Black Team week ? -- Pollyanna Challenge



  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    OMG! I missed a page and 1/2 of posts and your planning a trip/reunion????

    Count me in. I never heard of that Phila dirt run thingy but it sounds like a hoot...and having mud cool you off in July might be welcoming!

    I don't officially have a vacation planned because my kids are off in all different directions. One going to Germany on exchange program for 3 weeks starting June 19th. Youngest donig summer theatre, the show 13! Very cool. Show is July 22/23rd and then DD off to Penn State in August. We are trying to find a time to all do something together. The rest of family/friends are doing our annual trek to the Outerbanks 14 years running and this is the first year we are not going.

    I don't know what the rest of the family will do but definitely count me in!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    forgot - Today I am thankful that I had a very small salad for lunch. When I went to visit my 88 year old client today, the sweetest woman ever for a portfolio review, she had Columbia coffee chocolate chip ice cream waiting for me. I enjoyed ever last calorie of it.

    I will "zumba" it off tonight! :laugh:
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Eastern PA is about 4-5 hours from me. (I live in Western PA.) But in July I'll be just slightly occupied having a baby. :laugh: So I'll have to make the next get-together. :drinker:

    Today I am thankful that we have a washing machine. Harley puked in her bed twice and unlike my mom having to go to the laundromat when I was growing up, I just tossed everything in the washing machine and went back to bed.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I am thankful today for scripture that calms me.

    Love to all.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Can I stay with someone if this get together comes off??? I could probably scrap together the money for the flights (volcano permitting :laugh: ), but don't think the funds would run to a hotel??

    Would also need a babysitter, as hubs is pretty much away now for the rest of the year - the odd week home here and there :ohwell: . Oh well it might not happen for me this time, but I will look forward to reading about it!!

    I actually lost some weight :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , down to 164.8 - woot woot :smile:

    I am thankful today that my local supermarket had Sherlock Holmes at a reduced price that I can afford this week, so am going to say an early good night folks and sit down and watch it with Thomas - then maybe the kid will give me a freaky break!!

    We watched that this weekend...I loved it!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Thankful this day that I ran further WITH Jim today then behind him. (Though I can't say I mind the view from back there).:happy:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Thankful for my 3.5 mile run -- thankful for the times when things are easy-- faith is easy for the moment, running was easy, love is easy--

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    This meeting is exciting. I'm jazzed! I've often dreamed of all of us being able to get together at like the Biggest Loser Ranch place that they have and working out together and hanging out, but this will do too!

    Edit: Just looked up the rates for a week. Yowza! That's not even airfare to get there. Ok, when one of wins the lottery. Who plays? LOL

    Our Rates

    The rates for The Biggest Loser Resort at Fitness Ridge are broken down into weekly increments. The more weeks you reserve, the lower the weekly price.

    Current Rates

    Private Accommodations: A guestroom all to yourself.
    One Week: $2,195
    Four Weeks: $8,000 ($2,000 weekly rate)

    Double Occupancy Accommodations: A double occupancy guestroom. (We can try and find you a roommate)
    One Week: $1,795
    Four Weeks: $6,400 ($1,600 weekly rate)

    think they'd let us all stay in one room and split it!??? :laugh:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good fabulous morning..My dear friends...Hope all is well and the scale is down for ya'll.. I am off today..yay gonna be working in the office all day so not much fun for me...Oh well its gotta get done..Hitting the gym for 90 minutes..Then shower and take kids to school, then play in office..

    All I have to say is that cheesecake better hurry up and get eaten by other people I had 2 bites of it last night, and it was yummy..DANGEROUS!! I think I will stay strong..I will not gain this week. Tonight we have concession stand duty which means free food.. I think I might make my husband do it..he is the night owl..I was up until 10:15 last night due to a ball game...I dont miss ball game hardly ever..I think he has played 13 season and I have missed 2...

    Well off to the gym..hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Let's see. Marla is making me think about what is good in my life. Hmmm stress from work is enormous, but as of today I have a job. Why do companies that have loyal, hard working employees feel they must shake things up and micro manage? If it aint broke, why fix it?

    My kids are healthy

    Kelly is graduating from LPN school in a couple of weeks. Whew, so glad she has accomplished this goal! So very proud of her!!

    Everyone have a wonderful day!! :flowerforyou:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Howdy eveyone...just a quick stop by before I start working in the office while I eat my oatmeal...So today I ventured out on something different and took spin class..worked out for a total of 90 minutes including weights and burned 604 calories..I was upset my trainer..said tamara whats wrong..I said if I would have stuck with my routine I would have burned 250 more calories in the same amount of time...She said be proud you did somthing are a very routine person...Your body will love you for ONLY burning 604 calories you usually only eat 1200.. You should be fine.,,your body is thanking you for a change...

    So on my pollyanna moment..I am grateful that I am well enough and dedicated enough to get up and workout being at the gym at 430 and them not opening until 5 am, while waking up at 330..on my day off..Thats determination...or dedication..So there where I am proud of myself...

    Hope all is great..I am gonna kick the music up and get to work..yippee!!! NOT!!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Popping in for a second...stealing a Facebook quote.... fitting it's right after Tamara cause she likes amazing.....

    Amazing will never be Easy, Easy will never be Amazing.

    So true my friends. so very very true. Off to the gym to work on amazing... guess it's not gonna be easy! :wink:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Popping in for a second...stealing a Facebook quote.... fitting it's right after Tamara cause she likes amazing.....

    Amazing will never be Easy, Easy will never be Amazing.

    So true my friends. so very very true. Off to the gym to work on amazing... guess it's not gonna be easy! :wink:

    Lori0 you are s right I love amazing..and I so needed to the office already logged all my food for the day I am set..
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Just enough time to pop in for a good morning--

    Later, my friends!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,957 Member
    Happy Wednesday friends!

    So, I've tried something new this week. I've worked out. Watched what I ate and how much and I even LOGGED it. Making sure I've eaten enough fiber. And guess what. The scale has gone down. Huh...who would've thunk it? :laugh: Now who's got the 2 x 4 that can be used to smack me upside my head?
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey everyone wish my luck..headed to concession which mean free food like I had said earlier...UUUGGGGHHHH

    My husband is suppost to show up to relieve me so I can get outta that place...I will let ya'll bright and early in the morning how many of what I ate!! Keeping fingers crossed I already ate dinner!!!

    Drinking water now!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Okay-- so I had my appointment today instead of Monday-- too many family issues Monday.

    Have to make this brief-- cooking supper!

    Spent 10 minutes telling her everything-- tell her I lost nearly 50 pounds only to put almost 10 back on since September, since medicines, cutting out sodium, fat, sweets, drinking only water, counting calories, measuring food, running 12-15 miles per week.

    She says "I don't know, you look pretty good for a mother of 9." And proceeded to begin to totally blow me off.

    Seems since she didn't have my medical history from the idiot doctor I left, she's not taking my word for anything-- told me I'm getting older, metabolism might just be slowing down, lab reports all look good. Suggested perhaps it was my diet, even though I'd already told her.

    So I got mad-- and when I get mad, I cry--

    I started yelling at her-- "Listen, I'm not some lazy obese chick walking off the street looking for an excuse for why I'm fat. I've been working my *kitten* off for nearly two years. I'm training for a freaking half marathon. I've lost nearly 50 pounds and for NO REASON 10 of them have gone back on."

    She said, "Well, you say you work out with weights, muscle weighs more than fat." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

    I then lifted my shirt showing my muffin top. "LOOK AT THIS," I screamed, "This was NOT here even six months ago. I had nothing hanging over my pants, and now look at this. This is with 4 days a week of cardio, low fat, low calories, low sodium. There is SOMETHING causing this. And it has nothing to do with my diet!"

    So-- she finally took it a little bit more seriously-- said that the medicines I'm on for high blood pressure should never be prescribed for high blood pressure-- it's a diuretic, not a blood pressure medicine, especially with someone with mitral valve prolapse, which I have.

    She said since I have had psoriatic arthritis bouts twice, both on this medicine, she agreed with my experiment of last week-- go off it. She doesn't want to prescribe another medication right now until she sees how I do without this one. Even though I told her what happened last week, again, until she sees it for herself, she won't buy it.

    So-- I'm to go off the medication immediately. Stay off the scale. Check blood pressure one or twice a week and see her in a month-- if my blood pressure gets alarmingly high, get in to her right away.

    We'll see what happens. I'm all for getting off this medication. It was initially prescribed as a diuretic by my ob/gyn for premenstrual bloat years ago, then I was put on it twice for blood pressure post-partum, because it was something I could take and still nurse the kids--


    Anyway-- last week, I got no cardio, so we'll see how this experiment goes with no medicines and some cardio.

    Doctors just suck...ya know? Is there one out there who is an ignorant, arrogant *kitten*?
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Well, I'm glad you went to a new doctor, even if she was just as dumb as the last. I have to admit, I'm a little worried about you going off the meds completely. It doesn't work well for you to go off, but maybe it's just something you have to work through, since your body is used to it, it needs to learn to function without it for getting rid of the water. I am hoping. Yes, stay off the scale, you will drive yourself insane otherwise.

    Ahh, my friend, we will be here to listen to the torture your body puts you through when you stop those pills. Hugs.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Happy Wednesday friends!

    So, I've tried something new this week. I've worked out. Watched what I ate and how much and I even LOGGED it. Making sure I've eaten enough fiber. And guess what. The scale has gone down. Huh...who would've thunk it? :laugh: Now who's got the 2 x 4 that can be used to smack me upside my head?

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Marla- Glad you finally saw the dr...

    Kati- I am glad your scale is down..hopefully mine is on friday..

    I got out of the concession stand after 2 hours with are you ready my friends....2 pieces of sugar free gum that I brought with me..I smelled the fries nachos cheese sticks cheeseburger hotdogs...and O M G the popcorn smelled fabulous( Lori I spared you the word amazing..LOL) The other team mates on the team asked my husband why are you here you wife is already here..He said she is dedicated, she gets up at 330 to hit the gym..she has lost 135 pounds and she dont like to stay up past 8 so I am here to take over for her...Isnt he awesome..I love him.,,

    Well everyone gonna catch up on biggest loser before bed..See ya'll in the morning!!!
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