best group on MFP and congrats on losing all that weight. You know you can do it because you’ve been there done that. So, join us on your journey.

    Rori in CO foothills – Good luck with your business trip to NYC and AL. We lived in CoSpgs for 9 years and loved it.

    Lin in Iowa – My fingers are crossed for your weigh-in tomorrow. You are an inspiration to all of us.

    Lila – You had a high and a low. Sounds like my weight loss journey!

    Gflenda – enjoy your day at preschool. Hopefully it will be a different unit.

    Joy– I also clean my house, empty the dishwasher etc before we leave on a trip same reason as you. What branch of the military was your husband in? Our state senator was the closest person to the crash that survived the 9-11 bombing of the pentagon. Enjoy Rome, hoping for sunny skies for you.

    DeeDee –hey, just jump back in bed and get up on the other side. You might have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed. LOL

    Got in a 4 mile walk this morning and DH worked with me on my golf swing this afternoon. Would you believe it was 85 degrees today? I know I shouldn’t even mention it as so many of you are having really cold weather. That’s what I love about Texas. (I think that’s a song).

    Mary in WA – my DGD goes to school in Seattle and has fallen in love with the city. She thinks she’ll stay there but she’s just a Sophomore so who knows.

    Kate – I don’t know what you do as your career but you should be a writer. Maybe spend those long cold days writing a novel. I’d read it! So Sorry you had a fall. Take care of you.

    Allison – welcome to the best group on MFP and congrats on losing all that weight. You know you can do it because you’ve been there done that. So, join us on your journey.

    Rori in CO foothills – Good luck with your business trip to NYC and AL. We lived in CoSpgs for 9 years and loved it.

    Lin in Iowa – My fingers are crossed for your weigh-in tomorrow. You are an inspiration to all of us.

    Lila – You had a high and a low. Sounds like my weight loss journey!

    Gflenda – enjoy your day at preschool. Hopefully it will be a different unit.

    Joy– I also clean my house, empty the dishwasher etc before we leave on a trip same reason as you. What branch of the military was your husband in? Our state senator was the closest person to the crash that survived the 9-11 bombing of the pentagon. Enjoy Rome, hoping for sunny skies for you.

    DeeDee –hey, just jump back in bed and get up on the other side. You might have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed. LOL

    Linda C – love your words for believe. That’s my word for this year. Hope you got your house work done. We miss you when you’re not here
    Wel off to make dinner. Had a great low cal refried bean soup for lunch. See you tomorrow.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: Joy, I just checked the sunrise and sunset where you live and it makes NW Washington look almost tropical by comparison….I used to keep the sunrise and sunset time for Fairbanks and Barrow Alaska on my Google homepage to remind me that there were places that were darker than here.

    :flowerforyou: Linda C., you’re right, I’m up and out every morning before the birds which is a good thing because the dogs like to search out the birds in the bushes and bark at them, so walking earlier is a lot quieter and more peaceful.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, Jake likes a lot of attention when he’s sick and I’m not very good at that so it’s a struggle for me to act cheerful with him.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, with your busy life, it amazes me that you are able to connect with us via computer as often and thoroughly as you do.

    :flowerforyou: Laura, my hubby is frustrated with his weight loss, too……since he’s been sick, he’s been eating some weird things (canned chicken noodle soup, tortillas and cheese)….he’s so glad that there’s something he feels like eating that he can’t address what’s healthy and low calorie.:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Jb, I love your attitude about winter

    :flowerforyou: Tigress, cats are such great company when you’re sick.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, the Crazy Cat Lady game sounds like a lot of fun…..is it available commercially?.....I got a phone call a few minutes ago to ask how things went when I went to the bank with a problem on Tuesday…..at the end of the call he said that he was calling from Omaha and thanks to you, telling me how cold it was I was able to tell him that I hoped he was staying warm.

    :flowerforyou: Glenda, do you have nuts or avocados or raisins or dried fruit as part of your food plan? Do you plan a hearty breakfast with protein? Those are healthy ways to increase daily calories

    :flowerforyou: Suebdew, enjoy your nice weather…gratitude is a great way to approach all your blessings.

    :bigsmile: I’ve had another lovely day filled with dog walking, line dance, and weight training….along with riding the recumbent bike while watching a movie with Jake….I have to stay up later than usual tonight because I have a cousin and a friend that I talk to on the phone every Thursday (one at 8:30 and one at 9:15) and I walk back and forth through the house while I talk to them.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    My word for 2013 is “Stretch” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to stretch my body and stretch myself personally by improving skills and trying new things.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Renny - way to go girl getting at 25% of you goal weight. You can do this, I know you can.

    Lila - sounds like you're like me in your bowling -- "consistently inconsistent"

    Did 50 minutes of Jillian Michael's Shred it With Weights DVD today. I'm still taking it easy with my ankle, but it is getting better. Tomorrow I'll do a downloadable workout for the spin. Then we have the Newcomers board meeting, then I'm supposed to volunteer at the Green Room (theater). Lynette's birthday is tomorrow so after the green room I'll take her some cookies that I made for her. I also made these oat sunflower seed bars (mainly because I wanted to try the recipe) for the board meeeting. A friend of mine sent me chocolates from Switzerland so I'll also take those chocolates to the board meeting then give a few to Lynette assuming that there are some left over. Vince just packed up Bryan's christmas gifts (yes, it takes him a while jto do things), so I'll probably take them to the post office after seeing Lynette.

    ohiomom and glenda - nuts are calorie dense and good for you.

    I have a load of laundry in the dryer right now. I'll make cookies to take to my hairdresser, I'll need to get my bangs trimmed and they sort-of expect me to make them something. I'll make these banana butterscotch drops. I know that the owner of the salon likes butterscotch and I have bananas that I'd like to use up. Vince is going shooting (at the range) this afternoon, so maybe that's when I'll make them

    I, too, keep a separate notepad open and jot things down as I'm reading. Then, at the end of the day I copy and paste it. Works for me. Many times I'll right click and then click on "cut", click on "post reply" and then right click on "paste". Then all's I need to do is "save" my document which is blank at this point except for the page number.

    sunshine - I do the exact same thing -- I make a larger portion of things and then freeze individual servings. Same reason -- then I don't have to cook every day. Fortunately, Vince will eat leftovers. Jessica won't <sigh>. That must have been so scary for your husband to be at the Pentagon when the plane hit. I can totally understand your feeling of wanting your house clean in case.

    Amanda - hope your hubby feels better. When Vince is sick, you'd think the world was coming to and end. Me? If I'm in bed all day, you KNOW that I'm sick.

    Nancy - how wonderful that you're going to Nicaragua. How long will you be gone for? Time will fly by and you'll be going even before you know it.

    Tahini in my store is also along with the peanut butter.

    Nancy - the treadmills at the Y near us have a place where a fan would be. another gym near me has the same treadmill with the fan.

    Vince went shooting then he'll go out with some of the guys and depending on what time they finish up, he'll either come home first or go get his hair cut. I didn't go anywhere today, but got a lot accomplished. Got the dinners for next week decided on and took out of the freezer what needs to defrost and put that in the refrigerator. Decided on which exercises I'd do for the next week. Made a pot of the kale & kidney bean soup. Next time I might wind up using great northern beans only because I have a lot of them in my freezer.

    tigress - that's interesting that your cats are mad at you for sleeping so much. I remember FIL was a big napper and one time when he came to stay with us, our cat was in 7th heaven -- he'd found another sleeping soulmate.

    Meg - I just added that Crazy Cat Lady game to my wish list at Amazon. My daughter gave me a magnet a while ago that says "one cat away from being the crazy cat lady" and a lady said to me "Michele, that ship has already sailed", that will be something cute to give Vince. If I break a nail at bowling and then have a crummy game, I always blame it on the fact that I have a broken nail.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening. Gotta go take a shower now.

    Michele in NC
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    It takes so long to read all the posts that I can't reply. Still trying just to keep up. Back soon:heart: Kacke
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    I hope that everyone had a good day and thanks for the suggestions on adding calories to my day (can't believe I actually said that but you know what I mean!)

    Renny - congrats on getting to 25% of your goal!

    Kate - ouch, hope you heal quickly!

    Glenda - gotta love the thought of a half cup of ice cream to round out my calories for the day. Best not go down that path, though, or I probably wouldn't stop at a half cup! I am very much a person who has to keep the tempting stuff out of the house or my willpower will go right out the window.

    Lucy - I hope that you and your inlaws made it through the day and were able to celebrate your FIL's life and the fact that he is no longer suffering.

    Glenda - glad you had a good time at grandparent's school and that you weren't the last person off the floor.:bigsmile: Oh, and thanks for including the reference to the hokey pokey in your post.... I loved that when I was young!

    Suebedew - I lived in the DFW area for a few years, during my gradual migration northward (south Texas to San Antonio to Dallas to Ohio). My 19yo DD was born in Arlington and now goes to school in Wichita Falls. Like you DGD, she is a sophomore and thinks she wants to stay after she graduates but we'll see.

    I know that some of you have much shorter days and worse weather than me but Columbus, Ohio is so dreary and gray for much of the year that I sometimes have to fight off my own mild case of the blahs. Yet another reason that I hope to head back to Texas when we retire in a few years.

    Gotta go get a few things done before bed. Night!
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I had a different kind of day today. Arranged for a branch "coffee break" as a ruse to invite a new dad receiving our good wishes and congratulations on the birth of his 2nd baby girl, including card and gift certificate. Brought (healthy) muffins...and... ate one.

    Then...lunch out, which I had totally forgotten about, but I - after all - had arranged at "Rebar" in Victoria. Had a fantastic warn veggie salad. Are you kidding me? How amazing was that. I just don't know how to log it, but other than that...man was it good. If anyone (Barbiecat?) is ever in Victoria, BC...here is a place for a healthy meal: http://rebarmodernfood.com/

    Worked late, then came home to some great home made tomato soup.

    End of story for today. Another busy day ahead tomorrow.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
  • August_1958
    August_1958 Posts: 110 Member
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Jumping January, tomorrow is Robbie Burns day, raise the haggis and a good scotch!

    I will have to see if someone has listed haggis on the food site...haha ha.....I am not making it for the DH's birthday tomorrow; we will go out, perhaps to a new Thai-Vietnamese place. Perhaps somewhere more traditional...not sure. He is delighted to have lost 12 pounds by tracking his food on MFP...and I am thrilled he is reducing his cholesterol and salt intake, and slowiy working in more veg and water everyday...his commitment makes my cooking 4 veg for dinner much easier....whew! He used to complain about throwing out some unused veg, now we can't keep enough in the house.

    DeeDee – I always chuckle when you say you are grumpy, because your posts are always so positive….I hope you don’t get hit by the Arctic cold…they are worried about the south being hit….with good reason. And I always drink buckets of water….:laugh:

    Meg - I think there is still a week of cold to come…I don’t even know what a stadium coat is? And I am from a snowbelt! :grumble:

    LindaC – I hope you are staying in, and warm! The temps have been so cold, I can’t imagine how hard that makes it just to get normal activities done! I fell off my chair when I heard Detroit shut down the schools due to the cold! Detroit is an hour south of me, and warmer and has less snow than we do…and we have 1 inch! :noway:

    Barbie – I agree, the weather may be rainy in NWW, but it is not too cold to go outside….and yet I too am grateful for the wonderful bright sunshine when it is cold…keeps me sane. :happy:

    Renny – so glad you suggested the veg-fruit day, I really feel energized and cleansed after those days! I see it is key to the weight loss too! Hope you are enjoying some decent weather there on the Island! Hope the Canucks are winning, we do not get to see them here in Ont very much. :blushing:

    Nurse – Your weekend retreat sounds wonderful…peace in the middle of a lake…:flowerforyou:

    Wessecg - Have you been able to ride your horse more often? I love the horse pics, the idea of riding a horse every week is so appealing…and better than being stuck at a desk! :heart:

    Lila – don’t we all have days where the score card begins with a terrific start and goes downhill … I do! Yet somehow the fact that you are even out there bowling seems terrific to me….:happy:

    Glenda – I am still attached to my now adult son’s childhood dinosaur collection, with all the wonderful memories of times we spent learning about them, and travelling to museums to see them….and sadly, not one of my grandsons were ever interested! LOTR and Harry Potter ( which we also like) came along. I think dinosaurs were as magical as any wizard…but there you are. Childhood magic lives in different images over time! :laugh:

    Sunshine - I hope you are counting your daily cleaning as part of your exercise calories! :laugh:

    Amanda- gee, Latin translation is tough first thing in the morning, I don’t think I could do it after a full day of work…and I am wondering if you have to deal with medieval rather than modern Latin? .I hope you get that hot bath and book! :yawn:

    Liz – ha! I fell asleep in the chair with my laptop open to close my log, when my DH announced he was going to bed, and he woke me up! So I had to wake up and signoff on the day too…..funny thing was, I though I was in bed….:laugh:

    Nancy in BC – love your word for 2013, I am going to have to find one for myself! :drinker:

    Laura – my DH was put on a plan to prevent diabetes and heart issues…so I talked him into MFP, and he makes his own decisions, but now eats a plateful of veggies every night! And he rarely makes his full calorie intake, but he feels in control…and he just makes small changes that have allowed him to drop 12 pounds…and we celebrate his low sodium and cholesteral counts! :bigsmile:

    JB – love the photos of you, and love the quotes. Most of all, I love Edna O’Brien! I only know her poems, not her novels…..so glad to see her words!:heart:

    Jane – fell over when you got to the 30 lbs of potatoes and 70 muffins, it all sounds like a workout to me! :wink:

    Lucy – so sorry about your FIL; yet suffering is so unfair.:brokenheart:

    Michelle – I seem to have two very bad knees right now, how would that affect my attempt to start a Gillian Michaels dvd? I bought it to try indoor workouts when it got too cold, but seem to have a fear of doing more damage..:grumble:

    Lin – go for it, hope it happens very soon! Congratulations, it seems like a done deal! :drinker:
    I tried to buy Fuhrman’s book for my Kindle app, but it never arrived….will have to sort that out when I have time.

    I am out of time, sorry that I missed so many of your posts earlier this week, and if I missed someone.

    Life is good, I am grateful for your support, experience, and insight! Everyone have a wonderful Friday!

    BJ, SWOnt.
  • jodymaryk
    jodymaryk Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Had a good day today here in the Seattle area for the most part. Got up early and was at Crossfit at 7:30 for a brutal workout. I hate every second I am doing it but love the feeling of accomplishment after I am done. Each workout I finish and think, 'that was the hardest one we have done!' I know it is designed to push you to your limits every time and it sure does. I am proud to say I have now done my first ever, and 29 additional clean and jerks with a 35 weight bar. (what you see weight lifters doing in competitions, squat, bar up to chest, stand and bar overhead. My form sucks, needs practice but I did a bunch of them along with burpees, knee lifts while hanging from bar by hands, kettle bell swings and figure 8's and Russian twists. Don't even ask, just let me say “brutal!”. After my workout, I came home and walked my 90 pound, 2 year old Rotten-weiler. She ended up bolting to the end of her 30' long line before I could stop her to go say Hi to some other dogs and literally pulled me off my feet!! I am 185 pounds! She is super strong. Thankfully, I was on grass and not concrete or I believe I would have been hurt pretty good. Just a little extra sore in my neck, shoulder and knee tonight and hard to tell what is from Crossfit and what was from the tug and fall. I have to say I giggled all day though picturing what that must have looked like to the guy walking his dogs!

    Anyway, survived that, work then had dinner out with girlfriends. Enjoyed a vodka martini, half of a really good Kobe beef bacon cheeseburger with garlic/sage fries, a couple of delicious oysters on the half shell and one really good bacon wrapped, cheese stuffed fig! OMG! I journalled it all and was still under cals even adding in an extra 200 calories just in case. Worth every single calorie! I feel good that I was able to go out, splurge a little but still stay in control. (pats self on back :)) Going out again tomorrow night with one of my childhood BF's that I just reconnected with a couple of years ago. Looking forward to it but no martini and bacon cheeseburger tomorrow!!

    @Mwheatcraft, thanks for the tip on responding to comments. Trying it with this one. I will probably have same problem you do and type WAY more then anyone wants to read. Fast typer here :)

    @Kate...All of that winter weather must be so hard. I was complaining about a number of days of fog and not seeing the sun. Guess I should really just suck it up and be grateful that we only get snow very occasionally here in the Seattle area which of course shuts down the whole city for days at a time! You should get one of those lights. I know people who have them and swear by them! If my SAD gets much worse, I am getting one or moving :)

    @Lucy...so sorry about your Father in Law. How nice your Mother in Law asked you to do a reading at the service. I love all of your positive thoughts to everyone!

    @Lin...good luck with your weigh in!! That is a huge accomplishment! Go, go, go!!

    @ Meg..Lo! Told your Wii to shut up!! Love it!! ROFL!

    @Sunshine...Thanks for the posting tips. I am have a couple of ideas now and will try them to see which work best! Let me think on the Mexican food recipes. I am lucky in my area to be able to buy a wide range of Mexican ingredients including fresh vegetables, chilies and spices. Not sure what is available in your area. I make a mean chili verde with pork or chicken, tomatillos (fresh preferable but canned works), mild green chilies, onions, garlic, lime, cumin. Just basically a big stew that you can put over rice and/or beans or in tortillas. I don't use recipes much, just kind of throw things together.

    @Amanda...Wow!! I saw your weight loss! 192 pounds! I am truly in awe of you! If your feeling fat and frumpy, just look back at your before pics and give yourself a big hug for how far you have come! As far as DH's and sickness, do not get me started! :) Remember to breathe!

    @jb...brilliant and insightful thoughts! So right about keeping the good positive thoughts going :) Thanks for the reminder!

    @suebdew...I do love Seattle, born and raised in the area. It is so worth the gray and rain when the sun comes out and the Cascade/Olympic mountains are out, Mt. Rainier is watching over us and the lakes and Puget Sound are sparkling. Pretty darn spectacular if I say so myself! It is also a fun town for young people so not surprised that you DGD loves it!

    I read everyone's posts but my eyes are getting blurry so haven't responded to everyones. Need to sleeeeeepppp..... Take care all!

    Mary in Renton, WA
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Good morning everyone! Today I have a Wii fitness class at the gym on base and then I have physical therapy. The PT is out in town and there is a fitness gym attached so I'm planning to get on the treadmill for a bit afterwords, depending on how much the first class hurts me. :bigsmile:

    I did see that cleaning counts as calories! HOORAY! I put down that I cleaned for 2 hours yesterday even though it was more like 8. Hubby came home and I showed him my closet and he was impressed and then said "how about we do this (blah blah blah) .... it will give you more room AND better light. So, of course I said yes, and now my closet is a huge mess again. But .... it will be much better in the long run.

    I decided to weigh myself today (even though tomorrow is WI day for me) and I've gained 1/2 lb!!!!! So depressing. But, the dinner we had last night had soy sauce in it. And muscle weighs more than fat. So .... I'm hoping that that will give me the motivation to hit the treadmill after PT today.

    And I may not be on much for the next day or two. We have an all day skiing trip planned for tomorrow and on Sunday the driver is picking us up at 4:30 a.m. to take us to the airport. HORRIBLE time to get up, but it puts us in Rome by noon so we'll have a lot of time to spend exploring. As long as our flight actually leaves. I just looked and at 6 a.m. on Sunday it will be snowing here with "near gale force winds". UGH! I HATE flying and that's just not going to be good.

    yardtigeress - I hope you continue to feel better. Remember to not overdue!

    glendalight - I did find it last night. That's a good thing too because I would have had to make up something to show for all my hard work! :bigsmile:

    suebdew - my husband is retired Air Force. :happy:

    barbiecat - it took me a while to get use to it ... but the summers more than make up for the winters .... especially since he travels a lot for work during the winters and the Norwegians are VERY pro family during the summer. Work days end at 3:00 p.m. so they have lots of time to be outdoors. They work longer hours in the winter.

    exermom - I'm lucky that my hubby loves leftovers .... especially with the price of food here in Norway. Nothing goes to waste. And thanks, it was scary ... I'm lucky that all I have to deal with is my fear of flying .... my family is safe. All 3 of our boys went into the military afterwards and all spent time in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm very thankful that they have all done their tours and have gotten out and have gone on with their lives.

    bjmcq - I've actually had haggis and scotch. I think the scotch helped make it go down. :)

    jodymaryk - thanks! Mexican box mixes and such are none existent here but anything made with fresh items and spices should be found with a little hunting. Your chili verde recipe sounds delish .... I'll try to throw something like that together when we get back from Rome.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello dear friends - my Vitamin F suppliers!

    DH continues to suffer (or should that be wallow?) with his man-flu. The honest truth is that he has a cold but you would think he was at the gates of St Peter's! I wouldn't mind, but he refuses to take anything to help it. I know that you can't cure it, but hot, soothing drinks and paracetamol would surely help. I gave up early this morning and went for a walk.

    Moan over.

    London is grey today but the snow has gone. I had a call from my Aussie friend to say that he'd got home safely and was enjoying the temperature being 30 c. Grrr - send me some warmth!

    Tomorrow is my last day on the dreaded super antibiotics. It will be a relief to finish them and then to start eating high fibre again, which I can do from Monday. It really has been hard to keep my fibre low. I intend to make an enormous amount of hummous on Sunday and possibly a wheat berry and lentil soup like this one: http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/cumin_scented_wheat_berry_lentil_soup.html

    I have been a vegetarian since I was 17 and can never understand the need to eat meat. Not that I ever force my views on others - my DH is a meat lover and I cook it for him (I don't like doing it, but do it anyway).

    Busy day at work again, so I'd better get on. My apologies for not replying individually, but I have finally caught up on reading all the posts and I am thinking of you all.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x