Black Team week ? -- Pollyanna Challenge



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Still laughing over the visual-- "dove face first into the pizza-- " you kill me. I've done that once or twice before.

    We had a delish dinner of chicken breast-- go figure. It was on sale. And with my handy-dandy new knife set, I can slice the breasts into lovely razor thin filets and get tons for all of us-- marinaded it in lemon pepper gunk and hubs grilled it-- some broccoli, Italian bread and fresh watermelon and pineapple for dessert.

    My family is thrilled that I'm sooooo tired of eating our budget crap. One way or another I'm trying to get the worst of the worst out of our diet-- they're lovin' it. Me, too--

    Worked like a dog all day outside in the front-- it is definitely the poor man's version of a patio-- but, looks so much better. The girls are so, too.

    SOMEBODY hasn't gone to buy the wine yet-- :grumble: and now I have to get to work-- but, oh well--

  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    PIZZA is EVIL!!!!!!

    hugs to you Marla
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey everyone...Had great ballame last night..we biggie to me, with my sons heart condition I am just grateful he is able to play..I am off and running, told auntie that even thouh she is here I have to stick to routine and its work before play, so gonna go run my ten miles then head to the gym for 90 minutes, then heading to mom and brothers house about 50 minutes away for my nephews balllgame and then bbq...

    Tomorrow I will actually get to sleep in..I dont get to say that very often..I wll probably sleep until 8 30...I hope know me my eyes will probably be awake at 330-400 am just like normal..Then we are going to cracker barrel for pecan pancakes, then I am off to the gym or running, depending on how I feel after today run, usually m butt muscle is sore the next day!! LOL Or that evening to be correct..

    Hey everyone we are alive and well in 2010, that my friends is something to smile about... have a wonderful enjoy your families your friends and be blessed!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    Hey everyone we are alive and well in 2010, that my friends is something to smile about... have a wonderful enjoy your families your friends and be blessed!!!

    Hugs to you!! have a great day with family and friends Tamara :flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    yeah, uh, about that "stay off the scale" part-- crash and burn.

    Up 6.5 since Wednesday morning with no meds. Interesting.

    So far, so good on the blood pressure.

    Busy day again-- gotta fly.
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    yeah, uh, about that "stay off the scale" part-- crash and burn.

    Up 6.5 since Wednesday morning with no meds. Interesting.

    So far, so good on the blood pressure.

    Busy day again-- gotta fly.

    I did not hear an I'm thankful for.....Ms. Pollyanna girl :wink:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    I feel like I have a free day today and don't know what to do with myself. Just dropped DH and both DS to the 24 hour relay challenge for CAPT (Citizens and Police Together) Relay teams of ten with 2 coaches for each team. Each member carrying the baton runs/walks for a mile around the track and passes to next member for that's right, you guessed it...24 hours! It's like Woodstock without the drugs and alcohol! Kids have a blast. Lots of activities going nonstop! Hubby is coach for one son and I'm the coach for the other. Me, being the smart one am splitting the coaching duties with another mom. I don't have to report in until 8 PM tonight. Hubby is there for 24 hours...hhmmm why didn't he think of that? Of course the harder shift is at night when these little ones want to sleep and you have to wake them up to get on the track for their mile! so far it looks like the rain will hold out.

    Great 7 mile run this morning! Yummy breakfast! I ate like crap yesterday. Why is it we torture ourselves by eating this bad food when in the end it makes us FEEL bad??? Back on track today....and for that I am Thankful!

    Have a wonderful day!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    yeah, uh, about that "stay off the scale" part-- crash and burn.

    Up 6.5 since Wednesday morning with no meds. Interesting.

    So far, so good on the blood pressure.

    Busy day again-- gotta fly.

    I did not hear an I'm thankful for.....Ms. Pollyanna girl :wink:

    oh-- uh-- I'm thankful that it's not 7? :wink:

    My son seems thus far to be up a creek without a paddle-- he's still here. Apparently he misunderstood yesterday when I told him he could stay to work out his car insurance problems that I meant for whatever days it took.

    I mean for whatever minutes it took-- we're not letting him take his car with him until he can insure and register it-- he can't insure it until money in his account clears, blah, blah, blah-- so he comes home from work last night and proceeds to hang out.

    I ask him why he's still here. "Well, you said I could work out my insurance problems." "Yes, but I meant until you got off the computer." It was now 1:00 in the morning-- so, okay, you can stay until the morning.

    So far, though, seems like the parents of his druggie friend may have reservations about letting him come and crash there for the third time-- so, if I'm reading between the lines, this kid of mine is working on his car insurance problems so he can have his car to live in until he figures things out.

    This kid better enlist in the military-- like, now, man. He's a mess.

    Trying not to totally freak about my kid living in his car. But, my friends, he has absolutely no respect for his parents, our wishes, our rules-- hasn't since age 14. He's been one problem after another-- we really thought after letting his stew the last time we kicked him out, for at least 3 months with no family contact, that he'd have learned what a gift we have here, and to treat it as such. NOT.

    Sooooo-- it is what it is right now. The kid's nearly 20 years old, this August-- time to start acting like a man.

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    Hey everyone we are alive and well in 2010, that my friends is something to smile about... have a wonderful enjoy your families your friends and be blessed!!!

    Tamara-- you are a blessing, my friend-- I read this this morning without it really making much of an impact. But, just seeing some posts from a friend of mine on facebook, I remembered this-- your attitude is so incredible. What a lovely reminder-- which is really the spirit of this challenge this week. And you nailed it-- you win the Pollyanna award!

    I have a friend whose 15 year old son is in the hospital right now for "routine' treatment for his cystic fibrosis. With any luck, he has a life expectancy of about 10 more years. Can you imagine? He just had a friend of his die of the disease at age 23.

    And here I sit and ***** about my healthy kid being a pain in the *kitten*-- wow-- just wow. What a kick in the head to remember how good I got it. My kid may end up living in his car for a bit-- but, HE'S LIVING, and has no such horrific life expectancy as the son of my friend.

    Wow-- echoing Tamara-- enjoy your family and friends this day, and be blessed.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Still laughing over the visual-- "dove face first into the pizza-- " you kill me. I've done that once or twice before.

    We had a delish dinner of chicken breast-- go figure. It was on sale. And with my handy-dandy new knife set, I can slice the breasts into lovely razor thin filets and get tons for all of us-- marinaded it in lemon pepper gunk and hubs grilled it-- some broccoli, Italian bread and fresh watermelon and pineapple for dessert.

    My family is thrilled that I'm sooooo tired of eating our budget crap. One way or another I'm trying to get the worst of the worst out of our diet-- they're lovin' it. Me, too--

    Worked like a dog all day outside in the front-- it is definitely the poor man's version of a patio-- but, looks so much better. The girls are so, too.

    SOMEBODY hasn't gone to buy the wine yet-- :grumble: and now I have to get to work-- but, oh well--


    Marla, this was for you :flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Holy Moly-- how did I miss that one?


    Thanks, Miss Jeannie--

    I think we're doin' the wine thang tonight-- :drinker:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Psssssst-- if you come up for the Black team gathering, we'll have some wine-- (hiccup)
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Psssssst-- if you come up for the Black team gathering, we'll have some wine-- (hiccup)

    :laugh: the bestest smiley EVER Miss Marla!!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Hey friends, busy day, hope Marla enjoyed her wine. I hit the gym this AM which is unheard of for a satruday. Ran 5 miles, took an hour zumba class, burned 1348, wiped out. Came home, to sons soccer game, sweated *kitten* off. Plans to go out and float in the pool for an hour or so, then out on the town tonight.

    The scale was only up 2/10 this AM after the pizza encounter. Not bad. I paid my dues at the gym this AM. Actually, I think the pizza gave me energy. Usually I run 2 miles, and keep thinking, it's only been half a mile, it's only been a mile. Today I was like, wow, I already ran half a mile? I already ran 2 miles? It was good. It doesn't happen often, so I'll take it when it does!

    Hope everybody is having a great Saturday!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hey friends, busy day, hope Marla enjoyed her wine. I hit the gym this AM which is unheard of for a satruday. Ran 5 miles, took an hour zumba class, burned 1348, wiped out. Came home, to sons soccer game, sweated *kitten* off. Plans to go out and float in the pool for an hour or so, then out on the town tonight.

    The scale was only up 2/10 this AM after the pizza encounter. Not bad. I paid my dues at the gym this AM. Actually, I think the pizza gave me energy. Usually I run 2 miles, and keep thinking, it's only been half a mile, it's only been a mile. Today I was like, wow, I already ran half a mile? I already ran 2 miles? It was good. It doesn't happen often, so I'll take it when it does!

    Hope everybody is having a great Saturday!

    I believe they call that carb friend who runs 1/2 marathons will eat up the pasta and bread the night before!

    Good for you Lori!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Hello all, have had a very busy day today. My eldest turned 13 today, and I got him a child's off road driving experience. He got to drive a 65k Mercedes Benz ML class around an off road course for an hour this morning. We then went to burger king for lunch - I had a piri piri chicken sandwich (which wasn't all that!), and then came home. I then did walked to tesco with my mother in law and little christopher, and we have spent the rest of the day having a chilled out time. Samuel requested a chinese take out for tea, so having 1200 calories remaining I ordered some for me as well, and then shared mine when a friend arrived so have still stayed good.

    :ope that everyone has had a good saturday. lori I have a great time tonight, marla - hope you enjoyed the wine, jeannie - I love the pictures you find, hello to everyone else, happy saturday xx
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Sheesh-- where's the fearless leader these days?

    Come out, come out wherever you are!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Pollyanna moment...I am so thankful that I was able to get my run/walk in between rain drops. Its been raining here since it stopped snowing.:laugh: But the lawn looks good.:wink:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Pollyanna moment...I am so thankful that I was able to get my run/walk in between rain drops. Its been raining here since it stopped snowing.:laugh: But the lawn looks good.:wink:

    We have had a cold winter, so now it will be the hottest summer............ever! I just know it. Mid May and in the high 80s today. Thank God all our digging was under trees or between houses. I think DH planned it that way.

    When we started the trench it was the part right in the bright sunlight. No shade whatsoever. It was over cast and cool all day a good 25 ft done that day.

    Then it rained and surprisingly it loosened the soil. Digging today was a breeze with my DD helping and DH overseeing the work.

    He has been wonderful this project. :flowerforyou:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Just checking in I ate way to much today..I am off tomorrow I think we are having peca pancakes at good ole cracker barrel and then I think I am off to the zoo with my baby girl and son and husband, gonna try to be good the best of the day, I plan on hitting the gym some time, but may take a day of rest...

    Sunburnt today..busy busy busy day...way to may calories...I burnt 1780 calories this morning, and drank LOTS of water!!!