
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Happy Super Bowl Sunday! So hard to keep up with you al!! Barbie Thanks for starting Feb...since this is only my second month with you all I had kind of forgotten my January goals....:embarassed: I like taking it month by month.

    Feb - I want to focus on my water intake and lose at least 3 pounds. That should be managable!!!

    Today heading out to take care of Dad. I hurt my back in TRX yesterday so I might take a nice walk before getting ready for the big Super Bowl party...or I might take a day of rest. I will focus on moderation at the party today and I think I am the DD so no wine :wink: I really don't care for football - however being a California Girl I am rooting for the Niners!

    I hope you all have a fabulous day!!!
    Judy - So Cal
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I had no goals for January.

    For February my goals are:

    Log and sign in everyday
    Exercise 5 times a week
    Take one day at a time
    Take care of myself.

    Back to basics.

    Good luck to all of you in meeting your goals.

    Jeannie in New Mexico
  • Hello beautiful 50+ ladies,

    I have been logging food and exercise for a little over a year now - my daughters got me started. I haven't lost a lot of weight, but I haven't gained either and that is a good thing for me! It has helped me be aware of what I'm doing right and what I'm missing. I have never participated in any of the blogs until I saw this one today. I thought I'd give it a try. I really like all of the encouraging comments from fellow bloggers :-) I'm Cheryl and I'm from Iowa.
  • alphabetsoup2013
    alphabetsoup2013 Posts: 208 Member
    Thanks for all the warm welcomes. It is going to take me a while to get to know people, but your posts are already inspiring me.

    I'm working today (lots of deadlines this week), but I'm going to take a treadmill break this afternoon -- something that wouldn't have even have occurred to me not that long ago.

    And, guess what? I'm actually looking forward to that fitness break -- me, a life-long exercise hater.

    People can change when the time is right.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good afternoon all!

    DeeDee- Hope you enjoyed "holding court". I did a training class with a runner's club several years ago and loved it. I never got to the point of running a 5K (my goal) because they all of a sudden increased the running distance by more than I could keep up with. They were all training for a much longer race and most were already runners. They were very good at slowing it down and trying to work with me, but I felt that I was holding them back from their training. After a few weeks, they changed where they ran to the actual route they would be racing, and I stopped going. Since then I injured a tendon in my foot and have been told not to run by the specialist. I still do intervals of running and would like to do a 5K this spring. I have downloaded the couch to 5K app on my i-pod to use in the gym on the treadmill. We will see how that goes. Hope your training goes well. I love the distance of the 5K and do it as a walk/run for my cardio workout. I have also completed 4 5K "races" as walk/runs with horrible times! My sister is actually a little slower than I am and we stay together for support. We are always proud of ourselves just for finishing!

    I have been struggling for that last few days with wanting to eat carbs even when I am not hungry. I haven't had this issue for over a year now. Yesterday I was very unhappy with my food choices after logging it all in, but it did help me see what I was doing. Today I am making myself reach for fruits and veggies instead of breads and cereal. Need to take control before bad habits return!

    I am also struggling to get in my exercise. I am fighting bad sinus headaches and a chest cold, so I haven't felt like doing much exercise. I have given myself enough time off though, and will return to the gym after work 4 day this week.

    Hope everyone has a great day! Enjoy the Superbowl. Make good snack choices!

    Deb A in CNY
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    I can't do all those replies to everybody in here :laugh: My memory isn't that good, and the only thing I retain anymore is....WATER!!! :sad:

    :bigsmile: Moxie, none of us has a good memory, :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: we just have technology (or a piece of paper and a pencil). When I write replies I write them on a word document as I read the posts and then copy and paste what I've written.....some people have a really great talent for writing and their responses are thoughtful and interesting and long, and others have great attitudes and their responses show that, and others just respond to a few posts that interest them............and some don't respond personally for a ziilion different reasons........this thread is for each of us to use in any way we want to move us along the path to health.

    :flowerforyou: Deb A., one of the best things I did for myself was to stop eating bread of any sort, pasta, and cereal except for oatmeal......the longer I go without it, the less I want it.......sometimes I'm in a bakery and see a great loaf of bread and I don't think about having a slice, i think about eating the whole loaf, so I know that I need to abstain completely. From time to time I buy a box of Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal and in no time, I'm overeating it.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Wow barbie...y'all are good! :wink: I don't get into this stuff quite that much, but I do enjoy reading how every one is doing. I'm not much of a talker though. I don't even like to use the phone.

    After dealing with the flu since before Thanksgiving, DH and I decided we could both do for some weightoss. I started looking around and found MFP. I like the way I can log food, exercise, blog (personal), etc....much more user friendly than the little notebooks I used before. And this place adds up calories automatically. :happy:
    Since joining here Jan 7th, I have lost 10# and DH has lost 11#. He doesn't have a profile here but I cook the meals. :laugh:

    L.R. in South Carolina :flowerforyou:
  • Hello gorgeous ladies!

    Dear Barbie, Thank you for keeping this thread going.

    All I can say is January is a big flop, but at least I kept doing yoga and logging my food.

    I love February because it means that March is next! Spring is almost here!

    Goals for February:

    Laugh as much as I can.
    Do cardio five times a week.
    Drink lots of water.
    Breathe deeply a lot
    Have patience with myself.
    Prepare meals at home and take my lunch to work.
    Wean myself off of Coca-cola (again)
    Drink smoothies in the morning for breakfast.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Just popped in to check the posts. It is very breezy and chilly here in metro Atlanta today. Even so, I turned off the heat and have some windows open to air things out for a bit. After church I stopped at the grocery, then came home and started cleaning. I wanted to rearrange the living room furniture, but after moving everything to the new locations I decided it didn't feel right and seemed more crowded. I ended up moving everything back where it was, but I did get a good clean in - vacuuming under everything, etc., so it had merit.

    Will walk with my neighbor after a bit, so I'll get 3 miles in anyway.

    Someone was asking about keeping track of their goals -- I set up an outlook contact called 'Goals' and put everything into the notes field. I have another contact that is 'Reading Suggestions' and will copy/paste from posts into that contact. (Maybe someday I'll actually get to the reading!)

    OK - this next part can be a heavy subject, so skip if you wish. Yesterday I was exiting from one of the highways and there was a gentleman off to the side of the exit with a sign that said "Homeless... please help". He wasn't accosting anyone in their cars, only going forward when someone would offer something from their outstretched hand. I was on the fence about it, having given money sometimes, sometimes not...but had no cash anyway. There are occasions that, without any forethought on my part, I've been moved to buy a stranger a meal, or coffee, etc., but this was presented as a situation of need, to which I did not respond. In any event, it really stayed on my mind and made me ponder why I was on the fence. He was not at all pushy, as sometimes happens, but I didn't go get funds and go back to see if he was still there.

    Well, don't you know today's text at church was the beatitudes and further on in Matthew about turning the other cheek, if someone takes your coat don't withhold your shirt and so on. This man just came right back to my mind. I struggle with trying to discern if the person is sincere, truly in need or just a scammer. Instead of just doing the giving and leaving the rest to God to deal with, I try to rely on my own judgment and assessment. I need to work on doing the part I'm called to do and let go of the rest of it. Who am I to judge their need or worthiness? I am only to respond. So, when I got the groceries today, I got some cash back that I will keep in the car for just such a situation in the future. Interestingly, the cash was dispensed as four $5 bills, which is most unusual. Usually you just get a $20 bill. It seems my Lenten self-examination has begun......

    So great to see all the new posters along with us. Has anyone heard from BigPal? I haven't seen her post in a long time and I think she was having surgery a while back.

    Off to get layered up for walking!

    Gail, metro Atlanta
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    @Barbie - Interesting what you said about bread, pasta, cereal. I love those as well, and a slice would not be enough. Overeating becomes way too easy.

    Funny that overeating fruits and veggies typically appears not to be an issue. The issue is more likely not enough of those. I hope to learn a lot more about the role of fruits and veggies in our diets.

    @Kate - good for you to mark your dates for the year. Being 'smoking hot’ is a great goal!!:wink: Love it

    @ Jane S (foodie) - thanks for telling us about yourself. Can very much identify with so much of what you are saying. Regarding the kale: I have been learning to eat it, since it is one of the best green veggies to eat. Yesterday, I had a kale peanut salad, if you look at my diary you will see the ingredients. I use real peanuts, chopped up. I do find raw kale takes time to chew, which is good for you apparently. Today I had left overs and stir fried them with bean sprouts and garlic. Definitely easier to eat :bigsmile:

    @Katla - I agree that portion control is key; which really can only be achieved if you measure. I bought a food scale years ago. It is amazing to learn what a portion/serving actually should be. Go figure, eh. :ohwell: You also mentioned the term "log" in the same breath. It is one of those principles, that what is measured is what gets done. In this case, what gets measured is what you have control over when you log it. So do both, measure and log. It is eye opening.

    Yesterday, DD and DGS came over for a visit. At almost 1.5 yrs he is at such a cute stage. Went for a walk, met a new neighbour, looked at the Alpacas and saw some snowdrops blooming. Looking forward to spring!

    Today, I am having a quiet day. Doing some laundry, and sorting through photographs for the next album. I am now in 2011, so I am making progress. I found Costco the cheapest for printing photo's, at least here where I live.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    I guess if I was to say I have any goals..they would be to do my daily aerobics on the Schwinn Airdyne. I am up to 26 minutes now. 3 weeks ago, I started at 6 minutes. I was winded then.

    Also, try to drink my 8 glasses of water. Most days I manage to do that ok.

    I can stay around my calorie goals for the most part. They are 1420 per day, and I eat back the calories I burn with the exercise.

    I recently went and found my mp3 player. 26 minutes of pedaling is mind numbing. I can't even read a book.

    I also have some free weights, 10# barbells I think they are. And a stability ball. Those are next on my list.

    When I get to a certain level of weightloss and exercise...THEN I will head to the master bedroom and start on DH's Bowflex. I used to do all of the gym workout when I was 30, but moving and life has gotten in the way since then.
  • Am checking in from London, Ontario Canada. Just got back to using this tool at the advice of my Naturopath. My goals include losing 1.5 lbs a week, reintroducing exercise; and learning to love it. I have just learned that nuts and seeds are not to be a part of my day so that will require some change. I find the planning of meals around exercise and life really difficult. Even taking vitamins etc. at a certain time of day seems overwhelming with full-time work. Looking forward to connecting with some ladies for encouragement. thanks,
  • I have been AWOL for the last few days. I haven't had time to read everyone's post this month because I've been becoming a grandma. It was a long labor for her that finally ended in a c-section. Yesterday they had to take the little guy to NICU, and he will have to be there for several days. He should be fine but it is really hard on mom and dad. They will have to go home and leave him at the hospital. I just wanted to bring you all upto date. Should be back regularly soon!
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    I have been AWOL for the last few days. I haven't had time to read everyone's post this month because I've been becoming a grandma. It was a long labor for her that finally ended in a c-section. Yesterday they had to take the little guy to NICU, and he will have to be there for several days. He should be fine but it is really hard on mom and dad. They will have to go home and leave him at the hospital. I just wanted to bring you all upto date. Should be back regularly soon!

  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:

    Does anyone know of a good place to buy running wear? I bought a pair of pants and a couple of shirts from FleetFeet, the L pants fit fine, however the XL shirts are very fitted and my body is just not ready for fitted tops at the moment:noway: :cry: , I would like something that doesn`t hug me quite so much, I can probably get away with them for awhile because it`s cold and I`ll be wearing a jacket the XL jackets fits fine, I just don`t want to take the jacket off:laugh: ! Maybe I should just find a loose t-shirt to wear under the jacket. My training starts tomorrow...I`m very nervous!

    DeeDee in chilly NC (I keep forgetting this)

    I find lots of good stuff at JC Penny and Kohls.

    On another note. Got the scale out again today and have been weighing and measuring everything. I'll try to keep it up.
    Went swimming today and really enjoyed it. Hip didn't bother me at all, so hoping that it will work for me.

    Thanks for all the support!

    PS - What is DH????
  • Pamko57
    Pamko57 Posts: 182
    What a great thread! I've been logging food since December, but it's the first time I've seen a 50+ post.

    I wanted to reply to several, but I've forgotten one name.

    @GardenGail, Coca Cola is one of my downfalls. I lost 128 pounds in 1996/97. I am 5'9" and large framed. I weighed 168 pounds on my 40th birthday, down from 296. I got scared when I saw that scale so close to 300. I kept the weight off well until 2005, when I stopped exercising due to a heel injury and started drinking Coke again. I was 267 at my annual doctor's appointment in November 2011. Being at 253 at my November 2012 appointment inspired me to get busy. I stopped drinking Coke. Started working out. Started eating better. Foun My Fitnesss Pal in December. I'm at 225 as of Saturday. My goal is 168 again.

    So far, I'm not missing Coke, but I know it would just take one. I have a Zero or Diet Coke once in a while.

    @ the lady who saw the homeless man, I totally agree. I've often said our only job is to give and let go of the expectations we may have for the recipient. Hard to do, but it's the right attitude.

    My goals for February would be to continue doing what I'm doing:

    1. Cardio--stationery bike 5 days a week for 40 to 45 minutes. (I've been doing 50.)
    2. Strength training 4 days per week.
    3. Stay on the eating plan, under calorie limits, and continue to log food.
    4. I have a "Happiness Jar." I made my friends similar jars for Christmas. The idea is to write down things that make us happy and put the slips of paper in the jar. I have NOTHING in my happiness jar. So I want to remember to write things down and start filling my jar.

    Good to read all the great posts. Thanks for this thread.

    Pam in Oklahoma
  • Hello, I,m Lisa from NC. Just started the program today. Very nervous about it. I'm so stressed and afraid I'll give up like I usually do on a diet. I guess my goal for Feb. is just to stay on track with counting calories and try to exercise at least 3 times a week. Not exercising at all right now. No energy! Need to loose about 40 pounds total. Have a wedding to go to in June (my niece) and my son is getting married in Oct. Wish me luck!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Stopping on end getting ready to go to a Superbowl party a little bit nervous about all of the food. I get a sweet tooth once and awhile but wings, nachos etc is my weakness. So bringing a really big veggie tray and a bowl of almonds. Hoping that will help me avoid the chips.

    @Laura -- I do that when going to a place like Red Robin -- I too go and checkout the menu on line it helps to have a plan going in.

    @Gail I like your idea of putting goals down.

    @Meg. I think we all have a off days pity parties. I know I do. I think opinion according to Liz is not to stay in there too long. For me it lets me get junk out time to mourn to speak but than move on.

    @Karla that is what I try to practice is portion control. Also how to cook in a healthier manner.

    @Barbie -- I do allow bread etc but try to stick to serving size allow. But have been looking for ways to eat less. Simply cutting back I know. But I love how we can oh work on.our goals be supportive and have different approaches. I always learning new things.

    So did get a lot of house work done today after church. Going yo be leaving here in about 15 minutes for party. So I will stop and try to stop by later.

    Liz from Caldwell, Idaho
  • Hello everyone! I'm Lisa and I'm in cold, snowy northeast Ohio. I'm currently a special needs school bus driver.

    I'm getting restarted on attaining my health and weight loss goals after going off track for many months. I'm enjoying reading through the posts on this forum and am looking forward to getting to know everyone.

    My goals for February are to lose 10 lbs., some type of exercise/activity for 30 mins./ 3x per week, be sure to get my water in, and to not let small failures derail my progress.

    Everyone have a great week this week.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Barbie- I was doing fine having 1/2 cup Kashi Crunch for breakfast and later for lunch or snack with yogurt, but have found lately that I am eating more than I should. I am almost out and am not buying anymore for a while until I can regain control. I am replacing it with fruits, veggies, and protein. I had been doing so well. I guess it is a good reminder that this is a life- long journey to good health! I can't let my guard down. It is all worth it. I am feeling better and stronger that ever.

    Deb A in CNY