Tips for Gym Newbies



  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    Good thread with good tips. I agree that long and loud conversations on the phone are a no no but fiddling with your phone is okay. I use mine to log reps and weights.

    Yes! We have a guy who uses a bluetooth his WHOLE workout while pacing the weight section. It is annoying to the other people because he has that condition where he thinks he needs to talk twice as loud as he would to a person who is next to him. Loud conversations, (on the phone or even with a workout buddy,) are very distracting to others.
  • Kissah
    Kissah Posts: 33 Member
    Another repeat...

    If you don't know how to use a machine, ASK! The rowing machines seem to be the worst- the number of people I see who look completely ridiculous trying to use them, and are clearly not getting any kind of decent workout. Just ASK someone- I'd totally step in and offer guidance if I didn't think people would tell me to get lost...

    Like this?

    LMAO... I've doing it all wrong... jk...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Please be quiet in the steam room. Although there is no sign on the door that says "no talking", please don't use it to gossip with your friends extremely loudly. It is a great space to wind down after a grueling workout.

    no sex in the steam room?? LOL sorry could not resist..I now have that chris rock ' no sex in the champagne room ' song in my head....
  • oceangirl37
    oceangirl37 Posts: 37 Member
    I've been going to gym for a while ago, and the only thing I care about is that people are decent to each other. as for some if the more nitpicking things in here, ignore them. seriously, sometimes I get a work text when I'm on the elliptical and I have to text back. then I pick up the intensity again. if that's going to affect someone else's workout, than maybe they're not working hard enough. and I lift heavy....for me. if someone is going to judge that it's not up to their standards, they can go make love to themselves. there are gym rules people should follow due to safety, then there are people's personal annoyances. try not to let that keep you from working it. oh, and as far as deodorant. I use it, and I sweat thorough it. it's called working out.
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    If you're going to use the spray bottles to clean your sweat off the treadmill, great, but please be mindful of those of us who are still running. Breathing in lungfuls of antibacterial spray while running isn't good for anybody.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ladies - please do not be afraid of the free weight section..ya'll can get in there and crush it with the rest of us guys too!
  • Joeypox
    Joeypox Posts: 37
    ladies - please do not be afraid of the free weight section..ya'll can get in there and crush it with the rest of us guys too!

    SOOO agree with this. Girls that lift are hot!
  • SugarFemme24
    SugarFemme24 Posts: 47 Member
    This is all really helpful! Thanks!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ladies - please do not be afraid of the free weight section..ya'll can get in there and crush it with the rest of us guys too!

    SOOO agree with this. Girls that lift are hot!

    amen brother!!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    - double check you have the correct plates if you use a barbell on both sides of the barbell (double check the weights you are putting on) and double check that you have picked up the same lb dumbbells. (I put a 35lb plate instead of a 25lb on one side of a barbell was embarrassing when I had to do the wiggle of shame).

    ^ done that before..thought I was squatting 200 and it was really 220 ..was like why the F does this feel harder then usual...oh and once grabbed a 70# dumbbell and then 75# one thinking they were both 70's
  • CloverCreeper
    CloverCreeper Posts: 178 Member
    Bump, since I'm a gym noob.