How to Drink Alcohol...



  • coderedjulia
    I know it sounds selfish, but I don't go out to drink. I always over do it, and I am also taking a break from the dating life. Mainly for the fact, dating always involves rich high calorie foods, and drinking alcohol. Not that your date can't take you somewhere that doesn't require eating or drinking, but also my dating life is always full of drama and I can't deal with that right now. So I choose to have maybe one drink. Whether its a diet rum and coke with a couple of shots, or a glass of wine. I only stick to one glass though, anything more can sabotage your diet. Resteraunts and bars don't work for me while I am on a diet. Unless if I lost a significant amount of weight where I can feel comfortable enough to go to a bar and have some wings and a
  • cocoguest
    cocoguest Posts: 11 Member
    Great idea I'm going to try Moscatto and sparkling water
  • bionicrooster
    bionicrooster Posts: 353 Member
    bacardi and diet coke is great to drink and about as low calorie as you can get for alcohol.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,049 Member
    Bypass the mouth.

  • pinky_pinkster
    pinky_pinkster Posts: 56 Member
    I try not to drink alcohol but when I do I always go for citrus vodka, ice, water and a slice of lemon, amazing and low cal too. Or a light beer but its rare to find light beer in bars in the UK :mad:
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Here are my go to's:

    Gin Martini
    Scotch, neat
    A dry red Wine

    Limit how many you have, and you are fine.
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    hey, in the end, it's about finding a lifestyle that 'works for you. if alcohol is part of that, great. just got to find the boundaries. I drink either hard alcohol or red wine. 1 - 2 drinks. At this point, i never go over that.

    I 'save up' calories in the day for this or mentally prepare to 'pay it off' tomorrow. you still gotta live, right?

    Watch out for those on the site that are being judgemental. We all must define our own boundaries.

    My main piece of advice would be stay away from anything that uses mixers. they tend to be jacked with sugar... empty calories, blow your calorie count for the day, insulin spike, etc... It is easy to get a 600 calorie margarita.

    party on (in moderation!)
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    My questions is why can't you go out and enjoy yourself without alcohol? Maybe that's your problem!

    3 responses in, that's at least 2 longer than I expected...

    My suggestion is rum & diet coke or Whisky and diet coke.

    As you lose weight, you'll find you can drink less. I've become a cheap cheap drunk.

    Finally, if you need to appear to be drinking a diet coke with a lime looks like an adult beverage and beer served in opaque, dark bottles look full (or at least not empty) so don't put them down/away when you are finished.
  • lazykerry
    lazykerry Posts: 31 Member
    This is the most helpful "diet" web site I've ever stumbled upon:

    It grades alcoholic drinks based on the ratio of calories to alcohol. Enjoy!
  • AMY12091
    My drink of choice is light color rum and water. I use MIO to flavor it up. You can have different flavors all the time. Plus they are small enough to fit in your purse or in your pocket. Plus your getting in your water to. Lol.
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    I stopped drinking soda 7 months ago, so when that happened I couldn't figure out how to drink lol My go to was bacardi and diet. I HATE vodka, which would be the obvious first choice, so I just stick to rum. I love rum, so ef it..... My go to is flavored bacardi and soda water. It's definitely not the best choice, but if you only have 2 when you go out it's really not awful. With that being said, if I'm going out I plan the booze in my log so I stay within my calories.

    ^This!! Rum, rum & rum. Great with a diet cola but also good mixed with some ice & fruit (liitle higher calorie but still delicious)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,049 Member
    This is the most helpful "diet" web site I've ever stumbled upon:

    It grades alcoholic drinks based on the ratio of calories to alcohol. Enjoy!

    ha! I love it that you had to stumble to get there. Well done.

    Tequila with lime. Done and done.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    It depends. Typically my drink of choice is red wine but sometimes I'll switch it up and do a martini: extra dirty, appletini, cosmo (as long as they're not too sweet). If the bar is crowded and I'm not sure what to get my go-to drink is grape vodka and soda water. Tastes just like grape soda.
  • jilliew
    jilliew Posts: 255 Member
    My personal favourite is Spiced Rum, Club Soda and a splash of apple or cranberry juice (or both!). My sister (who is a total health nut) drinks flavoured vodka with water or club soda and a handful of whatever fruit compliments the flavour of her vodka (which is really great on a hot summer day!).
  • KevinS62
    KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
    BTW, to those who suggest AA- I was married to a guy who eventually drank himself to death. I know what addiction looks like. Not wanting to give up alcohol does not equal addicition.

    Sorry for your loss. But THANK you for the post!
  • KevinS62
    KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
    Hi All

    I will probably get slated for this - however here goes
    If you are out socialising and want to have a drink - go ahead enjoy, the whole reason most of us are members here is we want to lose weight, perhaps gain a bit more confidence from feeling better about how we look to enjoy our lives. So go ahead and have a drink. As Previous posters have said there are vast differences between drinks and how many calories they contain, so instead of worrying about the value after a night out on the town - do your research before
    Have a drink - lap up the praise from your friends as to how good you look - we are not slaves to MFP its here to help us
    My gym coach says work hard for 6 days and have fun on the 7th........enjoy its fun

    (now please dont all shout at me)


    @teebeegeebee - I won't shout at you. You said it perfectly. We are not slaves to MFP (or our diets).
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    At a bar my go to is Vodka & Cranberry ♥
    or just beer - however, i hate light beers, so i always get a stout like a Guiness or something similar, which of course has higher calories than a bud light or something.

    ^^ This sounds like a reasonable plan to me. Just make it fit in your daily goals and your set. I usually go for a craft beer or something better than bud/coors/miller. Stay away from those, its just .. just not good.
  • runningwild00
    My questions is why can't you go out and enjoy yourself without alcohol? Maybe that's your problem!

    This is rude. Did you read the original post? The poster just wants a good substitute for drinks, I think it's completely fair. I have the same issues! I like beer, but it's so many calories. I aim for vodka and diet tonic water......I like champagne too, that's usually lower in calories. I think also sipping slowly is good advice.

    I also find if it's a night that might involve more alcohol, I aim for a longer run that day to burn a few extra cals.

    Take care
  • LadyBirdGo
    LadyBirdGo Posts: 39 Member
    I'm just going to say this......I noticed that I started gaining a lot more weight (and easily i might add) after I started drinking in college. when I don't drink, I don't gain as much weight. it is as simple as that. I've come to the conclusion that if I want to keep off the pounds I'm going to have to only have one drink for only really special occasions (weddings, bar mitzvahs, birthdays, baby showers, christenings, holidays). I also will limit my alcoholic beverages to red wine, white wine, champagne. Drinking alcohol for me makes me 1. retain water 2. slows down my metabolism 3. has a lot of calories depending on the type of beverage. 4. sometimes will give me a hangover ( that is.....if I have too much! lol).

    so just try to lose the booze! that's my 2 cents.

    also, I'm a woman and I've heard women do absorb and metabolize alcohol differently than men.
  • CandiSki
    CandiSki Posts: 57 Member
    I actually love ordering a hard liquor (vodka, gin, tequilla) with club soda and then I pull out my secret stash; I keep a few individual packets of Crystal Light or Bob's drink mix powder in my purse and mix one in with my order.

    I usually keep a variety on hand; lemondade, margarita mix, mango margarita mix, mojito, pomegranite, etc.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS sounds like an awesome idea! :drinker: