Team Fit- May

aabelein Posts: 379 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Okay here's the new thread guys!!! :)


  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    well i was bad this weekend and when i weighed in it was not good. i got down to 153 but now im back up to 156. :sad: so this week i HAVE to be hard on myself! i already made my meals for today so thats good. and i will be getting in an hour of exercise today. gonna do the shred then go to the gym for 30 mins. so that should be good. i hope you all were better than I was. i went shopping to buy new pants for work and was bummed when the 13's fit me tight! :bigsmile: :cry: i have a pair of jeans that are an 11, i hate how different brands have different sizes! WHY!>?!?!?!?!?!?!? :ohwell: so i really need to be good because I would love to wear a size 9. its not that far away so i gotta keep pushing myself! stay strong everyone! its Monday so lets make it a good day!!!:glasses: :flowerforyou: :smile: :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • Shineshine
    Shineshine Posts: 4
    I would love to join...
    By 5/31, my goal weight should be 146lbs. I want to lose1 lb per week.

    1. Keep the food calories within the range. (not including the exercise calories.)
    2. Work out 5 times a week, burn at least 500 calories per cadio, weight training 30 mins per workout.
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    :smile: Good Monday morning!
    Thanks for the new thread, Ariel! You're doing good - don't get discouraged. Get out those 'before' and 'now' pics....see the difference? Stay focused on how healthy you look and feel.

    I did good this weekend. I bought a scale and it shows I've lost 8 lbs since early March. I tried on a smaller size of jeans this weekend and they fit!!! I can tell I'm losing inches. yippee! I've been pretty stressed out with personal stuff and my appetite has decreased, so I'm guessing that's the explanation for the loss. I did some walking this weekend, but nothing big, so I've got to hit it hard this week to make up for the weekend. I want to buy a bike to ride and went and looked this weekend but didn't buy anything. I'm pretty sure I'll get one for Mother's Day. :wink:

    Welcome, Shineshine! Happy to have you with us. You will enjoy the group - lots of motivating people who are eager to help you reach your goal! :happy:

    Weekly goal: stay focused!!! Eat healthy, drink all my water - and exercise! oh yeah....and LOG daily! :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a good day! :happy:
  • sibach
    sibach Posts: 24
    Good Morning,

    Can I join this thread also?

    My goal for May is to be under 200 by the end of it! I haven't been there in years, possibly 10, and I really want to get there. It is 7 pounds away. Might prove to be challenging since I am on vacation for a week the 16th, but I hope I can do it!

    I was ok over the weekend, didn't do great on SAturday, but did really well yesterday and was down today. I know I will go over my calories today since I am really sore and will not be working out like crazy, which I normally do so I can eat what I want.

    Hope Monday is going well for everyone!
  • dtoscas
    dtoscas Posts: 6 Member
    I was bad this weekend. I ate KFC and mexican - very bad.

    My goal is to stay at 1200 calories the next 19 days. My son's first birthday is on the 22nd and I want to look ok.
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Hi... New to the group.

    My goal for May is to lose 10 lbs by the 31st- My birthday :D

    I want to be at least a little less fat than I am now when I go to Florida next month as well.

    I have lots of goals for this week:
    -burn 1200 cals on DDR
    -workout at least 5 days this week
    -drink all of my water(shouldnt be hard for me)
    -no fried foods/ no sweets
    -stay at 1200 cals this week
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    Good Morning,

    Can I join this thread also?

    My goal for May is to be under 200 by the end of it! I haven't been there in years, possibly 10, and I really want to get there. It is 7 pounds away. Might prove to be challenging since I am on vacation for a week the 16th, but I hope I can do it!

    I was ok over the weekend, didn't do great on SAturday, but did really well yesterday and was down today. I know I will go over my calories today since I am really sore and will not be working out like crazy, which I normally do so I can eat what I want.

    Hope Monday is going well for everyone!

    WELCOME! We are happy to have you with us! You will enjoy being part of this team - it's a great group! No negativity or slams, just motivating, caring people who understand the ups and downs on the road to fitness and healthy eating! We make weekly and/or monthly goals and try to motivate one another to eat healthy, drink all our water and exercise to meet your personal goals. We like chatting and this group helps keep each other accountable. Enjoy your day! :happy:
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    I was bad this weekend. I ate KFC and mexican - very bad.

    My goal is to stay at 1200 calories the next 19 days. My son's first birthday is on the 22nd and I want to look ok.

    Everyone gets off track at some point. Today is a new day... stay focused and keep your sights on your goal. :smile:
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    Hi... New to the group.

    My goal for May is to lose 10 lbs by the 31st- My birthday :D

    I want to be at least a little less fat than I am now when I go to Florida next month as well.

    I have lots of goals for this week:
    -burn 1200 cals on DDR
    -workout at least 5 days this week
    -drink all of my water(shouldnt be hard for me)
    -no fried foods/ no sweets
    -stay at 1200 cals this week

    Hi there! Happy to have you on the team! :smile:
  • sibach
    sibach Posts: 24
    Thanks! I used to do WW, but thought this website might be a nice free alternative! Looking forward to being part of the group! :smile:
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    Thanks! I used to do WW, but thought this website might be a nice free alternative! Looking forward to being part of the group! :smile:

    I did WW for a while myself. You will love using this site! I have learned so much from the community chats and this team really is a great group! This site has all the information, motivation and it's all freeeeee! :laugh:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    WOW look at all of our new people. We are happy to have you here.

    Ariel - do not get down on yourself. Be strong and keep up all of the work that you have been doing for the past few months. Everyone has a rough patch, just brush it off and move on. Don't worry about your pants size, look at how far you have some and how well they fit you.

    Karen - I am so proud of your new jean size. YEAH

    I was pretty good this weekend. I stayed with my calories (barely). I did 55 min (burn 3 and 20 min jam) on Saturday and I only got in 25 min of punch kick jam on Sunday because my son would not leave me alone. I did eat a blizzard on Saturday but I stayed within my calories and my husband wanted brownies last night, so I caved and made some, but I only had one serving. I made him take the rest to work so that I am not tempted this week. I also drank all of my water which is normally a challenge on the weekend.

    I ordered me the Polar FT7 so that I can start keeping track of my calorie burn. It should be in on Wednesday so I can start seeing how much I have been off.

    Overall I lost .5 pounds last week so not bad.

    This morning I did Burn 1 and 20 min TJ for a total of 55 min. I have all of my food planned for the day and I should be under my calories.

    Hope everyone has a good dat.
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    WOW look at all of our new people. We are happy to have you here.

    Ariel - do not get down on yourself. Be strong and keep up all of the work that you have been doing for the past few months. Everyone has a rough patch, just brush it off and move on. Don't worry about your pants size, look at how far you have some and how well they fit you.

    Karen - I am so proud of your new jean size. YEAH

    I was pretty good this weekend. I stayed with my calories (barely). I did 55 min (burn 3 and 20 min jam) on Saturday and I only got in 25 min of punch kick jam on Sunday because my son would not leave me alone. I did eat a blizzard on Saturday but I stayed within my calories and my husband wanted brownies last night, so I caved and made some, but I only had one serving. I made him take the rest to work so that I am not tempted this week. I also drank all of my water which is normally a challenge on the weekend.

    I ordered me the Polar FT7 so that I can start keeping track of my calorie burn. It should be in on Wednesday so I can start seeing how much I have been off.

    Overall I lost .5 pounds last week so not bad.

    This morning I did Burn 1 and 20 min TJ for a total of 55 min. I have all of my food planned for the day and I should be under my calories.

    Hope everyone has a good dat.

    Keep up the great work and let me know how you like the Polar HRM! :smile:
    Thanks, Kim. I had to check the size tag twice after pulling them up and zipping them without any It felt great! :tongue:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    I'm new to the group! Hope its okay to join late. But I really want to kick my weight loss to next gear in the month of May. I've had a lot of personal things happnen the last few weeks. So I've gained about 5 lbs. But today is a new day and I'm ready to start losing again.
    I'm going to start the Brazil But Lift program from BeachBody today, so I hope that will be good. I'm stuck in a hotel b/c there was a fire in my building (long story) so I think this will be perfect to be able to work out in the hotel room. I'll have to keep you guys posted on my progress.
    The eating situation is going to be tought as I don't have a kitchen in the hotel. But I do have a mini fridge and microway, so I'll have to manage and do my best.
    My goal for this month is to lose 10 lbs, to eat healthy, drink a gallon of water a day, and work-out 6 times per week.
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    Hey i'v been gone for a while :ohwell: sorry. As far as food I am doing fine. Not so great on water:ohwell: and fine with exercise. I have lost an additional 2 pounds:smile: . So 175 starting weight:embarassed: , and i am at 162 now:smile: . 13 pounds down:bigsmile: . I'v come to the conclusion I can not log on everyday. But I will let you all know how i'm doing weekley.
  • Shineshine
    Shineshine Posts: 4
    I have a question...

    Is there any easy way to check the messages on this board? I usually go to Cummunity->Motivation and Support-> find Team Fit-May. But it's hard to find this group. I am sure by the end of this week I will have to go to page 5-6 to find you.

    I could do Search too. Any other ways?
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    I just go to "community" then "my topics"
  • Candue
    Candue Posts: 14 Member
    We are so close in what we weigh and what we want to lose. I think I'm a little older than you though (in my 40's). When I have this weight on, I feel my age. When I've lost it, I feel at least 20 years younger!

    Keep trying, keep going!
  • Candue
    Candue Posts: 14 Member
    I was looking for one of those 'track this discussion' buttons but I don't think there is one. I use Explorer but all these browers have some sort of 'favorites' or 'bookmarks' button. The only problem is that it will take you to the page you bookmarked on and not the lates BUT at least you can find the thread easily. =)
  • Candue
    Candue Posts: 14 Member
    I have to 'check in' on fitnesspal because I'm a few pounds more now and next week I'll probably lose! I was good yesterday, very good! Actually it was my second day of following a healthy diet and walking. I'd normally burn 700 calories in one workout easily but it's been so long that I'm lucky to walk. For us older gals, when you stop working out, you lose what you gained much faster.

    So I'm checking in to say that I will follow a 1200-1300 cal plan with high protein; exercise 5 x a week; purchase good healthy foods, cook 2 times (doubling meals for later) this week; and set up an emergency plan when I feel like eating something bad.

    Good luck to everyone!
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