A Success story from someone who eats 1200 calories



  • Kbmom03
    Kbmom03 Posts: 24 Member
    What are some low calorie foods you enjoy? Great job, btw!!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    What are some low calorie foods you enjoy? Great job, btw!!

    when my husband and i want to splurge on pizza with the kids, we get ourself a large digiorno flat bread tuscan chicken pizza. its huge, its so good, and we smother it with jalepenos and sliced fresh tomatoe. he and i split this, and for an antire half of the pizza, its 435 calories. not bad! its enough to fill up my 6 foot 3 230 pound husband!!! its nice to grab some frozen pizzas on a friday night and be able to eat close to the same with the kiddos...
  • My goal is 1200 a day as well, I typically go over my calorie intake but I break even or better by exercising. Days that I cant exercise I try to stay as close to 1200 as I can but you'll still lose weight if you go over so dont stress it.
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    Congrats. Someone close to me lost a lot of weight on around 1200. She is around 5'. In all reality, whatever works for each type of body.

    She goes to the Doctor regularly and she has good health.
  • RawTriGal
    RawTriGal Posts: 190 Member
    congrats! I hope I can keep at it. My doctor years ago told me I needed to be at 1200 calories yikes! My hardest part is when you make stuff from scratch it is hard to figure out calorie counts, so I have to wing it a lot. Hoping the 1200 pays off soon this sucks lol

    hi... you may already know this but I actually use the recipe calculator that's available here on mfp... I have found it a great help in not only figuring out my calories for making things from scratch but also just in making it a one click for things I eat regularly (like smoothies, etc) instead of having to enter every ingredient individually.

    Just go to Food and then click on the recipes tab on the menu... it gives you the option to add a recipe and from there you just add in your ingredients individually, tell it how many servings it makes and then it caculates your numbers. : )
  • I'm close to 250. I'm 245.2 lbs right now. I am eating 2000 calories with moderate exercise five times a week. I think I'm eating too much. But I'm afraid to go down to 1200. I don't know if I can do it, Lol....I wonder if I should lower to 1600-1800 like you did? Results are SLOW right now. I started tracking since December 27. I started at 247 then went up to 251, and now back to 245.2 as of today.

    Well, it's inspiring and hopeful to see someone who started around my weight lose so much and gain a lot more. If you have any advice for me, please let me know! Thanks...

    You can do it. Eating 1200 calories I have lost 2 lbs a wekk plus exercising. Believe me you wont miss the junk when you feel good inside. Start with varying the days such as going 1400, 1200, 1400, 1200 and so on with your calories.Make lots of natural drinks to keep you satisfied. Eat filling veggies and only lean proteins.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    FTR, I eat over 3000 cals. Just sayin'. There's more than one way to skin a cat. And one of us will still look like this in two years. Can you guess which one?

    I'm guess that you will still look the same in 2 years. I base that only on the fact that you've lost 0 of your 32lb weight loss goal and Fightininggirl has lost 71 lbs so far and losing more and more every week. Definitely feel she will look much different in 2 years. Contrats to you fightininggirl, you are an inspiration.


    Also those on 1200 cals are looking to lose weight not to build muscle..... which is an entirely different concept and requires an entirely different plan!! Try eating 3000cals per day and not working out and lifting weights for hours.... much different result me thinks!!

    I've lost 89lbs by eating more and I rarely exercise, I'm actively trying and losing weight, are you going to tell me I'm doing it wrong. How ignorant!
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 671 Member
    congrats! I hope I can keep at it. My doctor years ago told me I needed to be at 1200 calories yikes! My hardest part is when you make stuff from scratch it is hard to figure out calorie counts, so I have to wing it a lot. Hoping the 1200 pays off soon this sucks lol

    hi... you may already know this but I actually use the recipe calculator that's available here on mfp... I have found it a great help in not only figuring out my calories for making things from scratch but also just in making it a one click for things I eat regularly (like smoothies, etc) instead of having to enter every ingredient individually.

    Just go to Food and then click on the recipes tab on the menu... it gives you the option to add a recipe and from there you just add in your ingredients individually, tell it how many servings it makes and then it caculates your numbers. : )

    Agree completely. I think this is one of the best aspects of the site. I cook a lot, and I use this all the time. It really helps me stay on track with my calories and macros.
  • I lost over 40 pounds eating 1200 calories a day.
    When you make healthy choices, sometimes it's hard to even get to 1200.. healthy food can be very low calorie and filling.

    So true! I have only been doing this for a few days at 1200 cal and have noticed that.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member

    OMG! Another thread hijacked by the "You're going to hell (and in a wasted and crippled body) if you keep eating 1200 calories!" people.

    Give it a freaking rest already. WE get it, you LIKE eating lots of calories and feel superior to everyone else. Go eat some more calories and stop offering unsolicited advice.

    Now congratulate the OP on her weight loss, she's proud of herself as she should be and move ON.

    Well done OP :) You look beautiful.
  • viccigb
    viccigb Posts: 93 Member
    congrats! I hope I can keep at it. My doctor years ago told me I needed to be at 1200 calories yikes! My hardest part is when you make stuff from scratch it is hard to figure out calorie counts, so I have to wing it a lot. Hoping the 1200 pays off soon this sucks lol

    I use the reciper builder when I make meals at home. it has helped a great deal.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    The correct way to post in a success thread that does not involve hcg, pills or eating disorders, is "good job, you should be very proud of yourself." With an optional :flowerforyou: or :drinker:

    Mfp 101, people. Believe it or not, she did not ask for advice, she was sharing her success. Everything is not about you.

    Maybe, but she didn't post a simple success thread. By titling her thread the way she did, she created an advertisement for unhealthy eating, a more difficult than needed weightloss strategy, and an unsustainable maintenance plan (which she has not yet attempted).

    Look at the number of women that have responded to this thread excited to start their own 1200 calorie journey. We're not here to bash the OP, we're here to tell others that there is a better way. An easier way. A sustainable way.

    The thread is in the Success Stories section, ergo it is a success thread. People add stuff to their titles all the time to make it more topic specific. MFP allows 1200 as a calorie goal, but bans pro-ana, diet potions, etc. She is an adult and I'm sure she is more than capable of discerning what sort of weight loss regimen she wishes to follow. I like eating more, myself, but a Success Stories thread Is not the place to offer advice, especially unsolicited. People get in a tizzy when someone comments about revealing clothing In a success story thread with pics, so why is it socially acceptable to criticize her for this? If someone doesn't agree? Move along.

    (Thanks for giving me a chance to use the word ergo. :flowerforyou: )

    Fine. I won't criticize people in success threads because you say that is not the proper place (as long as it fits into YOUR parameters, anyway). Please point me to the section where people aren't whiny babies when you disagree with them. Because I haven't found a forum on here yet where people Thank you for replacing their terrible ideas with sound advice. I keep getting called unsupportive.

    Carry on. I'm done here

    I don't know you, but I love you.

    Davpul is exceptionally awesome it has to be said.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member

    OMG! Another thread hijacked by the "You're going to hell (and in a wasted and crippled body) if you keep eating 1200 calories!" people.

    Give it a freaking rest already. WE get it, you LIKE eating lots of calories and feel superior to everyone else. Go eat some more calories and stop offering unsolicited advice.

    Now congratulate the OP on her weight loss, she's proud of herself as she should be and move ON.

    Well done OP :) You look beautiful.

    And you wonder why low cal peep's get slated? Hangry? Much! Take a chill pill. I can just imagine you all red in the face and stamping the floor as your typing. Angry Anderson!! And yes us none low calorie people spend all our time gorging ourselves on our excessive calories. We just eat eat eat all day long. That's why most of the women you see on here eating just below their TDEE's look so flabby and gross. Insert sarcasm font here.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    And you wonder why low cal peep's get slated? Hangry? Much! Take a chill pill. I can just imagine you all red in the face and stamping the floor as your typing. Angry Anderson!! And yes us none low calorie people spend all our time gorging ourselves on our excessive calories. We just eat eat eat all day long. That's why most of the women you see on here eating just below their TDEE's look so flabby and gross. Insert sarcasm font here.
    Not hungry in the slightest, I'll be at a comfortable 1500 calories when I'm done today. Also not angry in the slightest. Just never understood why people feel the need to butt into every single post by someone who lost weight on 1200 calories and *kitten* on their success because they don't do it the way YOU do it.

    They take a proud accomplishment that is someone's success and imply that they are wrong and not a success.

    Perhaps the lives of these butt-inskis is so sad and pathetic that it makes them feel better about how they are going about it. Perhaps they are just mean spirited people, I say if she's happy and her doctors feel she's healthy.. then good on her. She's done a great job and deserves her moment of success.
  • KatiCoufal
    KatiCoufal Posts: 35 Member
    What happens if we eat even less than this 1200 calories? I am not hungry enough to do this? And I prefer to eat healthy so sometimes it is hard for me to eat as much as 1200 calories. Should I still try to eat the 1200 calories or do you think I will still lose while being under 1200?? I am at a major plateau and cant lose
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    What happens if we eat even less than this 1200 calories? I am not hungry enough to do this? And I prefer to eat healthy so sometimes it is hard for me to eat as much as 1200 calories. Should I still try to eat the 1200 calories or do you think I will still lose while being under 1200?? I am at a major plateau and cant lose

    its very important that women eat atleast 1200, and men 1500... a scoop of peanut butter will help you out if you need it.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    What happens if we eat even less than this 1200 calories? I am not hungry enough to do this? And I prefer to eat healthy so sometimes it is hard for me to eat as much as 1200 calories. Should I still try to eat the 1200 calories or do you think I will still lose while being under 1200?? I am at a major plateau and cant lose

    Once again I am baffled.... just how did you become overweight and needed to join a weightloss site if you can not even eat 1200 calories ? ...... curious.....
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    And you wonder why low cal peep's get slated? Hangry? Much! Take a chill pill. I can just imagine you all red in the face and stamping the floor as your typing. Angry Anderson!! And yes us none low calorie people spend all our time gorging ourselves on our excessive calories. We just eat eat eat all day long. That's why most of the women you see on here eating just below their TDEE's look so flabby and gross. Insert sarcasm font here.
    Not hungry in the slightest, I'll be at a comfortable 1500 calories when I'm done today. Also not angry in the slightest. Just never understood why people feel the need to butt into every single post by someone who lost weight on 1200 calories and *kitten* on their success because they don't do it the way YOU do it.

    They take a proud accomplishment that is someone's success and imply that they are wrong and not a success.

    Perhaps the lives of these butt-inskis is so sad and pathetic that it makes them feel better about how they are going about it. Perhaps they are just mean spirited people, I say if she's happy and her doctors feel she's healthy.. then good on her. She's done a great job and deserves her moment of success.

    You still sound angry. Honestly. It's only the interweb. We don't all have to agree on the definition of success. I've seen many posts slating more muscular women on here. Usually from the low cal people. Pot...kettle. But hey we take it in our stride. I also noted earlier in this thread people who eat in the slightly lower than TDEE bracket being branded weak willed and jealous of all 1200'ers because we didn't have their 'will power' to eat the way they do. I personally think we just have a easier way of losing body fat...but hey each to their own. I just don't understand why the need to make dieting as un-fun and strict as restricting to 1200 cals a day. I don't give a *kitten* what any of you say, that is not a lot of food, no matter how you try and stretch it. Why do we offend you so much by offering up a gentler approach to fat loss?? We're not trying to hurt you, kick your dog, eat your chocolate or anything mean, it's trying to help you to see that the majority of women on here don't need to be so harsh on themselves/ It's trying to be supportive, but you all just get butthurt and call us meanies for eating more and suggesting you even try the same. It's a lose lose situation!!
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    What happens if we eat even less than this 1200 calories? I am not hungry enough to do this? And I prefer to eat healthy so sometimes it is hard for me to eat as much as 1200 calories. Should I still try to eat the 1200 calories or do you think I will still lose while being under 1200?? I am at a major plateau and cant lose

    Once again I am baffled.... just how did you become overweight and needed to join a weightloss site if you can not even eat 1200 calories ? ...... curious.....

    This. Which is why I question how accurate diaries are. Speaking for myself alone, its hard to log every little thing you eat accurately. It's a bunch of work. I enjoy the work, it keeps me honest so I do it, but I have to wonder how many folks really track their food accurately, that sometimes its not a case of undereating but rather underreporting food intake.
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