Negative comments about me lifting weights



  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    Pick up a heavy weight and throw it at them! lol.

    Seriously, ignore it. Lifting will give you an amazing body, make you stronger and is also great for the bones as women get older. You go for it!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    how does one "tone what they have" without resistance training?

    And if you look stronger than your husband then he should probably lift some stuff too :tongue:

    My husband took a photo of me carrying all the groceries (6 bags or something) in one hand and a huge bag of kitty litter on my shoulder and posted it on Facebook with the caption "The benefit of having a wife who lifts serious weights, I only had to unlock the door!"

    Love this!

    I only tend to discuss lifting IRL with people I know who are supportive, or who are close friends who don't understand it but accept I do it without negativity. In my office everyone is just jealous at how much I eat yet be the slimmest, while they're planning their next 'diet'. Lifting FTW \m/
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    No one said that to her, its BS
  • XDiet_SlayerX
    First off screw people and their opinions! You are doing this for YOU and only YOU. You will look gorgeous like a cut up diamond behind glass for everyone to admire when you keep to outsiders at bay and do what ever the hell you want to do with the weights.
    These people sound ignorant and just reading this pissed me off.
    I had a guy at work who is into working out but he is not that serious and told me this: "If I looked like you I would hate myself. I don't want to be that big." I told him "That's your opinion but you don't have to be a little ***** about it.".
    Let the haters hate and most of the haters are just envious little a-holes who don't have the discipline like us bodybuilders and weight lifters.
    Today I talked about starting to weight lift and this is what I got:

    'Women who have muscles have ugly bodies, only tone what you have. You don't want to look ugly.'

    'You shouldn't look stronger then your husband, you need to look like you compliment him.'

    'Make sure you get help, you don't want to make your body horrendous looking. '

    Well, you know what? I think a muscular woman is beautiful and I am going to make me the most beautiful me I can. And you want to know what? Since I have started this journey, I now am able to open a jar by myself. I was never able to before hand. Being strong is beautiful. I want to say, all you women with muscles you are beautiful no matter how big or small they are. You are strong and I can't wait to be strong too.
  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    I weightlift. This is what it did for me so far. (can't do much cardio due to knee problems)
  • athelete4
    There are so many benefits for women who lift weights.....please don't listen to all of those people that tell you that you will look like Arnie. I lift weights to help shape my body and make it stronger. Deadlifts, squats etc will sculpt and tone you in ways you would never imagine. espeically your glutes (bottom). Do it, lift weights, be confident and ignore anyone that tells you different.

    Good luck :)
  • EmAgain
    It is a myth that as a woman you will get 'bigger' with weight lifting even if you lift heavy. It is such a common misunderstanding that is droned out in gyms and communities of women, that women should use little weights and more reps and just 'tone'. Utter trash. Using tiny weights that aren't actually heavy is just simply a waste of your time. It won't increase your muscle mass lifting something that is 'easy' to will literally do nothing apart from move that muscle around a little bit.

    You burn very little fuel actually doing the weight lifting because it is not a cadiovascular exercise but if you lift properly and eat properly at the same time you will change your whole body composition so that you have a greater proportion muscle and fat free mass. Without the use of nasty testosterone injections, as a woman your body will have its natural size limiters. Yes, you will change the shape of your limbs but you won't make them 'bigger' by weight training alongside leaning down. If you increase your muscle mass you will just burn a greater amount of fuel doing anything...simple. Fat is 'dead' tissue it doesn't do a lot. Muscle is living and strong and requires fuel to move.

    Feeling strong and being strong are very empowering too so the psychological effects are likely to make you more successful in your weight reduction endeavours as your self-efficacy improves and your sense of control increases. The main reason that other people (usually men but some women too) trot out these same old, worn statements about weight lifting (which are incidently inaccurate and demonstrate a total lack of knowledge about training) is usually for men because they feel threatened and unsettled by a girl lifting, and for women, because many women take some kind of inferred criticism from your own engagement with training (like you are saying that their way of being is not good enough for you). Of course you aren't making any comment on the way that they are living but women also feel threatened in a different way.

    Finally, girls lifting weights is such a powerful and important role model. It changes the thinking of "I want to be skinny" to the thinking of "I want to be healthy and strong" and this is infinitely preferrable. The desire to be "skinny" brings such dysfunctional eating behaviours with it but the desire to be "strong and healthy" means you end up eating properly to fuel the machine.

    You go girl! Girls should lift weights. It is good for women physically and psychologically. And lift properly.Get your form right. Plan your sessions properly. Work hard. Take yourself out of your comfort zone. Read up. Seek advice. Ask a PT. Surf the net.

    And for those negative people out there...well everyone is entitled to their opinion..."sorry can you step aside you're in the way of my deadlift"!!!!!:laugh: