Black Team Week 17!



  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,934 Member

    Oops....didn't intend for it to sound that way. There would have been a day/time that I would have been disappointed. With that being said, it's taken me a long time to be okay with me. With how I look, how far/fast I run, etc. Could I have run faster? Maybe. Probably. Did I finish? Yes. Regardless of how fast I ran? Yes. I know that is what is important. Who cares that I was 144 out of 144 that they timed? I wasn't dead last because they stopped timing at an hour. And, I'm not dead so there are positives oozing out everywhere! Yay me! Go me!

    I also forgot to mention that hubs and the kiddos were waiting for me at the finish line! It felt wonderful to have them there.

    I ran 3 timed 5Ks and 1 un-timed 5K last spring/summer. This was my first 8K and my first run of the year. This is the first time that I've had someone waiting at the finish line for me.

    Sometimes learning to be proud of what we do is hard, but you have a lot to be proud of! An hour is not a shabby time. At all. I have never sucked it up and gone and officially ran any timed race, partly because I don't want to go through the I could have/ I should have/ I wish I would haves and beat myself up afterward. Silly.

    I see other people post on Facebook their 5K, 10K, Half times and I know I could never do that well. In the long run, it shouldn't matter. We should be out there for ourselves, not to beat somebody else.

    The fact of the matter for me. I never was a runner. EVER. I should be thrilled I can do it now, not worried that I'll be ashamed of my time. I like to run a 12 minute mile, 5 miles an hour pace, it's comfortable for me. So I would have been crossing the finish line at the hour point right there with you girl!

    I did hear on the radio today they are doing the gate to gate run Memorial Day on base. I think it's a 4.4 mile run. I should do it, huh?

    Absolutely you should do it. I like to run at 5mph too. When I run on the road I usually always start out faster than I should. I need a speedometer hooked to my *kitten* that'll shock me when I run too fast.

    When I was in High School, I was the girl who would almost throw up after doing 1/4 mile. The fact that I can run not just one mile but three, without stopping. . . is huge for me.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey everyone thanks for your concern: we are all doing good here..I am feeling much better thank goodness..I didnt however go to the gym today gonna give myself one more day of rest..I did however go to work and have cleaned the house all the clothes are washed dishes are done dinner is cooked...floors are although I didnt go to the gym I have done more then I probably need to..

    Like I said thanks for your concerns:

    yes I will be at the gym bright and early in the morning at 5 am..I am offf tuesday wed and thursday this week and my husband is swamped so I am gonna be helping him...although this time I get to help him out by working in the office since he hired him some help this morning..thank more crawling underneath houses for me!!!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Tamara - Glad everything is okay.

    Kati- WTG on the run lady ! I'm proud of you.

    Lori- I thought I posted this already but can't find it so looked great.

    W9D1 is in the books. I did just short of 2.5 miles. So they say it should be 3 miles but I would be a fool to think I could go out there and run a 10 min mile. I'll get the distance in and go faster eventually.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    :explode: Poo poo..........felt great this morning, got a bunch of stuff done (and some work-cant believe I opened my computer on vacation :angry: stupid head) wasted all that funshine, sunshine time.............and when I went to leave to go buy new jammies for vacay, I got a freaking migraine:mad:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    :explode: Poo poo..........felt great this morning, got a bunch of stuff done (and some work-cant believe I opened my computer on vacation :angry: stupid head) wasted all that funshine, sunshine time.............and when I went to leave to go buy new jammies for vacay, I got a freaking migraine:mad:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    hey everyone..just one last check in before bed...House cleaned...all laundry done...peanbut butter cookies made for oh dear oh honey...will be at the gym in the morning for 90 minutes....gotta get back into the groove...Hope everyone has a great night!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    greetings beloved yet silent team-- wherefore art thous? (plural of thou, dontchaknow?)

    Just had a gloriously strong run-- my shoes went on totally pain free-- it usually kills me to even put the flippin' things on-- no pain to put 'em on, no pain to walk, no pain running-- wow-- what a blessing. Beasted a 3 mile run-- woot.

    Also had a lovely day-- the Lord reminded me that blessings and beauty abound if you take your eyes off yourself long enough to realize it.

    We purchased 2 used washing machines on eBay-- one for 99 cents-- can you believe it? Had to pick 'em up-- and our travels took us within 30 minutes of my mother-in-law-- so we visited her for 2 hours. Always bittersweet-- I asked her how she is. She answers, "I'm all right. I manage. I don't belong here." Breaks your heart.

    Our journey to the second machine took us to the foot of the Blue Mountain in rural Pennsylvania-- thunderstorms had blown through hours earlier, leaving the air crisp and clean, and clear and lovely. We got there just before sunset, and the whole land had a gorgeous golden hue-- spring blossoms everywhere-- simply breathtaking--

    We were quite a crew-- 6 of our kids, Bandit the dog, hubs and I, and 2 washing machines in our 15 passenger mega van-- stopped for a dinner of REAL pizza at an Italian restaurant-- none of the "fast food" fake pizza crap-- total blessing.

    A long lost friend contacted me today-- one I thought I'd lost, so for that I also rejoice--

    So tonight, my friends, I am reminded that life is hard, yes, but the blessings abound--

    love to all-- must type.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Heading out to the gym..Yippee..Had my coffee and french toast...Will be back from the gym at 6 am..then maybe back at 8 to take a class and let darling daughter play at y time since they are out of school again due to flooding issues... I so love my honey lved his cookies..that makes me smile...My wonderful son is going to work with hubby again today to work for a new pair of cleats for baseball...he is so mature...sometime I think he is older then 12...Welp..the story of my life is its absoultely wonderful!!

    Hope everyone has a great last minute workout today!!!
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    marla, you have a way with words. love to read your posts. I had the whole family here this weekend. loved every min of it. Like the rest of you I have many blessings. good luck to everyone. richie
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Morning All! I feel like I have been MIA.

    Marla- Glad your daughter is feeling better.

    Kati-Shuntae - Congrats on your run! I didn't envy anyone running in that heat. They had a 10 mile Broad St run in Phila this Sunday. Heard about 40 were taken away on stretchers

    Lori - You looked beautiful in that dress. Did you have fun?

    Have we heard from our fearless leader lately? I need to change my weigh in day....unless of course I am down tomorrow:wink:

    Good run this morning. Next race is end of May - Spring Lake 5 mile run Memorial Day weekend. Run is along the beach and a great way to start the summer season off.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    good morning black team! apparently, today is star wars, May the 4th be with you :laugh:

    i know, it's lame, but it made me giggle.

    have a great day everyone!! :heart:

    edit: i just noticed my pregnancy ticker.... hot dog or cheeseburger?! eww:noway:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Morning all!

    rough night in my house last night!! Madison was up every 30 minutes from 12:30 until 6:30. but didn't sleep very well before that either. Fever, ear pain, draining from her ear, vomiting. oh the joys of kids and no insurance.

    on a better note my SIL had her baby last night. 8lbs 8oz 21 inches long. Poor momma was so scared they kept telling her that he was going to be 9lbs 12oz.

    beth my hubby says he likes that saying.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Been doing some thinking and soul searching about where I need to go next in this journey toward a better me. Here is what I know:

    * I have been at the same weight for a year, I tried really hard to lose more at first, but now, I have to admit for the past half a year (or better) I have seemed to sit back and accept status quo- bouncing up a little bit, then back down to my ok range of 151-153- of course throwing in the occassional burst of trying hard again, but never long lived.

    *Along with status quo on my weight, I've adopted a ho-hum attitude toward working out. I used to get bummed if I didn't burn over 1000 calories, now I am happy if I burn 400-600. I still do it, but I don't do it with the same intensity that I did in the past.

    *I used to plan meals, count everything, log everything. Now, occassionly I log, but can't say I've done it for any length of time in quite a while. When I ate really good, it did not include sweets, because they are not really good for me. Now I let them enter my diet way too frequently.

    *I used to have goals, I wanted to weigh 140 and thought maybe even a size 6 was on the horizon. Somewhere along the way, I became content with where I was at.

    *I was very into my lifting, I loved seeing new muscles. Now I haven't created a new workout for lifting in months, I am half hearted with my lifting, I throw it in here and there, I avoid leg days and I haven't done abs for months.

    When did all this happen? When did I decide just to coast? Sure I haven't gained any back, but when did my goals disappear? When did I lose the fight to get where I REALLY want to be, not just where I can be content?

    I admit working and not seeing results is frustrating as anything, but in being honest with myself, I haven't been working really hard in a while- I am merely coasting and maintaining. I think somewhere along the way when you give it your all and don't get what you want it takes some wind out of your sails- however that's an excuse.

    I need a plan my friends. Really, truly, I need a burst of energy. I need to get back to where I used to be. I need goals. I am 110% certain I still have fat to lose. I should want to be even a better me. Now the trick is to get my head there, my body will follow. The head is the hard part.

    Becoming a better me is an exhausting mental journey.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Well, Lori, again for what it's worth, this began roughly around the time when you learned hubs was being deployed. Took the wind out of your sails, it seemed. You put more time into family and house-- not such a bad thing. But, you've maintained weight and fitness level, relatively speaking--

    Perhaps finding a goal would be wise anyway-- maybe the gate to gate run you talked about-- that's kind of why I want to sign up for the 1/2, even though I'm a bit nervous. Give me something to work for.

    But, I think when hubs is gone, you'll be less torn-- I think it's been obvious you've wanted to make the most of the time you all had before he left-- which is admirable and lovely.

    Need to scoot-- sending love.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Morning all!

    rough night in my house last night!! Madison was up every 30 minutes from 12:30 until 6:30. but didn't sleep very well before that either. Fever, ear pain, draining from her ear, vomiting. oh the joys of kids and no insurance.

    on a better note my SIL had her baby last night. 8lbs 8oz 21 inches long. Poor momma was so scared they kept telling her that he was going to be 9lbs 12oz.

    beth my hubby says he likes that saying.

    I'm sorry Sam-- we lucked out and got New Jersey Medicare-- tricky times we're in. Hugs to Madison and her mama.

    Big baby!! Woo-- 8-8-- wow-- congrats, Auntie Samantha!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Hey Lori- I will tag on to what Marla says. I know when hubby is away for me, nothing can stop me. There is no one else to rely on...other than friends but not the same...and you have to stay focus which includes your body, eating, health etc.oh and taking care of your family! How's the song go...I am strong, I am invincible, I am WOMAN!!!!!

    I've been there with you! When you are on you are on! You will get there again and be an inspiration to us all!

  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Morning all!

    rough night in my house last night!! Madison was up every 30 minutes from 12:30 until 6:30. but didn't sleep very well before that either. Fever, ear pain, draining from her ear, vomiting. oh the joys of kids and no insurance.

    on a better note my SIL had her baby last night. 8lbs 8oz 21 inches long. Poor momma was so scared they kept telling her that he was going to be 9lbs 12oz.

    beth my hubby says he likes that saying.

    Oh Sam, I hope Madison starts feeling better...
    Congrats on the babino. Yikes! My last one was 8lbs 10 oz...I thought he was going to come out shaving he looked so big!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Marla- I say sign up for the half

    Lori-You have always been an inspiration to me.. You can do this ma am you are stronger then you truly know you are..I promise..

    I am working with dear hubby today just in the office..Hope all is well I just got done with lunch making DD lay down for a nap..I may also..
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    good morning black team! apparently, today is star wars, May the 4th be with you :laugh:

    i know, it's lame, but it made me giggle.

    have a great day everyone!! :heart:

    edit: i just noticed my pregnancy ticker.... hot dog or cheeseburger?! eww:noway:

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    good morning black team! apparently, today is star wars, May the 4th be with you :laugh:

    i just noticed my pregnancy ticker.... hot dog or cheeseburger?! eww:noway:

    When do you get your sonogram to find out which barbeque food you are having? :laugh: