
  • tdfarmer
    tdfarmer Posts: 176 Member
    Definitely before pics. Definitely stay off scales. I completed 21 days and got stomach virus, out 2 week currently back at day 6. The DVD pushes me. I stepped on scales day 21, so discouraging up 5 lb, water weight. I took measurements before I started again, a little discouraged, but want to see the progress.
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,531 Member
    I heard that when Tania was 3 years old, for reasons unclear, her family was destroyed by a creature from another dimension. She was only spared due to the villain's arrogance, refusing to acknowledge that 3 year old girl could ever be threat to it. She was found crying in a wardrobe when the police came to invstigate and was raised by a kindly old beat cop / vietnam vet. He taught her the basics of self defence and warfare. When she was 15 she moved to China where, having proven her worthiness, she was accepted to study anicent mystical arts of combat under the tutelage of an old chinese man with a long white beard and ponytail. She is now the most dangerous woman on the planet and hopes that by becoming a biological perpetual motion machine she can generate enough energy to re-open the dimensional gateway between the creatures world and our's, in order to confront the thing that made her.
    That's why Tania can't sit still for a second - EVER.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I actually read an article that said Tania had made a deal with the Devil.
    She sold her soul in return for superhuman levels of physical fitness.
    When it came to collection time she was dragged to the Underworld and sentenced to perform barefoot switch-kicks on a lego strewn floor for all eternity!
    But as she was in such great shape, she was able to battle her way out of Hell. Switch kicking Demons and despatching Hell Hounds with a succession of power knees. She finally Power Jumped over the lake of fire and made it back to our World.
    But she wasn't able to break the contract, which still stands and the Devil got his payment.
    That's why Tania has no shadow and no soul!

    Oh that was a good laugh at 3am...

    Anyway, I'm on week 3 & I love it even though it's hard as hell. I'm pretty sure I forget half the English language including my own name by the time I get to 10-15minutes left of the workout.

    And definitely go at your own safe pace, especially in the beginning. Or you'll end up hurting yourself within a couple of days & not be able to work out at all for almost a week. (I did that like 2 or 3 times before I made myself calm down.)
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Fun fact: Tania was shaun t's best man at his wedding :)

    Really....for some reason I'm not so keen on Tania, could be green eyed monster syndrome, I'm sure she's a lovely lady!

    I feel this way too. There's some self righteous abut her. To me I see her in a bad light but I'm sure you're are right. It also bugs me that in plyo cardio circuit warm up they miss out stretching the left leg, you know the bit where you're on one leg stretching your glutes. I always pause and do it my self!
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    [It also bugs me that in plyo cardio circuit warm up they miss out stretching the left leg, you know the bit where you're on one leg stretching your glutes. I always pause and do it my self!

    yes, this really annoy me too lol.

    i am a tania fan anyhow. i note someone else says she she always staring at the camera but i disagree. in my opinion it's the camera man who is always focussing on her and she isn't even looking at the camera from what i see.
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,531 Member
    A friend of mine ( who worked on Jurassic Park ) told me that Tania is actually CGI'd to be presented as the peak of humanity. She cost $35,000,000.00 to render. That's why the " camera " always focusses on her. Otherwise it would have been a waste of money.
  • AngieD2203
    AngieD2203 Posts: 53 Member
    A friend of mine ( who worked on Jurassic Park ) told me that Tania is actually CGI'd to be presented as the peak of humanity. She cost $35,000,000.00 to render. That's why the " camera " always focusses on her. Otherwise it would have been a waste of money.

    I think you need to go do Insanity, you have wwwaaayyyyyy too much time on your hands haha!!!
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,531 Member
    I'm in my recovery week.
    I've had sometime to form my opinions and do my Tania based research.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    Lasted 30 days then got wrist that i am recovered I am doing p90x which I will follow up with insanity.

    Did you injure your wrist while doing insanity or was this something that was bothering you prior? My left wrist is getting super sore from the workouts. I'm going to order some wrist wraps to strengthen them. I’m obviously doing something wrong that it’s hurting.
  • LOVE INSANITY!!! Just got my T-Shirt in the mail in fact....Did it twice :)

    First time, was a bit pre-season college track...but SUPER FUN.

    The second time ending I think right before xmas I doubled the workouts ending the program in about 6 weeks...there is NO overdoing what your body says you can or cannot handle...the key to insanity is only go as fast and as hard as YOU can always push yourself harder.

    (Side note) and I can't stand Tania! She looks at the camera way too much as if 'look at me..." love Ariel though. But not surpised Shaun had her as a best man, he is gay...


    I LOVE ARIEL too. I wish she was in each workout.
  • Yvette22Hernandez
    Yvette22Hernandez Posts: 52 Member
    I started last week, but was recovering from the flu--then got the stomach bug!!! I am off to start anew this weekend: from scratch again---ugh--the insanity of it ;) Good luck to you! My boyfriend and I are struggling right along with you.
  • CrisAlex
    CrisAlex Posts: 236 Member
    I love Insanity! Insanity Asylum is really good too but I find it so much harder to the point that I stop just to curse! Just do it! I find Tania a little annoying but I do think that she's in awesome shape. I am really amazed by Alysha's body transformation - while she is getting into shape during Insanity, she is in such amazing shape in Asylum. Rachel's body is noticeably different too in Asylum.

    Anyway, I went off topic. Best of luck with Insanity - I hope that you really enjoy it!
  • urglewurgle
    urglewurgle Posts: 224 Member
    Fun fact: Tania was shaun t's best man at his wedding :)

    Really....for some reason I'm not so keen on Tania, could be green eyed monster syndrome, I'm sure she's a lovely lady!

    I feel this way too. There's some self righteous abut her. To me I see her in a bad light but I'm sure you're are right. It also bugs me that in plyo cardio circuit warm up they miss out stretching the left leg, you know the bit where you're on one leg stretching your glutes. I always pause and do it my self!

    I can't stand her! There's an 'i hate Tanya from insanity' Facebook group. Josh also annoys me when he's the reason I have to hold my hip flexor stretch for ages while Shaun fixes his leg. I usually like Josh cos he gets stuff wrong "Don't have your legs too far apart.... Josh!"

    The leg stretch annoys me too. In fact, when he says 'split the leg' I get wound up cos in my mind it's the arms that you're splitting _with_ the leg.

    Insanity is awesome and will work as long as you stick to it, exercise and diet plan (don't worry bout eating the same meals in the guide just sick to the calories it suggests - and no less- and 40% 40% 20%. Work out as hard as you can, take breaks when you need to but push further the next time. Don't skip the stretches. Do the workout in view of a mirror so you can check your form.

    It never gets any easier but YOU get better!
  • tinethebean2
    tinethebean2 Posts: 31 Member
    I have just completed this and you will see a lot of difference in your fitness levels and it makes me laugh everyone mentions tanka she's horrid lol but it is a great excercise but I also found jillian micheals good as well hope this helps
  • fallonrhea
    fallonrhea Posts: 388 Member
    Insanity is great! Words of advice:

    1) Make sure you're eating enough and eating foods that will give you energy
    2) You don't have to keep up with the people in the video (I still can't!)
    3) Don't get discouraged the first few times you do it - it's going to be ridiculously hard
    4) Try to push yourself to the point where you feel uncomfortable - but it IS okay to take mini breaks if you need one. Make sure you get right back in it before your heart rate comes down too low
    5) Take before photos (I'm so bummed I don't have official before'll regret it)
    6) Don't worry about the scale. This is an intense workout - chances are it's going to temporarily increase your water weight.
    7) Most importantly: HAVE FUN WITH IT!
  • I started it couldn't do it. All the pounding on my knees was too much for me. But I guess I'm just an old man :wink:
  • zoejne
    zoejne Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am new here and joined precisely because I just finished round 2 (without cheating) of Insanity and only lost 2 stinking pounds!!!! I have to say that I have a LOT more muscle than I have ever had in my life, though. If you touch my fat, it feels firm now. ha,ha! I guess that diet really IS 80% of it, a fact I just don't want to admit. I am able to eat extremely healthy up to a point (albeit portions are too large), then I have a round of binging on JUNK food. I am hoping that recording everything will solve the WHY AM I NOT LOSING WEIGHT??? question! I am NOT the type of person who is good at logging everything, so this will be hard for me.... To your question, INSANITY is INSANE, very hard, and never gets easier. At times I felt like I was living in hell, but I so loved the feeling of waking up in the morning with tons of energy all day and of racing my dog up the stairs and actually beating her now! It works! You will find the numbers at the fit tests going up, even though you didn't even think you had the energy to work out that day. DO IT!
  • KarenJean91
    KarenJean91 Posts: 283 Member
    I'm starting it Monday too! Good luck :)
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    I just started Insanity this week. What I like about is that most of the movements are not that difficult to do, I think anyone could do most of them. There aren't confusing combos to learn. It's the intensity and the fast pace that make it 'insane'. I don't move as fast as Shaun T and his crew and take a lot of breaks of pacing or just doing the moves at very low intensity, just as long as I keep moving. When they drop to do 8 fast pushups, I'm on my knees doing 4. Soon I will do more and do it faster(and not on my knees), I know it will take time to get there. I am not a big fan of there being stretches so early in the workout, last workout I actually skipped half of them. I like them just at the end of the workout.
    Just make sure to focus on form and landing softly on any jumps, I could see this workout being bad for some people's knees. Of course drink a lot of water and make sure you aren't eating too little, it can be a very intense high calorie burn workout if you work hard.
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    Tomorrow I will be done my second week! Love it so far!