Guys that are a 3 trying to be with girls that are an 8...



  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    I love Steve Buscemi

    me too, guy has something ( strangley) attractive about him!
    It's the confidence thing.

    My husband and I both think we married up. It has worked for us for 20 years.
  • vmdave
    vmdave Posts: 64 Member
    I would say one whom rates another human in my view are not worthwhile knowing I believe if you have learned to love yourself in your skin in a non vain way of course then you will learn you don't need the approval of a man or women or there rates in life to be happy and by doing so you will stop noticing the wasters of this life and will start to see others it's normal tho for ones self to aim higher and yes usually men are more vocal with there choice of women but women may not say it at the same level but still aim higher we live in a vain world there is more to someone then a number there is more to someone then just looks I say stop worrying about others and start to learn to love yourself then and only then will you be able to be loved by another

    Dude Punctuation, it is a beautiful thing.
  • gym_king_carlie
    gym_king_carlie Posts: 528 Member
    If a guy likes someone, she will be an 11 no matter what she looks like.
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    Seems to me that 90% of women are 10's. I'm happy to find a lady that puts up with my sorry *kitten*. lol
  • watcheronthewall
    Yep. Men are weird in this respect...where they seem to have this sense of entitlement to date whichever woman they want regardless of how much more attractive she is. And the superiority over women. Ugh.
  • MsDaraElaina
    MsDaraElaina Posts: 25 Member
    Well said! And this is so true!! I'm not one who rates myself or others but everything to me is based on that persons actions alone... At the end of the day you do have to be happy and love yourself before anyone else can.
  • jcovolo
    jcovolo Posts: 11
    I would say one whom rates another human in my view are not worthwhile knowing I believe if you have learned to love yourself in your skin in a non vain way of course then you will learn you don't need the approval of a man or women or there rates in life to be happy and by doing so you will stop noticing the wasters of this life and will start to see others it's normal tho for ones self to aim higher and yes usually men are more vocal with there choice of women but women may not say it at the same level but still aim higher we live in a vain world there is more to someone then a number there is more to someone then just looks I say stop worrying about others and start to learn to love yourself then and only then will you be able to be loved by another

    Dude Punctuation, it is a beautiful thing.

    My thoughts exactly.
  • AggieLu
    AggieLu Posts: 873 Member
    What you consider a 3, may be a 10 in someone else's eyes. Why are you so worried about looks? Aren't the heart and personality more important? If you truly fall in love, the person will be a 10 in your eyes no matter what. Why judge a book by its cover? You seem kinda shallow. Shallowness never equals happiness.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Because men have a strange idea about what they bring to the table versus what a potential partner brings to the table. In the past I had a man in the bar tear my physical appearance apart before he ever even offered to buy me a drink. Mind you, he was missing some front teeth, bald, seriously overweight and wearing something that resembled pajamas.

    He said to me, "Wow, you've got some real potential. If you worked out for a few weeks and dropped 10-20 pounds you could be a real hottie."

    I asked him if he could recommend his personal trainer, then walked away.
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    To the original poster,

    There are a lot of good thoughts expressed here and then there's a lot of *kitten*. You'll have to filter out what is relevant to you.

    My thoughts... let each person decide for themselves what it is they want in a partner. If they are able to get that, kuddos to them. They're living their dreams out.

    I suggest that you put away your judgement of men and continue being fun, friendly, sweet, gracious, caring, loving, and thoughtful. You never know, the man of your dreams might just be a smile away.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Yeah I know I'm just not their cup of tea for some people, regardless of looks... I get that... I'm just frustrated with the prevelance of guys that are a 3 expecting to only date girls who are an 8,9, or 10.

    Yeahhhhh because women don't do that? I'd say women are a billion times worse about it in fact since generally speaking men are competing for women. Since women know this even the most "average" girl tends to be insanely picky because she knows she can date up. Also, consider yourself lucky if you think weight is the single biggest factor men look at. It doesn't just stop with weight when it comes to how women judge us guys. We get judged on EVERYTHING. Once, I hit on a girl who told me I had too much chest hair to talk to. Then there's the women who don't mind if you shave your head but don't like it if you're balding. Like that makes sense. That's just the tip of the nonsense criteria iceburg.
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    Yep. Men are weird in this respect...where they seem to have this sense of entitlement to date whichever woman they want regardless of how much more attractive she is. And the superiority over women. Ugh.

    Women are not nearly as shallow regarding the whole looks:personality thing as men are. There are women out there that are 100x better looking than me but will still date me and fall in love with me despite my appearance.

    Not that I am saying I look bad or anything, but definitely not a model...
  • BigDaddyRonnie
    BigDaddyRonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Woah! What's with all the men bashing? I know I came into the thread where the title was clearly stated, but I cannot believe what I am reading in most cases.

    You mean to tell me the roll is not, or even never, reversed? C'mon...women do the same...all of the time!

    As for me - I wanted and waited for the 8,9,10. I was never a "ladies man" but never had a problem getting a date, and did not discriminate against anyone. I had fun, I think they did too as they told me so and moved on if/when necessary.

    As for my SO, she is a great mother, a semi-professional athlete, has a home-based business and keeps my home in order for me and our 4 boys. Yes, she drives me nuts, and I may be the 3 you are talking about, but we are the fit for each other. But I waited, think I did the right thing and have been married to this "8,9,10" for 17 years.

    I am convinced that to ***** about something you have all control, or no control over (yes, it is either all or nothing), some serious self reflection needs to take place. Everyone has this inherent right to do so.

    And this is the path my son's are taking. They like to have fun, and want to find and be with someone who is the same. They will stay away from the complainers, the self inflicted pity victims and the drama queens. They want a great woman. If that woman is an 8,9,10, so be it. My wife is...and no I am not going to pimp out her picture.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    To everyone who's saying they never 'rank' people to see if they fit in their league or not in the dating world... Whether on a looks only basis, combination of looks, personality, finances, etc... even on a pass/fail basis...

    Here you go... this is a special gift just for you...
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Man...I'm going to be burning a lot of calories constantly slamming my head into a wall!
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    In my opinion it comes when you least expect it to. Just let go and have fun. When you stop looking for it, it just might find you.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    This thread is very very sad.

    People need to not take themselves so seriously and to get over themselves.
  • da1128
    da1128 Posts: 212 Member
    Do you girls know what I'm talking about or is this just me?

    I hope the girls do because I have no clue.

    Ranking human beings like that by number is degrading in my opinion. There are no leagues. There is no objective standard of beauty where some people are 3s or 6s or 10s or whatever. That is just advertisers trying to brainwash you.

    There are only adults, attraction and differing levels of maturity.

    I thought the 'rating' thing went by the wayside after that old Bo Derek Movie, "10." Who DOES that anymore? Or is it that "everything old comes back new again?"

    Sorry, but I don't rate guys or gals on their physical appeal. A gal can be a striking beauty on the outside and a total beeyotch on the inside and a guy can be world class gorgeous but one who likes to physically abuse women in his spare time. IMO, these asshats don't even 'rate.'

    Doesn't everyone know that the gift inside the package is far more valuable than the pretty gift wrapping?

    That said, I have a great looking husband, but what attracted me to him was his kindness, his sense of humor, and his great attitude for life. We've been together for almost 40 years and he is just as 'hot' as he was when we first met, because he still has that kindness, sense of humor, and great attitude.

    Look past the physical attributes and see the true person underneath.

    Yeah, I know, I know, there are people who still set their standards on the prettiest, the sexiest, the arm candy and that's pretty sad.

    I can't help but think of Jodi Arias, who is currently on trial for a horrific murder in which she stabbed her 'boyfriend' 29 times, slit his throat, and then finished him off with a bullet to the head. Pretty packaging, to be sure, but there's ugly underneath. And of course, Ted Bundy...good looking, great future as an attorney. Too bad he viciously murdered countless young women and fried in the electric chair some years ago. Good looks can make for one hell of a facade.

    To use an old cliche, "Don't judge a book by its cover." Just maybe those "guys that are a 3" have more kindness and confidence than the gorgeous guy on a magazine cover, and just maybe "girls that are an 8" are as dumb as a sack of hair.
  • bootsandfros
    bootsandfros Posts: 81 Member
    looks are only a very small part of finding a partner. if you are looking for something long term you should try to dig a little deeper. what i mean is, maybe you should date someone who you normally wouldn't get to know. people shouldn't be judged by their looks or place in life. it seems like you expect more from the guys you want to date than you expect from yourself. are you giving guys a chance who fall below a certain number in your book? the older you become the more you'll understand what's important. looks are so secondary. i wish you the best.

    if you have already addressed anything i've said then i apologize. i don't feel like reading a bunch of pages right now.
  • MiaEllenxx
    I would rather date a guy who is a '3' and has a great personality then a guy who is a '10' and is an idiot.. Personality should always come before looks!