women who carry their weight in the midsection?!

Anyone have success pics??

I am 5'4 -- and i carry all of my weight there.. NEED some motivation and tips to get rid of it!!


  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    Just keep going strong! I see you've already lost a lot of weight. If you carry most of it in the mid section, that will be the last to come off - but it will come off!! You wont keep losing in your butt and thighs and still have a gut - at some point the belly will begin shrinking! Just remember that from today until that happens, you're only going to keep looking more and more awesome until it's all gone!!
  • jbr121
    jbr121 Posts: 28 Member
    I don't have any tips, but it's good to hear it will go at some point.
  • sherrysheffer
    sherrysheffer Posts: 10 Member
    I feel for u dear, I just went to doc and the entire hospital was looking saying wow she had no fat on her legs! Well if they had looked at my tummy, granted I had a hystorectomy 2 wks ago but excuses don't feed the bulldog, lowfat diet, steamed veggie w/ white meat and working the abs w cardio they will melt off! Stay focused you will get there
  • sandobr1
    sandobr1 Posts: 319 Member
    Yup, that is/was me. For me this was also the fastest to go, from my thighs to below the bust. I have no tips then the generic moving more and eating less...a lot less. In previous times my chest was the first to shrink, this time the mid section, of course I had way more to lose this (the last) time.

    I have not done any specific exercise in this area either, so far my stomach area is receeding nicely, where I have excess skin is in the inner top of my thighs, I think there are some things we just have no control over.

  • Brianna72994
    I dont think there are any specific ways to lose fat in one area. All I can say is do lots of cardio and ab exercises
  • charlenelockhart3
    I also carry all my weight in my mid section and still look pregnant even though i gave birth over a year ago now. Id say just keep at it, don't give up and focus some of your excersizes on that area x
  • Hiskhaleesi
    Hiskhaleesi Posts: 53 Member
    I carry mine there too... like a nice big ol fat roll :( I'm hoping to see some pics of this looking better too, because seriously since I was an overweight child, I have always fantasized about this fat roll not being there anymore ugh
  • carfamily08
    I've always carried my extra weight around my tummy, having kids definitely didn't help that! I have a before (170) and after (138) in my profile. I've lost the weight and inches just watching what I eat, exercising at home to Jillian Michaels and more recently I got a fitbit and make sure I stay active and hit my step goals!

    eta: I'm 5'2"
  • NewKeriSept2014
    NewKeriSept2014 Posts: 170 Member
    this is me...fastest place to gain, absolutely slowest place to lose. i don't think there are any secrets, eventually you will lose from that area....just eat healthy, do continually challenging weight lifting, and continually challenging interval training. it worked for me (5'4, 190lb to under 130lbs). doing HIIT on the treadmill every other day helped me reshape my body in comparison to not doing it. just keep going!

    how long did it take you? i have been doing boot camp all month and just started doing my own interval training on the treadmill last week, but havent lost a pound :(
  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    how long did it take you? i have been doing boot camp all month and just started doing my own interval training on the treadmill last week, but havent lost a pound :(

    I did bootcamp a few years ago when i was first trying to lose weight, and honestly don't trust the scale. Go by measurements. I didn't loose 1 pound in the month and a half of bootcamp, but i lost 2 inches off my stomach, bum and 1 inch off my arms and legs. Interval training is good, its all about keeping your heart rate up and working all of your body :)
  • Biodemon
    Biodemon Posts: 143 Member
    Sadly, I am such a person also. Just recently I am starting to lose the fat from my belly (and I am 165. Started at 200+). I mostly lost a lot from my chest and arms and thighs but even so, my belly was bulging and still is. But I guess now that I've hit this weight, it's coming off my belly. The way I did so was by transitioning to 80-90% paleo. It helped my digestive issues which reduced bloating. It's also made me ito a fat burner, not a carb burner, so that is how I'm losing body fat (I've reduced my exercise cause I've been lazy) but I was doing high intensity cardio (like insanity) for 30 minutes, 3x a week and strength training 3x a week with a ghetto homemade gym. Lol. Hopefully that helps! Just burn fat and your mid section will shrink. Just need to have patience. :)
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    I got a 6 pack by doing this routine once ever day

    Grab a 5lb medicine ball

    crunches (start flat on floor legs at 90 degree angle, finish when elbows touch knees) 3x 15reps
    body hold 3x 1min
    leg lifts 3x 20reps
    fluter kicks 3x 30

    increase as you build your indurance. When I got to the 6 pack I had a V cut and I was able to do 4x25reps and flutter kicks i could do 4x60

    Youll get there!!!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    UGH!!!! :explode:

    This is so me. This is where the majority of my weight goes, as I'm a blasted and dreaded apple. That said, this is also the first place (in my gut and waist area) that goes down tremendously--but for me, it's a HIGH cost to reduce my gut. Time and experience has proven that for me, the price I MUST pay to obtain and maintain a slim and trim mid-section is my food consumption AND moving my body. When I reduce and/or eliminate certain foods and drinks that I LOVE...BAM, my super gross looking (and feeling) tummy flab& fat disappears. For me (and EVERYONE is different), when I reduce or eliminate foods and drinks from my diet, like coffee (because I LOVE it with lots of cream), candy/sweets, white colored foods like breads, pastas, cookies, cakes and pies and stuff like that, diary and yummy junk foods, gooey fatty foods (meaning greasy and fried foods, fast foods--not so with so-called "good fats" though, those my body has no problem with like nuts, seeds, avocados and and rabbit-ish food like that--then (and ONLY THEN) for me it's BAM, bye bye ugly ole gross looking flabby & fat tummy. HOWEVER, once I return back to sugary, processed fatty laden junk foods and drink----here comes the blob again only then some:cry:

    Also, for me and my carrying my weight in my mid-section/an apple shape...I HAVE to move my body, it's not just calories. Even if it's walking daily--I slim down. But like a "bad penny" once I get back into the junky/processed and yummy fattening foods and sedentary lifestyle--the Jabba the Hutt ugly looking fat comes back:ohwell: Also, my age definitely has something to do with this too, I could get away with eating junk for YEARS when I was younger, but now that I'm older...it's a whole "nother" kettle of big fat ugly fish:frown:
  • purplecharm
    purplecharm Posts: 446 Member
    That would be me. I carry practically all my extra weight. No success pictures yet, as I just started my journey.
  • SexyLovinmeCook
    SexyLovinmeCook Posts: 1,393 Member
    Definitely the same....I am 5'4 apple shaped and it is the darnest to lose that fat layer over this stomach....I have learned it is definitely the eating that controls 90% success on that and the rest is with cardio/lifting.... I am not done yet but have at least start to see some progress... Patience and cooking your foods early...I use to preplan and cook daily...but now I do it at 5-day ahead...and put on separate containers and grab and go...No excuse....Abs or nice core is made in the Kitchen.... Never give up what may take some 1yr may take myself 5 but I will get it.... You can do it to! =)

    5'4- 207 Nov 2011


    This week... 144- last weigh in....dont focus on the scale....

  • xcarinarx
    xcarinarx Posts: 31 Member
    ugh this is so me also! i am 5'3" 170 lbs and it's all in my belly! i was mortified this year when i was asked if i was pregnant :( i am not sure how to specifically target this area, but i do agree w. the person who said it has a lot to do with diet. i am already down 8 lbs. this month by eliminating white bread type products and doing jillian michaels banish fat boost metabolism every day. slowly but surely! i would love to hear any tips too if anyone has em!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I just finished doing the 30DS.. lots of work to do but hope this inspires someone.,

    Beginning stats:
    179.5 lbs
    Arms 12
    Waist 33
    Belly Button: 40
    Hips 39
    Thighs 23.5

    30 Days Later
    CW 174.5
    Arms 11.75 - biceps are visible now
    Waist 30
    Belly Button: 37
    Hips 37
    Thighs 22

  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    I think it depends too on your age, whether you've had kids, etc. I am almost 41, pretty much at goal weight but can't seem to shave off the belly - many times I still look pregnant, especially at night when I'm bloated. As women get older, our waists thicken. Unfortunately, I'm living proof...:P
  • rfechter
    rfechter Posts: 109 Member
    that was me. Sorry I do not take any pics but I have gone from a size 18 waist to a size 12 mainly be losing a lot of that belly fat. That is still my continuing goal since all my remaining bulge is there.
  • tina323
    tina323 Posts: 13 Member
    You look great! Congratulations!
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