What do you do for a living?



  • kirby34puckett
    kirby34puckett Posts: 91 Member
    Law Enforcement....Love my career

    Awesome! I'm thinking about law enforcement. What do you do exactly?
  • I teach 2nd grade. =)
  • kirby34puckett
    kirby34puckett Posts: 91 Member
    Social worker in a state hospital and psychiatric assignment officer in the emergency room.

    I am very, very interested in Psychology. What does your job entail?
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    I'm a retired Attorney - and I'm GLAD I'm retired. Very stressful career and met lots of realy horrible people!
  • kellensdad
    kellensdad Posts: 27 Member
    Traffic signal tech, I make sure that all the signals work properly and fix, repair, and replace when necessary.
  • kirby34puckett
    kirby34puckett Posts: 91 Member
    I bake. Off to get my hands in the flour just now, actually! Have a good day, everyone!

    I LOVE baking. Are you self-employed? I would love to open a cupcake shop of my own someday.
  • scrapscot
    scrapscot Posts: 123 Member
    I'm a mortuary affairs officer for the Army. I get to take care of all the fallen ones. Very depressing job, but very rewarding at the end. I get to send them home looking their best!

    I admire you !

    I'm retired; worked 23 years as a Child Support Tech for the State of Texas Attorney General's Office. So happy to be retired!
  • kirby34puckett
    kirby34puckett Posts: 91 Member
    Full time mom, full time student going for my JD, part time paralegal

    Do you like being a paralegal? What does it entail? Also, how is law school? Sorry for all the questions, thinking of law school for myself. :)
  • kirby34puckett
    kirby34puckett Posts: 91 Member
    I'm a police & fire dispatcher as well as a 911 operator here in Nova Scotia Canada :)

    How is that? It sounds very interesting. I have thought (am thinking) about doing the same thing.
  • kirby34puckett
    kirby34puckett Posts: 91 Member
    I'm a retired Attorney - and I'm GLAD I'm retired. Very stressful career and met lots of realy horrible people!

    Would you do it all over again if you could, or choose something different?
  • devorekatie
    devorekatie Posts: 26 Member
    I'm currently a Junior in high school with plans on going to college and majoring in elementary education and minoring in spanish.
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    I currently work as a low level support services worker at the Kennedy Space Center... Not too many jobs where I live right now.
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    I am a product development technician.... in simple terms... I make lotion
  • coffee_rocks
    coffee_rocks Posts: 275 Member
    I work for one of Canada's largest bank's as a business analyst. Lots of numbers, all day....
  • kirby34puckett
    kirby34puckett Posts: 91 Member
    I am a pharmacy clerk at Lewis Family Drug for about 30 hours a week and am doing a full credit load of online classes. I am currently double majoring in Psychology/Sociology with a minor in Criminal Justice, but I'm actually pretty much undecided.

    *Sorry for all of the questions for everybody. I am very undecided about a career and love getting everybody's input on different jobs.
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    I am one of the world's best stay-at-home Mommies, and an art teacher for one semester a year!
  • swt0pie
    swt0pie Posts: 327 Member
    im a preschool teacher and i love it
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    another topic here everyone posts their ego and doesn't give a crap about what others say
    OMG Bwahahahaha! :laugh:
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    I sell (New) Cars.

    All I've done and know, wouldn't change the long hours and 6 day weeks for anything other than a lottery win or a beautiful women with a big bank account :laugh:
  • winkerbean
    winkerbean Posts: 39 Member
    I'm a graphic designer. :)