any really young 40 year olds or late 30's



  • MbiggsHFD319
    MbiggsHFD319 Posts: 427 Member
    Im 38 and totally love when my 16 yr olds friends tell him his sister has awesome legs, (no sister) and my 13 his friends thought I was his sister too and said wow your sisters hot! I love it yet I dont feel like I look younger but hey I will take it!

    I get the same thing from my daughters friends. Even had one of my 19 yr old daughters ex-boyfriends ask me out. Now that was very awkward.

    Feel fee to add me I'm 41 going on 25.
  • fluttermom5
    Hi I'm from Kansas too:). 42 and loving it! Will be 43 in August! I believe that we don't get older...we get better! Age is a state of mind so, live as young as you feel. Good luck.God bless. If ya need advice just send me a chat....Kimberly
  • suzukideb
    42 and feel great since I started to eat better and exercise again. I just graduated from nursing school and had not worked out for almost 4 years. Before nursing school I earned a black belt at age 37!!! Became a personal trainer then went to college. I believe you can do anything you set your mind to.
    I am currently earning a BSN then want to start a masters. Yes, I find it a bit more challenging to lose weight than when I was 30. When I was young I was quite chunky. I lost weight in high school but it has always been a battle. I never let it get out of hand so I catch if before its over ten lbs. almost back to my black belt weight. I don't do martial arts anymore but I am going to use 5k as a training goal. Good luck and never give up!
  • Athena125
    Athena125 Posts: 102 Member
    I feel your pain! argh! It is sooooo much harder to get in shape now compared with even 5 or 6 years ago. I've been working out majorly since the beginning of 2012, and have managed to so far lose 13 pounds (in a YEAR!!!!! - WTF????). If I had worked out like this in my early 30s even, I would have been in top shape by now.

    My face & personality look younger than my age. I cannot believe in one year I'll be 40! I always thought 40 was so old...but I'm feeling like my life is truly just beginning. I'm just starting to do the things I love, so I definitely want to be in good shape and good health for the next however many years.

    I completely overhauled my diet this year. I upped my strength training and am now working out 7 hours per week, minimum. I'm quitting eating out as well. I totally quit for 3 weeks, then tried to eat out a couple times, and my tummy bloated out like I was six months' pregnant. more eating out for me!

    Anyone can add me. I could use more friends my age!
  • chelivia7
    chelivia7 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 41 & most days feel like I'm still in my 20's. It's definately harder to lose & stay in shape these past few years but I feel like this is my year! Anyone can feel free to add me. I'd love some motivation & support from people my age.
  • MzDfy
    MzDfy Posts: 14
    38 years young! Finally getting in shape and loving every day at the gym! This coming from the girl that had medical notes to get out of P.E. all through high school, lol. :) Feel free to add me: MzDfy
  • lyfurlong
    lyfurlong Posts: 31 Member
    41 and loving it!
  • robert_gonzalez
    robert_gonzalez Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 38, almost 39, and I feel like I am 25 lol. Of course, my body reminds me at times that I am indeed almost 40, but until it does that, I am always living young!
  • Tennolina
    Tennolina Posts: 2,413
    42....and feeling 25.
  • hrwoman129
    hrwoman129 Posts: 5 Member
    Turning 43 tomorrow (yikes!) but loving what MFP has done for me since starting it in July this year. I feel like I am 28 again. :) Feel free to add me. :)
  • daborn526
    i was excited to see your post... just started a wave of ladies turning 40 but feel like weare in our 20 still! Friend me if you would like! 30 lbsdown ...45 more to go!
  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
    44 here but don't feel a day older then 43anda half or possibly 43 and three quarters at the very outside.
  • GodSentMe23
    GodSentMe23 Posts: 105 Member
    38 here....add me everyone.
  • melw2910
    melw2910 Posts: 73 Member
    This is my last year as in my 30's as I hit the big 40 in 2014 and want to be slim and healthy by then. Have definitely noticed it getting harder over the last few years. Would appreciate any friend adds to help motivate me.
  • brittasbits
    43 here! Add away :)
  • synergyseeker88
    synergyseeker88 Posts: 2 Member
    43 and I'm just getting started! I love how confident I've become. I no longer care what people think of me. Love me or leave me alone attitude and I love that I don't have the "fit in" pressure I had when I was in my 20's.
  • RIVAL916
    RIVAL916 Posts: 108
    About to be 34. Best shape of my life! :)

    Except the pain in my lower back :P
  • jaena4
    jaena4 Posts: 175 Member
    I will turn 40 in September - everyone should feel free to add me! I lost about 45 or 50 pounds right before I turned 30 but, sadly, over 8 years or so, gained it all back plus 30 more pounds (sigh). So now I'm doing it again right before I turn 40. It's a very different experience in some ways - taking longer, etc. But I feel really good again and I'm happy to be feeling more fit and strong once again.
  • Tricep_A_Tops
    im 43.
  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member
    lol, im here as well