Waitress fired for posting this online



  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    What a jerk! Another reason why I avoid religion! My husband and I are great tippers, in fact generally we go above and beyond when we have great service. We have had some servers who are just amazing and they deserve to be tipped for that service. I did it for a short while when I was younger and I realized very quickly it was not something I wanted to do long term. I have a huge amount of respect for those who do this job and I would just never do something so rude, obnoxious and down right nasty to another person!
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    I saw that yesterday!!! As a former server, this actually happens more often than people think. While I never had something like this written on a receipt, I would get the church pamphlet INSTEAD of a tip or the church pamphlet that looks like money....but has scripture on the back.

    Granted it was over 10 years ago, but even then there was a strict policy regarding discussing tips (confrontation or discussion in anyway) could result in instant termination. The server getting fired does not suprise me, but that doesn't excuse the patron for being a cheap butthead.

    I am glad they were called out for being a wang.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    true...maybe she should have blacked out the signature before posting.
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    what has the waitress done to keep her job?

    so if i'm stepping out on my girl, is she going to post that on her facebook page too? if i meeting with a prospective employer and considering leaving my job, will she put that on twitter? not sure what the US gov't has to do with it. no one is saying to prosecute her. but if i own the joint i don't employ people that embarrass my customers

    I get your point, however there is a line to be drawn. Granted, the business I am in is much different than food service, but still, I don't want a customer who intentionally causes anguish to my staff members either.

    lol "anguish"? What anguish was caused by the customer...cuz they asked the question stepping out against the automatically tipping that happens at many establishments in this country?! Oh good grief.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Maybe, I hate people that make a scene and try to humiliate others because of the smallest things. If my signature was the one being posted online the waitress had come up with an apology very quickly.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    Another reason why I avoid religion!

    Because you knew a pastor would walk into a restaurant and refuse to tip 18% on her portion of the bill and then leave a nasty note for the waitress? Or because you find religious people to be hypocrits? Religious people are human. We all make mistakes. We're not always kind, loving, generous, and perfect. To expect that of religious people just sets yourself up for disappointments in religion.

    The pastor should not have left that comment on the receipt. I'm not defending her actions.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    So what if instead of Applebee's she worked at a pharmacy and instead of an embarassing tip she was posting a "OMG look what this customer takes" receipt picture. Same exact thing. Be a professional no matter what your job is. Take the good with the bad. You simply cannot throw a public trantrum everytime something pisses you off at work. If you do eventually you're employer will determine you don't like your job and will find someone else who does like your job to replace you.
    HIPAA does not cover waitresses and food tabs. Not thecsame thing.

    The Constitution says THE GOVERNMENT cannot infringe on citizens' privacy. The waitress morally violated privacy, but what she did was not illegal. A lot of people in the US really need to take a civics class ASAP. However, as I stated before, Applebees has a right to fire her for actions that reflect poorly on the company.

    I never even mentioned the words privacy or illegal. Perhaps a reading comprehension course is in order?
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I think it was a violation of privacy IF the name was legible but honestly this guy has terrible handwriting so as it is... nah. I don't think she should have been fired for it.

    Edited to Amend: I see it IS legible to those who know her. In that case - major violation of privacy and yes. That is a fireable offence. Professionalism goes a long way and is expected in ANY workplace.
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    People shouldn't have to leave a bloody tip if they don't want to!!!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So what if instead of Applebee's she worked at a pharmacy and instead of an embarassing tip she was posting a "OMG look what this customer takes" receipt picture. Same exact thing. Be a professional no matter what your job is. Take the good with the bad. You simply cannot throw a public trantrum everytime something pisses you off at work. If you do eventually you're employer will determine you don't like your job and will find someone else who does like your job to replace you.
    HIPAA does not cover waitresses and food tabs. Not thecsame thing.

    The Constitution says THE GOVERNMENT cannot infringe on citizens' privacy. The waitress morally violated privacy, but what she did was not illegal. A lot of people in the US really need to take a civics class ASAP. However, as I stated before, Applebees has a right to fire her for actions that reflect poorly on the company.

    I never even mentioned the words privacy or illegal. Perhaps a reading comprehension course is in order?
    I was responding to more than just what I quoted.

    And you compared this situation to something that actually is illegal.
  • IsabellaC45
    IsabellaC45 Posts: 137 Member
    People shouldn't have to leave a tip if they don't want to!!!
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    When I was a server I made $2.35 an hour before tips.

    Do people not realize that your livelyhood as a server depends on tips?????

    So this as$hole didn't care whether this server was trying to raise a child on a BELOW minimum wage job that is 98% dependent on tips? Sounds like a true Christian to me.

    My outlook on servers: They know how little they make without tips. If they choose to be rude and not do their job then they do not deserve a good tip because they obviously do not care to earn appropriate wages to live on. But if they do their job to the expectations then they deserve an appropriate tip because they obviously care about making a decent living.

    Also, as a server I received the "tracks" or phamplets that look like money but are really "get saved" information from the Sunday church crowd. Way to try to convince me to join your denomination or religion....

    ETA: To respond to OP: She should not have posted this receipt for everyone to see the person's name. Blatant privacy violation. Termination is an acceptable response to what she did.
  • takaiisan
    takaiisan Posts: 16 Member
    I think the so called pastor was a bit of a **** for the way he put it... but, i do think that tipping is a bit of a horrible practice, No-one else gets tips, my job is a hell of a lot harder than being a waitress, I get no tips, and i don't complain about my pay cheque,

    I think its pretty unfair that i have to earn my money without expecting pity handouts, struggle to pay the food prices a a 'nice place' and they go ahead and add a ridiculous percentage onto the bill for already overpriced food.

    That being said, if i do have a particularly nice sever i will tip them directly, instead of it going through the books.
  • Fox_n_sox
    Fox_n_sox Posts: 283 Member
    I am a server, and here is how I see this.

    I read the story online since it is getting so much attention. There were 5 Adults, and 5 Children. The bill was split between the group. Idk APPLEBEE'S policy, but on the menu we state the %18 grat is included in parties 8 or more. But JUST to save MY BUTT I ALWAYS remind them that there will be gratuity added onto the bill. But I normally tell them this around the time I am bringing the bill. If I like them and they are REALLY nice, I don't add the gratuity. If they are needy, and very demanding, and just completely RUDE I just add it and let them know that I have added it because it is our policy.

    Now, to all of you who are saying something about the tip on the card, just because it is there on the receipt does not mean that it is charged to their card. It does not get charged to their card until the end of the night when the store closes out all the transactions. Ever notice that your card says "Pending" when you look at your statement online? Normally it's gas stations or restaurants. Because at the end of the night is when everything gets sent through and the transactions all get posted. They can refuse the gratuity as well, but it has to be a good reason. You can not walk up to a manager and say " I want to take off the gratuity just because"

    I think the "Pastor" is just rude and even though she says she left a tip on the table, it still does not give her the right to sit there and PREACH to her that she give's god 10% and why should she get 18%. She was being really immature. I'm sure the server was not a HORRIBLE server, and even if she was so what? The "pastor" needs to get off her high horse and remember there are people who DO work for less than she does. SMH... Thank goodness I am not affiliated with ANY church because I would be EMBARRASSED to say that she was my "pastor" I would leave that congragation.
  • Fox_n_sox
    Fox_n_sox Posts: 283 Member
    People shouldn't have to leave a tip if they don't want to!!!

    Ok...Make 4.67 an hour and bring home your paycheck for TWO WEEKS amounting to 120.00. Tell me you can live off that.
  • Fox_n_sox
    Fox_n_sox Posts: 283 Member
    People shouldn't have to leave a bloody tip if they don't want to!!!!

    Servers DEPEND on tips. They make only 4.67 an hour. Work 40 hrs in 2 weeks. Because it's not like Shifts are ALWAYS 8 hrs long. And you don't ALWAYS work 5 days a week. Please tell me you can live off 300 a month.
  • IsabellaC45
    IsabellaC45 Posts: 137 Member
    People shouldn't have to leave a tip if they don't want to!!!

    Ok...Make 4.67 an hour and bring home your paycheck for TWO WEEKS amounting to 120.00. Tell me you can live off that.

    I did.

    And the fact that this waitress wrote and then posted this online only goes to show how unprofessional she is.
  • Fox_n_sox
    Fox_n_sox Posts: 283 Member
    PLEASE show me where you live that you can live off 300 a month. Can I move in? I SURE would love to live with you!
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Pft, she had it coming. Not the lack of tip, or the snide comment on the receipt, but she sure as heck deserved to get fired.

    I was a waitress for 4 years. I got PLENTY of receipts that looked just like that. I'd curse that person under my breath, or maybe even though a mini fit in the break room if a customer was especially awful, but I would never, EVER, think to post the receipt online, without even blacking out the signature, for all to see. That right there is an instant termination, in my book.

    It sucks that she had to deal with a dillhole, but that comes with the territory. You know what you're signing up for when you wait tables. Some people don't care that you rely on their tips for your income, and you either deal with it, or find a job in a different line of work. You don't throw a hissy fit and post someone's personal information online. No, you can't make out the signature, but that doesn't matter.

    I have to agree with Lea....

    What the customer did was crap however, she should have blackened out the signature or if she wanted to publicly complain, post a status, not the picture
  • takaiisan
    takaiisan Posts: 16 Member
    PLEASE show me where you live that you can live off 300 a month. Can I move in? I SURE would love to live with you!

    Actually, 300-350 a month is around what i live on.