
  • made2wonder
    made2wonder Posts: 69 Member
    Hi, all. I'm Deb, and I'm glad I found this group. I started MFP at the 1st of the year. My January goal was to go into my doctor's office this month with a good 5-10 pound weight loss, which I thought was totally achievable. Well, I'll be making the appointment for next week, and the scale is not cooperating. I've been on many diets before. I know what I need to do and I'm doing it, but for the first time I am making so little progress that I might as well be doing nothing. I'm just getting started, so I should have at least lost 5 pounds from water weight by now.

    Since the fundamental reason for being here -- weight loss -- isn't happening, it's hard to know what to do for a February goal. I guess I'll increase my veggie servings to at least four a day. I've been eating vegetables daily, but it has been inconsistent. it's nice to meet you, ladies.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hppy sun.-superbowl sun.
    Heard on the radio,it was eat whatever u want day,all for the superbowl.wow.
    Hope everyone is doing good.
    My GF with he cancer ,went to Mayo and they are going do lung surgery on her,feb 12.
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    yoyo- I measure my dry cereal and log it. Makes it more real when I can see it in black and white.
  • Hi y'all!
    @DeeDee - DH means "dear husband" and then you can keep going with DD = "dear daughter", DS etc.....

    What is it about those carbs? I too love carbs! Was at the store yesterday taking my Mum for a quick shop (she's 88) . She was wondering if I needed any cereal and I said no way because if I did I would eat all of it all at once. I have been able to have rice or corn pasta measured out since I am gluten free but I sure have to watch it. I am off wheat so I agree that the longer I don't eat bread the longer I don't want it.

    Going to watch Downton Abbey (Season 1) at a girlfriend's tonight and i will take my knitting so I am not tempted to snack!

    Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday night!

    Toronto, ON
  • Hi ladies, it's been so nice reading all the postings from women who aren't 22 :smile: I'm 64, And I just realized that I've been saying I'm 65 for a few days, and that doesn't happen til March (so much for memory! ) It's nice to be around kindred spirits. Like many here, I've been up and down with my weight for a good portion of my life, and after the Thanksgiving to Christmas gluttony fest this year, I decided to get back to my low carb WOE. I also read Wheat Belly, and decided to cut out the grains. So far it's working, lost 13 lbs since Dec 26th.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say hi. Btw, I live in NJ, and I'm still working. . :happy:
  • Hi Ladies,

    It has been great reading everyone's posts. Let's see... After all my advice to get moving to increase my energy, tomorrow is the first Monday in February and it's looking like a great day to incorporate some much needed exercise into my diet plan.

    My daughter graduated from college last December and has been home until yesterday, when she moved to New Orleans, Louisiana. It was a very sad day for the both of us, she is not good with change. I know once she starts her new nursing job and gets into routine, and makes some friends she will be fine. Just a tough day, was all. As usual I fell into old habits and had to have some Chocolate. But that was yesterday, and today it was back to MFP and counting calories. Today was a good day!

    Starting 'SLOW' / exercise 2-3 times a week for 10-15 minutes
    Count and log calories
    allow myself 30 mins @ day to read the bible
    kiss, hug and say I love you each day to my husband
    water, water, water... and lose 4-6 lbs this month
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I made my first stab at “juicing” last night! I took everything that looked healthy and tossed it into my Vitamix: wheat germ, flax, spinach, kale, beet greens, carrots, celery, parsley, avocado, kiwi, blueberries, tangerines, banana and almonds. I gave half of it to hubby for dinner. I’m not sure he was too impressed, but I am sure that it’s the healthiest thing we’ve had in a long time! Tonight we’re having ghormeh sabzi, which is parsley stewed with onion, kidney beans, beef and dried lemon powder. It’s served with rice and plain yogurt.

    Lila – February is indeed going to be fantastic! It’s wonderful that you get to spend time with your daughter, and I know that you’re going to see better results this month. :flowerforyou:

    Nonnicee – I’d totally forgotten about roller skating. How fun! I never did get the hang of roller blades, but I used to do okay on four wheels.

    Edraper70 – Eileen, I know one lady who had the Lifestyle Lift, and she definitely looks better. I’ve been considering it myself (also for my neck). In fact, I told hubby I was doing it, so he could start getting used to the idea. I haven’t looked into the cost for about six years, but it used to be around $5000, I think, with extra for the neck.

    Laura80111 – :blushing: I’m not that talented, but I am persistent. Wasn’t lunch fun?

    Kate – I had to laugh when I read about your “archeological dig!” Good for you, getting organized. Could you rub off on me, please? I like the Mardi Gras mask idea!

    Karen – What kind of Fitbit did you order?

    Michele – Carrots instead of a cookie? You rock! No, we didn’t think of taking a picture, but it would have been a nice idea.

    Barbie – I’ve always heard them referred to as “red light foods,” but domino certainly seems appropriate as well. Great activity in those graphics – wish I looked like that!

    DeeDee – Good luck with your training tomorrow!! :flowerforyou:

    Linda C – One day without looking at the scale is a great beginning! Did you feel better for not having looked?

    Deb A – Feel better soon!

    GardenGail – We have panhandlers everywhere in Denver! I see them daily, and while I have given money occasionally, I usually don’t. We’ve had a lot of stories in the media here about how so many of them are scammers. If I do give, it’s usually to an old person or a woman out there with children. Once when I was having a really good day, I handed someone $20 and wished them a good day, as well. Many people buy “Happy Meals” and hand them to people. I prefer to give to reputable charities, so that I know it’s going for the right things.

    Mouth5667 – What is wrong with the baby? I hope it isn’t serious. When my first was born, she also went to the NICU and wasn’t able to come home with me. That was a major disappointment, after nine months of waiting, but at least she was okay. (She stopped breathing a few hours after she was born, due to water in the lungs).

    Jane in Colorado
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    I've been out of touch for a few days, traveling. I was able to log my food and exercise via my Iphone but this is the first time I've been able to log on and read everyone's posts. Wow, lots going on already in February; I didn't have time yet to go back and read the last few pages of the January thread.

    My travels took me to Washington DC for the weekend and I have to say it was an awesome two days! I've always wanted to visit but my kids went when they were in 8th grade and DH has been many times growing up. Had to be in Virginia Monday-Tuesday for training so just went early and spent the weekend in DC. I walked miles, ate pretty well and saw all of the sights I wanted to see.

    Liz - I love your idea of falling asleep thinking about the things you are grateful for! I am stealing this idea, for sure.

    Jeannie - my heart breaks for you but you are right - you can only do what you can do and the rest is up to your son.

    Linddavis - welcome and congrats on running your first 5k!

    Welcome to all of our new friends! You will find plenty of support and inspiration here

    Dogladytwo - CONGRATS on losing the 75 pounds! That's a terrific accomplishment and you deserve to be very proud of yourself.

    Sonniedosscox - also, big congrats to you for losing the 45 pounds.

    Michele - awesome news about your DD's promotion! And I know how you feel about not posting how proud you are of her on FB. I have two DD's and I swear, they both think I favor the other and so I am very careful about what I post.

    Michele in NC - Yay you is right! It's those small victories that lead to the bigger ones. Like you, I have been able to avoid some of my old temptations by reminding myself of the cost in calories (or fat grams). That's one of the reason I love MFP - it's so easy to look something up before you eat it.

    I am also thinking about buying a Fitbit because neither of my pedometers is reliable. Just cant decide whether to wait until the bracelet version comes out - I think I'd like that better but I don't want to wait 2 more months.

    Mouth - so exciting for your family to wecome your new addition! I am so sorry that your DD will have to go home and leave him there but hope that he is able to come home very soon!

    My goals for February are simple:
    Log my food and exercise in the morning so that I have my plan all worked out for the day
    Exercise at least 4 nights a week (in addition to the mile and a half I walk every morning at work)
    Be more patient with those who make me a little crazy

    Hope you all have a lovely evening and a great week!
  • I, too, recognize myself in the post about the "dig". My "extra" room houses my office, my library, my exercise room, and sometimes serves as an extra bedroom. There is a small path from one end of the room to the other. Please tell me that this kind of room can be conquered!! It is one of my mid-term goals, and I will get to it...eventually....

    We made the trip home without any issues. We left SW Virginia with several inches of snow on the ground and more coming down. Thankfully the road crews had done a good job clearing the mess from the interstate. We did drive out of the snow around the Knoxville area. Arrived home before noon and started unpacking, doing laundry, and all the stuff that had to be done.

    Regarding kale recipes...are you on Pinterest? I find the best things on Pinterest.

    I was pleasantly surprised to find that I wasn't sore from my rollerskating adventure. I had such a good time!!!

    As always, I am looking for friends. Please feel free to add me to your friends list. I am enjoying reading all the posts. I must start taking notes so as to reply to individuals. By the time I am ready to post, all my good intentions have flown out of my head.

    G'nite all,
    Mary from middle TN
  • oops - sorry - I thought this topic meant something else :blushing:
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Happy Super Bowl Sunday. As I write this, the Niners are closing the gap. I love a good comeback.

    Ohiomomof2 - DC is a must see for every American. See and enjoy all the wonderful museums and attractions your tax dollars funded. Bravo to you for posting on the road. I travel a couple times a month and really, really have to discipline myself to keep my diary up.

    Jane in Colorado - Ditto what you said to Garden Gail about the panhandlers. I work for a non-profit and sit on the board of another. It breaks my heart to see people begging, but I would rather give them nourishment than money. I was followed one day by a guy who insisted he was very, very hungry. I reached into my briefcase and offered him a banana and yougurt. He turned on his heels and walked away. Hmmmm. Hungry for what?

    Dmendel64 - Chocolate is my go-to comfort food, too. Keep your faith and you and your daughter will quickly have many more good days ahead.

    Charovnitza - That's a great weight loss since Christmas. What is WOE? Keep it up.

    Ladies - I'm going to stop here to catch the remainder of the super bowl and guzzle down some more water.

    Rori in Colorado Foothills
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I've been responding to people from time to time, but not telling about me. DH had a stroke starting Thursday. I was not able to talk him into going to the hospital until Friday. He's doing okay now. He's lost vision on the right side of his field of view but his over all prognosis is good. He may not recover the vision, but he can still see well enough to read and do daily things. Not sure if he'll be able to drive. If your loved one has weird symptoms, I wish you luck making them go to the hospital. Do it quickly. Strokes can be reversed if you get to them quickly enough.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Katla, my prayers go to your family.
  • Katla, thanks for your words of wisdom. Sometimes we can be stubborn and not go to hospital when needed. I wish your DH the very best.

    Loads of Love,

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Katla:flowerforyou: sending you and hubby prayers!

    Hope and Foodie:smile: thank you both for the suggestions on where to get some running clothes!

    LoriH:smile: Congrats on being a grandma, hope the little guy will get to go home soon:flowerforyou: !

    Time for bed now:yawn: , there is mini vanilla cupcake calling my name:angry: , I am going to ignore it and go to bed:tongue::yawn: !

    Sleep well and sweet dreams ladies! Until tomorrow.....

  • Hi there,
    I'm Deb from New Jersey. I just turned 58 in December. I was probably 52 or 53 in the photo I'm using because I don't have a lot of current pics. My daughter suggested to me about 3 weeks ago that I use this app to help me to become conscience of my food intake and execise. I love it. I absolutely love it.
    For the month of February my challenge for myself is to walk 3 or 4 times a week, whether on pavement or my treadmill. I'm down 2.5 pounds in 3 weeks so I'm motivated. I know it doesn't sound like much, but I'm super hyped about it.
  • Dianafrance8
    Dianafrance8 Posts: 126 Member
    Love to join your group. I've lost 97 lbs since march 2012 and my goal is to be around 145 by June. I am going to England and France and want to look and feel my best.

    February goals:
    Around 1200, 20-40 carbs, 2000 sodium per day
    Workout 5 days a week
    Get 1 new thing for Europe trip for every 5 lbs.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: we're coming to the end of our Isagenix cleanse day and I'm looking forward to going to bed so I can get up early and have breakfast :laugh: we do a cleanse day about twice a month, sometimes more often and I'm thrilled with the results and enjoy the opportunity to have a slower more relaxed day....watching the Super Bowl has been a great diversion.

    :heart: Katla, I'm thinking good thoughts for your husband.....my husband had a stroke about ten years ago and almost all the effects have gradually righted themselves.....:heart::heart: :heart: here is a hug from me

    :flowerforyou: welcome to everyone who is new to this thread.....jump right in and join the conversation.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington


    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Bump - for later
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    I had to skip over a couple of pages - just no time to read every post - and I am feeling pretty tired topnight. So it might just be a bump to mark my spot, a cup of tea and bedtime for me!