Pregnancy 2010 - May

jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
Hello everyone!

For those of you just finding us, this is a group that is trying to be healthier and/or lose weight while:

a) wanting to drop some weight before TTC
b) TTC
c) Pregnant

Wednesdays are our days to weigh in, and we have started having weekly challenges (although we haven't been too good at them lately). So...... let's do something a bit more fun this week. Let's discuss baby names! What are your favorites?????

Up until now we have been putting up new threads each week, but starting today it will be a new thread each month. You can find our last thread here:

Welcome all!


  • GRose
    GRose Posts: 69
    My husband and I would love to have a baby but haven't been successful thus far. We're not going to the doctor for fertility tests quite yet but are hoping to conceive this next year. No matter what, I want to be healthy and getting healthier before conceiving would be very beneficial. Would you mind if I join this group?

    Here is a list of the names we've discussed that we can both actually agree on.

    Austin Wendell (his grandfather's name & father's name)
    Austin Michael (his grandfather's name & his name)

    Jennifer Lynn (Lynn is my mother's middle name)
    Anne (his grandmother's name)

    :flowerforyou: Sarah
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Well, not a good day on the scale. I didn't loose anything this week, desipite my amazing, super women efforts:laugh: Maybe nextweek will be better.

    As for names:
    Boy: Ethan Jacob

    Girl: We dont have one
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Sarah - Welcome to our group. We're happy to have you!

    Cali - congratulations on the pregnancy! I am so very happy for you!

    Lucy - well done! You must have been stoked when you stepped on the scale!

    Angela - new belly pic pretty please! (And that goes for you other ladies outt here too)

    Tahmed - So you felt rockin up until you saw the scale? You were pumped at how well you did? Well, hold onto to that! That's what healthy feels like. Let's look at it this way: excess weight is a side-effect of unhealthy behaviour. Fix the behaviour, and the side-effect will improve. It doens't happen overnight, and behaviour modification is a hard process. But it does happen. Hold onto that feeling, be proud of yourself! You are doing really great :flowerforyou:

    Myself - down just over a lb this week - which makes me happy. I went jogging on the weekend though, and injured my leg (I have recurrent tendonitis which gets painful when I start to jog again - it happens every single year). But I decided to walk last night - and that didn't work (FI had to come pick me up, my leg hurt SO much). But, I'm still doing the shred, and eating well, and I may hit the elliptical (although I'm convinced that walking burns more calories.....). I'm still going at it!

    And news - I had my follow appt with my surgeon today. She showed me internal pics of my bicornuate uterus (she couldn't correct it), but it's not too bad. She also showed me where the endometriosis is that they burnt off. She doesn't like the idea of me having twins (I want twins so badly) since I'm at risk for pre-term. I told her we wanted to try AFTER the wedding in August, so she said if I'm not pregnant in a year I will have to start the Clomid then and deal with twins if it happens. But we will try first anyway. She's a really great doc., and will follow me from the moment I'm pregnant to make sure that the pregnancy is 'viable" (2 miscarriages in the past, for those who don't know). With me, it all depends on where the implantaion occurs (my uterus looks something like the outine of a micky-mouse head).

    Feeling good today!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Oh - baby names.

    Girl - Charlotte ad Abigail (small chance, only 1 girl on FI's side of the family)
    Boy - Cullen and Dexter
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I am 33 weeks pregnant right now and do NOT want to gain anymore than necessary. I've already surpassed what I intended to gain. *handface*

    Today's weigh in 194. :sad:

    As for names: It's Isabel Michelle!
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Hi All!
    I just joined MFP a few weeks ago. I was on a total mission to lose about 40lbs! I dropped 11lbs so far. But, I just found a couple of days ago that I am pregnant! So, now my efforts will be to maintain my weight and not gain 60lbs during the pregnancy like I did for my first child!

    We have a son that is 20 months old. His name is Anthony Michael IV. (Daddy is Anthony III)

    If this one is a girl, her name will be Gianna Rose. We don't have any boys names yet!
  • Killeen_bride2be
    I am defiently wanting to join Ya'll. We are not going to start trying till after the wedding but I want to get into great shape so that when the time comes I won't have to worry about my weight being an issue.

    we have discused some names but not firm on them

    girls: Adriana , Gianina, Isabella

    Boys; Giovanni or Dominick or Aidan
  • yessie75
    yessie75 Posts: 152
    congratulatios to the new pregnancies. I'm 150 lbs. this week, but I ate Mc Donald's today :grumble: sometimes I can't help the temptation!
    Anyway I have two girls: Ashanti and Arianna. I like the name Annabelle for the next one (if it's a girl), my husband will pick the boy name since he didn't have much say last time :bigsmile:
    I'm debating wether I want to go for a walk, it's so windy!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Ah! you're right it's 20 weeks! Time for a new pic! I'll take one soon and post it up.

    So at the last appt I gained 11 pounds since my last appt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT the MA was nice enough to remind me that since I lost my first trimester I've only gained 5 pounds since being pregnant which made me feel much better! Now I need to cool the eating frenzy so I don't gain another 11 pounds this month! *sigh

    The doc appt was pretty basic, she didn't know what was causing the white spot on the ultrasound next to the babies stomach, so we're getting another ultrasound in 4 weeks to monitor that and my placenta (which is still too close to my cervix for their comfort) so lots of prayer for babies health please!
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    This is such a cool idea. My husband and I would like to start TTC around the end of the year.
    Not sure if you've already discussed this in a previous post, but for those to started this year and conceived, how long did it take?
    I know it's different for everyone, but just curious.
    If you've already discussed this, if you could just the post the link that'd be great!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    This is such a cool idea. My husband and I would like to start TTC around the end of the year.
    Not sure if you've already discussed this in a previous post, but for those to started this year and conceived, how long did it take?
    I know it's different for everyone, but just curious.
    If you've already discussed this, if you could just the post the link that'd be great!

    We got pregnant our first try using the rhythm method. :-D
  • Caliwaters25
    Hey girls I am staying steady at 164 lbs. I have some symptoms and will be getting a check up here soon after finals. I was curious how many extra calories I should be at since maintenance puts me at 1900 calories and I am only doing about 1500 just from all the dieting for the last six months. The names we have picked out are Kevin and Isabella

    Jalara- How exciting that you lost 1 lbs that really great since your surgery keep it up and you will look and feel great on your wedding day

    Yessie- I am waiting for the cravings to start so far only one has been an urge for mashed potatoes and gravy.

    Paldal- My husband and I got pregnant our first try. I was on the pill for a while like 2 years and gave myself one month to cycle normally and then tried the following method. I guess we used the rhythm method as well.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    I hired a personal trainer today! 12 sessions for $700.00... not sure if that's a good rate, but we get a really good rate at the gym, so I decided to go for it. Let's hope it helps!
  • ebickford
    ebickford Posts: 5
    I really want to drop 10 before we start TTC in July! I hope I can do it!!! Any advise?!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    20 weeks pregnancy shot is now my profile pic :-D 5 pounds gained in 5 months
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Welcome to the new joiners!! Good luck on the journey, we'll be here for support!

    I am trying something new this week. I am not a fan of all these diet pill out there these days, but I had to try this newish trend just to see if it really does work. It is a combination of Acai Optimum and Paraslim, one pill of each a day. It is, for the most part, natural. (but I know you can't believe everything you read) They say it does wonders and you can loose around 20 lbs in one month. We'll see. It was only $5 for shipping. (free trial) But I weighed in today and I am down to 152.4 from 154.2 last week!! I really don't know if it is the supplements or not, but I have noticed that I haven't been as hungry and munchy. I'm going to keep it up and see where we get.

    I went in for a physical this week, just to check and make sure that I am heathy and ready to TTC. Still waitiing for my cycles to start again. The Doc says everything looks great. I did a blood test and everything is normal. (this makes me feel even better about these pills) Hopfully we can start trying soon.

    Boy: Caleb (would like a "J" middle name, but haven't found one yet.)
    Girl: Zoe Makenzie
  • yessie75
    yessie75 Posts: 152
    I'm having an ultrasound this Thursday. The will tel me what we're having: boy or girl?
  • mlejoy3
    mlejoy3 Posts: 9
    Hey ladies,
    I JUST found out that I am pregnant with my third child. It took us a LONG time getting pregnant with this one. I had a miscarraige so I am hoping that this one will stick. I lost 74 pounds before I got pregnant and plan to stay on MFP to maintain a healthy pregnancy weight. Before I new I was pregnant I was eating 1200 calories. I am fearful that since my body is used to that little of calories that I will gain weight quickly at the 2200 calories my pregnancy book suggests for the first trimester. I am looking for what others are doing. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO excited that there are other preggos on here.
  • shoppingqueen34
    shoppingqueen34 Posts: 226 Member
    Ah! you're right it's 20 weeks! Time for a new pic! I'll take one soon and post it up.

    So at the last appt I gained 11 pounds since my last appt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT the MA was nice enough to remind me that since I lost my first trimester I've only gained 5 pounds since being pregnant which made me feel much better! Now I need to cool the eating frenzy so I don't gain another 11 pounds this month! *sigh

    The doc appt was pretty basic, she didn't know what was causing the white spot on the ultrasound next to the babies stomach, so we're getting another ultrasound in 4 weeks to monitor that and my placenta (which is still too close to my cervix for their comfort) so lots of prayer for babies health please!

    I should take a pic and post it. I've only taken 2 throughout the entire 24 weeks.

    I have my 6 month appt next week and I have to do the whole blood test for preeclampsia thing. I just love to have needles stuck in me. :sad: We just got back from a trip to Chicago where I ate really nice dinners for 4 days straight. So I'm bound to be up a few. I'll weigh myself tomorrow.

    One thing I did notice....when I eat a lot of high sodium foods (movie theatre popcorn or chinese food) I feel like a balloon for a few days after. No more of that for me until I deliver!!

    Prayers for baby until your next ultrasound. :)
  • shoppingqueen34
    shoppingqueen34 Posts: 226 Member
    Hey ladies,
    I JUST found out that I am pregnant with my third child. It took us a LONG time getting pregnant with this one. I had a miscarraige so I am hoping that this one will stick. I lost 74 pounds before I got pregnant and plan to stay on MFP to maintain a healthy pregnancy weight. Before I new I was pregnant I was eating 1200 calories. I am fearful that since my body is used to that little of calories that I will gain weight quickly at the 2200 calories my pregnancy book suggests for the first trimester. I am looking for what others are doing. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO excited that there are other preggos on here.

    Welcome and Congrats!