Biggest argument you get in with friends about diet



  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I have never been overweight. Yes, my weight has crept up over the years, and I haven't done as well as I'd have liked in almost a year on MFP for various reasons, including an injury, but 101.5, 19% fat for a 5'2" woman my age ain't bad.

    Despite this, some severely overweight or obese people close to me keep insisting I should be doing it their (repeatedly and obviously unsuccessful) way. ideally, I:

    --Do not eat all day long. I end up getting hungrier and eating more. I have been experimenting with IF some days.

    --Avoid eating trigger foods, such as things with butter and sugar. I only end up wanting more. I personally CANNOT eat a little of everything and stick to my goals, notwithstanding what my obese friends and acquaintances tell me.

    --Rely on a small repertoire of meals whose calorie content is known.

    I also have to adhere to a regime if I'm seriously trying to lose weight. My margin for error is too low not to.
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    I really feel sad when people go on fad diets, by eating shakes, or soups or grapefruit. Then they get all excited when they lose 7 pounds the first week. It will never last. I always tell people to make a change that they can live with for the rest of their lives. It has to be permanent or the weight will just come back, + 10lbs.

    I also believe in logging food. People will say, well I ate this and that and a little of this. You need to weigh, measure and log to be able to tell how much you really ate. Most people would be surprised.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I do not argue, but the ones I would love to argue about are, you can wash all the starch off of rice then you don't need to worry, I only eat healthy vegetables so I don't need to worry about it ( candied yams, yeah right), and counting a hot dog as a protien.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    "You're just a big food nazi, and no fun anymore. Why don't you just have a piece of cake (or an alcoholic beverage) and not worry about it?"

    Well, first of all, I'm gluten free, so all baked goods are off limits unless they are GF. Second, I am strong willed enough to resist the extra calories you're tempting me with. Third, I'm dead serious about what I'm doing, and I've done the research, so don't tell me what I'm doing is too extreme.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I get the " It takes too much work to log my calories" complaint a lot. Really? It takes me about 30 seconds.

    But mostly, my biggest issue is ANY meal replacement shake plan. UUUUGH!!!! Eat REAL EFFING FOOD!!!! You're not learning anything about how your body uses food, and how you are going to survive if you DO make it to maintenance. Even worse are the ones that will eat ONLY shakes because they're "so full and not hungry". That's what, 800 cals in a day of processed garbage? Say good by to your metabolism.

    Ahem. Sorry.. *end rant*

    There's nothing wrong with meal replacement shakes every now and then. Once or twice a year, for a week I'll have two replacement shakes a day, followed by a meal in the evening. I do it because it makes dieting a no-brainer. It works for me.
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    Can't say I argue with friends about diets. But I have had to tell them a couple times that lifting weights wont make me bulky.

    I do however argue with my mom about dieting. She seems to think that if you are losing weight you cant eat anything "bad" for you and that carbs are the devil. I have told her otherwise several times.
  • irun4pizza
    "It's not what you eat, it's how much exercise you do!"

    That one sets me off on one every time!
    I know I wouldn't continue to lose weight if I had my old eating habits no matter how much exercise I did!

    This one pisses me off, too! I hit my mid-weight goal just by cutting calories and not exercising. Granted, I know I needed to exercise to get the real body I want, but dammit you CAN lost weight just by changing how much you eat!
  • irun4pizza
    "You're just a big food nazi, and no fun anymore. Why don't you just have a piece of cake (or an alcoholic beverage) and not worry about it?"

    Well, first of all, I'm gluten free, so all baked goods are off limits unless they are GF. Second, I am strong willed enough to resist the extra calories you're tempting me with. Third, I'm dead serious about what I'm doing, and I've done the research, so don't tell me what I'm doing is too extreme.

    I FREAKING HATE THIS, TOO! I say, "I don't want a damn piece of cake any way. It has nothing to do with being a food nazi, that literally looks like a slice of crap to me."
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Usually the biggest argument I've gotten into was "a calorie is just a calorie and it doesn't matter what kind of food it comes from." I disagree and have plenty of research to support why the foods you eat impact your weight loss and overall health far beyond calories. That really bothers some people, lol. But I'm not interested in arguing anymore. Wastes time I could be out exercising, cooking, or doing a hundred other more productive things.

    "A calorie is a calorie" is simplistic, but if most people ate reasonably well while creating a calorie deficit they'd do fine.

    A lot of the time it seems that people are getting caught up with details as an excuse. For example, the obsession with inaccurate calorie burn estimates from devices. If you eat food whose calorie content is known, weigh it and come in a little under to account for overstatement of calories in food (which is allowed by law), you should lose weight. Exercise is gravy, so to speak (although good for your general health).

    And do not get me started on the idea of eating your calories back. You stick to your program, if you are losing in a crazy way (which is usually not happening when people discuss this) so .... you eat more and see how you do. It's not that hard.

    Calorie reduction, some exercise, a scale, and a means of estimating body composition are all that are necessary, plus your attention.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I get a lot of surprised looks and "But, why?" when I tell people I'm gluten free. I am not a celiac, but I did have a lot of health issues that cleared up after I went off gluten. I don't preach about it (unless there is a thread on here addressing it), nor do I try to recruit others to follow my lead. But, I really do hate it when I say I'm gluten free, and they offer me all sorts of gluten laced foods, with the "well, one little bite won't hurt you!". No, it won't hurt me, and I won't get really ill from just one bite unlike celiacs, but I DO have an intolerance and I would prefer not to have ANY gluten at all, thank you very much.
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    "Just one night out isn't going to hurt..."

    It takes me 7 days after that to recover from the alcohol induced weight gain. No thanks! And of course all the helpful hints like not eating after 7pm, drinking grapefruit juice before meals, wearing garbage bags when I run to make myself sweat more, and my personal favorite-alli or sensa.

    And then most of them are on phentermine based weight loss drugs so they are always trying to share. Bless their hearts, no thanks!
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I argue with my friends about whether or not I'm going to stall my weightloss by eating 1200 calories and go into starvation mode and whether my hair will fall out and whether my organs will shut down and whether I will die and...... oh wait, that's not my friends I argue with about that, it's the arrogant know it alls on myfitnesspal.

    i don't argue with my friends about diet at all.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    When people who want to lose weight but refuse to do the work necessary to make it happen say to me "You're so lucky. You're thin." I make them the offer to spend a week with me and eat what I eat and do what I do and then tell me how lucky I am. No one ever takes me up on it.
  • AussieTrainer
    Will you design a diet plan for me? No, I don't want to weigh or measure anything. Too much work. Wait, where are you going?! Help me with my diet plan!!

  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    well lets see...

    I low carb..... gasp...that's bad for your heart.... but being 200 lbs overweight isn't????? no point in trying to show them studies that show low carbing properly leads to healthier heart levels....... sighs....

    I drink diet coke.... GASP????? that stuff makes you gain weight... it's full of cancer causing agents.... it's just EVILLLLLLLLLLL:mad:

    I don't work out...... what??????????? I'm basically lazy by nature.... so I keep moving all day instead of having to sweat and feel exhausted for part of it.......

    DANCE SO YOU CAN FLY PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I don't consider them friends but yesterday, i was on fb with a person asking if they ever see Mc Dollands being built. (I seen them being built.) The conversation went on and it turned into the fact that I don't really care for Mc Dollands after watching supersize me.

    Needless to say, the girls (I think they all were girls) were shocked. It soon became this: i will eat fast food and bad because I want to eat good. Eating healthy means you have to give that all up.

    No joke. Really, No joke. That's what she commented.

    If that's the thought process of...most of the world, I am glad I am living healthy.
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    The whole "what are you talking don't need to lose weight,'re already have nothing to worry about"

    I don't have that much to lose really, probably about 10 lbs. I'm already at a seemingly "healthy" weight....but I am not exactly "healthy" at this weight.

    I have hypertension and diabetes runs in my family. I do have the hypoglycemia issues my father had before he developed it. I need to watch out for sodium and sugar.

    So when I'm out to eat with friends or coworkers see what I bring for lunch I often get asked "are you on a diet or something?"

    I hate having to explain myself.
  • vickiaf
    vickiaf Posts: 59 Member
    My dad continuously argues that there are no calories in alcohol! That's why alcoholics are always slim! I wish there were no calories in it, then I might not be here in the first place!
  • cmgardella
    cmgardella Posts: 4 Member
    We all have excuses for why we don't eat well, and we are all entitled to days where we need to pig out. But I can't stand hearing people justify their lifestyles with "I can't" or "I just don't have the time."

    Yes, you do.

    I used to say that too, and then I realized--just like everything else--that [lack of] time is not the root of all evil. Kids, no kids. Hard job, easy job. Underweight, overweight, or average. No need to convince ME why changing your lifestyle and eating habits is or isn't happening.
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    That you can't eat after 6 PM or 7 PM or that if you eat at midnight you're gonna fail

    It's SUCH Bull

    As someone who isn't hungry for breakfast and has night classes for Grad School my dinners are often around 10 PM and when I'm up late studying I eat VERY late into the night, when I work an overnight shift I've eaten at 4 AM.

    It literally could not matter any less what time of day you eat as long as you're staying within your goals

    Whenever I see someone saying that I want to start punching small cute fuzzy animals.