Black Team Week 17!



  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Hey Black Team,

    I hope everyone is doing well. Wife gave me the third degree for my lack of involvment and she's right. Sorry, I have been letting alot of outside stress get the best of me. Scale hasnt been going the wrong way, but I havnt been the best teammate. No excuses. Thanks for putting up with it. I'm gonna skip on the spreadsheets for a bit. Having issues with excel at home and the weigh ins havnt been ver abundant so I am going to ask that you guys report your weekly loss on the board. For the momment lets keep this thread going and I will come up with a new challenge. Have a great night guys. 100 food logging starts in the morning. Oh boy.

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Andrew-- no worries, mate-- do what you can do. Glad you have Beth, though, to kick you in the keester.

    So, hubs is going to Home Depot tonight. (home improvement store, Tanya-- national chain) Like a dope I ask him to go with him because there are some projects that I plan on doing once he leaves for the next golf trip-- he doesn't know about them. Shhhhhh!!!!!!! But, I have to price this and that.

    So I walk in-- I peruse, I scan, I shop, I scope-- check out floor tile prices for my teeny-tiny rinky dink powder room-- check out prices of gallons of paint-- check out prices for this and that-- and poof, I'm done.

    Go over to hubs-- he's still deciding between "this" valve and "that" valve. :noway:

    60 minutes later-- yes, 6-0 we walked out of the store. I even made friends with some lady buying lawn furniture, because that's where I finally parked my fanny-- over on the most delightful high back, swivel rocker -- sighhhhhh-- all I was waiting for was the freaking waitress!!!

    Hubs and I are SUCH different shoppers. I walk in, see what I want or don't see what I want-- and out the door I go-- badabing, badaboom--

    Did my first load of laundry in my 99 cent washing machine-- what a blessing.

    Heading out to run-- my training schedule only has me running two miles tonight-- I'll take it-- whoooooo--

    Later, troops!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    okay-- me again-- tired legs tonight-- glad I only had two miles to do. But, did 'em strong.

    yesterday I upped the reps in my strength training, so today both arms and legs were tired-- which is a good thing. I'm even up to 40 pushups-- count 'em 4-0-- wooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!

    Heading where? To type! Good guess.

    Later, my silent peeps.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Morning all,

    Well my men are all off of school today - the 3 little ones schools are closed due to voteing, and the eldest had an upset tum! Also have no extra little ones today, so will tryto spend some quality time with my little men around finding time to vote!

    Haven't been on the bike yet, but I am going to walk the little men to the voting station and its a far distance away, so will do this in about 30 minutes and go on the bike later.

    Marla, my hubs shops like you he goes in, gets what he wants and leaves. Ideal except when I want to spend time looking at things :laugh:

    Andrew, way to go on 100 days. Keep smiling
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    hello black teamers!!

    AllI have to say is glad yesterdays over..I have never worked my butt of so hard..will give you a real quick run down...

    Up at 330 am..went to the gym at 430..dont open til 5...worked out until 630..home shower got daughter showered..had her to school by 705 am..went on first serivce call with hubby at 730 am..(after stopping at the most amazing dough nut store that just opened here...had one dough nut hole...count them one...I could have eaten the whole dozen)..ok so get done with that call about 815 am..had to run to town about 20 miuintes away to pick up supplies for the job we were headed to which is about an hour to second job at 10 am...crawling underneath the house about 5-6 times..(which its a good thing I have lost so much) becasue I couldnt have fit if I didnt...Got done ther about 320 pm...wrapped it up...had to stop back by town to get a new air condition unit for a job hubs is doing today...get home at 440 son has to be at the bal field at 5pm for a baseball game...440 pm husband drops me off I take a shower..he runs son to baseball fields...I cook my dinner..he comes home...takes a shower..I make his 515 pm...the ball game starts at 530..still have to get daughter from babysitter house...we get to the bll field at 528...whewww( My husband is a coach,so glad we made it)..He hands me his phone it keeps ringing off the in between watching my son be the fabulous catcher he is I am making phone call to schedule services..The phone rings again..its a restoration company that we do work for..they called they have 2 complete duct jobs and new units togo look at from the flooding... The finally call the ball game like at 630 pm..due to an 10 run rule..they were winning 11-1..which I was never so greatful..I was tired..Oh yeah I forgot to meation when we were working underneath his ladys house yesterday afternoon..she was cooking turtle cookies...and the smell wascoming down from the rude was that...I so wished she would hae offered me one, because as hard as I work crawlig like a soilder underneath her house I would have taken it...But I am proud to say that the dough nut didnt win and neither did the cookies..I burned 775 calories yesterday and I stayed on track..even taking my lunch with me and putting it in the cooler..I say I have come a very long way..and I am super proud of myself
    ...Used to when I would smell stuff( like my favorites..cake...cookies...homemade bread...) it set off a mouth watering sensation in my mouth to run to the next area of junk food and eat until my heart was content..all I have to say this time it didnt...I know know what really clicked in me about 7 weeks ago..but the only days I stray from my logging my food and diet is Friday afternoon and all day Sat..after I burned 1300 calories of course on Sat..But ok ok ok..Iam done tooting my own horn...Off to the gym its 430 amand yes I live 2 minutes from the gym but i I don get there early I will go into panic mode.. Hoing everyone has a fabulous day..because I know I will...why??? Because I choose too!!!

    So yes my friends I am afraid this may be the next step in our business..NOT that I am complainin dont get me wrong..but I amgonna have to cut back at cracker barrel or something or I am gonna kill myself..

    I know tamara shut up already..I am feeling it!!!

    Just ate my french toast and drinking my coffee gonna hit the gym for 90 minutes and then maybe tonight for a zumba class as my last minute workout..I am nervous and excited about tomorrow weigh i..if it says 144.6 I am gonna throw the scale that means it has not moved in the third week. So move dang scale move...
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    wow, Tamara you are amazing:smile:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Ditto Tamara! I think I'm routing for your scale more than my own. You deserve it!

    Great 5 mile run this morning...added a little on to the run so I could say yes to some ice cream cake tonight:bigsmile:
    scale hasn't moved in 2 weeks. Guess I shouldn't complain, it didn't go the other way either

    Tanya - Is there more stuff going on over there with the Volcano aftermath?

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Sorry I havent been able to check in for a while, we still dont have internet at the house:ohwell: This site is the only thing I actually miss about it though.

    Wow, the last 5 weeks have been whirlwind:love: Im still seeing my first fact Im out of town again at his house. This is the 3rd trip in the last 5 weeks. I spent 2 weeks with him on the first trip. 5 days on the 2nd trip and now 3 days after the end of the 2nd trip Im here again:smile: I actually brought Alex with me on the last trip so that they could meet each other. It went awesome! They really hit it off and Im hoping that Alex will want to move down here by the end of the summer. If not, Im going to be doing alot of traveling...

    Oh, and did I mention that he surprised me with a proposal and a 3/4 carat diamond engagement ring?:blushing: Yep, I am engaged folks:heart:

    Well, gotta run. We're supposed to go later today to trade in my mini van. All this traveling calls for a new car:wink:

    Have a great day everyone! I should be able to check back in tomorrow:flowerforyou:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Sorry I havent been able to check in for a while, we still dont have internet at the house:ohwell: This site is the only thing I actually miss about it though.

    Wow, the last 5 weeks have been whirlwind:love: Im still seeing my first fact Im out of town again at his house. This is the 3rd trip in the last 5 weeks. I spent 2 weeks with him on the first trip. 5 days on the 2nd trip and now 3 days after the end of the 2nd trip Im here again:smile: I actually brought Alex with me on the last trip so that they could meet each other. It went awesome! They really hit it off and Im hoping that Alex will want to move down here by the end of the summer. If not, Im going to be doing alot of traveling...

    Oh, and did I mention that he surprised me with a proposal and a 3/4 carat diamond engagement ring?:blushing: Yep, I am engaged folks:heart:

    Well, gotta run. We're supposed to go later today to trade in my mini van. All this traveling calls for a new car:wink:

    Have a great day everyone! I should be able to check back in tomorrow:flowerforyou:

    Roni! I am so happy for you. So, very, very happy. You deserve it!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Sorry I havent been able to check in for a while, we still dont have internet at the house:ohwell: This site is the only thing I actually miss about it though.

    Wow, the last 5 weeks have been whirlwind:love: Im still seeing my first fact Im out of town again at his house. This is the 3rd trip in the last 5 weeks. I spent 2 weeks with him on the first trip. 5 days on the 2nd trip and now 3 days after the end of the 2nd trip Im here again:smile: I actually brought Alex with me on the last trip so that they could meet each other. It went awesome! They really hit it off and Im hoping that Alex will want to move down here by the end of the summer. If not, Im going to be doing alot of traveling...

    Oh, and did I mention that he surprised me with a proposal and a 3/4 carat diamond engagement ring?:blushing: Yep, I am engaged folks:heart:

    Well, gotta run. We're supposed to go later today to trade in my mini van. All this traveling calls for a new car:wink:

    Have a great day everyone! I should be able to check back in tomorrow:flowerforyou:

    Holy Moly!!!!!!!

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Morning all. Yesterday was a really nice day with 3 of the kiddos, we had fun shopping. My eating was disgraceful. We went to Olive Garden for lunch in the tune of fettucini and breadsticks, had ice cream on the way home, I went with hubs to Hooters because none of us were hungry, yet ended up eating 3 wings and a few fries, then topped it off with some cookies. Ok, 7 cookies........ :blushing:

    What was I thinking? Apparantely I wasn't thinking. So much for my soul searching. It's not the end of the world, I will recover and do fine. Mostly what bothers me is that I still allow myself to eat like that, even if it's not all the time. I know better. I know I won't feel well. To top it all off, I do not want to go to the gym today. Really, truly, do not. I don't feel like it!

    I think I need to change my weigh in day. The middle of the week has never really clicked for me. When I first started I did Monday, only because it made me be good all weekend. I thought about Friday or Saturday, but I'm afraid that will be an invitation to do crappy over the weekend because I will have all week to make up for it.

    I need to get serious again. I will. Just need to get myself there. I'm a lot of work!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Lori-- get thee to the gym.

    This is your conscience speaking.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,934 Member
    Congratulations Roni! I am very happy for you!
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Yay Roni!! :flowerforyou: That's awesome!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Sorry I havent been able to check in for a while, we still dont have internet at the house:ohwell: This site is the only thing I actually miss about it though.

    Wow, the last 5 weeks have been whirlwind:love: Im still seeing my first fact Im out of town again at his house. This is the 3rd trip in the last 5 weeks. I spent 2 weeks with him on the first trip. 5 days on the 2nd trip and now 3 days after the end of the 2nd trip Im here again:smile: I actually brought Alex with me on the last trip so that they could meet each other. It went awesome! They really hit it off and Im hoping that Alex will want to move down here by the end of the summer. If not, Im going to be doing alot of traveling...

    Oh, and did I mention that he surprised me with a proposal and a 3/4 carat diamond engagement ring?:blushing: Yep, I am engaged folks:heart:

    Well, gotta run. We're supposed to go later today to trade in my mini van. All this traveling calls for a new car:wink:

    Have a great day everyone! I should be able to check back in tomorrow:flowerforyou:

    Congrats Lady!!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Lori-- get thee to the gym.

    This is your conscience speaking.

    I went and gave it an hour. Luckily there was a friend on the stepper beside me. It was fast and painless. Well almost painless. I think I need new sneakers. It kills me to say that because they cost so much, but it's like one day they are good and the next they are bad. I've been noticing it for the past few weeks and today my tootsies were screaming. I think I'll see what they have on base when I head there for food.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Congratulations Roni :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Sorry I havent been able to check in for a while, we still dont have internet at the house:ohwell: This site is the only thing I actually miss about it though.

    Wow, the last 5 weeks have been whirlwind:love: Im still seeing my first fact Im out of town again at his house. This is the 3rd trip in the last 5 weeks. I spent 2 weeks with him on the first trip. 5 days on the 2nd trip and now 3 days after the end of the 2nd trip Im here again:smile: I actually brought Alex with me on the last trip so that they could meet each other. It went awesome! They really hit it off and Im hoping that Alex will want to move down here by the end of the summer. If not, Im going to be doing alot of traveling...

    Oh, and did I mention that he surprised me with a proposal and a 3/4 carat diamond engagement ring?:blushing: Yep, I am engaged folks:heart:

    Well, gotta run. We're supposed to go later today to trade in my mini van. All this traveling calls for a new car:wink:

    Have a great day everyone! I should be able to check back in tomorrow:flowerforyou:

    WOW!!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: That is awesome! You must be glowing! So happy for you! I was thinking wow, that's soon but you have known him your whole life!

    How did he surprise you? You know we women need details!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Sorry I havent been able to check in for a while, we still dont have internet at the house:ohwell: This site is the only thing I actually miss about it though.

    Wow, the last 5 weeks have been whirlwind:love: Im still seeing my first fact Im out of town again at his house. This is the 3rd trip in the last 5 weeks. I spent 2 weeks with him on the first trip. 5 days on the 2nd trip and now 3 days after the end of the 2nd trip Im here again:smile: I actually brought Alex with me on the last trip so that they could meet each other. It went awesome! They really hit it off and Im hoping that Alex will want to move down here by the end of the summer. If not, Im going to be doing alot of traveling...

    Oh, and did I mention that he surprised me with a proposal and a 3/4 carat diamond engagement ring?:blushing: Yep, I am engaged folks:heart:

    Well, gotta run. We're supposed to go later today to trade in my mini van. All this traveling calls for a new car:wink:

    Have a great day everyone! I should be able to check back in tomorrow:flowerforyou:

    Congrats ! So happy for you !