Waitress fired for posting this online



  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    Crummy..... but at least the waitress can find a new job.... the pastor will always be clueless....
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    It's always been my opinion that if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat at a restaurant.

    But on the same token, you shouldn't serve food if you have a bad attitude and still expect a gratuity.
  • You should always tip 10 to 15%. If you did not received good service then call the manager over. Waiting tables and dealing with the public is not a piece of cake. Most of them are single parents or paying their own way through college. They wait on you HAND and FOOT and only make $2.13 an hour.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I can see both sides with the automatic gratuity. The problem is that the tip percentage tends to go down with a large group rather than up, even though the waitress may be working her tail off. Then she spends an hour or two waiting on one group, doesn't get other tables since the host tries to make it so that each server has around the same number of tables, and at the end if they don't tip he/she just made less than minimum on it all.

    If that weren't the trend there would be less restaurants that do this. So if you're in a big group be sure to tip well if you do get good service and maybe it'll die off.

    If you do have an auto gratuity and receive crappy service, you can take it up with a manager and you won't have to tip that much, if any.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    The pastor didn't have to put in the comment, the waitress didn't have to post it for the world to see.
  • You should always tip 10 to 15%. If you did not received good service then call the manager over. Waiting tables and dealing with the public is not a piece of cake. Most of them are single parents or paying their own way through college. They wait on you HAND and FOOT and only make $2.13 an hour.

    People like that had a plan NOT to tip anyway. ( Pastor)
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    there's no "right to privacy" on a receipt that you leave on a table where anyone can see it. He doesnt like that it went on the internet? too bad. he should have thought about that before he acted like an idiot.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    It's really messed up that the waitress got fired because some stingy old minister got offended that her stupidity was posted online. When you give a religion THAT much power, things start to go downhill.
  • 00sarah
    00sarah Posts: 621 Member
    Frankly I like the 18% tip thing for large parties. My average tip is more than 18%, so if they add it to the check then I pay what they asked and NOT what my usual amount :)

    Waiters/waitresses have a lousy job as it is. Now the guys in the BUSINESS OF GOD. That's where the real free money is !!!

    Worshipping the ol' mighty dollar
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    where the heck are people eating that they have so many problems with servers? it is an extremely rare occasion that i have a less than average server.

    i think most of the people complaining about servers are probably the real problem.

    its like the people who complain about so many bad drivers...it usually turns out that it is them that is the bad driver.

    and stop being cheap and tip a minimum of 20%.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    where the heck are people eating that they have so many problems with servers? it is an extremely rare occasion that i have a less than average server.

    i think most of the people complaining about servers are probably the real problem.

    its like the people who complain about so many bad drivers...it usually turns out that it is them that is the bad driver.

    and stop being cheap and tip a minimum of 20%.

    I complain because I've had some awful servers. But in normal circumstances, I'll tip 25%.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    I think Applebee's is totally in the wrong, and the customer is a jerk. If you can't afford to tip you can't afford to eat out, period!
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    I don't think she got fired for being mad about the lack of tip, which was justified. I'm pretty sure she got fired for posting a photo of the receipt including his signature online. That's what got her fired. Being pissed is fine, but being a fool will get you fired every damn time.
  • whitneyps7
    whitneyps7 Posts: 409 Member
    Im not a waitress or have ever been one but i do work in a feild where tips come into play. im a massage therapist. for example: today i had 3 clients today the first did not have anything but a 20 and some ones (btw i get 20s as tips all the time) i didnt have change to break it so i told him it was ok and not to worry about it, the second left me 5 and the thrid didnt leave anything, i understand but at the same time it kind of irritates me especially when i get 15 to 50 for one session from alot of clients. on the other hand i make more than 2.50 so it dosnt bother me as much so if i was a waitress making 2.50 and ppl didnt tip me id be pretty pissed but i wouldnt have made such a huge deal of it, maybe told my friends thats about it not put them on blast like she did. so my conclusion is: not right of him to leave her no tip, but also not right of her to publically display his s***.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Getting fired for posting that online was wrong as well. But we do not know all the facts, maybe she was a terrible server?? As standard, I start the tip at 15% and go up, I usually give 20%. The service would have to be beyond terrible for me to give no tip at all.

    Pastor or not, the guy is an obvious Jerkoff!! He probably rode there in a Caddy.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Im not a waitress or have ever been one but i do work in a feild where tips come into play. im a massage therapist. for example: today i had 3 clients today the first did not have anything but a 20 and some ones (btw i get 20s as tips all the time) i didnt have change to break it so i told him it was ok and not to worry about it, the second left me 5 and the thrid didnt leave anything, i understand but at the same time it kind of irritates me especially when i get 15 to 50 for one session from alot of clients. on the other hand i make more than 2.50 so it dosnt bother me as much so if i was a waitress making 2.50 and ppl didnt tip me id be pretty pissed but i wouldnt have made such a huge deal of it, maybe told my friends thats about it not put them on blast like she did. so my conclusion is: not right of him to leave her no tip, but also not right of her to publically display his s***.

    i would tip for a massage but i hear people say that they look at it like a medical procedure. kind of like physical therapy...and nobody tips PTs/Drs. and especially if they are using their insurance then i can see how they could overlook that since you dont tip any other health providers. thoughts?
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    It's always been my opinion that if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat at a restaurant.

    But on the same token, you shouldn't serve food if you have a bad attitude and still expect a gratuity.

    Of course you shouldn't serve food with a bad attitude (or you better not show it if you have one). That is part of the job. Be friendly, be courteous, and take care of your customers.

    But in return your customers should take care of you.

    And nice customers like me (especially those who have waited tables) will likely tip you something anyway under the assumption that you are just new or having a bad day.
  • whitneyps7
    whitneyps7 Posts: 409 Member
    Im not a waitress or have ever been one but i do work in a feild where tips come into play. im a massage therapist. for example: today i had 3 clients today the first did not have anything but a 20 and some ones (btw i get 20s as tips all the time) i didnt have change to break it so i told him it was ok and not to worry about it, the second left me 5 and the thrid didnt leave anything, i understand but at the same time it kind of irritates me especially when i get 15 to 50 for one session from alot of clients. on the other hand i make more than 2.50 so it dosnt bother me as much so if i was a waitress making 2.50 and ppl didnt tip me id be pretty pissed but i wouldnt have made such a huge deal of it, maybe told my friends thats about it not put them on blast like she did. so my conclusion is: not right of him to leave her no tip, but also not right of her to publically display his s***.

    i would tip for a massage but i hear people say that they look at it like a medical procedure. kind of like physical therapy...and nobody tips PTs/Drs. and especially if they are using their insurance then i can see how they could overlook that since you dont tip any other health providers. thoughts?
    doctors and physical therapist are more for medial reasons, yes i do work with ppl who have injuries or diseses or conditions but im not a doc or physical therapist, but as a massage therapist is a pampering luxury thing like getting your hair done (cut color whatever) or your nails stuff like that its a luxury not a prociedure or exam lol thats how i think about it, it kinda sucks when i dont get tips but i dont get huffy and puffy and put all my clients on blast lol (well except just now just to make a point, also did not reaveal names or anything like that) but ya its ok id rather them at least come see me again to fix their issues even if they can only afford the base pay.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    doctors and physical therapist are more for medial reasons, yes i do work with ppl who have injuries or diseses or conditions but im not a doc or physical therapist, but as a massage therapist is a pampering luxury thing like getting your hair done (cut color whatever) or your nails stuff like that its a luxury not a prociedure or exam lol thats how i think about it, it kinda sucks when i dont get tips but i dont get huffy and puffy and put all my clients on blast lol (well except just now just to make a point, also did not reaveal names or anything like that) but ya its ok id rather them at least come see me again to fix their issues even if they can only afford the base pay.

    thats what i meant...if someone is going to you for pampering i think a tip should be expected...but if they are going to you for an injury and insurance is covering then its a medical procedure and i would think a tip is not necessary.
  • whitneyps7
    whitneyps7 Posts: 409 Member
    doctors and physical therapist are more for medial reasons, yes i do work with ppl who have injuries or diseses or conditions but im not a doc or physical therapist, but as a massage therapist is a pampering luxury thing like getting your hair done (cut color whatever) or your nails stuff like that its a luxury not a prociedure or exam lol thats how i think about it, it kinda sucks when i dont get tips but i dont get huffy and puffy and put all my clients on blast lol (well except just now just to make a point, also did not reaveal names or anything like that) but ya its ok id rather them at least come see me again to fix their issues even if they can only afford the base pay.

    thats what i meant...if someone is going to you for pampering i think a tip should be expected...but if they are going to you for an injury and insurance is covering then its a medical procedure and i would think a tip is not necessary.

    depends on the person i guess ive seen insurance clients tip and some dont the way i think about it is the insurance is paying for it- if i get a free meal, free accupunture, free energy work, free service from someone due to coupon or insurance ect i tip. i got in a car accident and had whiplash my insurance covered for accupuncture and massage and i tipped cause they provided me with a service that was basically free to me so a few $$ out of my pocket isnt a big thing, im very generous with tippin and helpin ppl ill buy ppls lunch at the drive through behind me or coffee im jus a super nice generuos person. either way is fine with me but i know therapists who get mad when they get a 5 tip let alone nothing.