how bad would it be if I drink coke zero???



  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    sweet, bubbly goodness.

    seriously, it's fine. the chemical police will be here soon to chase you away from the toxic sludge that is soda. but I have one most every day. it's fine. really.

    Agree! Its not the best thing for you but when you want some flavor for 0 calories why not. I drink them often
  • I really like Coke Zero, and most diet sodas. People say they are bad for you, but it is okay if you drink it in moderation. I usually have 1 soda a day, maybe. It is delicious. Try it out and decide for yourself.
  • Meatsies
    Meatsies Posts: 351 Member
    I may be an odd one here... but does anyone else drink soda and feel full for a while? Sometimes I will drink a diet soda between meals and feel better :D

    I agree...if I'm having a snack attack in the middle of the afternoon & don't want to consume calories, I find that having the occasional Diet Coke makes me feel like I'm having a dessert or something. It fills me up, and removes the snack craving.

    I was a bit of a Diet Coke addict for years...and stopped drinking it ENTIRELY for 5 months. I started drinking it again, MUCH LESS FREQUENTLY (maybe one a day or every other day) this month. When I wasn't drinking it, I didn't notice that I lost more weight or felt any better in any way. I'm attributing my weight loss to major calorie monitoring & exercising. Not to cutting out diet soda.
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    I think its fine once in a while especially with lots of water however my concern is that if you eat as healthy as you say it may upset your stomach due to the artificial sweeteners. But some water first and water shortly after should be fine to flush it out quickly enough. I say try it .
  • clouddancer7
    clouddancer7 Posts: 7 Member
    Ok I drink it once in awhile, I still lose my 1-2 pounds a week, and have no side effects whatsoever. Do I drink it daily? No. But once every couple days doesn't hurt me. Mind you, I'm not saying that it works the same for everyone, I can only speak for myself.
  • Meatsies
    Meatsies Posts: 351 Member
    I drink diet soda daily.

    If you're someone who had adverse effects to artificial sweeteners, whether it's cravings, bloat or migraines, don't drink it. If you don't experience any negative side effects... enjoy.

    ^This! I pay attention to drink water when I'm thirsty, but Diet Coke with Splenda for a treat & pick-me-up. Aspartame aggravates my joints so I avoid diet sodas sweetened with that, but there are more options with Splenda now than there used to be

    Where do you find Diet Coke with Splenda?! I've never seen that, and I spent a LOT of time examining all forms of diet soda recently when I decided to cut aspartame completely from my diet. Please message me! I get lost on these message boards, and am never sure when/if someone's replied to something I've posted. THANK YOU! :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    A moderate amount won't really foul you up. By moderate, a couple of cans or a 20-oz, or something similar, once in a while. Not every day, but maybe a couple of times a week or less. But too much can be bad.

    My husband recently went to the doctor because he was not losing any weight, not gaining any endurance, was always tired, etc, etc. We thought it was either low testosterone or a thyroid issue. Well, blood work came back, and both of those are fine, but CO2 levels were elevated. My husband was a 1-2 soda a day guy, always diet. The doctor said that the CO2 from soda is actually displacing oxygen in his blood and that is why he had no endurance - his metabolism was in the basement!! It's only been a couple of weeks since he stopped drinking soda (he has a hard time with just a little once in a while, maybe after he gets it all out of his system he can, but one soda tends to lead to more) and he is already feeling so much better! I would never have believed it!
    I'd take that with a grain of salt. For CO2 to be present, it comes from sugar breakdown. Since there is no sugar in diet soda and CO2 is diet soda is in a gaseous state already, that CO2 is usually going expelled by burping or flatulence. Could be just the placebo effect.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    would it hinder my progress if I drank this stuff?

    It won't directly hinder your body composition assuming it doesn't prevent you from hitting your nutritional goals.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    sweet, bubbly goodness.

    seriously, it's fine. the chemical police will be here soon to chase you away from the toxic sludge that is soda. but I have one most every day. it's fine. really.

    I have one almost every day too. Vanilla coke zero is my favorite!

    I do drink a lot of water and a lot of white tea, but coke zero is like dessert for me!

    I don't drink them daily, but I do drink diet soda once or twice a week. It makes me feel like I'm not dieting. There are claims that it is bad for you and while I agree it isn't good for you, the "scary posts" are basically unsupported by scientific evidence. That said, you do need to make your own decisions about what you want to put in your body.

    I have type 1 diabetes and thyroid disease. So, I've been drinking diet sodas for 22 years. Diet soda has never affected my weight loss and it has never affected my blood work.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    The only problem with Diet drinks including Coke Zero is the arsnic in it also known as aspartame. This is dangerous and almost ruined my health as well as some other members of my family. I will not touch a diet drink to save my life. If I drink a soda, I will drink a regular soda and deal with the calories.
    There's also arsenic in apples.:eyeroll:

    While some people may have adverse reactions to aspartame, to claim it as dangerous as a blanket statement without actual evidence to prove is is anecdotal.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Im really wierd, i only drink water my whole life, I love water more than anything... if I had to chose between food and water I'd chose water.. anyways I have read the coke even coke zero is bad.. how bad is it? I eat very clean I allow myself a cheat day once a month, other than that I only eat broiled chicken, fish and whole grains.. fruits... so how bad would a coke zero be??? whats in it? it has no calories but its not water so whats in that stuff.. ?

    y dice mi mama azukita pa ti mimi?

    Edit: I've been getting great results, would it hinder my progress if I drank this stuff?

    It is really good with Whipped Cream flavored vodka!! No one can say but you what the effect will be on you. There are some people that react very strongly to artificial sugars and get migraines, etc. I limit what I drink of it because I don't really like it. You could also add some fruit juice or tea instead of soda - find what you enjoy - and if your choice include calories, count them in your daily allowance for the times that you drink it.
  • caroleslaststand
    caroleslaststand Posts: 176 Member
    Maybe one a day qualifies as "moderation". Long ago...(I am a dinosaur after all) I was in a therapy group for women who's lives had been messed up by too much radical dieting. The therapist had all this cutting edge information about related research and that's the first place I ever heard of the real problem with artificial sweeteners. Apparently, the brain doesn't recognize artificial sweeteners as sugar and will leave you still craving sugar. However, we seem to have a bunch of people here who drink one a day (seems pretty moderate to me) and aren't complaining that they still crave sugar (well, folks, you aren't are you?) So, let's call it once a day in moderation. However, if you find yourself drinking one and then wanting to reach for another (and another) then the evil sugar center in your brain is just plain unsatisfied and you'd better run, don't walk, for the nearest Ben and Jerry's.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    personally ... ick

    im not sure what kind of sweetener they use in it - is it like diet pop?
    My mother is diabetic. her dietician told her she is better off to drink full out pop than any diet type beverage with artificial sweeteners. The artificial stuff tricks your body into thinking tis getting sweets and gets your insulin levels up to combat the sweet. I suppose if you are having it with other food its not so bad... but studies have shown that diet pop and hinder weightloss

    I think your mother needs a new dietician. My partner and his mother are both diabetic, he is type 1 and his mum type 2. They can only drink coke zero or other diet drinks as the 12 or so tsp of sugar in one can of full fat soda would be awful for them! Also my partner does not make insulin- so I really dont understand where your dietician is getting these facts.

    Personally I think you have to treat yourself and I love a coke zero. But I recently stopped buying 24 pack crates and am only drinking coke zero every now and again. And also making sure I have to walk to the shop to get one!
    I actually think this is for a diabetic....neither is really an option. But the body doesn't understand it's a no-calorie sweetener. In fact it's 4 times sweeter than sugar....that's all the body reads...and it really spikes the blood sugar. I'm no doctor, but this is what I've heard many times.

    Having drank diet soda for over 20 years, I can tell you that it does NOT "spike the blood sugar". I test my sugar 5-6 times daily. There is no increase after drinking a diet soda.
  • caroleslaststand
    caroleslaststand Posts: 176 Member
    that was just satire. Please do not run to Ben and Jerry's for any reason. That kind of wonderful pure sugar and fat infusion will wipe out a day's worth of working out and that's not what we mean by "eating your workout calories".
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    I drink diet Pepsi daily (at least 2 a day) and have over the last 20 years with no adverse effects. Lol, people have coffee in the morning (I can't stand coffee), and I have a diet Pepsi. In fact, it's time for one now.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Ultimately, you must make your own choice. Just make sure you have all the infomation needed to make an informed choice:

    As for myself, if coke can do all the above what is it doing to my body? I'd rather not ingest it. Plus, my husband works where they mix and bottle it. He has to go outside when they are mixing it because of all the chemicals in the air........................
  • Anet47
    Anet47 Posts: 24
    I bought a seltzer bottle (a soda siphon, if you prefer) and now make soda water with a squeeze of lime juice instead of Coke. Love it. When I *do* indulge in a cola, I drink Pepsi Throwback, Mexican Coke, or one of the small brands of sugar cane colas. I figure that while sugar might make me fat, at least I know what's in it. :-) However, like I said, this is now an occasional treat. Love my fizzy soda water!
  • that sounds yummy, ive never had it before,
    i meant the vanilla coke