

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :smile: :flowerforyou: Lovely Sunny Saturday all you Vit F's.

    Jane and I had a wonderful lunch yesterday, al lot of talking and it's just like we have known each other forever. She brought pictures from her daughter's wedding this past fall....all I can say is BEAUTIFUL and let me tell you Jane has talent ozzing from her fingertips. Her daughter's veil was so incredible...if I had a daughter I'd love for her to make one of us...but alas none:cry:

    Our evening was at another resturant with Son #2, DIL, DIL Dad and the three GS...we were quite a noisy party. All the adults trying to talk around and over the grandsons trying to get our attention. But I had once again planned ahead and went to the Red Robin website and chose my meal beforehand, wrote it down so I wouldn't forget...then when the meal was over and we went to Son #2's house to visit had that glass of wine, but it was so enjoyable...gotta have that special splurge every now and then:blushing: In spite of my wine and going over the scale was kind to me this morning we will see if it's just a burp or the real thing come Wednesday when I do my official weigh in.

    Today hubby was cleaning the carpet upstairs and decided the stairs needed it too so I got to help with that task...now the back is really hurting but the stairs are clean.

    Will have to see if I can get myself to the basement and get in a bit of exercise before we head out to do our weekly shopping. There goes the dryer so I'd best get moving and folding the next load.

    Everyone have a great Saturday and remember to Drink plenty of water:drinker: as well as logging. Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: come back often and let us get to know you.

    Laura 80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Happy Ground Hog Day my fabulous friends!

    The verdict is in; half the ground hogs disagree with the other half so it maybe an early spring, maybe not. I always pray that furry little critter will see his shadow if it means ONLY six more weeks of winter, for who knows how much long winter could last if he doesn’t, possibly twice as long.

    I look back on January, the ‘blue month’ and realize that whilst I was perhaps a bit grumpy (hahahaha), fortunately I did not undo all the good that I had accomplished from 2012. Neither did I reach any of my goals so I guess I will just have to start again.

    I have started the archeological dig that is my office/sewing room, discovered my desk, most of the floor and a whole lot of junk that needed to be tossed. My cutting table is the temporary sorting area for miscellaneous papers (most of which will be tossed). I also bought some containers to organize my quilting projects instead using the plastic bags that slide all over the place. If I can get a handle of this chaos, maybe I can get a handle on my life.

    Mr.’ Meat and potatoes and deep-fry-everything’ is gone for 11 days so I am hoping to eat a lot of fish in his absence and make some head-way….. and have time to read more here!!

    February goals
    -Let’s start with the weight lifting again only this time I found two sets of 2lb. wrist and ankle wraps in the dig and that should help if I put them on to do housework and for walks. I still plan on buying small dumbbells.

    - water, water, water, water…… some days in January I would realize just before bed that I hadn’t had a drink all day except for my morning coffee! I think my thirst gauge is broken.

    Longer term goals:

    April 11 – trip to Ireland, be slimmer and stronger and find an gorgeous evening gown at a consignment shop.

    July 1 – have basement finished, friends from England staying with us for a week (so lots of work still to do). They want to bicycle or Segway the River valley, so I need to be in better shape!

    August 31 – be ‘smoking hot’ (hehehe) for the family gathering for my parents -in-law 60th wedding anniversary shindig we are throwing for them. I want to greet our guests in a Mardi Gras mask and see if anyone guesses who I am!

    Wishing you all well,
    Kate from snowy Alberta
  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    Greetings to all the new faces and to the regulars. Since I didn't properly introduce myself last month, I will now. I am Jane S. from Sandy, UT. I work for a company that provides patient education and health communication tools to health care providers around the country. I write/edit and produce multimedia projects. I have been working for this company for about 3 years now. Previously, I worked in broadcast television for 22 years. I am 52 years old and need to lose 30 pounds. Several years ago I did WW. It worked for a few months, and I lost 22 lbs. Then I hit a plateau. After months of paying for no results, I left. I've been tracking and eating healthy for a while now, but struggling to get off this plateau. I can lose if I drop my calories to 1100 or below. And that works for about 2 weeks. Then I get so dang hungry that I blow it with unhealthy choices. If I stay around 1250-1400 cal I maintain.

    Workouts this year have been a struggle. I started doing the Insanity program last February. Around the end of March, I started having joint problems. Laid off for a while, and did P90X instead. After a while, that started to be a problem, too. So, I just rode my bike, swam, did some Zumba classes, and lifted weights on my own. Also yoga 1-3 days a week. Anyway, to make along story short, various thing have prevented me form working out the way I like. So, now am aiming for a more active February. Since my hip is so bad, looking at a lot of spinning and swimming with a lot of core thrown in.

    I am really enjoying this forum, but only have 1-2 times a week when I can drop in. I do most of my logging via phone because it's so much easier and faster. Today was 130 days of logging.

    My goals for Feb are this - starting today:
    1. Some sort of physical activity every day - at least 30 minutes of sweating.
    2. Weigh and measure everything. I think this is where a lot of hidden calories are coming from.
    3. Cut back on the carbs and add more veggies.
    4. Try Kale.

    About #4 - everyone here raves about Kale, as do several friends. I feel like such a child, but have been afraid to try it. So, I am accepting recipe suggestions.

    To all the newbies: Congratulations on making a commitment to change. It is not easy. Some days, every molecule in my body rebels. you will have those days too. Deep breathing, yoga, and meditation are my how I get through them.

    To the regulars: Keep the advice and comfort coming. I am so grateful that you are here.

    February is the month to celebrate love - so LOVE YOURSELF!

    Jane S.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    portion control is the magic wand that makes life worth living while losing weight. You can eat anything you like if you log the calories and eat reasonable portions. I bought a digital scale to measure portions of meat, and restaurant dishers for everything that can be scooped. They really helped me learn how much of the food to serve myself and accurately count the calories. I used them for everything at first and then would guesstimate for a few meals, and return to measuring. This reduces "ooching"
    to over large portions.

    Good luck and welcome,

    Katla from NW Oregon
  • barbaraaloska
    barbaraaloska Posts: 22 Member
    "I have started the archeological dig that is my office/sewing room, discovered my desk, most of the floor and a whole lot of junk that needed to be tossed. My cutting table is the temporary sorting area for miscellaneous papers (most of which will be tossed). I also bought some containers to organize my quilting projects instead using the plastic bags that slide all over the place. If I can get a handle of this chaos, maybe I can get a handle on my life. "

    Junekaatz.....I about fell out of my chair laughing when I read your post!! We have twin rooms!!! I have successfully cleared a path to my airdyne bike, but now I cannot reach my crafting table .....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: If you figure out where to put it all...PLEASE...let me know!!:bigsmile:
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    I posted on page 15 of the last thread, check back two days after and your 7 pages ahead. Youzer!! I can't keep up. My January goals werento consistently log and stick with the program for a month and to increase my exercise. I did that. Minor miracle.
    Feb. goals:
    Loose 5 more pounds.
    Increase movement everyday.
    Eat more fish and vegetables.
    Drink 8 glasses water daily.

    Even though I know moving 5 more pounds seems hard, I'm thinking that I'm really at the very beginning of this journey and way to early to deal with plateaus, so I'm going to go for it. P,us, I promised myself I would reward myself, if I was consistent for all of January,and since I was, I ordered myself a fit it. Should be here soon. It will be interesting to find out where I fall naturally in the steps department, and then I can make it my goal to improve from there.

    That's it for now. Happy February everyone.

    Karen from Mi.
  • corpusmae
    Hi I have recently joined a weight challenge, had lost 11 pounds before that but want to make sure I am eating the right amount of food to continue losing weight and not maintain. I lost 4 last week but placed my weight on where I am after that. Thanks for this post so I can hopefully be at goal weight by the time I am 60 which will be in November.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    sonjawilliams - welcome, you've come to a great thread

    Midge - welcome. We will be going to FL later this month

    I'd really like to know somehting...does that little Wii guy know any other phrases other than "that's overweight"?

    dogladytwo - welcome. I like your mindset

    Meg - I think we all have the pity party days. I know that I do...they just don't happen all that often but they do happen. Hey, we're human. I agree, I can't remember my goals for the month. I know that I do them, but to write down how successful/unsuccessful I was....I never remember what they were unless someone reminds me "did you meet your protein goal for this month?" If you find a way to get your goals to be on your homepage (or anywhere for that matter), please let me know. Does anyone know if that's something that I can put at the bottom of my posts? This way I'll see it every day

    sonniedosscox - welcome!

    happyromantic - welcome! Good luck on your surgery. What exactly are they doing?

    I have to share...Vince has these M&M's out in a plastic container. At first I had some and was shocked at how many calories they contained. Now whenever I walk by them and have the desire to have a few, I just think to myself "210 calories of nothing" and I haven't touched them in a while. Another thing....when I got home today from buying gas and going to WalMart for Vince, yoga, then taking empty egg cartons to this farmers market vendor, then to Aldi to buy the chicken I'm roasting right now, I was on the hungry side when I got home. I was actaully thinking about having this small cookie, but instead I had a cup of carrots. Yea me!

    Michele from Canada - Welcome! Another person who spells their name with only one "l". We aren't that common. I'm sure someone else will answer all your questions for you. If not, I'll jump in but I don't want to make you have to read the same thing over and over. I remember when I had 3 teenagers. One of the good things was that if there was something in the house that wasn't healthy (it probably had a lot of sugar or something or empty calories), that was usually the first thing the kids gobbled up which meant that I didn't get any. What a shame <:(>...not The healthy foods (veges, fruits) were available for me.

    Jane in CO - glad you had such a wonderful lunch. Did you take any pictures? Whenever I wore my pedometer, it wouldn't count my steps if I was wearing jeans. That was so frustrating, I just stopped wearing mine, too.

    I didn't realize that Carrabbas had their nutritional info on the web. That's great

    Well, I broke down and had 1/2 of that chocolate chip cookie. I'd completely forgotten about the beans that I had already accounted for. I should have had them instead. But I'm having them now. Tomorrow I'll do some training games on the Wii

    Sue from SD - happy belated birthday! Ouch!!! Be careful on that ice

    I was getting dressed for church and had this NSV. I found this sweater that I hadn't worn in a long time so I put it on since it matched my pants. Then I looked at myself in the mirror. What was that -- it was hanging down under the arms! Well, maybe it had doleman sleeves, but no. I couldn't go out in public like that so I took it off and put on another sweater. Then I looked at the size. A LARGE. Did this really fit me at one time?????? Into the Salvation Army box it went!!!

    Mary - I remember when I went roller skating for the first time in a long time. I'd been exercising so figured that I wouldn't be in too much pain. NOT!!!! Good luck to you. Just for your knowledge -- I know a good installer of those bars around your toilet....lol Have a great trip home. Which roads do you take?

    Eileen - whenever my birthday rolls around, even tho I don't like it, it sure beats the alternative! What is lifestyle lift? Never heard of it

    brendae61 - love your pic! Welcome!

    Ann, sbrownallison - welcome

    Laura in CO - what a busy day you had!

    Kate - you certainly have some great incentives. I especially like the idea of greeting guests in a mask. If you do, I bet they won't guess it's you

    katla - I'm the same way. I have to measure everything then I can usually guesstimate on occasion. But if I do that too often, I know that I will overguesstimate, so I need to measure as much as possible.

    Karen from MI - that was a great reward you gave youself.

    Best get off this computer. Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    okay, so the fruit and vegie day was a bust. I think I need to do this during the week - it will work best for me. :ohwell:
    I don't know how you all keep up with everyone. This thread grows so fast. But that's a great thing:flowerforyou:

    I apologize for not being more personable with those who join, lead or contribute to this message board. I do enjoy reading all the successes, challenges and support messages in here.

    I hope everyone stays close to the vegies and low cal dip tomorrow during the game :laugh:

    Have a great Sunday. I'll try to get back to you all Sunday evening.
  • KNAMsMum
    Happy February! Welcome to all our new friends! Even if you can't always read all the posts or answer them the support that this thread gives is wonderful. Without fail I find someone I can relate to and I feel understood. I haven't been able to read all the posts but I did catch up on the latest ones. I love the idea of doing goals for every month. Here are mine:

    1. Drink more water
    2. Work out three times a week
    3. Continue to log in daily and measure my food

    I weighed myself and was glad to see that I didn't gain however it is the smallest loss so far. Of course it hasn't helped that Christmas happened and some yucky family stuff hit the fan (at Christmas) . I hope to make better progress this month and I have noticed that for the first time since I began (October 2012) I have had a harder time keeping my calories under each day. Emotional eating has always been an issue for me and I appreciated the comment earlier by Jane S. I will try to breathe more deeply and meditate while doing some salutations to the sun!

    Thank goodness that each day is a new day! Wishing you all a lovely evening and a great Sunday!

    Still freezing up here in Toronto, ON Canada
  • nonnicee
    In answer to the question of the roads we will take to get home in the morning, We travel Interstate 81 SW into TN then get Interstate 40 W past Knoxville by about 1 1/2 hrs. There is 2-4 inches of snow in SW Virginia and it is still flying around out there. I hope the road crews get the mess off the roads by the time we leave. I will be checking back tomorrow after we get home. G'nite all. Mary from middle TN
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lynn, welcome to our family…….during the cold winter that all of us from the north are experiencing, hearing about your life in Kauai will warm us.

    :flowerforyou: Fresh Start---all of us who do a lot of exercise started with something small. Do what you can do today and add a little bit at a time as you feel stronger….be open minded to new ideas.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, if the groundhog came out of his hole in my neighborhood this morning he would not have seen his shadow because it was so overcast…unfortunately we don’t need an early spring as much as we need more snow pack in our mountains.

    :flowerforyou: Linda C, do you have a TV to watch or a CD player to listen to audio books while you exercise downstairs?

    :flowerforyou: Kew, congrats to you for training your poodle well enough to be a therapy dog……Brandy and Sasha are too wild and crazy for that and I’m not a consistent enough trainer….I, too, have decided to spend less time on the computer, but I allow time for this thread and MFP because it is instrumental in my very important goal of health and fitness….the mental component is important along with the right food and exercise.

    :flowerforyou: Doglady, I’m healthier now than I was at 50 or 60 and I plan to live to be 100 or more.

    :flowerforyou: Lila, thank you for your kind words…..I am blessed with time----time to read the books that have been recommended to me and time to walk the dogs for hours allowing myself time to process what I’ve read…..sharing it, is the natural next step.

    :flowerforyou: Mary from Tennessee, skating sounds like so much fun…..i haven’t skated since I was in my teens.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Laura and Jane, thank you for sharing the happiness of your visit.

    :flowerforyou: Kate, the only way I can be sure to drink all the water I need is to treat it like a prescription and take it as directed….if I waited to be thirsty, I’d drink no water at all except after a horribly salty meal…I keep a pad of paper in the kitchen and make a tally mark for every glass I drink so there’s no fooling myself.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, there’s no way to automatically put your goals at the bottom of your post…..what I do is keep a document on my computer desktop that has my signature, my goals, my favorite quotes and a couple of cute pictures for the bottom of my post………I compose my reply on that document and then when I copy the reply, I can copy my goals, quotes, pictures, etc. if I want to.

    :laugh: Meg, I have a friend who sets a timer for her pity party and when the timer rings, the party is over.

    :bigsmile: Renny, this afternoon I had a snack that was three cups of frozen green beans with salsa….thanks for the veggie challenge

    :flowerforyou: HappyRomantic, what kind of dogs do you have?

    :flowerforyou: Michele from Ontario, this is a thread that has been going on for years…..you have joined just by posting and now it will show up under “My Topics” under the “Community” tab….being part of this thread is like finding a group of wonderful new friends who want to talk to you every day.

    :flowerforyou: Jodi, when I do yoga, I have two Rodney Yee DVDs……I love doing yoga with him.

    :flowerforyou: The book I’m reading now made a reference to “domino foods”----foods that are technically fine to eat but are prone to portion abuse---eating one portion often creates a domino effect of oversnacking. I noticed that this morning when I took out the portion of walnuts to put in my shake and start to reach (without thinking) for a second portion to put in my mouth. There are a lot of domino foods that aren’t allowed in my house any more.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    My word for 2013 is “Stretch” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to stretch my body and stretch myself personally by improving skills and trying new things.

    Resolutions for January (with end of the month comments)
    *Be agreeable----say OK (not 100% but, when followed, made my life much happier)
    * Yoga once a week (added some yoga stretches to my day but not the formal program I envisioned)
    *Walk with hubby once a week (a bad idea to make a resolution that included someone else)
    *Weight training three times a week (eleven times in 31 days, very good)

    Resolutions for February
    *Add more yoga stretches to each day
    *Weight training three times a week
    *Act the way I want to feel
    *Put half ounce of walnuts in morning shake

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."

    “The disturbers of happiness are our desires, our griefs, and our fears.”
    -Samuel Johnson

    "I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself." - Mikhail Baryshnikov







  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Lovely Ladies,

    My plan was to posts replies to all of the posts but I am becoming increasingly tired. So this will instead be very short. Will be back to reply after a few hours of sleep.


    Liz from Idaho
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Barbie:smile: I too keep a tally of my glasses of water, I always have 8 glasses 12 oz. each, mark them off as I drink them! I don`t count coffee or tea as my water either, even though I drink decaf. There is just something about pure clean crisp water! I also drink more water in the summer.

    Mary:smile: Hope you have a safe trip back home!!!

    DeterminedinA:smile: I`m going to have to do Renny`s fruit and veggie challange during the week too, I never know will happen on the weekends!

    Liz:smile: I hope you got a good nights rest!

    I have been up since 4:45 this morning:noway: . I did get my nails polished , I need to do that before I have too much water:laugh:! Now it`s time to go get my shower, putting on the tiara this morning and going to boss the boys for a bit:tongue::devil: !

    Does anyone know of a good place to buy running wear? I bought a pair of pants and a couple of shirts from FleetFeet, the L pants fit fine, however the XL shirts are very fitted and my body is just not ready for fitted tops at the moment:noway: :cry: , I would like something that doesn`t hug me quite so much, I can probably get away with them for awhile because it`s cold and I`ll be wearing a jacket the XL jackets fits fine, I just don`t want to take the jacket off:laugh: ! Maybe I should just find a loose t-shirt to wear under the jacket. My training starts tomorrow...I`m very nervous!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day today! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in chilly NC (I keep forgetting this)
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Does anyone know of a good place to buy running wear? I bought a pair of pants and a couple of shirts from FleetFeet, the L pants fit fine, however the XL shirts are very fitted and my body is just not ready for fitted tops at the moment:noway: :cry: , I would like something that doesn`t hug me quite so much, I can probably get away with them for awhile because it`s cold and I`ll be wearing a jacket the XL jackets fits fine, I just don`t want to take the jacket off:laugh: ! Maybe I should just find a loose t-shirt to wear under the jacket. My training starts tomorrow...I`m very nervous!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day today! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in chilly NC (I keep forgetting this)

    I buy my fitness gear in Target, some in the men's department!
  • debratomlin
    Hi I am Debra from the great state of Texas! Last year I lost 56 pounds from January to June. Then I got bored and went back to old habits and gained back 25 of it. So Feb. 1, 2013 started back up using myfitnesspal, and I love it. This program makes it so much easier to track what I am eating and helps me make better choices. Last time I got bored because I ate the same thing pretty much everyday because I did not know how to calculate other options. This makes it so much easier to have variety! Down six pounds since the first. On my way! Thanks myfitnesspal!!! I am having trouble getting all my calories, it says I am not getting enough... but everything I try to add, adds protein and I max that out everyday! lol any suggestions?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    Hi I am Debra from the great state of Texas! Last year I lost 56 pounds from January to June. Then I got bored and went back to old habits and gained back 25 of it. So Feb. 1, 2013 started back up using myfitnesspal, and I love it. This program makes it so much easier to track what I am eating and helps me make better choices. Last time I got bored because I ate the same thing pretty much everyday because I did not know how to calculate other options. This makes it so much easier to have variety! Down six pounds since the first. On my way! Thanks myfitnesspal!!! I am having trouble getting all my calories, it says I am not getting enough... but everything I try to add, adds protein and I max that out everyday! lol any suggestions?

    welcome, Debra, you have come to the right place for support, encouragement and answers.:bigsmile: if your diary were open I'd be able to give you some suggestions.......possibly you have your protein set too low.....I have mine set at 90 and it increases as I add exercise calories.

    :flowerforyou: and, speaking of exercise, it's time to get away from the computer and take the dogs for their long morning walk...the earlier we get out, the fewer people, dogs, and cars we encounter.

    :heart: Barbie from chilly NW Washington
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers
    Kew, Midge, Happy ramantic,Vickijminard,Brenda, Ann, Allison,Corpusmae, and Debra.

    Your goals seem doable.

    Congrats on all the lost lbs.

    So you had a down day. Or that's what I baptize those days as being.
    If they don't last a week then it's down time. If more see a doctor.

    Great that you got back with it and wonderful that your doing so well.

    You are going to be ready for the run. All that training.

    Good luck on the run today.

    Might be wrong speeling can't read my writting lol.
    Not a private bunch just very chatty.

    A week of smoothies Your body will love it .
    But i'd be like you looking for food today.

    I made it one day without weigh in. Yes i'm obsessed going to be a hard habit to break.
    I just have to remember easy on the water come wed.

    The other Jane
    That's great opting for a cup of tea instead of Pizza.
    Shame on hubby for bringing pizza in.

    Glad you got rid of the kinks. Now your ready to start over.

    Good for you for completing your Jan. goals
    Feb sound very doable. Good luck.

    I'm kinda thinking of getting a fit bit do they work better than the pedometer.

    Looks like Feb. is a fun month for you.
    Spring around the corner which corner.

    Trusting yourself after how many years. Let's say 40. Safe travelling.

    Well if fit bit said it was good must of been.

    Enjoy your walk

    Interesting day. Must be nice to have a hubby interested in house work.

    I'd have a hard time to throw anything out that had to do with sewing.
    August 31st greet you guest in a mardi gras mask and colourful swim suit.

    Nice to see you pushing even with the hip problem.
    Dedication will get you there.

    Weighing and measuring your food very important on this journey.

    Does your fit bit push you to want to do more.

    Could be worse mine says obese.
    To big a sweater now that's great.

    I have an old record player that I put on. If the music is to fast I jump off and dance.
    Count my water with pennies take 8 put them on the table and when none left I had my water.
    Domino foods guess them are no no's

    Hope you has a great nights sleep.

    good luck with your training. Wear what you have by the time spring shows up the shirts will fit you.

    There all caught up for another day.

    As for me so far. Did 20 min. of wii. 6 min. of hula hoop thought it would kill me but pushed throught it.
    Beat three of my personal best scores. The one you put the balls in the hole 88 in avanced. Hula hoop.
    And the 3 min. run. So now I have something to go for beat them scores.
    Might do yoga later with the wii. See how the day goes.

    See you all lighter.
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    I can't do all those replies to everybody in here :laugh: My memory isn't that good, and the only thing I retain anymore is....WATER!!! :sad:
  • barbaraaloska
    barbaraaloska Posts: 22 Member
    Good Morning all!!!!:happy: We actually had a glorious sunrise this morning in Sequim,WA!! Its so grey and gloomy here in the winter, a day with sunshine makes you feel on top of the world!!

    Moxie..you are not alone in being new to this forum, and the chatter and fast pace is a bit overwhelming, but its soooo uplifting to get the sense of support and togetherness here, just take your time, and read the posts and respond when something clicks with you.

    Off to sort out my linen closet, and tackle my office../craft.../exercise room....WAY TO MANY THINGS GOING ON IN THAT 10X10 ROOM!!:laugh:

    Barbara Ann drinking my water!!:drinker: in SUNNY Sequim,Wa