how often do you eat dessert ? (satisfy that sweet tooth!)



  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    2-3 times a week
  • KeriD
    KeriD Posts: 324
    I cannot deny myself my sugar treats.... I would probably be overweight again if I did. I say enjoy your treat in moderation. If you earned them, you will enjoy them so much more!

    Chocolate is my daily sweet lately! :)
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    If it is in my calorie intake I don't freak about but I know that if I eat too much unhealthy stuff I will be starving so I keep it to a little treat (like one piece of chocolate or a half cup of ice cream). Sometimes once a day. Soemtimes beer is a my dessert lol.
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    everyday at some point if I can… not cake or anything nuts, but maybe a cookie, or frozen yogurt. No need to deprive if it's something you love and can fit it into your day.
  • Sarah0866
    Sarah0866 Posts: 291 Member
    every night, but mine usually consists of a small piece of dark chocolate or a small piece of fruit
  • I try to stay away from sweets but when I really feel like eating something sweet I do the natural foods. Like Plane Chobani Greek yogurt plane with chopped nuts and a 2 table spoons of maple syrup. Or I do a smoothie with Kale, apple, celery, strawberries and orange fresh squish juice. It is surprisingly sweet and keeps me full while enjoying a sweet healthy meal, I sometimes add dry oatmeal too for an extra creamy taste. The more you eat fruits is surprising how much you stop craving actual deserts.
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    Since I drink protein shakes, especially one that tastes like a milkshake I rarely crave anything super sweet like dessert lol. But the best way I find to keep my sweet tooth in check is to at least have some nutrition with the sweet - i.e. chocolate peanut bitter and some apples or celery, chocolate dip or sugar free caramel with apples, yogurt pudding (adding sugar-free pudding mix with a little milk into plain yogurt), etc.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    How often? Everyday. Just little ones usually. Some chocolate almonds, (or chocolate pomegranate when I can find it), a tbsp of peanut butter with an apple, a serving of carmel corn, a little peanut brittle. If I have room at the end of the day (and I make sure I do), I let myself enjoy what I love (in addition to all the other foods I eat).
  • I lOVE sweets! I use to love them even more but now that I eat them whenever my body craves it my mind is more at ease where I don't need them constantly but I ALWAYS have something that is deemed "unhealthy" each and everyday. It's all about moderation. <3:)
  • And listen to your BODY! It wants what it wants for a reason! If you're craving sweets constantly then it's probably because your mind has forbidden it. Intuitive eating, for me, has been my best bet for everything.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I eat dessert whenever i want it.. but I have my own homemade stuff, that is actually healthy and skinny cow as a back up just in case. Although I'm usually too full to even consider dessert..

    I have frozen mashed up banana (like ice cream) and frozen chocolate banana protein yogurt (also like ice cream) and pineapple (sweetest thing you can eat i swear!).. i also have many recipes for low fat, no or very little sugar cakes.. like strawberry shortcake, cause you can put any fruit on it.. Or i'll sprinkle cinnamon on a cut up apple and microwave until soft (apple pie!)..

    I still have regular types of dessert occasionally as well.. Usually to celebrate a birthday or holiday

    and I have little Ghiradelli squares current in case I go into crazy need chocolate right now mode. (i've had the box for two weeks and it's still over half full lol). when those are gone i'll probably replace them with a bag of Hershey nuggets or peanut m&m.. cause sometimes a girl just needs chocolate.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Special occasions only so about once every 2 months or so. I follow a low carb diet and splurge on high sugar fruits more often though which is the same thing to me really but I don't imagine you were asking how often you eat bananas or grapes.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    Very rarely. My family rarely ever served dessert. We just ate enough supper until we were satisfied. We have dessert on holidays and birthdays, and the very occasional strawberry shortcake in the summer. That's about it.
  • JaneMills0
    JaneMills0 Posts: 40 Member
    I eat whatever I want within my calorie target.

    Actually I'm lucky and don't have a particularly sweet tooth so I don't find it a trigger food. If I did I might cut it out because I would be scared I would not stop within my calorie limit. A bit like me and crisps, which I do limit. S I would say that as long as you are sure that both the thing you want to eat sticks you within your calorie limit and won't trigger you to go over at a later stage then go for it.
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    I have something sweet whenever I feel like it which is every day lol, it used to be chocolate Lindt balls (2 a day) but having given up chocolate for the next few weeks for our family challenge I've taken to waffles with peanut butter and jam to replace these and it's keeping my sweet tooth happy ????
  • All the time. ugh. NUTELLA.
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    All the time. ugh. NUTELLA.
    Lol Nutella yum my son asked Santa for a years supply of Nutella, he got him 12 jars trouble is he's on his 5th jar already and we've only had 2 months this year don't think the supply will last !!!!!!
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    I'm just curious how often you guys all eat dessert? Or if not dessert, something else that you crave but maybe shouldn't eat everyday.

    Or do you think that as long as it fits in your daily calorie intake it doesn't matter?

    Personally, I have a HORRIBLE sweet tooth. mostly for chocolate and cookies. not a big candy person.
    I found this really good chocolate frozen yogurt that's 180 cals for a cup. if its fits in my calorie intake can I have it often? or no? Because it totally satisfies my cravings without making them worse (which cookies and other chocolates do, I can never only have 1 of those.. )

    Unfortunately, if I eat dessert it takes up a lot of my daily calorie allowance, so I replace that dessert with an orange or another piece of fruit.

    Regarding frozen yogurt, I wouldn't have any problem with eating one of those as long as I logged it correctly, sounds yummy actually!!
  • archie1964
    archie1964 Posts: 34 Member
    Depends if I have any calories left, will depend if I deserve dessert or not
  • crazihel
    crazihel Posts: 72 Member
    EVERYDAY! I always save room for the tiniest bit of cake. Mmmh....cake!