Your Goal Weight (especially for those with a lot to lose)



  • ShaniWulffe
    ShaniWulffe Posts: 458 Member
    I'm 5'2"-5'4" (it kinda changes from day to day lol). I started at 168.5 and am now at 128. My GW has changed around a lot as I've gotten lower and lower, and I've currently settled on 118. That would be roughly 50 lbs lost, and if I stay at the same lean tissue mass, I'll be A+ for BF%. Basically I'd like that the best lol
  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member
    I'm 5'6" and set my goal to 135 lbs. I figure that once I reach it I can give myself a small window to fluctuate but that if I get up to 140 lbs then I'll know to get into weight loss mode again. I think it's a good and healthy weight for me as I have a borderline small/medium frame and plan on being toned at that weight too.
  • lovingmommy_of1
    lovingmommy_of1 Posts: 26 Member
    I am 29 years old and have weighed aprox 190lbs for 9 years. Being 5'5", it is tough on the midsection. I was anorexic all thru middle school and high school weighing under 100lbs. When I graduated and started college, I gained some weight. Was up to 125lbs. I got pregnant and got sick from not eating enough. So to be rid of the sickening feeling, I ate. A lot. Where my body wasn't use to that much food, it clung on to all that fat. I gained 60lbs in the 7months that I was pregnant. I went into labor 2months early and gave birth to a 4lb13oz healthy baby girl. At that point I weighed about 185-190. Regardless of the things I tried, I couldn't stick with it to lose the weight. 9 years later....I cant get rid of it. I joined MFP and the calorie tracking system seemed perfect. However, with all the calories I am burning, I would expect to see weight loss. Unfortunately, I have spent most of those 9years not eating enough despite my healthy choices . These past weeks I have forced myself to eat more to reach the recommended calorie intake goal. But I have gained weight, breaking me over the 200lb mark. :( Super upset about this. My eating habits have never been normal so Im not sure how to 'get back on track'. Ideally, I would like to be close to 125 again but I dont see it happening. I will be comfortable being 145 and that is where my MFP goal is set. I am just plugging away at the workouts and making better choices for my body.
    I think its great that you are able to come on here and get the help and encouragement you need to reach your goal. I hear it alot from MFPfriends that we are all here for each other and in this together. Feel free to add me and I will do my damnedest to be encouraging :)
  • snowbell55
    snowbell55 Posts: 8 Member
    I am almost 58 and 5 feet 2 inches. And before I knew it I was 199!! I cut back on no pasta, potatoes and lost 25lbs but nothing since then. I started a new diet and have lost 14lbs. My neighbor and I have been walking together since Christmas. When we started we were not even walking 1 mile now we are walking up very steep hills and our walks are now between 3 and 4 miles. My goal is to get to 140 or so. Emphasis on the "OR SO" LOL!!
    I used to be tiny and petite and I loved how I looked and felt and I know I am older but would love to get that old feeling again..
  • fun_b
    fun_b Posts: 199 Member
    Initially four pounds as I got to my first goal in November but gained four pounds over christmas. I would probably have lost it by now but I started getting into bad patterns of not logging properly and going over. This week, I am back on track.

    2nd Goal = 14 pounds
    3rd Goal = Another 14 pounds

    After my third goal, I will just play it by ear. I have not been at that weight since I was 12 so I guess I will just enjoy it for a while, However if I take notice of my fitness profile, I should lose another 28 pounds on top of this to be a healthy weight. But I'm not sure how realistic this would be and I kind of think this will be too thin. But will see at the time :)
  • hubtech
    hubtech Posts: 43 Member
    I only pick want I would term an interim goal weight - I don't look at it as a final destination yet. I'd like to get down to about 190 and then we'll see how things are with regards to excess skin and that sort of thing. I'm also now trying to add some lean mass (muscle) just to help build up the number of calories my body burns naturally throughout the day. I don't think you can really set a final goal weight until you're nearly there and are better able to make a determination of what a good healthy natural weight will be for your then body composition.
  • eileenchristine
    eileenchristine Posts: 228 Member
    I set my goal weight at 160. Am 5'4". Never weighed over 130 till I had kids at 37, but I worked hard at maintaining that weight and I am a bit older now at 56. I once got down to 170 and I felt good, could to pullups, etc. So I might want to reconsider when i reach 160 and go for 145 but I just want to be healthy. I don't need to fit into someone else's expectations.
  • ThinWithin7
    ThinWithin7 Posts: 24 Member
    I too am 5'9" and have set mini goals for myself. According to national standards, I should weigh 165 lbs. You know as well as I do, that when you're tall, you can weigh 200 lbs and look good. Nobody will ever guess you weigh as much as you do. But with the knowledge that I've gained, I'm not so worried about "looking good" as much as I am about "living good." Therefore, I have set mini goals of losing 10% of my weight. After I reach the 1st goal, I'll lose 10% of that weight, and I'll continue to lose 10% until I reach a healthy weight that won't put me at risk for diseases. For me, it's not about a number, but about preserving my life for as long as I can.

    I wish you much peace and happiness on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • hi. i just started using this program again about 3 weeks ago.
    i don't know much about weight loss stuff. however, i just wanted to say congratulations on beginning your weight loss journey. how courageous!!! sounds like you are doing the right things - using this program and working with your doctor to determine a healthy and attainable weight are both smart decisions. good for you!
    ps your wedding pic looks beautiful.
  • I set my goal really far off because if I make a small goal I'll get too lazy when I reach it. I have to have some far off, nigh unattainable weight so I can keep pushing myself. 170 might seem low for a 6'2 male, but to be honest I'll be happy with sub 200.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    I am 5'6", highest weight 237, started here at 228. The lowest weight I was as an adult, was 136, but I spent most of the years around 150, so I think that is probably a better long term goal at 49 now. I changed my ticker goal to 185, to get me out of the 'obese' category. Once I hit that, I will probably shoot for 10 pounds at a time til I get to a weight I am happy with and can sustain for life.
  • Madaly320
    Madaly320 Posts: 112 Member
    My first day here at MFP, but I started working at this whole weight loss thing last month. I am 5'4" and started at 214, I am 208 now. My goal is 160, and that is still too high. I think the "high" limit of my weight "should be" is 140 or 150, I never really looked. I hope to hit 160 and see how I feel, and yes, maybe reset a goal and go for more.

    I am a size 18 now. I remember being 180 pounds and still being an 18. My personal trainer told me it was because I was likely not toned, I never did any weight training. Different body types fascinate me. I watch the Biggest Loser and see the women who, currently, weigh what I weigh and they look SO MUCH bigger than me and I is this possible?

    But yes, my goal is still above what the standards are. It was a number I picked out of my head that sounded attainable.
  • Haiir0
    Haiir0 Posts: 21 Member
    I based my goal off of the government standard and what seemed...better for me. So, I'm shooting for between 150 and 160 to start with. Once I hit THAT ultimate goal, I'll reevaluate and determine if I want to lose more. I'm 24 and am 5'7". I started out at 326—the heaviest I've ever been—a little under a month ago. I'm down to 315 now.

    I think I'd be happy just getting under 200. I don't remember the last time that ever happened (I've always been heavy, so I have nothing to base any feelings on, because I've never been comfortable in my own skin lol).
  • determinedhealthy
    determinedhealthy Posts: 199 Member
    I started MFP at 226 I am 5'6" tall and have set my ultimate goal to 130-135 mainly based on BMI. I will see when I get there. I originally set a goal of 160 and along the way I have taken photos of myself every 10 pounds, this has helped me when it comes to your personal satisfaction.

    I have photos from 226 to 155, 6 motnths ago I gained, but this year I am losing steady again. In this journey you'll have ups and down just remember tomorrow is another day and don't give up.