How do YOU eat?!



  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    Some people are so f'ing rude! Obviously the OP is asking for a reason...and I'm pretty sure it's not for dumb *kitten* replies!!

    I eat about every 3 hours. I tried low carb and it worked OK til my workouts became more intense and I started running. Now I eat as balanced as possible, with little processed foods and lots of water.

    Some people are just joking to lighten the mood.

    ^^ THIS ^^
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I follow the 80/20 rule - 80% of what I eat is healthy (lots of fruits, veggies, raw, unsalted nuts) and 20% is not so healthy.

    This.....though sometimes its more like 20/80.

    ^^ USually weekends are 20/80 - 20% food, 80% alcohol. lol ;)
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I eat the evidence based common sense diet...

    By George I think the noob's got it..... ha =)
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    I just started this 3 weeks ago, but I'm feeling awesome and losing a lbs a week. And not feeling hungry! And my skin has already cleared up too.

    I basically cut out most carbs (especially breads, cereals, rice, potatoes). The carbs I do get come from fruit and veggies, and I aim for under 100g a day. The rest is protein, veggies and fruit. With a bit of dairy (1 cup of milk or some yogurt/cheese every day).

    I also mostly cut out processed crap and refined sugar. I've been doing a lot of home cooking with fresh ingredients.

    My boyfriend and I go out for a 'cheat meal' every Saturday, so I can get my fix of carbs/deep-fried goodies.

    I'm very happy with how I'm eating these days, and I feel like it's pretty sustainable. When I reach my goal weight I may slowly introduce some grains back into my diet, but so far I don't miss them much.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Just trying to figure out how everyone else is dieting... I'm currently researching CLEAN eating...but either with or without actual meat.


    Through your research, if you happen upon a definitive definition of "clean" eating, please report back and share this well hidden meaning with the rest of the world. I have a feeling you will be looking a long, long time.
  • ejay90
    ejay90 Posts: 42
    I use the southpark method of shoving it up my *kitten*
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I try to eat clean, avoiding refined flour and sugar, but I'm not anal about it. Though I don't call it a diet, since it wasn't for weight loss reasons that I started this (just a bonus), but reading about all the chemicals in our food, I changed for long term health reasons.
  • wrotruck
    wrotruck Posts: 72 Member
    I eat the evidence based common sense diet...

    Dude! If you'd read the latest BroScience, you'd know that this will never work! You're gonna end up above 1200 calories!
  • Controversial
    Controversial Posts: 157 Member
    To quote Crystal_Pistol: if it isn't dragged in dog *kitten*, it's clean!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Why can't people post actual replies? It isn't cute or funny when someone just wants help. Idiots.

    I am trying to eat "clean", since I've realized doing low carb or low fat isn't going to work for me. Just healthy, balanced foods.

    Well to be fair, she did ask how people eat. You guys don't expect people to take it literally?
  • cardinalsfootball
    cardinalsfootball Posts: 167 Member
    I try to eat clean. Mostly leaves and veggies. Lots of meat, including about 1/2 fish. And fresh fruit.

    I drink most of my fruit and veggies in a green smoothie each day, made in a Vitamix.

    I eat a very healthy sized dinner of meat and grilled veggies, sometimes bread. Or salad. Or sometimes soups.

    Try to avoid at all cost because they result in binge: pizza, beer/wine, creamy pastas, fried foods, baked deserts

    I keep an open food diary if anyone wants to see what the above translates to.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    Some people are so f'ing rude! Obviously the OP is asking for a reason...and I'm pretty sure it's not for dumb *kitten* replies!!

    I eat about every 3 hours. I tried low carb and it worked OK til my workouts became more intense and I started running. Now I eat as balanced as possible, with little processed foods and lots of water.

    Some people are just joking to lighten the mood.

    joking not allowed! must. be. serious. allthetime!
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    I'm slowly changing my eating habits. I used to drink soda all day, eat fast food, and candy. Thats it. Then I started cooking more at home rather than going out to eat and drinking more water. Then I started to count calories and eat whatever as long as it stayed within my calorie limit. Then I started looking at my sodium and trying to limit how much I was getting (hence eating cleaner). Then I started to make sure I had enough fruits and veggies in my diet and less carbs and fat. So now my eating habits are: Generally eating a well balanced diet of fruits/veggies/meats/a little carb and dairy. I'm trying to stay within my macros. Looking forward, we bought a juicer so that will help me get fruits/veg in, and I'll try to get my diet cleaner and cleaner as I get used to it. Less fast food, less binging! :)
  • kyliebird001
    Some people are so f'ing rude! Obviously the OP is asking for a reason...and I'm pretty sure it's not for dumb *kitten* replies!!

    I eat about every 3 hours. I tried low carb and it worked OK til my workouts became more intense and I started running. Now I eat as balanced as possible, with little processed foods and lots of water.

    Some people are just joking to lighten the mood.

    joking not allowed! must. be. serious. allthetime!

    no joking. no happiness. no smiling here!!!!!

    i'm not really worried about it and nobody else should either... i did get some help out so its all good.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Sorry that you don't like some of snarkier replies. Some are being literal in an attempt to be cute. Others are just plain snarky in an oddly self-righteous way, but the question as stated is a little annoying--to me at least.

    I have no doubt that it was no way intended to be annoying (I assume the opposite), but that doesn't make it less annoying. If I had to guess, I'm say that's why you're getting some of the responses here.

    Technically, yes, the way we eat is considered a diet, But asking someone else how they're dieting can rub people the wrong way sometimes because they don't consider what they do "a diet" in a broader, more commonly used sense of the word.

    "Diets" can frequently refer to crazy fad diets, or kooky ideas of food that have only slight basis in reality. And I think that's what people are picking up on. Instead of "dieting" they just watch what they eat without stressing about it. They count calories and/or find a macronutrient combinations that help them attain their goal. They don't really consider the process "dieting" as such; it's just eating and living.

    Perhaps a better phrasing might have been: "So what other strategies are people using for their weight loss and fitness goals?"

    Maybe that would have been just as likely to get some of these responses, but I tend to doubt it.
  • nolanthephotoman
    I struggle to eat healthy, but have been staying under the cal limit. I walk round the supermarket looking at all the stuff i used to eat and find myself looking at labels and putting it back on the shelf. I hate rabit food, and love bread. I could eat my allowance in bread alone.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Pretty well, actually. Full-flavour everything, healthy fats, bacon, chocolate, etc.

    I'm blessed to have good food and good taste :drinker:
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    Eh, I just try and stay under my calories. I know that I'll never be able to give up bread, pizza, ice cream, pasta, meat, etc for the rest of my life, so I might as well learn how to eat them responsibly. If I don't, I'm just going to gain the weight back. Yes, I eat "processed crap".
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Pretty clean. But not for weight loss reasons. Mostly for environmental, economic, and paranoia reasons. :D I am probably about 80%. I shop pretty clean, but I get sucked in to the "unclean" when I go out to eat some times. When things are very slammed, I tend to have fast food, or convenience items. I try to avoid, but it happens a few times a month.

    I try to buy local, seasonal, mostly organic, and minimally processed around 85% of the time. I just think it is tastier. I also try to keep my components local too. Local produce. Local bread. Local rice. Locally processed spices. Local olive oil. Local chocolate. Mostly local dairy.

    I try not to have stuff out of season. It is a challenge. I almost never eat out of season berries (they are so crappy). Rarely out of season tomatoes (these aren't tasty either). The hard ones for me are the tropical fruits. CA mangoes are very expensive and hard to find. CA avocados can be pretty pricey too. I go off and on for bananas. They are great but that is a lot of miles traveled to get a banana to the US.

    It is a philosophy for me! The less miles traveled the tastier it is.

    It would be very hard if I didn't live in CA to follow this philosophy. I can easily get locally grown staples like potatoes, carrots, onions and garlic all year round. Salad greens too.

    In terms of processed foods? Generally I only have coconut water, protein powder, almond milk, coconut milk, pasta, tofu, chocolate, dairy, and a few brands of crackers. Sometimes I'll get sucked in by doritos or something.

    I try to avoid transfat like the plague. It sneaks in once and a while, when it is out of my control. [I can't seem to get my parents to go transfat I try and cheat and drop off replacement groceries when I visit. ;) ]

    I also try to mostly patronage places that also serve "good" ingredients too. The tough time for me is like 10pm any night of the week. If I am eating dinner that late, and have no energy to cook, minimally processed options are limited.

    Food wise, I am aiming for a ratio of 45/25/30 for carbs/protein/fat. I am getting better at it, but it takes concentration to hit my goal.

    The most important food philosophy is one you can stick with.

    The biggest dietary change I have made on the journey is around portion control and macro ratios. I was already eating this way before I started. And I am evidence that eating clean isn't a magic bullet for weight loss. I do think it helps with general health measures, comparing myself to my sister. (Who didn't eat many veggies.) My heaviest weight was around 20-30 pounds more than hers (we have a similar height and body shape and she probably got more activity than I did since she doesn't drive). But she has had to worry about "obesity related diseases" and also some joint pain, and this hasn't been a problem for me at all. Even at my heaviest weight -- I had normal blood sugar, low cholesterol, normal blood pressure. I blame the olive oil (this is my number one oil of choice!).

    Eat for health and maximum nutrition. Manage your portions for weight loss.
  • whitneyps7
    whitneyps7 Posts: 409 Member
    i use my hands like a vicious animal :) lol