Black Team Week 17!



  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    good morning black team! apparently, today is star wars, May the 4th be with you :laugh:

    i just noticed my pregnancy ticker.... hot dog or cheeseburger?! eww:noway:

    When do you get your sonogram to find out which barbeque food you are having? :laugh:
    i have my dr. appointment next week, so hopefully we'll set up my ultrasound appointment then. i'll be 18 weeks in 3 weeks, so i hope i'll know in the next 3-5 weeks
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Morning all!

    rough night in my house last night!! Madison was up every 30 minutes from 12:30 until 6:30. but didn't sleep very well before that either. Fever, ear pain, draining from her ear, vomiting. oh the joys of kids and no insurance.

    on a better note my SIL had her baby last night. 8lbs 8oz 21 inches long. Poor momma was so scared they kept telling her that he was going to be 9lbs 12oz.

    beth my hubby says he likes that saying.

    I'm sorry Sam-- we lucked out and got New Jersey Medicare-- tricky times we're in. Hugs to Madison and her mama.

    Big baby!! Woo-- 8-8-- wow-- congrats, Auntie Samantha!

    We got medicare for the girls and we headed right to the Dr. Madison has a ruptured eardrum but it is healed already. so she is on antibiotics and ear drops. Ava has a ingrown toenail that is infected. so she is on antibiotic and a topical cream for the pain. oh lord I am so glad we got medicare. all that for free!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla- I say sign up for the half

    Lori-You have always been an inspiration to me.. You can do this ma am you are stronger then you truly know you are..I promise..

    I am working with dear hubby today just in the office..Hope all is well I just got done with lunch making DD lay down for a nap..I may also..

    I did it!!!!!!!!

    Lehigh Valley Half Marathon-- September 12.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Marla- I say sign up for the half

    Lori-You have always been an inspiration to me.. You can do this ma am you are stronger then you truly know you are..I promise..

    I am working with dear hubby today just in the office..Hope all is well I just got done with lunch making DD lay down for a nap..I may also..

    I did it!!!!!!!!
    Lehigh Valley Half Marathon-- September 12.

    Yay Yay Yay..I am so excited for you..Mine is almost one month behind your Oct 16 2010.. This team always rock..but this year its different!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla- I say sign up for the half

    Lori-You have always been an inspiration to me.. You can do this ma am you are stronger then you truly know you are..I promise..

    I am working with dear hubby today just in the office..Hope all is well I just got done with lunch making DD lay down for a nap..I may also..

    I did it!!!!!!!!
    Lehigh Valley Half Marathon-- September 12.

    Yay Yay Yay..I am so excited for you..Mine is almost one month behind your Oct 16 2010.. This team always rock..but this year its different!

    Well, Lori got me really going today-- 5ks don't get me excited anymore. Been there. Done that. I'm thrilled that I go into the race knowing I'm going to finish, and all that jazz-- and I love the experience. But, it's not like the thrill of last year's first one. and there's nothing pushing me--

    I like having A) the money on the line-- $55? I ain't throwin' that away, my friends-- B) personal pride-- I've committed publicly now to you folks-- you raise me up!!

    Have much to learn-- eating and drinking during runs? That does not compute. And yet, I'm learning it is rather significant. Plus, I have a tendency to dehydrate anyway because I steer clear of too much water-- HYDRATION is going to be key--

    So I have quite a learning curve ahead of me, but 18 weeks to do it-- ample time.

    Thanks for the encouragement as always, my team-- you rock.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Thanks for your encouragement guys. It's not that I haven't been doing it. I have been. Just not with the same gusto that I can do it. I guess if coasting is cool, then I'm cool. I'm kinda tired of coasting I think. I'm hoping that since my body has been at this point for a year and I haven't been giving it 100%, that if I really, truly kick it up a notch that maybe, just maybe, I'll see progress. I sure am hoping anyway!

    I believe I will spend the rest of this week planning out a new workout. I will continue this week to do the same old same old. I'm excited for something new. I have been wanting something new for a long time, but honestly haven't had the time or energy to sit down and work through it.

    Oh, hubs and I are signing up for the gate to gate run, so I do need to start running more to get ready for it.

    I'm sure DH leaving has some impact on everything. He recently got hit with another training in Montgomery for the month of June, but hopefully he'll be home on weekends since it's close. Then he leaves on July 24 for his deployment training. Right now he's starting to go through his 'detaching from the family' phase that comes every time he leaves. He turns into an even bigger crank *kitten* than before, in fact to the point that you want to offer to pack his bags and drive him to the airport. I told him so much today. He loves it so when I express my opinion. :wink:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Marla- I say sign up for the half

    Lori-You have always been an inspiration to me.. You can do this ma am you are stronger then you truly know you are..I promise..

    I am working with dear hubby today just in the office..Hope all is well I just got done with lunch making DD lay down for a nap..I may also..

    I did it!!!!!!!!
    Lehigh Valley Half Marathon-- September 12.

    Yay Yay Yay..I am so excited for you..Mine is almost one month behind your Oct 16 2010.. This team always rock..but this year its different!

    Well, Lori got me really going today-- 5ks don't get me excited anymore. Been there. Done that. I'm thrilled that I go into the race knowing I'm going to finish, and all that jazz-- and I love the experience. But, it's not like the thrill of last year's first one. and there's nothing pushing me--

    I like having A) the money on the line-- $55? I ain't throwin' that away, my friends-- B) personal pride-- I've committed publicly now to you folks-- you raise me up!!

    Have much to learn-- eating and drinking during runs? That does not compute. And yet, I'm learning it is rather significant. Plus, I have a tendency to dehydrate anyway because I steer clear of too much water-- HYDRATION is going to be key--

    So I have quite a learning curve ahead of me, but 18 weeks to do it-- ample time.

    Thanks for the encouragement as always, my team-- you rock.

    Uh oh.... blame me!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla- I say sign up for the half

    Lori-You have always been an inspiration to me.. You can do this ma am you are stronger then you truly know you are..I promise..

    I am working with dear hubby today just in the office..Hope all is well I just got done with lunch making DD lay down for a nap..I may also..

    I did it!!!!!!!!
    Lehigh Valley Half Marathon-- September 12.

    Yay Yay Yay..I am so excited for you..Mine is almost one month behind your Oct 16 2010.. This team always rock..but this year its different!

    Well, Lori got me really going today-- 5ks don't get me excited anymore. Been there. Done that. I'm thrilled that I go into the race knowing I'm going to finish, and all that jazz-- and I love the experience. But, it's not like the thrill of last year's first one. and there's nothing pushing me--

    I like having A) the money on the line-- $55? I ain't throwin' that away, my friends-- B) personal pride-- I've committed publicly now to you folks-- you raise me up!!

    Have much to learn-- eating and drinking during runs? That does not compute. And yet, I'm learning it is rather significant. Plus, I have a tendency to dehydrate anyway because I steer clear of too much water-- HYDRATION is going to be key--

    So I have quite a learning curve ahead of me, but 18 weeks to do it-- ample time.

    Thanks for the encouragement as always, my team-- you rock.

    Uh oh.... blame me!

    Already laid the foundation for it, my friend-- ain't I a stinker?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Thanks for your encouragement guys. It's not that I haven't been doing it. I have been. Just not with the same gusto that I can do it. I guess if coasting is cool, then I'm cool. I'm kinda tired of coasting I think. I'm hoping that since my body has been at this point for a year and I haven't been giving it 100%, that if I really, truly kick it up a notch that maybe, just maybe, I'll see progress. I sure am hoping anyway!

    I believe I will spend the rest of this week planning out a new workout. I will continue this week to do the same old same old. I'm excited for something new. I have been wanting something new for a long time, but honestly haven't had the time or energy to sit down and work through it.

    Oh, hubs and I are signing up for the gate to gate run, so I do need to start running more to get ready for it.

    I'm sure DH leaving has some impact on everything. He recently got hit with another training in Montgomery for the month of June, but hopefully he'll be home on weekends since it's close. Then he leaves on July 24 for his deployment training. Right now he's starting to go through his 'detaching from the family' phase that comes every time he leaves. He turns into an even bigger crank *kitten* than before, in fact to the point that you want to offer to pack his bags and drive him to the airport. I told him so much today. He loves it so when I express my opinion. :wink:

    :laugh: :laugh:

    Honey-- my husband LIVES in detachment phase-- I often offer to pack his bags for him. :wink:

    I swear you crack me up.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Feeling pretty sore after yesterday workout...Gona hit te gym for 90 minute home to work with honey in the field..yippee ( Not)..

    Happy Birthday to Mrs Jeannie Happy Birthday to Mrs.Jeannie Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you..Hope you have an amazing week.

    Hope everyone else had a good weigh in..
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Happy Birthday Ms Jeannie!!!!!! You Taurus you! I hope you have an absolutely fantastic day!!!!!!:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Feeling pretty sore after yesterday workout...Gona hit te gym for 90 minute home to work with honey in the field..yippee ( Not)..

    Happy Birthday to Mrs Jeannie Happy Birthday to Mrs.Jeannie Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you..Hope you have an amazing week.

    Hope everyone else had a good weigh in..

    Thanks Tamara!! That is so sweet! I feel so loved!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Happy Birthday Ms Jeannie!!!!!! You Taurus you! I hope you have an absolutely fantastic day!!!!!!:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Oh Donna you have NO idea just how Taurus I am...........:laugh:

    Thanks my friend!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Jeannie- have an absolutely wonderful day! I hope you have tons planned and it's all about you!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Can I pretend today is not weigh in? I'm about a week out from TOM and sweets are calling to me. Calling loud. I ate 4 cookies last night at bedtime with milk. Bad. I also woke up in the middle of the night with a stomach ache regretting it. :grumble:

    I've been up about 3 pounds since the weeekend. Beer at the ball, cookout on Sunday= 3 pounds faster than the speed of light. Had I been a really good girl this week it would be gone by now. I wasn't a really good girl. I wasn't even a good girl. I was however a girl. :tongue: Ahhhh my friends, win some, lose some.

    Our 8th grader had to be at the school at 3:15 AM for his 8th grade trip to Disney. When I found out the time he had to be there, I said "not it!" Hubs took him. I did get up and see him off. The other 3 kiddos have dentist appointments at 8 this morning. I'm gonna let them skip school and take them shopping. They have money. It's burning holes. 2 of them haven't missed a single day of school other than when we took our Orlando trip as a family in September. This is the time of year I let them miss a day or two just for fun as long as their attendance has been good otherwise. Alex did miss a few days when he had the flu but he's been good too.

    My kids know don't tell me that they have a headache, belly ache, other ache. Unless you have a fever or are throwing up, you are going to school. Don't call me from school complaining that you don't feel well...... I'm not coming for you. (Every once in a while when they have colds and complain how bad they feel and I make them go to school and then I get the cold and feel like somebody ran me over, I do feel bad.) However, it's a life lesson. I never took off work cause I felt crappy. I went, sucked it up and made it through the day- cause that's what you do. You can't keep a job long when you call off for every sniffle. Plus, when you are a single parent you need to save every single sick day for your kids! More than once I took a sick kid to work with me and plopped them on the couch in my office. So glad I had an awesome boss!
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    good morning, everyone! here are my first couple of belly pics.

    4-5 weeks:
    15 weeks 2 days:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Can I pretend today is not weigh in? I'm about a week out from TOM and sweets are calling to me. Calling loud. I ate 4 cookies last night at bedtime with milk. Bad. I also woke up in the middle of the night with a stomach ache regretting it. :grumble:

    I've been up about 3 pounds since the weeekend. Beer at the ball, cookout on Sunday= 3 pounds faster than the speed of light. Had I been a really good girl this week it would be gone by now. I wasn't a really good girl. I wasn't even a good girl. I was however a girl. :tongue: Ahhhh my friends, win some, lose some.

    Our 8th grader had to be at the school at 3:15 AM for his 8th grade trip to Disney. When I found out the time he had to be there, I said "not it!" Hubs took him. I did get up and see him off. The other 3 kiddos have dentist appointments at 8 this morning. I'm gonna let them skip school and take them shopping. They have money. It's burning holes. 2 of them haven't missed a single day of school other than when we took our Orlando trip as a family in September. This is the time of year I let them miss a day or two just for fun as long as their attendance has been good otherwise. Alex did miss a few days when he had the flu but he's been good too.

    My kids know don't tell me that they have a headache, belly ache, other ache. Unless you have a fever or are throwing up, you are going to school. Don't call me from school complaining that you don't feel well...... I'm not coming for you. (Every once in a while when they have colds and complain how bad they feel and I make them go to school and then I get the cold and feel like somebody ran me over, I do feel bad.) However, it's a life lesson. I never took off work cause I felt crappy. I went, sucked it up and made it through the day- cause that's what you do. You can't keep a job long when you call off for every sniffle. Plus, when you are a single parent you need to save every single sick day for your kids! More than once I took a sick kid to work with me and plopped them on the couch in my office. So glad I had an awesome boss!

    Lori-- every post of yours I read, more and more I'm convinced we're twins separated at birth.

    I don't let my kids stay home, either-- the high school ones, that is-- and the homeschool ones? Puh-- I don't care how bad you feel. If you can sit on the sofa and watch a movie, you can sit on the sofa and do your math--
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    marla, you have a way with words. love to read your posts. I had the whole family here this weekend. loved every min of it. Like the rest of you I have many blessings. good luck to everyone. richie

    Thanks, Richie-- I've been told I'm just a big mouthed blonde who loves to hear herself talk-- you know, whatever-- ha.

    Glad you enjoyed your time with family-- that's what it's about.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Beth-- you look great. Keep up the good work!

    (I want to eat the face of that boy of yours-- what a cutie!)
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,099 Member
    Hello all,

    Beth - you look so good, and happy. I hope you enjoy this pregnancy xx

    Marla and Lori - I love reading your posts they make me think I am there, and I also believe that my children will go to school unless they have d or v, or otherwise can't move.

    Sorry that I haven't been around much, little Chris is under the weather and having paddies from hell, as well as not sleeping through, so I am shattered and trying so hard to get through the day. I am actually going to go up to bed now, so will say night all and I will try to check in better
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