Team Fit- May



  • Candue
    Candue Posts: 14 Member
    Just checking in to say I'm sticking to it. I should be drinking more water but this is the first time in weeks (months) I've gotten past (no kidding) 3 days stying on track. YES! It's a good start. Hope everyone else is doing well. I STILL have to change my weight and 'check in' but it's not too off anyway. Hope everyone else is doing well!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    So its day 3 of the Brazil Butt Lift. Woke up super sore today from the Bum Bum workout. Didn't even do the whole thing. But its okay cause it was the first time, so that means I have room for improvements. Looking forward to doing the cardio one today to strech and dance. :)
    Diet is going okay. Staying under my calories, even though lunch was bigger than I hoped. I did drink a lot of water and had a small dinner and snack to make up.
    I really need to get my HMR working so I can accurately track my workouts, right now I'm just entering them under cardio.
    I'm happy about my water. Good thing I've always liked water, but I have noticed in the last few days, that's all I drink and I've been able to average about 20 glasses a day :)
    How are you guys doing?
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    So its day 3 of the Brazil Butt Lift. Woke up super sore today from the Bum Bum workout.

    Diet is going okay. Staying under my calories

    How are you guys doing?

    Congrats... the BBL sounds like something with very positive results!

    Stayiing under your calories? By how much...? I try to match my calories or only go over/under my 50 or so.... these past 2 days have been horrible ones though

    This week has not been a good one for me. Since I hurt myself at the end of my gym class Monday, I havent been able to hardly walk much less workout! Hoping to get at least a small workout tonight! And go strong as soon as I can.

    I am right there with you on the water challenge. It is easy for me.... but I dont get 20 glasses I try to stay b/w 10-14 glasses.

    Good luck on the cardio and workout for today!
  • Candue
    Candue Posts: 14 Member
    I used to do the Biggest Loser workouts. They are difficult but very good! I have Body Sculp and Cardio Blast. I also have the Body Shred with Jillian too. Normally I can move on to the highest level after the first week or immediately but with Body Shred, I had to stop it. I couldn't get past the first level EVER. It was toooooo hard! And when its that hard, it's rare but I'll just working out. I need to try that Butt one everyone is talking about!!!!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi everyone!!! Hope you all had a good Wednesday yesterday! Tomorrow is Friday so hang in there! hahaha :laugh:

    Gaby- thats awesome your sore! haha sorry, but i love it when im sore because i know its doing something! keep up the good work girl!!!

    comfortfoodaddict- thats sucky you hurt yourself at the gym. i pulled a muscle in my leg last week when i went. just take it easy and easy your way back into it.

    today: 60 mins of cardio and then a 30 min session with my personal trainer. im super stoked! every 30 days they will re evaluate me so it gives me more motivation to stay on track. im really excited. hopefully i can lose these last 15 pounds. but the scale at the gym says im 10 pounds heavier than my scale at home. so im a little bummed. but no matter how i look at it, i have lost 65 pounds so i guess i shouldnt be that upset. its just i'd rather weigh 155 then 165. so i dont know what scale to trust. i think i want to go off of my scale lol. my scale was only 2 pounds off from my doctors. and i feel like gym scales lie (like in the movie dodgeball when ben stiller tells the guy to add 5 more pounds top the womens locker room scale haha :laugh: ) and i will get in at least 8 glasses of water, like i do everyday.

    well everyone i hope you all stay strong today and keep up all your hard work! you will be so happy in the end, no matter how long it takes!:glasses: :flowerforyou:
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    comfortfoodaddict- thats sucky you hurt yourself at the gym. i pulled a muscle in my leg last week when i went. just take it easy and easy your way back into it.

    thanks... the part that I really hate is that I hurt myself STRETCHING and not b/c I worked out to hard... ughh
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    Hi all, it sounds like everyone is doing really good. Keep it up!

    ComfortFood- be sure and allow time for don't want to aggrevate the injury by doing too much too bites that you pulled a muscle stretching. I hope you get better soon!

    Ariel - stay focused on the scale you started with. Keep it up, girl - you're doing great! It's so cool you have a PT to help keep you motivated and tell you how to target specific areas of concern.

    Kim - Good job - keep it up!
    lmr - Ditto! Hang in there!

    Water is not a problem for me, either. I love it and that's about all I drink unless I have the occasional tea at lunch. Anyway, I'm doing really good on cals with the exception of yesterday. At a birthday lunch for a co-worker, I ate steak and grilled shrimp, but I couldn't resist a loaded baked potato! I only got in 30 minutes exercise last night. Hoping for more tonight.
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Hey everyone

    I did not get up a workout this morning so I went for a 25 min walk at lunch. I got my Polar in last night so I tested it out. According to the FT7 I burned 132 calories in Fat Burn Mode. So that is twice as much as what MFT says. Bummer is I went to eat my salad and it was frozen from my fridge, so I ended up sharing half a sandwich with my husband. Oh well, I tried.

    I have been feeling bloated the past two days and I am not sure why. I have been drinking my water and I am on week 3 of Burn so I should not be retaining water. I hope it passes soon because I am uncomfortable.

    See everyone tomorrow.
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good morning

    I got up and used my HeartRate Monitor to workout with Burn 3 and 20 min TJ. I burned 243 calories in 30 min lifting weights which when MFP said 104 calories. TJ was actually correct calories but I did find out that I am working out at Fitness not Fat burning when I do weights and cardio together. Tomorrow I am going to just do cardio and see if I am in Fat Burning mode. I am excited.

    Happy it is Friday. Hope everyone has a nice weekend. See you on Monday.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    Kim- thats awesome your buring more than you thought! where did you get your HRM from? I really want to buy one!!
    karen- thanks for the support! yeah when i went last night it said 166 but like i said my scale says 156. So im going to stick with mine hahaha:laugh: Im sure they make their scales more on purpose. Make you think your heavier than you are to motivate you more to lose. lol, thats my story and im sticking with it! :laugh: :wink:

    I got in about an hour last night but I only did 15 mins on the cross trainer and the rest we did strenght training. we did leg presses, hip abductors and pectoral flys. we did 2 sets of each and did about 25 each time. So I was happy. I could really feel the burn in my butt doing the hip abductor! YEAH! :glasses:

    Anyways, I'm pretty busy at work so I gotta get back. I hope you all have a great weekend!! Stay positive and keep up all of your hard work!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello all!
    TOM started so I'm not feeling so well, pretty sluggish, but trying to push thru.
    BBL (Brazil But Lift) going well. I'm excited to start my "actual" program on Monday. It's going to be killer but I think its going to be great. My hopes is to get my indurance up, so I can do the full program (about an hour) in the am before work, so I can continue to go to the gym because I take a few classes I love (strength training and yoga).
    Tomorrow, I'll be moving all day to a second story aptm so even if I don't have time to ge a workout in, I'm sure I'll be burning some calories.
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    I am so ready to be back at the gym/working out... anything really! My legs are feeling mucho better! I normally take Fridays off from workouts to get off work, go home cook dinner for my hunny and me, then relax or go see a movie or something. Since I have been MIA almost all week I am going to a Zumba class with a friend tonight. Never been before, but I love to move and dance. Hope it will be fun!

    As you may notice I changed my profile picture to what my body looked like June 2007... only 3 years ago. I felt huge and fat and disgusting then...Just hoping to be close to that by June 5 of this year!!!! Major a** kicking time!
  • Candue
    Candue Posts: 14 Member
    I keep seeing the Body Bug on the Biggest Loser. I have to check that out. It's a special HRM but I think it does much more than heart rate checks.

    I'm doing good still but too busy to completely fill out myfitnesspal food tracker. I'm on 1200 cal so there's not much wiggle room. I need to make the time but yesterday I was working outside on the deck all day painting. I was exhausted and then my daughter had a show from 6-8pm. I just yawned through the whole thing! By the time we got back (9pm), I was too worn out to track. ugh...

    Everyone is working out so well! GOOD JOB!

    Comfort, I hope your legs are Ok soon! I too want to lose a good chunk by the 5th! We have grad parties and other things coming up.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    :smile: hi everyone!!! :flowerforyou:

    Hope you all are having a good Monday morning so far!!:glasses:

    Anyone a SUNS fan!?!?!?!? Did you see how the kicked the Spurs *kitten* last night!?!??! We swept the series!!!!:bigsmile: :glasses: :flowerforyou: :smile: The Spurs always kick our *kitten* so its nice to be the better team for once!!!:bigsmile: And not to mention it was a good game! Poor nash got his right eye cut open by Duncans elbow and got 6 stiches and STILL came back to play the last quarter!! He's freaking awesome!!!:glasses: :flowerforyou:

    Anyways, well like usual I was bad this weekend. but I did see the trainer for a few mins, we took my measurements and everything down, hopefully today we will go over goals and set up a routine for me to follow. I'm excited! But I am going to be good this week. Summer is almost here and I want to look as best as I can in my bikini's!!!

    today: 45 mins cardio plus 15 mins strength. (at least) I might do more depending on if I see the trainer or not. PLus at least 8 glasses of water.

    Okay everyone kbe EXCELLENT to eachother!!:glasses: Sorry, I'm having a Bill and Ted's moment.:bigsmile:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Happy Monday ladies,
    Sorry I've been MIA the last few days. I FINALLY was able to move out of the hotel and into a new 2-bedroom apt. So the whole wkend was filled with packing, moving and arranging things at the new place.
    But I now feel like I have a home again, need to go grocery shopping to replace the 4 trash bags of food I had to throw away after the fire. So I can buy healthy meals to eat at home.
    I also will be able to FULLY start my Brazil But Lift, my second room will be a office/gym/tv room, so can continue on my BeachBody adventure.
    Today is a beautiful day! Hope you are all having a great one.
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good morning all

    I did my workout Saturday and Sunday, but I overate calories both days.

    Monday: 30 min Burn 1 (225 calories) and 20 min TJ (125 calories). I am going to get back on track after the weekend.

    Ariel - you are doing great. I got my Polar from

    I looked at the BodyBugg but I really did not want something that I had to wear all day long. I just wanted something to wear while I workout to see my calories and to see if I am working out in fitness or fat burning mode, so that is what I got. I think this works better with my lifestyle, there is no way I would have walked around at work with the BodyBugg attached to my arm.

    Hope everyone has a good Monday.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    It's Tuesday!!! :wink:

    Gaby- tats awesome youre back in an apartment and not a hotel! Glad things went somewhat smoothly for you! Keep up the great work your doing!! Way to go!!

    Kim- thanks for letting me know where you got it from. Hopefully I can get one soon. I would love to know exactly how many calories I burn doing things so that I know if i need to step it up! :drinker: Keep up your good work, youre doing a great job!

    Yesterday- well I didnt make it to the gym but I did do the 30 day shred. So Im glad I at least did that. I almost didnt. but I said to myself "what else are you going to do? Sit and watch tv!?" So it was decided then that if I have nothing else to do then thats what I need to be doing. So im going to try to keep that conversation in my head for a while so I can try to keep myself on track. Hopefully were going to the gym today. I kinda have to go when my sister goes because she has the lock for the locker room. I dont have one and i dont feel comfortable leaving my purse in the car. I get paid this Friday though so I will stop at target a buy a lock for myself. They're cheap.

    today: 60 mins of exercise (hopefully!!! 45 mins cardio and 15 mins strenght) and 8 glasses of water

    Hope everyone had a nice Monday, now lets make Tuesday a good one also!!!:drinker: :bigsmile: :glasses: :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Monday: I went over my calories by about 100 because of a lunch meeting that I was not prepared for

    Tuesday: 20 min Turbo Jam this morning. My calories look like they will be in check for the day.

    Gaby - great news about getting back into an apartment. It sounds like you are going to be set up for success with the second room and starting fresh with only healthy foods

    Ariel - glad you did the shed yesterday and did not sit on your bottom. Great self motivation. You are so close, keep it up
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi ladies! Well, I seem to have gained 1 pound over the last week. Oh well - I feel good about the progress. I've been drinking all my water and exercising again. I went over my calories this weekend - had a family reunion full of food. Hopefully this week will be better. Good luck everyone - stick with it!! :smile:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi ladies! :flowerforyou:

    It's hump day!!! Thank god!!! :noway: I wasn't feeling well yesterday so I didnt exercise. my stomach felt really weird. But today I'm going no matter how I feel! I'm meeting with the trainer tomorrow so thats good!

    Kim- thanks for the support! You're always so positive! I love it! :glasses:

    Lisa- Don't worry, I gained back 3 pounds also :cry: But no worries, just stick with it like you have been and they will start to come off! You're doing great!! And we're glad youre back!!

    today: 1 hours of exercising (including carido, strenth and abs) and 15 mins of just strength. I think what I'm going to do is when I get home from work do the shred, then maybe around 6 or 6:30 go to the gym and do strength and the cross trainer. Its nicer ging later because its not as busy. When we would go around 5:30 we couldnt use all the machines we wanted to because they were taken. but if we go later, theyre open!:wink:

    Well everyone, have a great Wednesday!!! keep up all the hard work! It doesn't matter how long it takes, just as long as you get there!!!!!!!!!!:smile::flowerforyou: :glasses: :drinker: :bigsmile:
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