

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I had a great interview this morning. So now I wait. Two job interviews. both went well, I hope something comes of it. I am so glad it is Friday.

    thanks for the support all,

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    The Sunny PNW
  • LauraJS
    LauraJS Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Vitamin F's,
    I started with this website around the first week in January. I'm still entering my foods and activities, so that's a start. I'm in Ohio, west of Cleveland near Lake Erie. Yesterday was like Spring, but today it's 16 deg. and snowing a lot! I am hoping to make new "F" friends to support and give support in this quest for health and vanity! Say hi anytime!
  • BarbBBQ
    BarbBBQ Posts: 49 Member
    Hi---I'd like to join. I've been on MFP for about a year. Did very well and fell off track during Hurricane Sandy......and gained a very some solid lbs.

    I've decided to eat more and feed my body instead of starving myself at 1200 and lower; eating nothing but chicken and lettuce. I also started C25K and lift every other day. The scale isn't moving :( but I'm going to keep going and stop beating myself up over it.

    My goals are to keep logging, keep working out, drink more water, and take my dog out for a walk instead of spending time on the computer!

    Barbara LI NY
  • MidgeN27
    MidgeN27 Posts: 152 Member
    Would love to join this group....I can always use more vitamin F!

    My goals for February are :

    to lose 5 pounds
    lose 2 inches from my wast
    Lose 3 inches from my hips
    Walk 6 days a week.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~Want to say thanks to all of you wonderful friends.
    I have 2 days of not overeating.Thanks for your tips also.
    My goals are to move more.
    stick to my plan
    Be proud of what Im doing and not let done by what I did.
    I too like others,thought I`d never see 200 again.I feel I keep loosing the same lbs over and over.
    I`m glad to be part of a group that understands.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Thank you all for your kind thoughts while I was ill. I still have a stuffy nose, but feel a whole lot better and I'm not sleeping 18 hours a day. I stayed with my goals for January, before I got sick and I had Feb, just sneak up on me so I will have to think of them and post tomorrow. Congrats to all who lost, and I read on Jan someone is a New Grandma, good for you. It's a lot of fun. Yeah, give em soda, shake them up and give them back to their parents LOL.

    Tigress still alive in Ga
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Bumping in to mark my spot and then heading out for a walk in the glorious plus 10 C degree weather. (It's February, right?)

    Glenda, in the unseasonably warm south of Alberta
  • Mimisam45
    Mimisam45 Posts: 132 Member
    How do I join the group?:blushing:
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Bump for later....Eileen near San Diego
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: Michele, There are a lot of books I’ve read that were recommended to me by women on this thread or recommended by the authors of those books.

    About healthy eating: “The Thin Commandments”
    About living long and healthy “Younger Next Year for Women”
    About strength training “Strong Women Stay Young” and “The New Rules of Lifting for Women”
    About overall well-being and attitude “The Happiness Project” and “Happier at Home”
    Everything you ever wanted to know about living a long and healthy life “Drop Dead Healthy”---I’m listening to this right now and loving every word.
    I’m currently reading “The Four Hour Body”…….it’s a huge book and has some interesting ideas but there might be too much to wade through to get the information that will be useful.

    :bigsmile: Laura and Jane, I am so excited that the two of you will be meeting today.

    :flowerforyou: Renny, I have been a huge fan of Leo Buscaglia for years…..thanks for the quote.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, we’ve had to put our son in the hands of higher power many times in his life…..i wish you peace as you do that with your son.

    :flowerforyou: Hope, sorry to hear about your elliptical….when our exercise broke and was out of commission for awhile it was a very sad time for me.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, good luck on finding the job that’s right for you.

    :flowerforyou: To anyone who is discouraged by the scale
    weight loss is not linear
    one good week does not always equal a weight loss and one bad day does not always equal a weight gain……make a good plan and stick to it and if the numbers on your scale make you crazy, lock your scale in the trunk of your car for a month.

    :flowerforyou: One thing I like about resolutions that are behaviours is that I can make myself do. if I want to drink 9 glasses of water a day, I can drink the last 4 at bedtime if I’ve forgotten earlier, but if I want to lose 4 pounds, there’s no way I can make myself do it, I can only control my behaviours not the results.

    :flowerforyou: I you have posted on this thread, you’ve joined……now come back again, read the posts since your last post, respond to something that interests you, ask a question, or tell us what’s on your mind. We’re glad you’re here…….remember, each of us was new once.

    :heart: Barbie from drizzly NW Washington


    My word for 2013 is “Stretch” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to stretch my body and stretch myself personally by improving skills and trying new things.

    Resolutions for January (with end of the month comments)
    *Be agreeable----say OK (not 100% but, when followed, made my life much happier)
    * Yoga once a week (added some yoga stretches to my day but not the formal program I envisioned)
    *Walk with hubby once a week (a bad idea to make a resolution that included someone else)
    *Weight training three times a week (eleven times in 31 days, very good)

    Resolutions for February
    *Add more yoga stretches to each day
    *Weight training three times a week
    *Act the way I want to feel
    *Put half ounce of walnuts in morning shake

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • nonnicee
    Hello ladies...I just took time to read through the posts. So much going on in all our lives. I spent most of the day shopping with my granddaughter on her last day as a six year old. Tomorrow is her 7th birthday.

    Mouth - Congratulations on the new grandson. Grandkids are the BEST!!!

    I must take a minute to log my food, so I will check back in later...Mary
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Thanks for starting this thread! :flowerforyou: I feel so left out in the younger threads, as I have not much of anything in common with the younger crowd these days.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Barb - I'm so glad you started this group and that I found you :smile:

    If you need any help or advise on the yoga let me know - I started over 15 years ago and now am a certified instructor. there is nothing like going to a live class but if that is not happening let me know and I can recommend some good DVD's you might want to try on your own Jodi
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Found my January goals!

    Cook my own beans instead of buying the canned ones....:bigsmile: did that!
    Closet cleaned out....:frown: didn't happen
    Find a hobby I like....:frown: didn't happen, however I did sign up for a 5K:happy:
    Laugh everyday....:laugh: absolutely
    Grateful for every ounce that comes off....no ounce came off:sad: , but I am grateful for every inch I lost:bigsmile:
    Check in here everyday....:bigsmile: love getting my Vit. F everyday!

    Goals for February:

    Go to every training session for my 5K, twice a week Mon. And Thurs., unless I'm so sick I have to be bed.
    Check out the yoga place I've been eyeing for the last few weeks.
    Be grateful for every ounce or inch that comes off.
    Find something to laugh about everyday!
    Check in here at least once a day.
    Try at least one new low cal recipe.

    Welcome to everyone who is new! You'll love this great group of vivacious women! Come in often and just start chatting!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful fun night!

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Had a great day playing golf with my Friday Friends. Lots of good exercise (not as much as MFP thinks tho!) Did you know today is Healthy Heart Day? So glad all of you are working to get your heart healthy. You know how bad luck comes in three? Well this morning as we were loading up our golf cart to go to the course, I accidently locked our keys in the car, then proceeded to lock the garage door. Had to go to a neighbors and get her key to my house so we could go. Once in the car, I spilled my “Bubba Cup” of hot tea on DH’s leg. Tried to dab it dry with a Kleenex and left white fuzz on his pants. (Good thing he loves me). When we got to the course, I discovered I’d left my 7 iron at home. All that said, I had the best game I’ve had in years. Go figure!

    Lori H – congratulations on your new grandson, Calab. So glad he made his appearance even tho he didn’t want to without the C-section. Hope his mommy heals rapidly.

    Michelle – love what you told Jane, “a problem shared is a problem halved”. I’d never heard that before but will tuck it in my memory bank. Be careful with your ankle on the treadmill. I’m one of those people who think beets are red. Never heard of a golden beet!

    Nursied – welcome and come back often to chat. Barbie will post a new thread for February (you must see her graphic art) and the link will be at the bottom of one of these pages.

    Gail – I was hoping you were ok in GA. We had 50 mph gusts all day Wednesday and a few limbs down but that was all. When I worked full-time and long days I felt the same way you do. Every weekend was laundry and cleaning. One Sunday I was ironing my DH’s shirts and he was watching football on tv and I said something is wrong with this picture. We started taking his shirts to the cleaners and it gave me some free time on weekends. Look at all the chores and see if you can delegate some of them.

    Barbara Ann in WA – your dinner sounds yummy and I’m so proud of you for pushing yourself. WTG.

    Katia – my DH gave me this clear plastic keyboard cover for Christmas. Sometimes I get the same post three times. Weird. I know it’s me!

    Mary C in WI – Congrats on reaching your goal of 100 miles this month.

    Linda C – I think it’s good that you’re trying to not weight everyday. I was so obsessed with the scale I’d weigh during the night! Now I try to weight once a week.

    Vickie in Sudbury Ont– probably water gain. Don’t you give up!I So glad you posted your name and location.

    Barbie – love our February graphic. I’ll report on my January goals after I’m done with responses.

    Renny – Awwww. Love the quote. This group seems like a big happy family. Thanks.

    Mary in TN – enjoy your visit to your DH and family. Keep those steps going. I’m also trying to get upto 10000 steps.

    Carolyn - Welcome back, Set those Feb goals and jump back on track.
    Vicky – NC Great that you had to up your goal, you’re doing great. We’re cruising in April and I am going to lose 7 including what I’ve lost in January.

    Laura in Co – Hope your lunch was fun with Jane H. I’m with you wising for the best February ever!

    Pam from WI – good goals. Work hard!!

    Jodi – good goals. Now you just have to do them! I know you can do this.

    Jb in Portland – If you believe you will achieve. Post your goals where you will see them everyday and go for it.

    Cheryl – you’re right, there are usually some really unhealthy foods in the break rooms and vending machines. Good for you.

    My January goals were: 1. Log into MFP and track food and exercise daily.(Did it!)
    2. Drink @ least 6 glasses of water a day. (usually got 8-9)
    3. Increase f/v to 5 per day. (Didn’t do this everyday ☹)
    4. Exercise 5X a week for 30 min. (Did this)

    February Goals:
    1. Get 5 f/v a day
    2. Check portion sizes to be sure they are accurate. No more “that’s about a ½ c.”
    3. Up exercise to 45 min 5 x a week.
    Ok that’s all for today. Happy February Vit F friends.

    Sue in TX
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Jan. goals: 1. Join MFP and figure out how to make it work.
    2. Stay off the scale except for weigh-in day (Mondays).
    3. Exercise - increase exercise bike time.
    4. Make friend requests and ask for support.
    5. Be supportive of others

    Results: 1. Met:) Still working on making it work even better.
    2. Met:)
    3. increased from 5 min-12 min.
    4. Made several very supportive friends.
    5. Tried to reach out to support others.

    Thank you for creating this board, Barbie. It's great!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Forgot to add Feb. goals...
    Measure and chart all food every day (I missed one day in Jan).
    Continue to stay off the scale and just trust the process.
    Eat 5 fruits/veggies a day.
    exercise 30 min/5 days a week
    Figure out my TDEE and other important numbers(?)
    Continue to say "NO" to goodies at work and eat only what's in my lunchbox.

    Wishing everyone a fabulous February:)
  • barbaraaloska
    barbaraaloska Posts: 22 Member
    Its been a busy day with Health exam, home for Turkey BLT on romaine (no bread) then off to cards with friends and tons of snacks..I kept a tight curb on snacking, drank lots of black coffee!

    Janice in Ontario, do not be discouraged, this "two" will pass!!:wink:

    Lori H..Big congrats on the grandbaby, the plus with C's is baby has a lovely round head right from the start....:heart:

    Michelle and Renny...another great saying for this group..."Many hands make light work" a favorite quote :smile: of my Grandmothers.

    Jenny...:brokenheart: Trust in the way you have raised your son, we had one out of three sons who was brought home by the police in the middle of the night for suspected car prowling, vandalized his shop teachers motorcycle with sawdust in the gas tank, graduated from high school with a D average and is now a career law enforcement officer after a 12 yr stint in the Coast Guard.

    Mary in TN, WOW on the 10,000 steps goal!

    Cheryl..that's a great break room plan!! Stick with it!!:drinker:

    Barbie...you are just plain AWESOME!!!:bigsmile:

    Barbara in Sunny Sequim, WA
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Coming in late today and so happy to read all the posts! I perused some of the other "topics" and I couldn't agree more... I don't really fit in with the younger crowd trying to manage their exercise/food intake.... it's great to read about other women in a similar situation.

    Thanks Barbie!! and everyone else who is so diligent replying to us all... way too many for me to reply to tonight!

    I substitute taught today and actually took my smoothie in with me. Worked pretty well... I'm still learning! haha!

    Goals for Feb:
    Cardio 30-40 min, 5 days a week
    Strength training , 2 days a week
    Log all my food
    Be happy. :smile: Be grateful:smile:

    Have a great evening... putting on my sweats and settling down with DH and sweet pup!

    Tammy in Va Beach
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Wow; already February - say it isn't so! Goals for February, let's see....

    :bigsmile: work is picking up speed; I hope to keep it going as it keeps me active which is good all the way around
    :bigsmile: rejoin the Wylie Rec center and get back on track with my weight loss goal

    If I can achieve those 2 goals I will be :happy: !