How to Drink Alcohol...



  • NatalieHassett
    NatalieHassett Posts: 26 Member
    My questions is why can't you go out and enjoy yourself without alcohol? Maybe that's your problem!
    Get real. Go talk to AA people about your addiction to judging and controlling

    This ^

    It drives me nuts when people post a sensible question and then judgemental fools reply...
  • InstantSunshine
    InstantSunshine Posts: 355 Member
    How to drink alcohol: open wide, raise glass, down the hatch. Soon you will find that none of this matters. :drinker:
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    At a bar my go to is Vodka & Cranberry ♥
    or just beer - however, i hate light beers, so i always get a stout like a Guiness or something similar, which of course has higher calories than a bud light or something.
  • Cynclancurrie
    Gin, club soda, a big slice of lime (squeeze it into the glass), or if you don't mind the taste, order gin and diet tonic. I love gin and diet tonic and they always have diet tonic everywhere. The lime is to add yummy. I know some people hate tonic. Diet tonic is virtually indistinguishable from regular tonic. P.S. Two or three drinks does NOT mean you need AA. Once you start having two or three bottles of gin, you can start worrying. :tongue:
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    There's always at least one ignoramus on these threads who half reads the question because they're so excited to get standing on their high horse to deal out unwarranted judgement. Go have something to eat because you're obviously grumpy for some reason that isn't the OPs fault but you've decided to take it out on her anyway.

    Vodka and water (still or sparkling) is great with lime, I'm still tweaking mine; last time I had two glasses of red wine and it was a lot of fun; wine goes straight to my head though ;) Have fun
  • MrsK20141004
    MrsK20141004 Posts: 489 Member
    I actually love ordering a hard liquor (vodka, gin, tequilla) with club soda and then I pull out my secret stash; I keep a few individual packets of Crystal Light or Bob's drink mix powder in my purse and mix one in with my order.

    I usually keep a variety on hand; lemondade, margarita mix, mango margarita mix, mojito, pomegranite, etc.

    I love this idea! I too enjoy a vodka and club soda but never thought to do this! You've revolutionized my adult beverages. THANK YOU! :) So simple, i can't believe i didn't think of this before!
  • o58598
    o58598 Posts: 25 Member
    I love to have a drink now and again. The only problem I have besides the calories is it is easy to lower your resolve when it comes to overeating(and a few other BAD decisions that we won't get into here). So I would encourage you to keep that in mind. If you are going out with friends. Hydrate heavily before you go out. Make your food decisions early and spend extra time on the dance floor. Alternate every other drink with a non alcohol one. You will have just as much fun and feel better both physically and emotionally the next day.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Ah, the Dry Blanket thread metric ... The average number of posts it takes until someone plays the 'I can have a perfectly good time and not booze ner ner ne ner ner' card in any given alcohol-related discussion ....

    I drink red wine, a lot of it, regularly. Doing it now in fact. You'd never guess ;)

    Personally I'd rather end my life dribbling in a gutter having consumed too much booze surrounded by like minds than ever having to spend more than 30 seconds in the company of the kind of self-righteous twonk that embodies the Dry Blanket mentality.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Ah, the Dry Blanket thread metric ... The average number of posts it takes until someone plays the 'I can have a perfectly good time and not booze ner ner ne ner ner' card in any given alcohol-related discussion ....

    I drink red wine, a lot of it, regularly. Doing it now in fact. You'd never guess ;)

    Personally I'd rather end my life dribbling in a gutter having consumed too much booze surrounded by like minds than ever having to spend more than 30 seconds in the company of the kind of self-righteous twonk that embodies the Dry Blanket mentality.

    To the OP:
    Dry wines and liquor have the least calories. So mix booze like whisky, vodka, rum or gin with soda or a cal free mixer.
    For beer I find higher ABV types have more bang per calorie and Guinness is surprisingly low cal for its meatiness.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My questions is why can't you go out and enjoy yourself without alcohol? Maybe that's your problem!

    There is a difference between "can't" and "don't want to".

    OP, I'm a wine drinker. But for mixed drinks gin and tonic is my favorite. When trying to reduce calories gin and Diet Sprite isn't bad.
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    If you enjoy it then drink what you like! I wouldn't stress over it really.

    I avoid alcohol as much as possible, not because of calories or whatever but I just feel better physically without it.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    Another tactic I use over a long evening (say, cocktails followed by dinner) is to enjoy a glass of wine, then have a glass of club soda, then maybe a second glass of wine. Alternating wine with club soda cuts your calorie consumption in half and makes you a good designated driver! Frequently I've got half a glass of wine remaining when everyone orders dessert and I just tell them "I'll enjoy tha last of the wine".

    BTW, to those who suggest AA- I was married to a guy who eventually drank himself to death. I know what addiction looks like. Not wanting to give up alcohol does not equal addicition.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I usually have vodka or rum with a diet mixer.

    Used to be a heavy wine drinker but realised it was stalling my weight loss by quite a substantial amount.
  • teebeegeebee
    teebeegeebee Posts: 218 Member
    Hi All

    I will probably get slated for this - however here goes
    If you are out socialising and want to have a drink - go ahead enjoy, the whole reason most of us are members here is we want to lose weight, perhaps gain a bit more confidence from feeling better about how we look to enjoy our lives. So go ahead and have a drink. As Previous posters have said there are vast differences between drinks and how many calories they contain, so instead of worrying about the value after a night out on the town - do your research before
    Have a drink - lap up the praise from your friends as to how good you look - we are not slaves to MFP its here to help us
    My gym coach says work hard for 6 days and have fun on the 7th........enjoy its fun

    (now please dont all shout at me)

  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    I actually love ordering a hard liquor (vodka, gin, tequilla) with club soda and then I pull out my secret stash; I keep a few individual packets of Crystal Light or Bob's drink mix powder in my purse and mix one in with my order.

    Excellent idea!! I will have to try that one!!
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    Hi All

    I will probably get slated for this - however here goes
    If you are out socialising and want to have a drink - go ahead enjoy, the whole reason most of us are members here is we want to lose weight, perhaps gain a bit more confidence from feeling better about how we look to enjoy our lives. So go ahead and have a drink. As Previous posters have said there are vast differences between drinks and how many calories they contain, so instead of worrying about the value after a night out on the town - do your research before
    Have a drink - lap up the praise from your friends as to how good you look - we are not slaves to MFP its here to help us
    My gym coach says work hard for 6 days and have fun on the 7th........enjoy its fun

    (now please dont all shout at me)


    Excellent advice. I think we all get so wrapped up in our "counting"... I know I sit and fret about something and what it will "cost" me... I am all for having fun on the 7th.... even God rested on the 7th day!!! :drinker:
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    BTW, to those who suggest AA- I was married to a guy who eventually drank himself to death. I know what addiction looks like. Not wanting to give up alcohol does not equal addicition.

    I totally agree. Some are quick to pass judgement. It is fine if you do not like to drink, but don't condemn those who do. My ex-husband was/is an alcoholic and got himself into a stuper nightly. I felt guilty anytime I had a drink because I felt like I was being a hypocrite. So I went almost 2 years without a single drink. Now I am in a healthy and happy relationship and we enjoy a cocktail or two. Nothing wrong with that at all!!
  • mjoymarshall
    I have a drink every night, sometimes two. I have lost a total of 100 lbs! When I'm at home, I drink vodka with trop50 and diet cranberry juice.

    When I'm out at the bar, I have vodka with club soda and a splash of cran. I also put calories aside for the alcohol.
  • VitVit18
    VitVit18 Posts: 103 Member
    I go out with my friends to bars maybe once a month... I typically stick to the vodka crans, but I'd be interested to try the vodka & crystal light that someone suggested!

    But when I go out, I'm out to have fun with my friends, and yes, I might get a little (lot) drunk. But working out after is always an option. I know I'm still striving for it, but there has to be a happy medium between the people that are always counting calories, and then the people that sit down and enjoy their food without stressing over the caloric intake.