Black Team week ? -- Pollyanna Challenge



  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Whoa, I have missed quite a lot:

    Ronnie-Congrats Ms. Nonibug on the engagement. Lucky man!
    Donna-Happy Belated Birthday
    Marla- Thanks for the challenge. It helps to put things in perspective.

    I am thankful for my healthy beautiful children who have a way of making me laugh and cry in the same minute!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Thankful for my 530 calories of anniversary muffin brunch-- I'll post some pictures later. The 5 junior crew, our Fab Five as we call 'em-- made us delicious muffins, decorated a poster and made us anniversary hats and set a beautiful anniversary brunch table for us.

    Sweet kids--

    have a great day--

    Happy Anniversary MArla!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Oh boy!

    I'm late to the party. Missed a day so I guess I will do two.

    #1: I'm greatful Marla posted a challenge. I was all out of ideas. (Thanks my dear.)

    #2: I am greatful for a wife gives of herself endlessly. Who loves and supports everything I do. Who is not only a complete blast to be around but it a total fox. :love: I'm greatful to have fallen in love with my best friend. I'm greatful that as time passes I seem to love her even more.

    Good challenge Marla,

    Thanks =)
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I am thankful for a husband that loves me unconditionaly and who will let me go off to the gym for as long as I think I need.:bigsmile:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    So I'm transcribing tonight a teacher of ninth grade English-- she says her students read on an elementary level. But pronounced elementary with emphasis on the TARY. ElemenTARY.

    Huh? Hello???

    Then proceeds to say that the school needs to "run in a orderly fashion." Folks-- if you can't detect what's wrong with that-- no harm, no foul. Nobody here is a teacher of English--

    our schools are a disgrace. This is not the first "educator" I've transcribed who is a blithering idiot-- we are ripe to be conquered..

    I'm glad my kid's not in her class-- there-- that's my glad for the moment.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member

    So, sweet friend-- I pray that you get your head and heart back in the game-- you don't want to go back to that chick sittin' on the beach, I know that--

    Marla- I popped on earlier and these words have been ringing in my head ever since. No indeed, I do NOT want to be that girl on the beach. I am thankful I have a friend who will come right out and say it. Thank you.

    I did not have a great day, but nor was it hideous. I hit the gym and ran 3 miles. Ran all over creation running errands, a birthday bash tomorrow for 13 year old DS. I made a cake, too tired to post pics now, considering I just finished it at 11:15. I will post in the AM, he's thrilled, so I am thankful that I made his day. I swear all in all, it must have taken 4 or 5 hours. I'll say it for Marla, I'm a dope! However, he really was jazzed about it, so it's worth it.

    I ate too many cake samples, I do know that. I also know that when I looked at my side view in the mirror it was an eye opener. Wow. Sweets in large quantities do damage quickly to the belly region. Even though I gasped at the pudge, I'm grateful I looked. It's too easy to ignore the unpleasant and pretend it's not there. Trust me my friends, IT is there.

    So Marla, I will get my head back in this game. I will get back to working my full *kitten* off. One thing that I have going for me, even when I fall apart for a bit, even when I backslide for a while, I never stop coming here. This place is important to me. It keeps it real, it keeps it on my mind, it makes me never want to come on here and say I gained back 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 pounds. As long as I have all of you and make you an important part of my life, I will not go back to the old me. For that and for all of you I am more grateful that words can explain.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,099 Member
    Morning all,

    I am grateful that it is saturday. Poor Thomas has been up and down all night being sick, and I really don't want anyone else in the house to get it. So was anti-bacing his room at 1am. I am now very tired, but will try to lay down with my little men after lunch.
    I am so hopeing that I don't get Tom's bug, as I am having a spa day tomorrow (a present from one of my mindees mum for my birthay), having some me time while Rob is away - so might not be around much tomorrow but will try to be good :wink:

    Ok better get going, need to turn the boiler on (ruddy thing keeps turning itself off!), get Samuel's dirty washing and start to get everything clean. If its a bug in the house, I will kill it!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Quick good morning to all! Here's my latest cake. I am thankful no more birthdays until November!


    Soccer game and party prep. Busy day! Have a great Saturday.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Quick good morning to all! Here's my latest cake. I am thankful no more birthdays until November!


    Soccer game and party prep. Busy day! Have a great Saturday.

    Holy crap-- that's some cake-- lol-- you dope.

    I'm not even gonna show it to my kids....

    "Mommy, why don't YOU make cakes like that?"
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    So, sweet friend-- I pray that you get your head and heart back in the game-- you don't want to go back to that chick sittin' on the beach, I know that--

    Marla- I popped on earlier and these words have been ringing in my head ever since. No indeed, I do NOT want to be that girl on the beach. I am thankful I have a friend who will come right out and say it. Thank you.

    I did not have a great day, but nor was it hideous. I hit the gym and ran 3 miles. Ran all over creation running errands, a birthday bash tomorrow for 13 year old DS. I made a cake, too tired to post pics now, considering I just finished it at 11:15. I will post in the AM, he's thrilled, so I am thankful that I made his day. I swear all in all, it must have taken 4 or 5 hours. I'll say it for Marla, I'm a dope! However, he really was jazzed about it, so it's worth it.

    I ate too many cake samples, I do know that. I also know that when I looked at my side view in the mirror it was an eye opener. Wow. Sweets in large quantities do damage quickly to the belly region. Even though I gasped at the pudge, I'm grateful I looked. It's too easy to ignore the unpleasant and pretend it's not there. Trust me my friends, IT is there.

    So Marla, I will get my head back in this game. I will get back to working my full *kitten* off. One thing that I have going for me, even when I fall apart for a bit, even when I backslide for a while, I never stop coming here. This place is important to me. It keeps it real, it keeps it on my mind, it makes me never want to come on here and say I gained back 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 pounds. As long as I have all of you and make you an important part of my life, I will not go back to the old me. For that and for all of you I am more grateful that words can explain.

    I read this a couple more times today-- makes me well up.

    What I love about the people on this team is just that-- we say what we need to hear. There is no enabling in this group-- I love it, I need it, I thrive on it. You raise me up, people-- and if I'm giving back some of what I glean, well, praise the Lord ~

    Coming here is crucial-- we've seen it from some of the people who are no longer here. Life gets in the way. And then they come back having gained the weight many posts in the main forums have you seen..."I'm back. I gained it all back...waaaaa. "

    I will never take what we have here for granted, or take for granted the level of fitness and control over my eating I've gleaned. I worked too hard for it, and know that this group here was integral to any success-- so, yes, even though I've been stagnant weight wise for wayyyyyyy too long, I'm still here-- good days, bad days, horrid days-- I'm still here, keeping this issue in the front.

    Hope everyone has a great day-- I'm glad our rain stopped, leaving us a breezy, lovely Saturday-- cleaning today-- later!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member

    So, sweet friend-- I pray that you get your head and heart back in the game-- you don't want to go back to that chick sittin' on the beach, I know that--

    Marla- I popped on earlier and these words have been ringing in my head ever since. No indeed, I do NOT want to be that girl on the beach. I am thankful I have a friend who will come right out and say it. Thank you.

    I did not have a great day, but nor was it hideous. I hit the gym and ran 3 miles. Ran all over creation running errands, a birthday bash tomorrow for 13 year old DS. I made a cake, too tired to post pics now, considering I just finished it at 11:15. I will post in the AM, he's thrilled, so I am thankful that I made his day. I swear all in all, it must have taken 4 or 5 hours. I'll say it for Marla, I'm a dope! However, he really was jazzed about it, so it's worth it.

    I ate too many cake samples, I do know that. I also know that when I looked at my side view in the mirror it was an eye opener. Wow. Sweets in large quantities do damage quickly to the belly region. Even though I gasped at the pudge, I'm grateful I looked. It's too easy to ignore the unpleasant and pretend it's not there. Trust me my friends, IT is there.

    So Marla, I will get my head back in this game. I will get back to working my full *kitten* off. One thing that I have going for me, even when I fall apart for a bit, even when I backslide for a while, I never stop coming here. This place is important to me. It keeps it real, it keeps it on my mind, it makes me never want to come on here and say I gained back 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 pounds. As long as I have all of you and make you an important part of my life, I will not go back to the old me. For that and for all of you I am more grateful that words can explain.

    I read this a couple more times today-- makes me well up.

    What I love about the people on this team is just that-- we say what we need to hear. There is no enabling in this group-- I love it, I need it, I thrive on it. You raise me up, people-- and if I'm giving back some of what I glean, well, praise the Lord ~

    Coming here is crucial-- we've seen it from some of the people who are no longer here. Life gets in the way. And then they come back having gained the weight many posts in the main forums have you seen..."I'm back. I gained it all back...waaaaa. "

    I will never take what we have here for granted, or take for granted the level of fitness and control over my eating I've gleaned. I worked too hard for it, and know that this group here was integral to any success-- so, yes, even though I've been stagnant weight wise for wayyyyyyy too long, I'm still here-- good days, bad days, horrid days-- I'm still here, keeping this issue in the front.

    Hope everyone has a great day-- I'm glad our rain stopped, leaving us a breezy, lovely Saturday-- cleaning today-- later!

    I am so with you ladies on this. While life keeps me busy, and I do make less than ideal food choices sometimes, I will never go back to that fat girl I was, and it's because of this team. If I hadn't found MFP that day, I would have stayed where I was comfortable -never shooting for more. Being challenged by this team to try C25K seriously changed my life. :heart:

    I'm glad I have you all as my friends.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Today's blessing...

    I am thankful for my beautiful healthy daughters, son in law and son in law to be.
    I am thankful for my energetic, comical, angelic grandson.
    And I am really thankful that C25K W9D3 is in the books.

    That is all.....for now.
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    hey everyone!

    today i'm thankful for a family that cares about me and parents that are willing to drive 3 1/2 hours with my sister and niece and nephew to come celebrate riley's birthday and mother's day. i'm thankful to my mom for buying me some maternity clothes and helping us out in a lot of different ways. have a good weekend !:heart:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465

    So, sweet friend-- I pray that you get your head and heart back in the game-- you don't want to go back to that chick sittin' on the beach, I know that--

    Marla- I popped on earlier and these words have been ringing in my head ever since. No indeed, I do NOT want to be that girl on the beach. I am thankful I have a friend who will come right out and say it. Thank you.

    I did not have a great day, but nor was it hideous. I hit the gym and ran 3 miles. Ran all over creation running errands, a birthday bash tomorrow for 13 year old DS. I made a cake, too tired to post pics now, considering I just finished it at 11:15. I will post in the AM, he's thrilled, so I am thankful that I made his day. I swear all in all, it must have taken 4 or 5 hours. I'll say it for Marla, I'm a dope! However, he really was jazzed about it, so it's worth it.

    I ate too many cake samples, I do know that. I also know that when I looked at my side view in the mirror it was an eye opener. Wow. Sweets in large quantities do damage quickly to the belly region. Even though I gasped at the pudge, I'm grateful I looked. It's too easy to ignore the unpleasant and pretend it's not there. Trust me my friends, IT is there.

    So Marla, I will get my head back in this game. I will get back to working my full *kitten* off. One thing that I have going for me, even when I fall apart for a bit, even when I backslide for a while, I never stop coming here. This place is important to me. It keeps it real, it keeps it on my mind, it makes me never want to come on here and say I gained back 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 pounds. As long as I have all of you and make you an important part of my life, I will not go back to the old me. For that and for all of you I am more grateful that words can explain.

    I read this a couple more times today-- makes me well up.

    What I love about the people on this team is just that-- we say what we need to hear. There is no enabling in this group-- I love it, I need it, I thrive on it. You raise me up, people-- and if I'm giving back some of what I glean, well, praise the Lord ~

    Coming here is crucial-- we've seen it from some of the people who are no longer here. Life gets in the way. And then they come back having gained the weight many posts in the main forums have you seen..."I'm back. I gained it all back...waaaaa. "

    I will never take what we have here for granted, or take for granted the level of fitness and control over my eating I've gleaned. I worked too hard for it, and know that this group here was integral to any success-- so, yes, even though I've been stagnant weight wise for wayyyyyyy too long, I'm still here-- good days, bad days, horrid days-- I'm still here, keeping this issue in the front.

    Hope everyone has a great day-- I'm glad our rain stopped, leaving us a breezy, lovely Saturday-- cleaning today-- later!

    I am so with you ladies on this. While life keeps me busy, and I do make less than ideal food choices sometimes, I will never go back to that fat girl I was, and it's because of this team. If I hadn't found MFP that day, I would have stayed where I was comfortable -never shooting for more. Being challenged by this team to try C25K seriously changed my life. :heart:

    I'm glad I have you all as my friends.

    So true my friends.

    I, more than anyone else on this team have been out of sorts the last few months, But I am still not the person I was and am still making good food choices. I really do believe I am a changed person. However I need to get my training going for my Tri goals.

    Today I am thankful that even though I had to sell my beautiful bike in order to fix my car, I found an even better bike for less money that someone is willing to hold until I have the money next week. I am greatful for the recognition I got at work in the form of a life saving Bonus. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Beautiful day with dolphins to entertain me !

    Walked up the stairs of a lighthouse with dh. Had a nice boat ride and great lunch. So glad we have had this time to bond and regroup. It is nice to think "Hmmmm I would date this dude!!!"

    Lucky me!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Beautiful day with dolphins to entertain me !

    Walked up the stairs of a lighthouse with dh. Had a nice boat ride and great lunch. So glad we have had this time to bond and regroup. It is nice to think "Hmmmm I would date this dude!!!"

    Lucky me!!!

    That made me smile--
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    I am thankful for my generous husband:tongue:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Glad washer #2 that we bought this week is also working well. We brought in that one today into the laundry room, and took out the old, dead one. Now I have a washer inside and out in the garage.

    We also have an old dryer in the garage which hubs is going to try and hook up in the garage-- how cool is that?

    Very concerned tonight-- found a lighter and matches in my son's room-- he doesn't smoke....cigarettes, that is. We told him when he came back to expect random drug tests, and I think he may be feeling comfortable since we haven't tested him yet that we were bluffing-- I really, really, really don't want to test him because I'm afraid of what I'll find. But, I have to-- and he'll no doubt get the boot again. That was all part of the return deal.

    Sighhhhhhhhhhhhh-- let's see-- need to find a Pollyanna moment here-- ummmm....I'm glad I only have one child like this so far. My other 8 bring me no such grief.

    there-- how's that?

    Heading to exercise-- windier than HELL today--

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    hey everyone just a real quick check tired to post anything long 3 am comes mighty early...have to work tomorrow..hope all is well and everyone has a great MOTHERS Day!!!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    today I am thankful for the tylenol and ibprofen that has kept my babies fever down. Keep fingers crossed fever stays away I don't really want to spend mothers day in the emergency room.

    My other thankful is that I brushed my teeth before I made this delishly good smelling chocolate cake for tomorrow!!
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