Guys that are a 3 trying to be with girls that are an 8...



  • I get the feeling he'd be boldly going where pretty much everyone else has gone before...
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    girl, your standards are too low.

    Right now, make up your mind that you are worthy of the best man out there; what is this "in your league" stuff? Who's to say Channing Tatum is out your league? BS! Do not settle. Do not settle. EVER.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Contrary to most girls 8, 9, and 10 self-rated thoughts of grandeur, they are usually about average. Just sayin.
  • Personally I notice women do exactly the same thing.

    Having said that, to the OP, what number would you put on yourself if you were being honest, and what number rating guys have you gone for and do you go for? If you were being honest.

    Regardless of what ppl say about only caring what's inside it's a fact of life that its clearly not as I know plenty of real nice guys who aren't lookers that women ignore over guys who are lookers but are total dill holes.
    I imagine I'd be pretty low on anyone's at a glance rating, but if they take the time to get to know me I recon they'd shoot my rating up several notches. And if they don't want to take the time to get to know me I suspect I'm not missing out as I doubt I'd think much of a person like that.

    Most prefer to put me in the friend zone as that's what they seem to like to do while finding the biggest ahole they can to date.
    I stopped trying to figure out this stuff years ago and simply accept it as it is.

    I recon both men and women are too influenced by the media these days.

    I think the "friend zone" is the only place that something real can catch fire and become something more so don't knock yourself for being put in the friend zone. Once a woman gets over her need to subject herself to the antics of an *kitten* when the dust settles seeing the face of a man in the friend zone is so sweet.
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    Contrary to most girls 8, 9, and 10 self-rated thoughts of grandeur, they are usually about average. Just sayin.

    ^^^ THIS

    It is so true for both genders :-)
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    so are you rating based on looks alone?? that pretty shallow.....
  • "In all seriousness, OP, though I know you're sort of a "Drop divisive topic and skeedaddle" person:"
  • "In all seriousness, OP, though I know you're sort of a "Drop divisive topic and skeedaddle" person:"

    Otherwise known as the "one who stirs the crap". I have not been able to read enough of the boards to pick up on who are the posters who fall into this category. If this is indeed the MO of the OP there is a much bigger problem here than being shallow when it comes to dating.

    Sorry for the screw up posting above. I gotta learn how this whole quoting function works. LOL!
  • Otter1422
    Otter1422 Posts: 162 Member
    I can attest to the fact that a 3 guy can get a 10 lady as I am married to one and she is definitely out of my league. As for the OP I think you are selling yourself short, you are very pretty and maybe you are setting your sights too low and getting more jerks instead of going after the prince you deserve.
  • matthewsq
    matthewsq Posts: 58 Member
    It's human nature to rate someone based on your opinion. Everyone rates someone but they either choose to say it out loud or not. Please don't lie. you never saw a really really ugly person and didnt think he or she is a 1 or saw a really really beautiful girl or guy and didnt think he/shes a 10.
  • I either find someone attractive or not, and their behaviour, personality figures into that.

    I don't give people a number on some scale which is clearly looks based only.
  • mikegl1
    mikegl1 Posts: 238 Member
    After a bit out thought I also don't think I care what others rate me. The only thing that bothers me is rudeness. If I say hi to someone and they give me that look of "creep go away" or "cha right!" that is when it bothers me. Other then that I treat people well and if I say hi and they don't respond in a way that feels friendly I move on. Too many people in this world to pine after ones who don't care to know you.....
  • Hirgy03
    Hirgy03 Posts: 332 Member
    I either find someone attractive or not, and their behaviour, personality figures into that.

    I don't give people a number on some scale which is clearly looks based only.


    Of course, looks figure into it, but personality and the way somebody carries themself can drastically alter their "attractiveness" factor. I have known plenty of women that when all I knew of them was their appearance, (and I can honestly say I have never looked at anybody and put a 'number' to how attractive they were). Well, anyway, plenty of those women, once I've as much as heard them speak or watched how they react to others around them have become so unattractive to me that i can't even look at them without being almost repulsed.

    I've also known women who, if somebody were to rate them by number based solely on appearance and body, would likely rate quite low. However, I've seen guys of all shapes and sizes almost trample one another to be near them as their confidence, personality and whatnot are so damned attractive that they would almost surely be ranked an 8-10 if the number system were to be applied.

    I will only be with a 10, but that is taking everything into account. (in my case I'm lucky, as my bride-to-be is a "ten" in both appearance, personality and heart). NEVER sell yourself short, and NEVER settle for less than PERFECT FOR YOU
  • Alicia_Monique
    Alicia_Monique Posts: 338 Member
    Blown ****ing away that people STILL rate each other on a scale of 1-10.

    What? Are we 13?
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    1) Channing Tatum looks like my knee.

    2) Trust people on a dieting forum to obsess over numbers..... :indifferent:

    Shallowest thread ever.
  • Hirgy03
    Hirgy03 Posts: 332 Member
    What? Are we 13?

    13 on a scale of what???? 100????
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Contrary to most girls 8, 9, and 10 self-rated thoughts of grandeur, they are usually about average. Just sayin.

    ^^^ THIS

    It is so true for both genders :-)

    I would also add, that no matter what you really look like, this thread smacks of thinking too much of yourself and not enough of others. But thank you reality TV and Nike.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Blown ****ing away that people STILL rate each other on a scale of 1-10.

    What? Are we 13?

    Off topic. Congrats on the weight loss!
  • LeggyAmericanGirl
    LeggyAmericanGirl Posts: 285 Member
    Always been a three, find a three you can love.
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    If you're frustrated with dating then I believe you need to change something within yourself. Work on you, be the best you possible and learn to be happy alone. Amazing things happen when you love yourself first :)