Waitress fired for posting this online



  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    Reminded me of this upsetting picture:


    single mom, but she can afford a 140 dollar meal at a restaurant and can't give 10%,....disgusting
  • TheTedExperiment
    I agree with the majority...the waitress should not have posted the receipt with the name shown, however, it is very sad that a pastor would act this way....including bragging about how much she tithes. How much a person tithes (and whether they tithe at all) is a matter between them and God, it's a personnel matter, not something to brag about.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Here tipping is up to you. If the service is good you give a good tip, if not you don't. There are some places its mandatory but mostly not. Maybe she didn't give a great service?

    I think she was very wrong to post that on Facebook with a signature showing. Without the signature maybe she could have got away with it, if this person worked for me and put this up, a lot of people may not come to my restaurant... Customers have every right to privacy. I would have ley her go too.

    In every line of customer service, you get difficult customers. It's part of the job and something you have to just accept. 18% does seem quite high to me also, considering here I'm already paying 20% tax too!
  • SGT_Reg
    SGT_Reg Posts: 186 Member
    Where did you get this? How do you know the waitress was fired? Because it was online?

    And.... who cares if she got stiffed? I waited tables, made a lot of money too. Sometimes you don't get a tip. It doesn't help to complain about it. DRIVE ON!!

    No, that should not be posted online, so if I were her manager, I would fire her as well.

    It has nothing to do with religion, it has everything to do with ethics.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    So what if instead of Applebee's she worked at a pharmacy and instead of an embarassing tip she was posting a "OMG look what this customer takes" receipt picture. Same exact thing. Be a professional no matter what your job is. Take the good with the bad. You simply cannot throw a public trantrum everytime something pisses you off at work. If you do eventually you're employer will determine you don't like your job and will find someone else who does like your job to replace you.
  • allisona28
    allisona28 Posts: 186 Member
    She the "PASTOR" is an idiot!!!!!!!!!
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    I waited on tables when I was in college. I can relate to how this woman feels; getting stiffed it one thing, but having it rubbed in your face in such a rude fashion (not because of service, but because of belief) is just rotten.

    I read an article about this that indicated the pastor who wrote the snooty note was embarrassed and said she brought shame to her church or something like that.

    Now, whilst I do agree that her name should have been blacked out, I do also get the feeling that if she didn't want this to be seen, then she would have just said something, and not have written it on the ticket. I personally believe that she should be embarrassed, and hopefully this event has taught her a lesson.

    It was my impression that the teachings of the bible include something called compassion...She showed this woman who works for tips no compassion, and ended up getting her fired; that's not very Christian like if you ask me - especially for a pastor (but what do I know? I'm an atheist.)

    The pastor could have chosen to ignore it instead of making a big deal out of it. I'm pretty sure that had the pastor done something charitable (like given a very large tip,) and the waitress posted that online I doubt she would have cared, and I doubt the waitress would have been fired.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
  • jessecka1014
    My Granny Jo advised me when dating a new guy to pay attention to how he treats people around him, not just how he treats me. How a guy treats a waiter/waitress is a bigger indicator of character than whether he opens my door. This pastor may be a God-fearing Christian but must have missed class the day they taught "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" in seminary. Shame on her. I agree the waitress showed poor judgement and should have blacked out the signature/personal info. But is the pastor proud of herself for tipping zero and then getting her fired for something petty? So much for forgiveness and showing charity to others, more lessons this pastor apparently didn't learn.

  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    What;s the back story on it? All I'm seeing is a tab.. There has to be more to it than just this...
  • krissielynn87
    krissielynn87 Posts: 214 Member
    Why exactly does the pastor deserve to maintain privacy? Its a private establishment, not the US government. If you're an idiot, let's trumpet that to the world. Maybe a bit of ridicule will make people think twice about being a moron.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Pastor is an *kitten* and I hope he gets a TON of grief for it...because previous poster is correct, that is part of WAGES!

    Even God would disagree with this...well he would if he really gave a crap about any of us..but I digress.

  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    What;s the back story on it? All I'm seeing is a tab.. There has to be more to it than just this...

    A waitress posted this on Reddit, a site where you post items (news stories, links, your own stuff). People can upvote or downvote the items. If you get enough votes you get to the front page and millions of people see what you've posted which is what happened here.
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    I read an article about this that indicated the pastor who wrote the snooty note was embarrassed and said she brought shame to her church or something like that.

    Now, whilst I do agree that her name should have been blacked out, I do also get the feeling that if she didn't want this to be seen, then she would have just said something, and not have written it on the ticket. I personally believe that she should be embarrassed, and hopefully this event has taught her a lesson.

    The pastor could have chosen to ignore it instead of making a big deal out of it. I'm pretty sure that had the pastor done something charitable (like given a very large tip,) and the waitress posted that online I doubt she would have cared, and I doubt the waitress would have been fired.

    I'm sure she isn't sorry PC just means she has to be

    There is no lesson to be taught

    Big deal - As could the waitress?
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Why exactly does the pastor deserve to maintain privacy? Its a private establishment, not the US government. If you're an idiot, let's trumpet that to the world. Maybe a bit of ridicule will make people think twice about being a moron.

    Can I have the phone number for your doctors office? I'd like to call and check your medical history to see if there's anything funny in. You have no right to privacy since your doctor is a private establishment and not the goverment.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I keep seeing a lot of people referring to the pastor as "he". The pastor was a woman. The one thing the pastor got wrong, is that the 10% to your church is 10% of your income. The 18% tip is only 18% of the meal total. Big difference there. The pastor then called Applebees and demanded the woman get fired. She'll be judged one day.

    How can you tell the pastor is a woman? I can't even read the first name. Honestly, when I first read it, I didn't even look at the name, I just saw "Pastor". In 36 years of church attendance, I've never sat under a female pastor, so I referred to this pastor as "he" purely out of years of habit. Male or female, I hardly think that's something to nit pick about, as the real issue here is their deplorable behavior. You're right. ANYONE who brings shame upon the name of Christ as this pastor has done, will have alot to answer for.
  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    Now this is something that may get this slightly off-topic, but I've learned that in tonight's episode of "Undercover Boss," one employee is going to get fired because he clearly says, "I hate serving customers." He has no earthly idea he's said that to the CEO of Boston Market, who's posing undercover!

    As for this issue, it's really wrong on both sides. The pastor should've given a tip, and the waitress should never have posted that receipt online.

    Facebook is something all employees working anywhere have to be very careful about. Teachers have gotten fired because of Facebook photos showing them drinking beer or being in compromising situations. Employers are now watching what's posted on Facebook, and that can lead to job termination.
  • kenhelms17720
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    It's easy to say public shaming is a good thing until it's done to you.

    Have you ever been late on a bill? I know I have made that mistake before. If this type of thing were legal what's to stop say Verizon from telling everyone on my most called list that I'm a deadbeat and am a week late on my phone bill? What's to stop American Express from threatening to post the names of every person in arrears on their card in a large print add in the local paper? What's to stop banks from putting a permanent notice on vehicles that are behind on their car payments?

    Privacy matters. The patron was a schmuck, but that doesn't justify this.
  • mebarne2
    mebarne2 Posts: 1 Member
    Yeah, unfortunately the employee had to go. The pastor is despicable but you can't go posting someone's receipts online.