30 Day Shred!



  • MomiTia
    MomiTia Posts: 94 Member
    Day 6 level one today..lost inches already its tiring but yeah it works
  • sdechantal
    sdechantal Posts: 15 Member
    Are you referring to Gillian's 30 Day Shred?
  • Ok guys I'm a little late on this but what is 30 day Shred??
  • Day 5 and its getting easier.
  • alikat2986
    alikat2986 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm on day 6 of Level 2 and at this point, I know I have lost inches and 7 lbs already!! Normally I'm in a 11-13 jeans and I was able to put on a size 9 today!! Please do not give up!!! I would recommend doing it every day, I have not taken any rest days. Be determined to change your life, don't stop!!! :wink:
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    I'm on day 1 of level 2, amazing!! I'm 5'1 and weighed 145lb before I started and now I weight 140lb!! :) I took 1 rest day because my quads were killing me and I literally couldn't go on without a rest. Keep going!! :)
  • gettingfit65
    gettingfit65 Posts: 349 Member
    Level 2 Day 2 done!!
  • CakeyBakey
    CakeyBakey Posts: 18 Member
    I'm loving the Shred! On day 23, level 3 - skipped straight to level 2 then up to three after 7 days as I'd already been training before starting 30DS. Haven't weighed myself yet (going by clothes and will measure at the end of the month) but put my jeans on today and they are sagging round the bum. Have split out my workouts to 4 days shred, 2 cardio and 1 rest per week so it'll take me until end of Feb to complete the 30 days...I have high hopes as it seems to be working so far! After that I'm starting Couch to 5K again. Would definitely recommend, if only for the fact it's 20 mins and so easy to fit into your day - I have a small baby and it's perfect for when he's having a nap.

    Good luck fellow shredders!
  • QuietRain
    QuietRain Posts: 157
    I am on L1 D3 - just finished, so I'm [more than] a bit sweaty.
  • Level 1 Day 4 complete. Can't wait to see results. Hoping tomorrow I don't feel as sore!
  • heronfolder
    heronfolder Posts: 27 Member
    Just completed day 6 of L1. blehhh. Glass of water then bedtime for me.

    I'm not planning on taking any rest days. It's only 20 minutes! Too damn right. It's worth powering through the day 3/4 stiffness because even if you take a rest day, your muscles will still be sore the day after that.
  • I did 10 minuites of the 20 minutes >_< im in such a bad shape. And Im gonna keep going until i get it right :)

    Ive seen people post amazing results, so this is definitely something I wanna do.
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    I'm on day 16, and I've lost 2lbs, and 2 1/2 inches. I'm on L2, Day 7 right now. I only did 9 days of L1, then started L2, cause I was bored :).

    I'm not bored anymore, lol! I'm pretty sure I'm going to die each time I do it, ha!
  • heronfolder
    heronfolder Posts: 27 Member
    OH one more thing. I Just wanted to share how excited I was tonight that I could kick myself in the bum with my left leg. Yesss! Gotta work on the other leg doing that.. my right thigh is about an inch bigger than my left, lol, but it's an improvement I think!
  • diabeticrunner
    diabeticrunner Posts: 14 Member
    I am going to start Jillian's Ripped in 30.... Need so motivation/encouragement along the way....add me as a friend if you've recently started any JM workout and we can keep each other accountable!
  • sbt94
    sbt94 Posts: 2
    Level 1, day 6 finished today, and every day it gets easier. The only part I have trouble with is the 30 second jumping jacks, 30 second jump rope, 30 second jumping jacks, 30 second jump rope, kills my calfs!
  • SchizJophrenic
    SchizJophrenic Posts: 55 Member
    Level 1 Day 6 completed. Was going to go from 2kg up to 5, but decided to only go up to 3.5, which was great, just that little bit more of a challenge, but still able to complete with perfect form (just).

    Add me for support!
  • Jday71
    Jday71 Posts: 39
    Day 2 of level 3 hard. muscles have been hurting from all the plyometrics
  • EjaneK11
    EjaneK11 Posts: 209 Member
    Today was my 3rd of 30DS on level 1! The first day it kicked my *kitten* and today I noticed a little more strength in my arms. I was able to go all the way with one of the strength moves that I wasn't able to on the first day, even though I was afraid my arms were going to fall off.
  • Today will be Day 2 of Level 1. I was planning on doing it 4 days a week but you all have inspired me to do 6. I am going to do it to music like a PP suggested. Thanks for that.