Female Runners: Pads or Tampons?

TMI warning semi graphic detail about the joys of womenhood below, viewer discretion is advised.

Okay so I didn't have my period for several months and it was kind of lovely, now that I've taken the focus off cardio and started lifting and eating more its back. With a vengeance. I've never had a light flow but now it seems to be making up for the time it was missing

Normally I use Tampons because I think they're a lot more comfortable... And they seem to provide more reliable coverage.... but im having issues when I run... The movement ends up making the tampon slide out which is not only super uncomfortable but causes me to bleed through it. Pads just feel extremely uncomfortable and unsanitary IMO and aren't really practical when you're doing s lot of moving around it doesn't have good leak coverage.

I've already stained pairs of my semi expensive running leggings and its turning me off from wanting to run at all but my periods tend to last 7-10 days and that's a long time to go without exercise ....

Is there any fix for this? Am I the only one with this issue? I know it's gross but really sucks !


  • Brengild
    Brengild Posts: 127
    I solved that problem with a hysterectomy! lol! But if that seems a bit extreme for you, I swear by the menstrual cup! I used the instead but if you google it there are lots of options. There is a learning curve involved, but once you get the hang of it, truly life changing!
  • auntjenny74
    auntjenny74 Posts: 72 Member
    Because of my birth control pills, I no longer get a period but until they stopped I used my Diva Cup. It was fabulous for running - I even ran a marathon with it.
  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    You may want to reconsider the type of tampon you're using - if it's falling out, that's a decent sign that it's the wrong absorbancy for your level of 'flow'. I personally can't function in a pad - I feel stupid and awkward! But that's my 2 cents on the matter...
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    I don't run and it's usually only 2 days I'm really bleeding a lot. BUT: I'm a dance teacher and need to teach also those 2 days per month ;-)
    This said, I usually use tampons and sometimes a safety pad. I change the tampon every hour or more (as soon as I feel it move down - it hurts).
    And I don't know where you live but here O.B. has a form of tampons with something like little extra tissue (wings) around it. Supersoft and a bit safer... I don't have them here, so I don't know how they named it... Maybe "flex"?!
    I like them for those days!

    Take care and maybe take it a bit easier on these days!
  • shunhuggedme
    shunhuggedme Posts: 5 Member
    I use a Diva Cup, with no issues. More comfortable than a tampon or a pad, and I don't have any leak issues.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm a fan of the tampax sport extra super for those crazy heavy days and find that the "360 expansion design" is much better than the horizontal expansion only design of some tampon varieties. I usually also wear a very thin always infinity pad with my tampon on heavy days just in case... I dont want to be the chick running with no clue she's got bleed thru happening at the track/park. Been there, done that... was not pleasant for anyone involved. The infinity pad is made of a different filler material and therefore lays very flat without bunching or shifting and seems less messy for those "ooops my tampon didnt get the job done" sort of moments.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I use a mooncup which is brilliant - no leaks and I can do anything including swimming. i've a very heavy flow but feel confident using it even on my worse days.
  • bethsetters
    Definitely try a menstrual cup, I use a Mooncup and I love it!
  • Lifting_Knitter
    Does your underwear fit you correctly? That may be the problem, you have lost a good amount of weight! Great job! I would wear 2 pairs of underwear with your pads to make it super tight against you. I can only run with pads, unfortionately tampons give me toxic shock and that is what I do, this also helps with the chafing.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    You need a bigger flow tampon.
  • sahm23ladies
    sahm23ladies Posts: 91 Member
    I could not imagine running with a pad when even a thin panty liner gets all twisted up after a run. My flow is usually light due to my IUD. I've heard of the cup and may check that out when I have this sucker removed because, before the IUD, I was a heavy flow-er.

    How long do you run for? If you're uncomfortable with the cup idea, may I suggest upping your absorbency and inserting a new tampon right before you decide to head out & check it right when you get home. The super tampons are a bit wider and hopefully will remain in place while you're running.

    Maybe then you'll be protected during you run enough to stop ruining your snazzy clothes!

    Good luck!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Diva cup! (or any other brand that fits you best). I have a very low cervix and always had problems with tampons too. The cup has been a miracle for me.
  • Lilyyy7
    Lilyyy7 Posts: 41
    The only times I have found my tampon slipping out of place was when I didn't insert the tampon properly. Make sure you are inserting it properly. When I run, I wear a tampon and a panty liner. Hope this helps!
  • rahrahrita
    rahrahrita Posts: 225 Member
    I don't run on days when I'm heavy (1-2 days) because I get really bad cramps, but I always use tampons. I use Playtex Sport, and I don't know if it's just a product marketing thing, but I've never had any problems with it not staying in place when I work out.
  • rosieg1979
    rosieg1979 Posts: 99 Member
    Another vote for a mooncup/menstrual cycle cup. The things are miraculous. /(And there is anecdotal evidence that they can help cure/relieve cramps as they don't suck the moisture iut of your fanjo like a tampon does)
  • Araucaria29
    Araucaria29 Posts: 157 Member
    Diva Cup
  • AliciaC81
    AliciaC81 Posts: 72 Member
    I use cloth pads and I just wear a cotton one when working out so that it doesn't get hot or sweaty. I love cloth pads and never feel uncomfortable in them. I know they're not for everyone though..so I'd go with a diva cup or other cup as an alternative!
  • Mama_Jag
    Mama_Jag Posts: 474 Member
    I solved that problem with a hysterectomy! lol!

    OMG, this. You just made me realize that I started running AFTER my hyster, so I have never had to worry. Wow.

    Kudos to all you ladies that deal with it and run!
  • StefPayne
    StefPayne Posts: 126 Member
    Tampax sport super for me on the heavy days and regular on the lighter days. Nothing else works as well for me:-)
  • millipedey
    I don't exercise on the two days it's heaviest, but otherwise I use pads... they just seem easier and more reliable.