The Last 10



  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Hello Everyone! :flowerforyou:
    Back from Guatemala!! I highly recommend mission work as a weight loss tool! Everyday i worked in the garden and climbed the stairs up and down the hill to the baby house several times. I also ate all the beans and rice i wanted and everything else on the menu. We all drank water constantly and and at weigh-in today i am down 2 lbs!! :drinker: :drinker:

    What a wonderful experience. It is probably good that for me that Americans are not able to adopt children from Guatemala right now or I would be on a quest to take some of these children home. What a wonderful job the people were doing at the orphanage. It truly was a blessing for my daughter and me! Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts. :heart:

    Now back to reality, Loads of laundry and resuming my focus on Living Lean in the Land of Plenty.:tongue:
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Oh, and to hear a bit more on our experiences at the orphanage see my blog!
  • thinsky
    thinsky Posts: 81
    You are so close to your goal futurenueman. You can do. I am in the same boat. and I was thinking of eating something else and then I read your post and I thought. I dont need to, I am so close to my goal I need to buckle down and stay strong and lose these last pounds. My wedding day is fast approaching......33 days!! I have to lose as much as I can from now until then, I would love 10 but that is crazy thoughts. I am aiming for atleast 5lbs!!!!!
    We can do this...stay strong!
  • thinsky
    thinsky Posts: 81
    You are so close to your goal futurenueman. You can do. I am in the same boat. and I was thinking of eating something else and then I read your post and I thought. I dont need to, I am so close to my goal I need to buckle down and stay strong and lose these last pounds. My wedding day is fast approaching......33 days!! I have to lose as much as I can from now until then, I would love 10 but that is crazy thoughts. I am aiming for atleast 5lbs!!!!!
    We can do this...stay strong!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Hoosier: I am so happy to hear that it was a great experience. We really discover what it means to be whole when we pour ouselves out that way. ( I would have come home with a bunch of babies too!...even at 45 I would love another little one!)

    Keep going ladies!! We really can do this!

    Feeling strong and hopeful today!

  • MrsNeuman
    MrsNeuman Posts: 76
    Hoosiermama, that mission trip sounds great! Those trips no matter what the price, are in my opinion soooo worth it. I went to a mission trip to Peru at an orphanage this last January and it was truly a moving, life changing experience. Seeing God's love first hand- it was amazing. I wanted to take each kid home with me! I'm glad you stayed healthy- that was my biggest fear!! I ended up coming home with mono, but a small price to pay for such an amazing trip. I understand what you mean by all their rice, it was with EVERY meal (with little to no meat!) lol. Sadly I actually ended up gaining weight, even though we were chasing kids all day, our group brought soooo much food to snack on in between meals (they only ate ever 6-7 hours!!) and it was very unhealthy snacks haha.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Hoosiermama, that mission trip sounds great! Those trips no matter what the price, are in my opinion soooo worth it. I went to a mission trip to Peru at an orphanage this last January and it was truly a moving, life changing experience. Seeing God's love first hand- it was amazing. I wanted to take each kid home with me! I'm glad you stayed healthy- that was my biggest fear!! I ended up coming home with mono, but a small price to pay for such an amazing trip. I understand what you mean by all their rice, it was with EVERY meal (with little to no meat!) lol. Sadly I actually ended up gaining weight, even though we were chasing kids all day, our group brought soooo much food to snack on in between meals (they only ate ever 6-7 hours!!) and it was very unhealthy snacks haha.
    Thanks Nueman of the future :happy: It was indeed an awesome experience!! I am having a bit of a digestive issue now. I think it's my body coming off the daily Pepto Bismal! :noway: Those children are so precious. It is amazing to see the staff and the work they so cheerfully do each and every day! I have so much and I grumble about keeping up with it all. ...So much for me to learn!! We brought tons of snacks and the boys had consumed them by the 3rd day. After that we adjusted - it was a good thing! The orphanage will continue to be in my prayers!:heart:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    I'm back down to having to loss the last 10!! :wink:
    I sadly gained a few pounds the last few weeks, with all the personal things I had to deal with.
    But I'm happy to report that I'm back down and ready to buckle down for the last 10. Today is day 2 of the Brazil But Lift and so far I love it. I've one done two of the workouts, but the Cardio is SOOO MUCH FUN! Like dancing the whole time, but it's intense I as sweaty by the end.
    If you guys are interested I will keep you posted on this workout.
    Hope everyone is having a great day and Happy Cinco de Mayo :drinker:
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    Hi Gaby! Congrats to being back to the last 10! Would love to hear how the BBL goes! I may get it too.
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    I finally lost 1lb!!! Hooooray! I'd been bouncing around but never going lower than my previous lowest weight. Finally I've done it. I haven't been able to do any exercise this week either, I wonder if that has something to do with it.
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Bebbjeb - AWESOME congrats! One lbs is huge when you only have 10 or so to do. These the the toughest ones that just don't wanna leave :)
  • MrsNeuman
    MrsNeuman Posts: 76
    Bebbjeb- awesome!! One pound is an amazing accomplishment when you're this close, your body rejects losing these last 10 pounds, so each one is going to be a challenge, but it feel so good to be rid of them! Keep it up!

    Only 2 weeks exactly from my legal wedding and the next day I head out to Mexico!! Hope to stay strong and get at least to 130! It's getting hard right now because when I get stressed (with finals coming up next week "GAG" and now I found out today that the bridemaid dresses I was supposed to get 2 weeks ago in the mail that I ordered from ebay back in March had to be remade and never got shipped when they were supposed to!!! GAAAA :)
    Btw, thanks for the encouragement before thinsky, you're wedding is dangerously close as well, we can do it!!!
  • MrsNeuman
    MrsNeuman Posts: 76
    Bebbjeb- awesome!! One pound is an amazing accomplishment when you're this close, your body rejects losing these last 10 pounds, so each one is going to be a challenge, but it feel so good to be rid of them! Keep it up!

    Only 2 weeks exactly from my legal wedding and the next day I head out to Mexico!! Hope to stay strong and get at least to 130! It's getting hard right now because when I get stressed (with finals coming up next week "GAG" and now I found out today that the bridesmaid dresses I was supposed to get 2 weeks ago in the mail that I ordered from ebay back in March had to be remade and never got shipped when they were supposed to!!! GAAAA :)
    Btw, thanks for the encouragement before thinsky, you're wedding is dangerously close as well, we can do it!!!
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    Thanks guys!! It's silly, it's taken my over a month to lose this pound. But I know that if I wasn't tracking calories and watching what I ate I probably would have put on 3 pounds, so I'm happy. Now onwards and downwards!

    FutureNeeman, Goodluck with your wedding! You will make a beautiful bride! I'm sure you can reach your goal. You go girl!
  • thinsky
    thinsky Posts: 81
    i can't believe about the bridesmaid dresses, I dont think some people realize the stress these things cause us. So hang in their and stay strong and you will be below 130 on your wedding day I know you will.

    I am still trying but today I didn't get any cardio in and things are stressful for me, A friend is passing away from cancer right now and things in my mind are all messed up. But with friends and family everyone can make it through everthing.

    Stay strong, try to keep the stress at bay(i know way easier said then done) but good luck with everything!!!
  • MrsNeuman
    MrsNeuman Posts: 76
    Your posts are def giving me motivation to hit the gym tonight! I live in the college dorms half the week, and it's only open till nine, and half the time I miss going cuz I'm too late, but it's not going to happen tonight!! I set up my ipod touch on the elipital or treadmill and watch movies because then I'm in my own little world and don't have to look around awkwardly at all the guys working out, or look at myself even more awkwardly in all the mirrors! lol

    Thanks bebbjeb! And I agree, if I wasn't on this site, I would definitely gain weight much easier!

    Thanks so much for the encouragement thinsky!! Ya that bridesmaid thing is sooo stupid, and just has me under such stupid stress, but I already decided if for some reason the dresses don't come we'll just buy some pretty summer dresses at Old Navy (they're only like $15!) Wouldn't be my first choice, but I need a plan B, and my bridesmaids are super supportive and encouraging so that helps. I'll keep your friend in my prayers, my mom had cancer in a very rare place, (in the y of her trachea) back in 2001, and they were almost positive she wasn't going to make it (only one other person in the USA had ever had it there, and they died from it), and she's now been cancer free for 9 years, so miracles do happen! You stay strong too! Remember who you're trying to lose the weight for!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I think even a half pound is a bid deal!!! it is really hard but we need to just keep pushing.

    I know on this site there is a heavy push to eat back all of your excercise calories...just curious do all of you do that?

    I have been and I am only losing about a half a pound per month, so I am thinking of cutting back. At this rate it will take me a year and a half to lose the last 10! YIKES!

    My maintenance calories are only 1400, so if I am trying to create a defecit and I eat all of my excercise calories, that is only a 200 calorie defecit. That does not even equal a half of a pound. If I stopped eating my excercise calories my defecit would be 500 and the would equal about a pound per week.

    what do you all think?
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    DeeDee - this is just my personal view. I'm not a professional. It takes a lot for your body to go to the so popular "starvation" mode talked about in this site. There is a place where you're body is on a safety deficit for example this is mine:

    Safety Deficit (875 calories): Nutritionists say that you can safely lose no more than 1% of your body weight per week. For the weight you gave (175 lb), you can safely lose about 1.75 lb per week. Because each pound of body fat contains 3500 calories of energy, your safe deficit is 1.75 lb * 3500 calories per pound per week = 6125 calories per week, which comes to 6125 / 7 = 875 calories per day.

    You can plug in your own weight and see if this works for you. I don't have that big of a deficit, but I do try to stay within my calories regardless of working out.

    Of course I have the occasional day with extra calories and I do try to work out to make them up, but I try to not make it a habit.

    Hope this helps.
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I think I have 10 pounds to go...I'll see when I get there. I am upping my exercise recently so I expect that I'll be gaining some muscle, thus making my weight stand still for a bit. These lat 9 pounds I've lost have just shedded off to my surprise since losing weight has always been hard for me. I've completely changed the way I eat and now that my body seems to be adapting to it and has energy again, I'm going to really start pushing myself to see if I can get down into the 140 's for the first time in almost 10 years.
  • Aurora22
    Aurora22 Posts: 66 Member
    Hello everyone!
    welcome asltiffm. it sounds like you have established some healthy habits. You can keep it up!
    Gaby and Dee dee- To me it seems that eating only a portion of your exercise calories makes the most sense. I think gaby is right that the 'starvation mode' does not come as easily as you think. an 825 calorie deficit per day is a lot! but, i also think that our goal is to get our metabolisms to burn as hotly as possible and a little extra food helps when you are exercising intensely. Maybe with more gentle workouts (walking and such) skipping the exercise calories makes no difference to our metabolism. But on days when I burn 1000 extra calories from some intense mountain climbing or something eating that much extra seems counter productive.
    thinsky- sorry to hear about your friend. I have been through something similar and it is really hard. All you can do is keep a positive attitude and appreciate every moment.
    futureneuman- good luck with the dresses! I am looking for bridesmaid dresses myself though my wedding is not until aug. i am on a strict budget so Old Navy sounds pretty good to me.