WEIGHTLOSS STOP after only one week



  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    As regards water loss--if you are getting enough to drink, your body allows it to pass through you. If you aren't getting enough, your body tries to hang onto it. This is what is meant by retaining water. It doesn't sound like that is an issue for you, however, some things can mess that up. For, example, if you eat a meal that's very high in sodium, your body will retain water to help flush it out of your system. So that can affect the numbers on the scale. You could get a scale that measures fat% and water weight, etc, etc. I have one and it helped to be able to see changes there when the total weight wasn't shifting.
  • sabimausl85
    sabimausl85 Posts: 219 Member
    thank you guys, i m not thinking about the 600kcal thing, no way, i love to eat ;) and even if i would need a burger and fries, then just fruit for the rest of the day...

    what sodium amount is good? and how much could start storing the water? when i m lazy sometimes, then i just eat a frozen diet weitht watchers meal, these are pretty high on sodium, around 500 mg, but other than that i only eat like cereal, lowfat stuff, yogurt, fruit, cereal bars.... so nothing that could really cause too much sodium, or am i wrong there? i dont even know how much sodium i should take...
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    thank you guys, i m not thinking about the 600kcal thing, no way, i love to eat ;) and even if i would need a burger and fries, then just fruit for the rest of the day...

    what sodium amount is good? and how much could start storing the water? when i m lazy sometimes, then i just eat a frozen diet weitht watchers meal, these are pretty high on sodium, around 500 mg, but other than that i only eat like cereal, lowfat stuff, yogurt, fruit, cereal bars.... so nothing that could really cause too much sodium, or am i wrong there? i dont even know how much sodium i should take...

    Anything frozen, processed or canned will contain a lot of sodium (as well as dressings and sauces).

    If the frozen meals help you in a pinch what about taking a day and doing a bunch of cooking, portion what you make and freeze? Easy, and quick when you need to grab something but much more nutritious and less sodium than frozen meals.

    Lowfat things tend to have more sodium in them as well. Try to avoid anything frozen, canned, prepacked, sauces, etc as much as possible... or drink extra water to help offset the sodium.

    The standard suggestion is no more than 2500mg of sodium a day. Some people consume less than that regularly due to medical issues or the fact that some are more prone to bloating and water weight gain than others.
  • GomesDavid
    If you eat 1700 calories, if doesn't matter how much you exercise, because you STILL ate 1700 calories.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    If you eat more than 600-800 calories...you will not lose weight unless you exercise. You lost a lot of weight...but not the healthy way. You must change your eating habits...when you stopped eating. Your body went into starvation mode. It started feeling like it was going to starve and shut down and started storing up sugars ect.
    So, you have to eat small amounts . 4 to 6 times a day.That way it burns off calories and does not think it is not going to get another bite.
    You must stop eating big meals...start with a shake or half grapefruit...lots of fruit..but remember to write down what you ate and tally the calories.
    No sweets...I would suggest you eat frozen chopped...with a chopper...bananas..with almonds..replacement for ice cream.
    Dont starve yourselve..count calories..no more than 600 a day.
    Disregard this entire post. Possibly the worst collection of advice I've ever seen on MFP. I'm hoping it's intended as some kind of a joke/troll, but I'm afraid it's not.
    If you eat 1700 calories, if doesn't matter how much you exercise, because you STILL ate 1700 calories.
    Say what? Are you saying that you can't create/increase a deficit by exercise? This thread just keeps going further and further off the rails.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    If you eat 1700 calories, if doesn't matter how much you exercise, because you STILL ate 1700 calories.


  • mfoy94
    mfoy94 Posts: 228 Member
    Are you trolling because.....troll vibe.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Are you trolling because.....troll vibe.

    You use this word frequently.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member

    like the topic sais, i am suffering a weight loss stop after only one week, i lost 8 pounds the first week and now NOTHING!!!
    i know its too much weightloss for one week, but it is just depressing and really unmotivating :(
    What causes this? maybe if i know the cause it might help me. and what can i do to start loosing again?
    do i have to go to the gym? should i do a cheat day (where i eat all i want)? or just keep on going?

    i am on a healthy plan with lots of fruit and water. between 1200 and 1700 kcal a day.

    Just be patient and keep being consistent with what you're doing. The first week's loss is usually water weight and big. It slows down after. Just keep going and hang in there.
  • GoTeamMeaghan
    GoTeamMeaghan Posts: 347 Member
    If you eat more than 600-800 calories...you will not lose weight unless you exercise. You lost a lot of weight...but not the healthy way. You must change your eating habits...when you stopped eating. Your body went into starvation mode. It started feeling like it was going to starve and shut down and started storing up sugars ect.
    So, you have to eat small amounts . 4 to 6 times a day.That way it burns off calories and does not think it is not going to get another bite.
    You must stop eating big meals...start with a shake or half grapefruit...lots of fruit..but remember to write down what you ate and tally the calories.
    No sweets...I would suggest you eat frozen chopped...with a chopper...bananas..with almonds..replacement for ice cream.
    Dont starve yourselve..count calories..no more than 600 a day.

    ^^ worst advice ever
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    If you eat more than 600-800 calories...you will not lose weight unless you exercise. You lost a lot of weight...but not the healthy way. You must change your eating habits...when you stopped eating. Your body went into starvation mode. It started feeling like it was going to starve and shut down and started storing up sugars ect.
    So, you have to eat small amounts . 4 to 6 times a day.That way it burns off calories and does not think it is not going to get another bite.
    You must stop eating big meals...start with a shake or half grapefruit...lots of fruit..but remember to write down what you ate and tally the calories.
    No sweets...I would suggest you eat frozen chopped...with a chopper...bananas..with almonds..replacement for ice cream.
    Dont starve yourselve..count calories..no more than 600 a day.
    Disregard this entire post. Possibly the worst collection of advice I've ever seen on MFP. I'm hoping it's intended as some kind of a joke/troll, but I'm afraid it's not.
    If you eat 1700 calories, if doesn't matter how much you exercise, because you STILL ate 1700 calories.
    Say what? Are you saying that you can't create/increase a deficit by exercise? This thread just keeps going further and further off the rails.
    ^What he said.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    Your body is probably adjusting to change in diet and exercise. Give it a few days and re-weigh. It could always be water retintion too. :) Your doing fine and 10lbs in one week is amazing; but also a huge change for your body. Keep up the good work and don't get discouraged by the scales. Measure yourself because changes show up not only on the scale but inches on body too. Good luck
    this. your body probably isn't used to the sudden change so it's freaking out. and it's only been a week? yea, keep on going. and take your measurements. you could be losing inches. they say the first two weeks are the hardest, so keep up and you'll be fine
  • gbbhey
    gbbhey Posts: 188
    Make sure you're only weighing yourself once a week, or less. Another big thing to look at is measurements and progress pics. They make you feel good when the scale just doesn't want to be your friend!
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    Wait...is this a serious thread?
  • stina412
    If you eat more than 600-800 calories...you will not lose weight unless you exercise. You lost a lot of weight...but not the healthy way. You must change your eating habits...when you stopped eating. Your body went into starvation mode. It started feeling like it was going to starve and shut down and started storing up sugars ect.
    So, you have to eat small amounts . 4 to 6 times a day.That way it burns off calories and does not think it is not going to get another bite.
    You must stop eating big meals...start with a shake or half grapefruit...lots of fruit..but remember to write down what you ate and tally the calories.
    No sweets...I would suggest you eat frozen chopped...with a chopper...bananas..with almonds..replacement for ice cream.
    Dont starve yourselve..count calories..no more than 600 a day.

    Whoa! :huh:
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member

    2. variance
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    i was about to say... i dont starve myself, i eat breakfast, 2 small snacks, dinner and another snack. this makes 5 meals a day. i skip lunch, cuz i work nights and sleep during the day.

    Sleep is as important to weight loss as exercise. Male sure you are sleeping in a cool, dark room, and you dim all the lights in your house before bed. It is also important not to watch tv or look at the computer or mobile device without a dimmer close to bed time as the bright screens will throw off your body's sleep pattern. When working nights you have to trick your body into thinking night is day. You can do this by exposing yourself to bright lights right when you wake up. Also take a vitamin d supplement upon waking, as this will get your body awake a ready for the day.

    I used to be a night worker, too. Sleep is hard to get while the rest of the world is awake. Do what you can to get the most restful sleep possible.
  • jodyw83
    jodyw83 Posts: 38
    I have been having this issue as well, but I know that I feel thinner and my clothes are baggier. What people are saying about water retention is true. I have been drinking about 100 oz of fluids a day for a week or so now and I used to probably get about 20 oz of fluids. Your body will hold onto water until it knows for sure it will keep getting it regularly and then it will release it. You will start to see if fall off. It might take a few weeks, or just a couple more days, but keep it up! You can do it! If you take in less calories than you burn, then you WILL lose weight! Every body is different and each reacts differently to the changes. Just keep logging and exercising and you will be fine. :)
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    If you eat more than 600-800 calories...you will not lose weight unless you exercise. You lost a lot of weight...but not the healthy way. You must change your eating habits...when you stopped eating. Your body went into starvation mode. It started feeling like it was going to starve and shut down and started storing up sugars ect.
    So, you have to eat small amounts . 4 to 6 times a day.That way it burns off calories and does not think it is not going to get another bite.
    You must stop eating big meals...start with a shake or half grapefruit...lots of fruit..but remember to write down what you ate and tally the calories.
    No sweets...I would suggest you eat frozen chopped...with a chopper...bananas..with almonds..replacement for ice cream.
    Dont starve yourselve..count calories..no more than 600 a day.

    WTF? *facepalm*

    Please don't listen to this. Only people under strict medical supervision should ever eat this few calories.

    Eat healthy, move more, and be PATIENT!
  • deborahsager
    Fruit and cereal/cereal bars have a lot of sugar. You need to eat a balanced meal, add protein and fiber. Veggies and fruit are great, but without balance your body will store the fat .