Men! What motivated you? I need your help!



  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    Divorce him. He'll suddenly find motivation.

    True story.

    Or he will be happy because his wife is no longer nagging him!!!!

    OP: Seriously, this is HIS journey, not your journey for him.

    Your quiet example of fitness (and you look great!) is the best thing that you can do. Make the household condusive, but not overbearing, with regard to fitness.

    our motivators are all very personal. Mine: family heart disease and i have kids... someone else wants to look better than his peer group, someone else is training for a marathon....

    As they say, 'the teacher arrives when the student is ready'

    Good luck and keep up on your journey!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Your Husband sounds like me a little over 2 years ago. I never wanted to hear about losing weight or working on a diet!

    But then I found out that I had dangerously high blood pressure. I was about to turn 46 and my doctor told me I would probably not make it to 50. Say what??!!!!

    Needless to say, this changed my perspective greatly.

    The first thing for me was that I knew I needed a life style change. Not a diet! So, I immediately gave up all my good and long time friends: Colas, chips, dips, McD's, donuts, hot dogs, etc., etc.

    I replaced these with new friends: Spinach, quinoa, brown rice, sweet potatoes, lots & lots of raw fruit & veggies.

    At the same time I started looking at my exercise regime and started making adjustments to help me lose weight and improve my fitness.

    None of it was easy!!! And, many days I was so depressed and worried that I was going to die a I was trying to get healthy!

    Today, I weigh less than I did when I entered high school, I am training for my first half marathon, I weight train and I have a blue belt in Jeet Kune Do and regularly spar to a draw with guys over 20 years younger than me!

    I hope that you can convince your husband to get on the fitness band wagon with you. The rewards are so much bigger than I ever expected!
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    Got to find something that's "real." This nebulous "I want to be more fit" didn't ever do anything for me. My list of motivators:

    1. Being able to play with the kids in the back yard for more than 47 seconds without getting tired.
    2. Being able to walk into *ANY* store in the mall and buy clothes (W31x32 pants are harder to find than you'd think...I've made my goal but missed it, too!)
    3. I can now go sky diving if I really want to.
    4. Find a non-food fitness goal - for me, it was running a long-distance race. Not a 5K, a *LONG* distance race. Think Half-Marathon. then PAY FOR THE ONE YOU WANT. Get money involved, it's the ultimate motivator.

    And do what you feel is "OK." 80-90 percent of your work is going to be calories in. Not so much specific macros or how much exercise, but calories in. Keep eating things you like, things you want. Keep your calories in check. Pre-measure and put things away. Make it difficult to take a second helping and keep things under control.

    That's it. My list of "**** I did to lose the weight."
  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    Getting results helped. Lifting heavy. Coming to the realization that I didn't actually NEED to do cardio. Realizing that if I worked out hard enough, I could still eat some of the unhealthy stuff
  • dreilingda
    dreilingda Posts: 122 Member
    On the issue of using MFP, my wife suggested it to me and I scoffed at her because it sounded like a huge pain in the butt. I thought I could exercise enough to eat what I wanted. It took me not getting the results I wanted to eventually turn back to it. So he may come around given some time.

    On the issue of motivation, my wife was my motivation. She said she loved me and was attracted to me no matter what. I honestly wish she would have told me that I was getting fat and gross. That would have probably motivated me to get it in gear much sooner. Luckily I was smart enough to know the truth; a beer gut is not a turn on. I realized it was my obligation to work as hard as possible to be healthy and attractive for my wife and myself. Laziness is not an excuse.

    It started with learning to love working out again. I used P90X at first and although it about killed me at first, I learned to love it. Now P90X and other videos are not at all the best way to improve your body composition (see heavy weight lifting for that) , but they can be helpful for people who need some motivation. My wife was very supportive and would make comments about me looking sexier; that was a huge motivation to keep going and not fail. Now I'm an avid runner and lift weights regularly. Watching what I eat and working out are just an easy normal part of my routine now.

    Men are different than women. So what I'm about to say doesn't work at all for women. So your husband gets pissed off about having trouble losing weight? Good. Tell him to channel that anger into strength lifting heavy weights. Channel it into resolve to stay within a calorie goal. At first your mantra must be "I will not give up." And he must understand that results take time. Early results take months; transformations can take years. Don't let him be like some of the naive people on here who think that because they lost 10 lbs of water weight in the first few weeks, they should expect those results to extrapolate for the next 3 months. I didn't even look at a scale for 3 months and I'd suggest he do the same. When your pants start getting loose you'll know it's working.
  • tenkesh
    tenkesh Posts: 81
    My favorite quote is "Change happens when pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change." And it is my favorite quote, because it applies to pretty much anyone. Only when your husband will realize that working out and denying himself that dessert is better than feeling weak and fat all day everyday, only then will he find enough motivation to change himself.

    The ultimate goal is that fitness must become a lifestyle. After years of trying and sometimes achieving smaller goals like lose this much weight, or lift this much etc. I find it discouraging to set small goals in front of myself, because if I don't reach them, I will get discouraged, if I reach them I will get lazy. So now my goal is to stay fit and active for as long as my body will allow me to. This bigger picture helps me to stay strong and constantly get back on track even when I get a moment of weakness (and we all have them every now and then).
  • bsix3
    bsix3 Posts: 291
    I had my wife take a picture of me and used the picture as my phone wallpaper. That was enough for me. I joined MFP and started walking everyday on my breaks. I took up cycling on the weekends and haven't looked back.

    Ultimately he is going to have to want it for himself.
  • dkoroschetz
    dkoroschetz Posts: 67 Member
    Take pictures of him when he isn't aware you are taking them. I saw some of those and it horrified me into getting serious about this.

    My husband is overweight and I've tried to get him interested in being healthier. I got him to agree to walking with me at the gym last Friday and then we played basketball with our kids afterwards. I took some pictures while we were there...since we share an icloud, he saw them the next day. He text one to me and told me that he was fat. I don't think he had realized how big he had become because he was only looking in the mirror.

    It's Friday again and he's off early tonight, so we're walking and then playing basketball with the kids. It's a start and that's all I've wanted!! I just want him here as long as he can be but it has to be him to make the decision to do it.
  • RenfieldX
    RenfieldX Posts: 87 Member
    Love the fact that you are trying to motivate him to better himself. But until he decides that he wants to do it, there is nothing that you can do. You have to be self motivated to lose weight as I have learned the last 2 years.

    I agree with this. Trying to motivate someone else to lose weight can be a tricky thing, and it's very easy to overstep and cause resentment. If you're going to be successful, you really need to find your own motivation. For me it was when I realized that I was avoiding social situations with friends because I was embarrased about my weight, and that I couldn't walk around the block without getting winded.

    I'm not sure how much weight that your husband needs to lose, but something as simple as going for a walk every day is a great way to start. My dad is diabetic, and is borderline obsessive about going for walks. As soon as he found out that I was walking, it became our daily routine. It's been a great bonding experience, and I find that I'm far less likely to skip the walk when I'm going with someone else.

    If he's going to check out these forums, you might want to point him to this thread:

    Simply amazing transformations. Hopefully when I've reached my goal I'll be able to add to that thread one day.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    When I don't log my food, it's because I want to eat more and not think about it.
    Accountability is the key. He doesn't want to log his food because he doesn't want to be accountable.

    Not a thing you can do until he decides.

    Frankly, if trying to keep up with his smokin' hot wife doesn't motivate him, you've got a hard case on your hands.
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    I joined after my wife's recommendation (the day after she did), but I was ready to lose the weight anyway (and to be honest, I didn't really think it was going to work, but figured what did I have to lose?).

    If it's being on MFP that he is avoiding, there are other services/sites that track calories in a similar fashion, you can direct him to one of those. Check out (I love that site), where he has several posts talking about the importance of tracking how many calories you eat and how many you burn, and how much help these sites are.

    Also, my wife & I have found that it is SO much easier to do this with both of us working together. So if he won't do it for himself, maybe tell him, "Look, this is hard enough for me, but if you would help and do it with me, I think that would make it much easier. Can you help me with this?"
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    Four years ago, I lost 90 pounds using a different calorie app. It was a real eye opener for me when I first started logging food. I did it for 2 weeks without counting calories or changing my diet to try and get a baseline to see what I was actually eating. I thought I'd be around 2500 calories. Turns out 3500 calories was a low day for me and most days were closer to 4000. After that, I started making small changes, a little at a time.

    Unfortunately I got lazy and reverted to old habits and gained back 85 of that 90 and here I am again!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    It never really was a question of motivation. In truth I never cared enough to do anything about it until four years ago when I did something I had always wanted: I bought a motorcycle. My obesity however made learning to ride a much more difficult and dangerous task than it had to be, and when I finally accepted that losing weight was something I had to do to become a competent rider, I simply just... did. There just wasn't any question of motivation.
  • TXtstorm
    TXtstorm Posts: 163 Member
    I joined MFP because my husband was on here and the meals we were planning together were causing me to start losing weight without trying. Seeing him make an effort for himself and choose a method that seemed soundly based (eating real foods, being aware of what he was eating, beginning to exercise fairly regularly) instead of this fad or that or looking for a "silver bullet" solution and getting the collateral benefit for myself made me decide to actually put in a little effort myself and see what I got. Ultimately, each person has to decide for themselves. Your example, results, and (assumed) increasing happiness as you look and feel better are the best way for him to see that what you are doing works and is manageable.

    Other than generally improved health, extended longevity, and ties created by working together toward common goals the best shared benefit:

    Better sex. Yep, THAT seems a likely motivator.
  • PascualGarcia
    instead of trying to drastically change his life style slowly start changing his eating habits. More like portion control and incorporate water into the mix. if hes into soda and juice don't take it from him but try to keep him within a certain amount a week. when he begins to see a change then include him into your workouts or find something that makes him move around and work from that.
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    Just try to simple ask him to workout with you. If he says no thats fine. When you workout, someday he will come around and join in. Thats what happend with my wife and now she worksout while im at work! I have also gone on facebook and LIKED fitness pages to motivate me and my wife. updating pics of people working out and in fit condition. We are always on Facebook so you always see it. Just keep everyone motivated!! Keep the rigth food in the house to keep him motivated.
  • EricCowperthwaite
    don't just blindly follow Taubes. you need to independently verify his assertions.
    If you read my post, you see that I don't say "follow Taubes". I said that Taubes work is what got me started. Aside from the mythology of obesity, which he doesn't do a great job with, he has a lot of good information about how metabolism works. Understanding how insulin is used by the body, how carbs and sugar are metabolised, etc. was very important in understanding my own personal issues with weight gain and loss.

    I also very clearly said every body and metabolism is different. What works for me may not work for someone else.

    I suggest Taubes as a starting point since he clearly explains how the body works in ways that others don't.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    I haven't read this whole thread, but I started doing a lot of research over at when I decided to change my body. Over there, I learned not only about the exercises, but about nutrition and what macros I needed to hit. And I learned that nutrition plays a much bigger role than exercise. So if I wanted to see results, tracking my nutrition just wasn't an option. So I found the mfp app and downloaded it as a way of tracking my food to make sure I hit the macros I need to hit as well as the calories I need to hit, whether it be defecit, maintenance, or bulking. Right now, I am running a deficit. And with this, I am able to keep up with my calories, and grams of protien (make sure I get enough), fat (make sure I don't get too much, while still getting enough), and carbs (not really following these too close, that is where most of my calorie deficit is coming from).
  • goblynn
    goblynn Posts: 152
    Thanks again to all of you guys!!!! I'm layin' low right now and will try to be VERY aware of my NAGGING, lol. :)
  • NobodyInParticular
    NobodyInParticular Posts: 352 Member
    Boobs. My motivation. Actually, I'm more of a butt man but the principle remains.