Co-Workers trying to sabotage me



  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    You can be polite *once* and ask them to stop.

    Second time, you say something like "Knock that **** off. It was cute the first time". No need to get angry, just stand up.

    After that, you ignore them. Consider this a test for mandatory life-skill: stand up for yourself, always reserve judgement for yourself, and nobody can sway you from that.

    The whole sort of be-polite-and-talk-it-out-nicey-nice thing only works when people are willing to be nicey-nice to you back, which isn't always the case.
  • TOMEKA18
    TOMEKA18 Posts: 103 Member
  • lisaann7089
    How about..."hey guys, cut me some slack. This is hard enough without the commentary."

    This sounds good to me...
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    Ex-Lax brownies. That will show them!

    My kind of problem solving
  • stealthSLOTH
    stealthSLOTH Posts: 695 Member
    How about..."hey guys, cut me some slack. This is hard enough without the commentary."

    ^ Good response.

    Or: 'Do you really have nothing else to talk about besides what I'm eating for lunch?' :laugh: :noway:
  • RebelAlliance1989
    Some of them might not realize how important it is to you, or some might just be teasing too hard. Next time maybe say, "I just wanted to let you guys know how important this is to me. I know you're just teasing, but I could really use some verbal support." Focus on the positives; if they're real friends, they'll back off. If not, then maybe you need to eat lunch somewhere else.
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    They will say, in two months: "Hey man, what is your secret?.. You look so skinny!"
    In six months they will say "Please do not lose any more weight, you are going to vanish".. and so on...
    Same old same old... Believe me..
    Keep doing what you are doing.. Your life is what counts!
  • heidelbergerin
    heidelbergerin Posts: 28 Member
    I feel your pain. Can you get out of the office to eat lunch? Incorporate a walk or some small bit of exercise into your lunch break? I think it is just jealousy. My boss today asked me how it was going and I said I'd lost 6lbs... she replied, laughing, ah but sorry, that will just be water weight. I was pretty crushed, but I think it's just because she's jealous that I'm being successful at something. Head up, be proud of your achievements and don't let them stand in your way.
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    Yeah, I've been offered food a lot, and often hear "just once wont hurt" and so on, but after me turning them down so many times they sort of gave up on it. LOL.

    You will always have temptation around you, people will always offer you food and there will always be enablers. They aren't always doing it on purpose just have to learn self control, learn the word no, and then move on.
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    Thinking about it.. you know what? This is a fun journey.. Not one of suffering..

    If you have fun nothing matters..

    Eat what you have to eat and don't deprive yourself. Everyone will be surprised in how much you eat and how you lose weight.

    RELAX and enjoy discovering exciting new food and the world of fitness!
  • gpteran
    Iceman I can tell you success is the best revenge! Think past this because they will grow tired when you don't react to it. I'm sure some places could be more hostile then others but in reality just remember that people like that react in that manner because you are making them feel uncomfortable. It's like you putting a mirror up to there faces. You are on a journey that is going to take you from where you are a to a place and a body that you right now can only envision. That is a good thing...ENVISION IT! Start looking for other people who have lost weight by doing what you are doing. Taking control of your LIFE. Your LIFE is more important than those people. Research those people who have done what you are about to do. Keep up the great work buddy!
  • Soloflyergirl2
    Soloflyergirl2 Posts: 127 Member
    We have covered this subject .. ranging from close family members who sabotage the food/exercise plan... or people at work. Once you've explained that a) this is how the plan works... b).. this is how you can help me.. ( support).... and then c) drop the subject... Don't let it be the focus of the day... Change ths subject.. Ask... What's new with YOU, ?? or.... create a fund raiser.... or a cause you want to support.. ( look up SmileTrain)..... and just continue to be your wonderful self.... Eventually.... as bullies find out... you're no fun.. because they can't press your buttons... and get you upset... .. Or... if they are true friends/ family... they will support you in this challenge... Maybe you can offer some light exercises that are appropriate for sitting at an office desk.... or bring a really healthy snack ... and share it.... DO NOT let them get you upset. You are investing in a healthy future for yourself... and perhaps you will improve in your work as you feel healthier.... It's not self centered..... It's necessary for a long and healthy life... Best wishes. :flowerforyou: