Looking for Nike Fuel Band Friends



  • Hi

    I have had my fuelband for 2 weeks now, but none of my Facebook friends have one..... I'm also getting an error message every time I click on my account and then friends.... it comes up with an error page.... Nike are looking into it...but to be honest one of the main reasons I got this was to compete with others to motivate myself....and its just not happening!!

    Can someone tell me how I add friends on please...and then I can add those on here....

    Many thanks

  • brandisteigely
    brandisteigely Posts: 4 Member
    Lookin for MFP & N+FB friends brandisteigely is my screen name on both :-)
  • rassha01
    rassha01 Posts: 534 Member
    Having issues adding people; (, feel free to add me on Nike+ also
  • OlyOtis
    OlyOtis Posts: 70 Member
    What's better Nike fuel or Fitbit?
  • avasano
    avasano Posts: 487 Member
    I want one, but I can't find a band...
  • I have a nike fuel band and i'm trying to find friends to add. How do you do that? If you have one please add me!
  • Add me ''AZIED MIAH''
  • Add me on here: Hurk24. Happy exercising!!!
  • jovus
    jovus Posts: 1
    Add me :) name: Jovan Muskinja.

    Ive also added bunch of you, but always looking for more motivation! :)
  • Hi,

    Got my Fuel Band 2 weeks ago, no one I know has it so I am looking for freinds... Screen Name malmihdar, please feel free to add me.

  • erictedesco72
    erictedesco72 Posts: 3 Member

    Add me up!
  • k373n
    k373n Posts: 2 Member
    I added everyone who posted before me, though some names did not show up on Nike+
    Please feel free to add me:


  • Just got my band a few days ago and it just motivated me to get my butt up and do my exercise video twice so I could make my goal before midnight. Plus I have to wake up 5:30am for work, but I did it! I'm trying to lose 40lbs by eating healthy and exercising. Luv support from other people which keeps me motivated besides the Nike Fuel Band. Please feel free to add me. kimmadura
  • I agree, I don't want to go to bed unless I reach my goal either!
  • Hi, got my fuelband last december . User : Rene Rivas feel free to add me up.
  • jkquinn13
    jkquinn13 Posts: 203 Member
    Love my Fuel Band...my handle is jkquinn
    Please feel free to add me!
  • Where do i find my fuelband ID?
  • maryannelk
    maryannelk Posts: 707 Member
    Hi! Have had the band for a little over a month and can relate to those who talked about walking stairs at work or doing fitness videos to get the points in. It does keep me moving!!

    S/N - terpteacher

    Add me!
  • My Screen Name is Patienteric2012. Add me if you want a tough competition.