If paleo is so good



  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
    Actually you wanna get technical... send me a message, but with bioengineering we are bringing back neanderthals... So we will soon enough have living cavemen to experiment on...

    Isn't that awesome?

    Oh and paleo is good... there is a lot of studies proving so already, and a tonne more disproving the subsidised american study with grains, meats etc...

    In fact, too much studies with how grains is bad... and how they paid etc to get the pyramid up and running...

    In for ground breaking studies....that are surely not biased in any way.
  • DrBroPHD
    DrBroPHD Posts: 245 Member
    Wait why isn't anyone replying to my fact we are bringing back Neanderthal humans from extinction?

    We are reviving an extinct species...

    Oh and Palaeolithic humans died from injuries, poisons and animals usually :P fyi... more often than not injuries...

    do you have proof?
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Wait why isn't anyone replying to my fact we are bringing back Neanderthal humans from extinction?

    We are reviving an extinct species...

    Oh and Palaeolithic humans died from injuries, poisons and animals usually :P fyi... more often than not injuries...

    replied. You'll be sorry when he goes neanderthal on all your azzes. There's a reson they are extinct.
  • CATindeeHAT
    CATindeeHAT Posts: 332 Member
    I'm pretty certain some of them are still alive, they just shave and dress better than they used.


    I'd argue that most the men I know are still cavemen.


    Yes, that would be sexist if I said that ALL the men I knew were caveman.

    However, in your case I'm pretty sure that not having the ability to read would put you in that category.

    You can try to cover up your sexism and hate but I see right though it

    Personal attacks are not allowed on this site by the way and I've reported you

    Ouch... My life is certainly ruined now...
  • stacygayle
    stacygayle Posts: 349 Member
    Please, would you one time let me be myself?
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    all the meat eaters, vegans, vegeterians, pescitarians, and libertarians of yesteryear are dead...

    oh and this is the best comment of the post
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    I'm pretty certain some of them are still alive, they just shave and dress better than they used.


    I'd argue that most the men I know are still cavemen.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    They're not dead. They put on suits and shave.
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    Personnally I think its a matter of opinion whether they are dressed better nowadays...just look around!!:laugh:
  • ajourney2beme
    ajourney2beme Posts: 181 Member
    Wait why isn't anyone replying to my fact we are bringing back Neanderthal humans from extinction?

    We are reviving an extinct species...

    Oh and Palaeolithic humans died from injuries, poisons and animals usually :P fyi... more often than not injuries...

    Encino Man. Is this reply okay? :D
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    This is stupid. Obviously, there were no cavemen, it's a conspiracy by "scientists" to make us believe we came from fish. The world started 6k years ago, and then there were two people, a rib, and an apple. The rest is history.
  • CATindeeHAT
    CATindeeHAT Posts: 332 Member
    This is stupid. Obviously, there were no cavemen, it's a conspiracy by "scientists" to make us believe we came from fish. The world started 6k years ago, and then there were two people, a rib, and an apple. The rest is history.

    I hate to disagree but,


    My response to that is that The Bible is a conspiracy made up by "religious folk" to strip people of their ability to think for themselves.

    Good news is, religion is starting to go extinct just like the cavemen. So I guess we both win right?

  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    WHAT! Cavemen died? No one informed me of this!
  • CassieLeigh86
    CassieLeigh86 Posts: 68 Member
    This is stupid. Obviously, there were no cavemen, it's a conspiracy by "scientists" to make us believe we came from fish. The world started 6k years ago, and then there were two people, a rib, and an apple. The rest is history.


    pun intended? :)
  • CATindeeHAT
    CATindeeHAT Posts: 332 Member
    This is stupid. Obviously, there were no cavemen, it's a conspiracy by "scientists" to make us believe we came from fish. The world started 6k years ago, and then there were two people, a rib, and an apple. The rest is history.


    pun intended? :)

    Never. ;)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    This is stupid. Obviously, there were no cavemen, it's a conspiracy by "scientists" to make us believe we came from fish. The world started 6k years ago, and then there were two people, a rib, and an apple. The rest is history.

    I hate to disagree but,


    My response to that is that The Bible is a conspiracy made up by "religious folk" to strip people of their ability to think for themselves.

    Good news is religion is starting to go extinct just like the cavemen. So I guess we both win right?

    Who said anything about the bible?! Religious discussions belong in private groups.
    :laugh: :tongue:
  • CATindeeHAT
    CATindeeHAT Posts: 332 Member
    This is stupid. Obviously, there were no cavemen, it's a conspiracy by "scientists" to make us believe we came from fish. The world started 6k years ago, and then there were two people, a rib, and an apple. The rest is history.

    I hate to disagree but,


    My response to that is that The Bible is a conspiracy made up by "religious folk" to strip people of their ability to think for themselves.

    Good news is religion is starting to go extinct just like the cavemen. So I guess we both win right?

    Who said anything about the bible?! Religious discussions belong in private groups.
    :laugh: :tongue:

    Well I'm sure you didn't read that the world is 6000-years-old in National Geographic. You brought it up love, not me.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    This is stupid. Obviously, there were no cavemen, it's a conspiracy by "scientists" to make us believe we came from fish. The world started 6k years ago, and then there were two people, a rib, and an apple. The rest is history.

    I hate to disagree but,


    My response to that is that The Bible is a conspiracy made up by "religious folk" to strip people of their ability to think for themselves.

    Good news is religion is starting to go extinct just like the cavemen. So I guess we both win right?

    Who said anything about the bible?! Religious discussions belong in private groups.
    :laugh: :tongue:

    Well I'm sure you didn't read that the world is 6000-years-old in National Geographic. You brought it up love, not me.

    It's science, yo.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    This is stupid. Obviously, there were no cavemen, it's a conspiracy by "scientists" to make us believe we came from fish. The world started 6k years ago, and then there were two people, a rib, and an apple. The rest is history.

    I hate to disagree but,


    My response to that is that The Bible is a conspiracy made up by "religious folk" to strip people of their ability to think for themselves.

    Good news is, religion is starting to go extinct just like the cavemen. So I guess we both win right?

    Wow, that's rude. Also, I think she's joking :wink:

    Also, God has no mother :tongue:
  • DrBroPHD
    DrBroPHD Posts: 245 Member
    I think if one were to ask a caveman if he wanted some processed corn products he would say
