Asset Capsules



  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I think I saw a study on these showing that they cause significant improvement of mood and consequently you should consider adding these to your diet. I'd recommend taking them sometime pre-forum post for maximal effect.
  • hippietofugirl
    Ok well I'm done. I thought that by naming the thread "asset capsules" and specifying my understanding of how pills are not necessarily the answer, I would recieve input from people who had some experience with the product, ONLY because I was curious about it and had heard about its success from friends. But I guess people are just looking for ways to shoot you down and be judgemental about the choices you make. I'm sure these are the same people who think that eating poptarts will kill you.

    FYI, as I've said in the OP, I started out weighing 210lbs, and used Alli (as suggested by a doctor) and lost much of my weight that way. I only used it for a few months, but the weight loss that it gave me motivated me to do the rest myself. So I am of a differing opinion that pills and supplements are the devil.

    Thank you everyone for your lovely input, I'll be sure not to make anymore threads unless they're about eating lentils and going to the gym every day.
  • hippietofugirl
    Sorry, I thought that I stated in the topic "HAS ANYONE HEARD OF ASSET?" And also, "Please don't give me **** about not needing a "quick fix."

    Also, if you read my ticker, you will see that I do in fact know how to lose weight, I'm simply asking for information and reviews on this product because it intrigues me. Trust me lady, I probably know more about eating healthy than you do. Thanks


    Not sure who you were referring to however being rude and having that attitude doesn't get you anywhere. You post on a public forum expect to hear from both sides.. whether it's what you want to hear or not.

    Clearly what you are doing has been working... so why change it?

    I posted the topic wanting to hear from people who had heard about this product or have tried it, not someone who wanted to teach me a lesson about eating more protein and drinking more water. You know nothing about Asset, and yet for some reason you feel the need to comment on a thread about it. I don't appreciate condescending comments.

    And yes, what I did was working out fine, however I've been stuck in a rut lately and was looking for something to give me a boost

    I'm not sure what part of my comment was condescending. I was simply making a suggestion on what else you could try. Never once did I call it a quick fix. I just simply gave alternate ideas and stated a question... so relax.

    You really need to not think you know everything which is how what you have written makes you sound. You know nothing about what I know about the pill nor do you know what I know about healthy eating. Asset is basically just a fiber pill in a multi-level marketing company. It claims to increase your metabolism which a pill can't do (unless it is packed full of caffeine and even than it only increases metabolism a small small amount). The main ingredient in these is cellulose... which is a form of fiber that is of really no value to the body. It is processed and not something that I personally would want to put in my body (cellulose is used in paper, cardboard and wallpaper paste). These pills also claim to "detox to remove fat" which can't be done. It is a version of PGX that has been on the market for a while now. I was suggesting more protein, fiber and water as appetite surpressants as they will work probably better than the pill while providing you with more nutrients. Wanna tell me again I know nothing?

    You're free to do what you want and put into your body what you want to. When you post on a public forum be prepared to hear opinions and advice from any sides of the issue. I do know what Asset is and I definately know how to eat healthy... so seriously, stop assuming you know everything and jumping to conclusions.

    I really don't appreciate the attitude you gave and how rude you seem you can be. Please, learn how to be respectful.

    I'm glad you took the time to thoroughly research Asset after I mentioned that you probably know nothing about it. You sure proved me wrong! ;) And how many people do you know that have tried it? Are you a doctor? Why don't you tell me about your experience with it! I never said I decided to take it, I only wanted more information on it. And yes, you were being condescending by telling me that perhaps I should eat protein, fiber and water. THANKS! I had no idea!!!
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member

    Ingredients: Natural Fruit Extracts, Hawthorn Fruit, Pomegranate, Aloe, Cellulose, Green Tea, Plant Lipase, Vitamin A, Vitamin B5, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Dietary Fiber.

    pretty sure fruit has sugar
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member

    also...false...many of us love pop tarts.

    and ice cream

    and cake

    and cookies
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    This is an open internet forum. You cannot control the responses to your post. Should have asked on Facebook where you could just delete responses you didn't like (and where people know very little about fitness and nutrition).
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    OP, I don't know who died and made you queen of the forums, but you need to CTFO. Asking a question, and then getting angry when you receive replies that differ from your opinion is kind of b!tchy.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    While I have nothing valuable to contribute to this thread at this time, I'm very interested in learning more about the topic at hand and needed a convenient way to "bookmark" this page to read later. I believe I have certain knowledge of and experience with this topic such that I expect that I may be able to provide a meaningful contribution to the discussion in the future. This post, while admittedly contributing nothing to the thread, is my way of accomplishing this.

    (On any other website forum (that did not have an ability to track posts such as MFP), I would just post "in", perhaps accompanied by a witty observation about my expectations for the post based on my reading of only OP and perhaps some of page one. However, I have been disciplined for this type of post before. Therefore, I am providing this explanation to avoid any misunderstanding of my intentions in making this post.)

    But seriously, I'm mostly just "in" to see where this goes from here.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Ok well I'm done. I thought that by naming the thread "asset capsules" and specifying my understanding of how pills are not necessarily the answer, I would recieve input from people who had some experience with the product, ONLY because I was curious about it and had heard about its success from friends. But I guess people are just looking for ways to shoot you down and be judgemental about the choices you make. I'm sure these are the same people who think that eating poptarts will kill you.

    FYI, as I've said in the OP, I started out weighing 210lbs, and used Alli (as suggested by a doctor) and lost much of my weight that way. I only used it for a few months, but the weight loss that it gave me motivated me to do the rest myself. So I am of a differing opinion that pills and supplements are the devil.

    Thank you everyone for your lovely input, I'll be sure not to make anymore threads unless they're about eating lentils and going to the gym every day.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Also, if you read my ticker, you will see that I do in fact know how to lose weight, I'm simply asking for information and reviews on this product because it intrigues me. Trust me lady, I probably know more about eating healthy than you do. Thanks

    Took alli, now thinking about it just me, or is this statement ironic?
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Sorry, I thought that I stated in the topic "HAS ANYONE HEARD OF ASSET?" And also, "Please don't give me **** about not needing a "quick fix."

    Also, if you read my ticker, you will see that I do in fact know how to lose weight, I'm simply asking for information and reviews on this product because it intrigues me. Trust me lady, I probably know more about eating healthy than you do. Thanks


    Not sure who you were referring to however being rude and having that attitude doesn't get you anywhere. You post on a public forum expect to hear from both sides.. whether it's what you want to hear or not.

    Clearly what you are doing has been working... so why change it?

    I posted the topic wanting to hear from people who had heard about this product or have tried it, not someone who wanted to teach me a lesson about eating more protein and drinking more water. You know nothing about Asset, and yet for some reason you feel the need to comment on a thread about it. I don't appreciate condescending comments.

    And yes, what I did was working out fine, however I've been stuck in a rut lately and was looking for something to give me a boost

    I'm not sure what part of my comment was condescending. I was simply making a suggestion on what else you could try. Never once did I call it a quick fix. I just simply gave alternate ideas and stated a question... so relax.

    You really need to not think you know everything which is how what you have written makes you sound. You know nothing about what I know about the pill nor do you know what I know about healthy eating. Asset is basically just a fiber pill in a multi-level marketing company. It claims to increase your metabolism which a pill can't do (unless it is packed full of caffeine and even than it only increases metabolism a small small amount). The main ingredient in these is cellulose... which is a form of fiber that is of really no value to the body. It is processed and not something that I personally would want to put in my body (cellulose is used in paper, cardboard and wallpaper paste). These pills also claim to "detox to remove fat" which can't be done. It is a version of PGX that has been on the market for a while now. I was suggesting more protein, fiber and water as appetite surpressants as they will work probably better than the pill while providing you with more nutrients. Wanna tell me again I know nothing?

    You're free to do what you want and put into your body what you want to. When you post on a public forum be prepared to hear opinions and advice from any sides of the issue. I do know what Asset is and I definately know how to eat healthy... so seriously, stop assuming you know everything and jumping to conclusions.

    I really don't appreciate the attitude you gave and how rude you seem you can be. Please, learn how to be respectful.

    I'm glad you took the time to thoroughly research Asset after I mentioned that you probably know nothing about it. You sure proved me wrong! ;) And how many people do you know that have tried it? Are you a doctor? Why don't you tell me about your experience with it! I never said I decided to take it, I only wanted more information on it. And yes, you were being condescending by telling me that perhaps I should eat protein, fiber and water. THANKS! I had no idea!!!

    Again you jump to conclusions.. I knew about the product before and didn't have to research it recently. I researched when my mother heard about it and wanted to know more about it. Seriously learn to not jump to conclusions. I won't tell you about my experience with it because I have never actually used it... because I researched it before and knew what it was about and I know pills aren't the answer.

    I also wasn't being condenscending when I mentioned protein, fiber and water.. simply stating another option for you... but of course you knew about those options because you are the queen of healthy eating knowledge and you know everything else.
  • PatrickSwayzesGhost
    PatrickSwayzesGhost Posts: 300 Member
    Trust me lady, I probably know more about eating healthy than you do. Thanks

  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    Ok well I'm done. I thought that by naming the thread "asset capsules" and specifying my understanding of how pills are not necessarily the answer, I would recieve input from people who had some experience with the product, ONLY because I was curious about it and had heard about its success from friends. But I guess people are just looking for ways to shoot you down and be judgemental about the choices you make. I'm sure these are the same people who think that eating poptarts will kill you.

    Wait...what??!!? Eating poptarts will kill me?:sad: :sad: :sad:
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member

    Also, if you read my ticker, you will see that I do in fact know how to lose weight, I'm simply asking for information and reviews on this product because it intrigues me. Trust me lady, I probably know more about eating healthy than you do. Thanks

    Took alli, now thinking about it just me, or is this statement ironic?
    No. It's not just you that sees the irony.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    While I have nothing valuable to contribute to this thread at this time, I'm very interested in learning more about the topic at hand and needed a convenient way to "bookmark" this page to read later. I believe I have certain knowledge of and experience with this topic such that I expect that I may be able to provide a meaningful contribution to the discussion in the future. This post, while admittedly contributing nothing to the thread, is my way of accomplishing this.

    (On any other website forum (that did not have an ability to track posts such as MFP), I would just post "in", perhaps accompanied by a witty observation about my expectations for the post based on my reading of only OP and perhaps some of page one. However, I have been disciplined for this type of post before. Therefore, I am providing this explanation to avoid any misunderstanding of my intentions in making this post.)

    But seriously, I'm mostly just "in" to see where this goes from here.

    ^What he said
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I thought that by naming the thread "asset capsules"...

    For the record, the thread name was 90% responsible for me even reading your post at kudos on getting that part right.
  • mllst18
    mllst18 Posts: 188 Member
    I would say go for it! If it's all natural, then it can't hurt you. Mostly vitamins anyway....I did Alli before, and boy was I ever afraid to fart! lol! :embarassed:
  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 626 Member
    I don't know anything about these capsules, but I just had to say I love the William Wegman pic!!

    I have two Weims at home....:wink:

  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    Maybe the cellulose and dietary fibre will help with the side effects of Alli
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I would say go for it! If it's all natural, then it can't hurt you. Mostly vitamins anyway....I did Alli before, and boy was I ever afraid to fart! lol! :embarassed:

    Why? So you can be lazy and not teach yourself how to eat properly? Great way to yoyo diet for the rest of your life!
This discussion has been closed.